Online Game: Excalibur Heritage/C9 Ancient Wooden Rain Mm
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Online Game: Excalibur Heritage/C9 Ancient Wooden Rain Mm
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C9 Ancient Wooden Rain Mm

'Ancient Wood Rain ', level 13 female warrior. He was currently killing a Boss by himself.

Qing Quan Village had a second player, and it was a pretty one at that. Her beauty was even more touching than Liu Shisui's. If Liu Shisui could be called a mink cicada, then she would definitely be a beauty. She was definitely afraid of someone coming over to kill the Boss, so she lured the Golden Rock Python to the entrance of the Pure Spring Village to block it. Unfortunately, she clearly overestimated the attack power of the Golden Rock Python, even though it put a lot of pressure on me, I still came over.

Looking at the Boss she was killing, it was a huge werewolf humanoid monster with black flames surrounding its body. Its two claws were like two sharp swords.

I have a feeling that this Boss isn't simple.

In fact, my hunch was right.

Dark Moon Demonic Wolf

Level 18 (Bronze-rank Boss)

Introduction: Dark Moon Demonic Wolf is an ordinary wolf from Wolf Valley. It has obtained the inheritance of a cultivator by chance and thus resides in Qingquan Village, wholeheartedly cultivating. Possessing unfathomable power.

Ancient Wood Rain also saw me. She clearly stopped her steps for a moment. I didn't think that there would be people here.

The Dark Moon Demonic Wolf saw through the situation. It pinched its left hand and shot out a bolt of lightning like lightning.

Lightning Magic: Elementary Lightning Magic

Even though she started to panic, she quickly displayed her skill. She took a few steps forward and avoided the lightning bolt with a tricky angle. This is the legendary 'S Steps'. I don't know how to use it.

Ancient Wooden Rain's attack isn't high. At the very least, she is weaker than me. The longsword she holds is just a piece of white equipment. It definitely doesn't have as high of an attack as my Withered Wood Sword.

It was unknown how long she had been fighting the Boss, but it still had a lot of HP left.

Of course, if the other party was a man or a uglier woman. I will definitely wait until both the Boss and the player are injured. Then, I will rush up to fight for the Boss' final attack. This way, I can gain 50% of my EXP and maybe even get some equipment.

But she's a big beauty, and I can't think of a reason not to help.

"Ancient Wooden Night Rain, since fate has brought you together, let me help you kill this Boss." In order to prevent her from thinking that I had come to kill steal, I could only shout out a reminder.

They hated stealing from others.

I can clearly tell that Ye Yu didn't want to do it, but this Dark Moon Demonic Wolf is too strong. It is very difficult for Ye Yu to maintain such a high level of control. It would consume too much mental and mental energy. Furthermore, it's impossible for Gu Mu Ye Yu to pull back his hands to deal with me. The Dark Moon Demonic Wolf is too tight, just a step of caution and it will be attacked.

She could only hope that I was a good person and wouldn't steal her Boss.

I shook the sword in my hand and sent out an attack like lightning.


Even with my high attack power, I can only deal this little amount of HP. This Dark Moon Demonic Wolf's defense is completely heaven-defying.

Ancient Wood Night Rain's eyes widened, "Your level isn't as high as mine, so how could you have such a high attack? The sword in your hand is definitely not a whiteboard, but a bronze weapon!"

I declined to comment. Taking advantage of the Boss' aggro on Ye Yu, I had to deal the most damage.





This time, there was even a fatal blow. Ever since he had equipped the Withered Wood Sword, the chances of a fatal blow striking had increased greatly. Today was the second time it had happened.

The Dark Moon Demonic Wolf was in pain from my attacks, and the damage from the Ancient Wood Rain wasn't as high as mine. Thus, the boss' aggro shifted.

The Dark Moon Demonic Wolf raised its two sharp claws, which were wrapped in blood-red light.

Steel Bloody Claw (Beginner Skill) activated with an endless aura of slaughter. It was stunned in both of his claws and shot out like a throwing knife.

Seven or eight bloody steel claws shot toward me like meteors.

Awesome! Awesome! I told you to.

S Step, S Step, how to walk. I remember that scene from the ancient tree, one step, two steps …

I managed to save my life by relying on S Step, but there were three claw attacks on my chest armor.




He only had about a third of his HP remaining. This LV18 Boss was too strong.

Ancient Wooden Rain immediately became anxious and shouted, "I hate you for stealing it now. When you attack, pay attention to your damage output. Don't let the aggro shift again."

Ancient Wooden Rain was a smart woman. It could be seen from how she lured monsters to block the door. With my help, her hopes of killing this Boss would increase greatly, and she would definitely be able to see the gap between my skills and hers. If I did anything wrong, she would not hesitate to give up on the Boss and kill me instead.

With a few lightning-fast attacks, Gu Mu and Night Rain successfully took over the aggro of the Boss. I could also officially retreat and turn into a knife stabbing from behind. If I can't even do that, I can really roll up my legs and go to sleep.

With Ye Yu's skills, blocking this Boss wouldn't be a problem. After being attacked by the Boss, he would just drink a health potion and recover.

I was so envious that I didn't even have a health potion. I was so happy. I didn't need to meditate to recover my HP. As long as I wasn't instantly killed, I would be invincible. En En, I'll go back and buy ten bottles of red medicine to drink. Drink one bottle, throw one bottle, pour one bottle. I'll find a place to dig a hole and plant the rest.

Just as I was thinking, Ancient Wood Night Rain traded 10 potions to me, "Heal your HP, the Boss might even have tricks up his sleeve."

I nodded and took it. Do you want to drink it or not, or do you want to plant it? These small bottles of strength Potions were sold for 5 gold per set. Instantly, he recovered 100 points of vital energy and blood, ten bottles per set. It's almost up to the price of Nong Fu Shan Quan.

After thinking for a long time, he drank two bottles and stopped drinking. He was almost full. Drinking more would be a waste.

After drinking it, his whole body felt warm like he had just seen a Japanese H film. This effect was much better than the one from the Nutrient Express.

As they continued to kill monsters, their teamwork gradually reached a tacit understanding. As a result, a beautiful lady was chased by a wild wolf until she ran across the mountains. The magnificent scene of a not-so-handsome man rushing to stab a wild wolf was born.

I don't know how long it took, but my stomach was already starving. The Boss' HP had already disappeared. I stopped my sword and couldn't fight anymore. Otherwise, if the boss died in my hands, I would have become a monster stealer. As a rising professional player, I have my own professional ethics. If I want to help, then I'll just help.

Guimu Yeyu was obviously stunned for a moment before she immediately understood what I meant. He didn't say anything as he quickly brandished the nameless sword in his hand three times.




The Dark Moon Demonic Wolf's huge body fell down, stirring up a cloud of dust. The LV18 Bronze Boss died in our hands just like that.

With a flash of golden light, his abundant experience caused Ancient Wood, Night Rain, to level up. I have also gained good experience.

The BOSS dropped a total of three pieces of equipment: a glittering longsword, a pair of purple boots, and an ancient looking necklace.

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