Online Game: The Supreme Array Maker/C18 Ten outstanding young people
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Online Game: The Supreme Array Maker/C18 Ten outstanding young people
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C18 Ten outstanding young people

When I went upstairs, I found that the third floor was empty except for seven tables. The seven stone platforms were all around the third floor. Each stone platform had the same shape, but the things on it were different. From left to right, there were buddhist beads, a long bow, a sword, a medicine cauldron, and a piece of jade. As soon as I entered the area where the stone platform was, the stone platform with the diagram on it lit up. The diagram on the stone platform slowly rose up and an old voice sounded …

"inheritor, you're finally here."

"Who are you?" I looked around me.

"Hehe, little fellow, there's no need to look for me. I am Emperor Qing's residual soul, I have no form."

"In that case, you are the legendary Qing Difuxi." I said in surprise.

"You can put it this way. This is my last remaining residual soul. I have waited for who knows how many years just to see how many years just for you, the inheritor, to appear."

"Are you waiting for me?"


"Why are you waiting for me?"

"I also forgot, this strand of residual soul was unable to remember so many things. I only know that I am waiting for you, and not only for me, but also for my six companions."

"Eh, we can forget about that too." I sweated profusely

"You must be here to change your class."

"Yeah, that's right. At my level, everyone else can change classes, but I haven't received any job transitions." I said with some helplessness

"Hehe, kid, do you know what your profession represents?"

"I'm not sure, but it seems very powerful."

"This is my first job, the job of seven saints. This job represents divinity and power." "His voice is very serious, very dignified." It represents the possibility of a saintliness. "

"Is the saintliness very powerful?"

"I forgot, I only know that the probability of the saintliness s being one in a few hundred million. "Young man, since you've inherited this profession, you should properly expand it."

"En, I will, but how can I become a saintliness?" I'm greedy, everyone knows that.

"I don't know."

"Alright, then can you help me change my class?"

"Transforming isn't something that's done through a quest, but through comprehension. Whatever you comprehend, the profession will change. This is the biggest characteristic of this profession, and it comes with unlimited possibilities."

"Then if I don't get anything, then I won't have a job transition?"

The residual soul answered: "Yes, this profession depends on the direction from which we move from. Uncertainty may be weak, or it may be a shortcut. Everything depends on your own ability."

"Sigh, then what must I do to comprehend it? What should I comprehend?" I have to say

"I don't know either. It might be a small matter, it might have come from nature, or it might be in the process of socializing with other people."

"Didn't I say it was the same as not saying it at all?" I have a black mind

"inheritor, do you have anything else? I don't have much time. "

"What's wrong?"

"I'm only a part of Emperor Qing's residual soul. I can't appear for too long."

"I don't know what to ask. Can you tell me a bit about the other aspects of the occupation?"

"Yes, this profession not only has powerful supporting abilities, but also a variety of different abilities depending on the player. It can be powerful in attacking, healing, confusion, etc. The greatest benefit of this profession is that it can provide a second profession, which can assist in the growth of the main profession."

"What's the second job?"

"It depends on which profession you like, you can go to the full-time jobs of other professions, but you'd better choose your second job, it will be very helpful to the growth of your main job. Also, if there aren't any special circumstances in this world, one person can only have one job." After saying this, his voice began to fade away. It seemed that there wasn't much time left.

"Can you tell me what this world is?"

"Heh, I don't know either. I only know that there is a phrase in my memory that describes this world, and that is that this world is real. Alright, my time is up, and you can be considered to have obtained my inheritance.

I knelt on one knee. "Master."

"Good. Hahahahahaha …"

From the sound of the laughter, I could almost hear Emperor Qing looking down on all living things from the top of the world, but then came the question, why would such a person fall down to only having a residual soul left? Also, that saying that this world is real made me even more confused. Wasn't this world created by that mad doctor?

Forget it, just follow the principle that if I can't figure it out, I won't go downstairs. This time, apart from understanding a few things, he didn't gain anything. The most important part was that he only knew how to change his class, but didn't know how to do it. Knowing was no different from not knowing.

Two pretty girls were waiting for me downstairs. When they saw me go downstairs, they came up to me.

"How is it?" Feng Ning was somewhat anxious.

"I heard the teachings of Emperor Qing's residual soul. He said that I can only rely on myself to comprehend my profession."

"What? You saw Lord Emperor Qing's residual soul?" Feng Ning said excitedly.

"Uh, not counting La, I just talked to his residual soul for a while."

"Oh, so it's like that." Feng Ning was a little disappointed.

A girl turning her face around was indeed faster than flipping a book.

"Oh right, Feng Ning, do you know of the second job? Emperor residual soul told me that I seem to be able to take on the second job. " After all, I have never heard of such a dual profession.

"Un, I know. This is a characteristic of formation master. All formation master can choose the second job."

"F * * k, I thought I was the only one who had this special privilege. So it turns out that as long as it's an array master, it's fine." I thought to myself,

"Have you decided on your second job?"

"Not yet, I want to pick a Time Warrior the most, but I only have 5 points of strength, and my innate body is weak, so I can't take out heavy weapons. I still want to be an archer, my initial agility was very high, but until now, I have only gained wisdom." And I said, rather helplessly,

Feng Ning covered her mouth and chuckled: "Seems like you are truly greedy, but this time you are lucky, I coincidentally have a profession that suits you."

"What class is this?" I can't wait to ask

"Demon Spirit Archer!"

"Demon Spirit Archer? "What?"

"This is an Archer Job, but its damage depends entirely on one's Intelligence, which is probably a type of Magic Archer. Furthermore, the arrows used by the Demon Spirit Archer are not bought from shops, rather, they are condensed from magic power. The requirements for the Demon Spirit Archer's job transition are very high, requiring one to have a high Agility of 12 points and a Intelligence of 15 points, do you have any?

"Don't worry, I'm not that high. I only have a high initial attribute point. Both of them have been reached."

Hehe, there are no more than 10 Demon Spirit Archer s on the continent. This profession is also a rare profession, and I happen to know one of them.

"Who is it?"

It's nicknamed [Shattered Moon Ice] Luo Qianbin, Demon Spirit Archer, 23 years old, top ten in the last year's competition for youths from the young generation, and one of the top ten youths from the continent, but he has an outer appearance of 20 years old and the heart of an uncle of 40 years old.

"You're saying that he is one of the continent's top ten youths, but if he loses to you, then aren't you also …?"

"Yeah, I ranked sixth, while he ranked seventh."

"You're so amazing."

"Of course, I'm also known as the genius among array masters." Feng Ning said proudly.

"Can you tell us the names of these ten people?"

"Alright, the tenth place [Wind Chasing Black Tiger], the elite member of the Dongsheng Family, the leader of the new generation, the Wind and Fire element ninja, was defeated by me last time. 9th: [Flaming Crimson Fire] Maria, Dragon Knight of the West, a powerful attack from a Fire Dragon when working together with her, a very crazy woman. The eighth [Roar Berserker] Mag and the Orc Warrior all had strong attack and defense, but their transformation time was just too ugly. Seventh place [Shattered Moon Ice] Luo Qianbin, vulgar, completely despicable, sixth place [Bloody Rose] Feng Ning, mixed in intelligence and beauty, Array Master and Flaming Dancer. Fifth place [God's Demonic Fault] Wu Gela, African priestess, magic attack is unexpected, you completely cannot predict his method of attack. Fourth place [Undying Flame Phoenix], American totem warrior Xia Wutu. It was similar to Beastman Warriors, but it would not merge into a human or beast. Honestly speaking, these seven people are already the cream of the crop among our generation. In the tournament five years ago, we were unable to separate from each other, but even though they were ranked 4-10, there wasn't much of a difference. At that time, they were all Golden Warriors, some were strong, some were weak, but they were pretty much the same. However, we can't compare to the first three, they all reached dark gold level, especially the top one, who should be dark gold peak. Some even said that he was already an earth level warrior at that time, and I was completely crushed by him. "

"They're so strong, and they sound so impressive." Listening to Wu Wu's somewhat infatuated words …

"Name? As long as you are able to produce good results in the Sha Sha Martial Arts Conference or reach the Earth Realm, you will have your own name. Although it is useless, it is still very eye-catching. "

I realized that although Feng Ning is over 20 years old, her personality is still similar to us 16 or 17 years old.

"Sister Feng Ning, quickly tell us about the top three." A different color appeared in her eyes. That's right, that young girl wasn't in love, especially with those heroic youths.

"Alright, third place [Snow Region Ice Blade] Lou Xi, Western Draconian. Powerful defensive strength, aerial abilities, as well as gorgeous Dragon language magic. I have to tell you this, their dragon is a young dragon who signed a contract with us upon their birth, and their dragon is different from ours. Those flying dragons are only equivalent to our ascarnations, and at most, are at the spirit beast level, not their Divine Gigantic Dragons, so they are not very strong, otherwise, if they were mature Western Divine Dragons, there would be no need to fight them.

The second name is [Dragon's Eye], Atlantis' Midge. It's a dragon user, similar to an assassin's profession. I appeared and disappeared almost instantly. When I fought with her, I didn't find her at all. After setting up a bunch of array formations, I hit her twice and got chased away. I didn't see her again until a dagger appeared on my neck.

"First ranker [Falling Sky Sword] Jian Longxiao, to be honest, he is really handsome. When he fights with us, he only needs to summon his pet to kill us when we are fighting on long-range battles. In close combat with his left hand holding the sword, he is not a left-handed person. His pet is a Blue Hornless, and that is a spirit beast at the peak of Spiritual level. Although he is still a minor, he is still not someone we can handle, and the only ones that can make him serious are two or three. To deal with the two of them, he took back his pet, and fought against Lou Xi one man and one dragon. When he was fighting against Mitch, his eyes were completely shut. He used his ears to find Mitch and it was another perfect victory. Jian Longxiao's occupation is an ancient profession, which is called Dragon Sword Hero, which is close to the Saint Profession, and he is also the son of the alliance master of the Chinese Martial Alliance, Long Chaotian. He is handsome, has a good character, and has leadership skills. "

Listening to Feng Ning's speech and revealing an expression of infatuation, the eyes of the girl beside her lit up. Seems like women really liked strong and capable men, no wonder there were so many beautiful women willing to be leaders in the past, even though they didn't know if Feng Ning had the ability to lead them, they would call him leader.

"Alright, Feng Ning, then where can I go to find Luo Qianbin?"

"Do we still need to search?" After saying that, he walked to the window on the second floor. Outside the window, he could see the bustling downtown.

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