Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C1 Because I Am Invincible
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C1 Because I Am Invincible
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C1 Because I Am Invincible

"Master, are you truly asking me to leave and join my seven senior sisters in their life?"

Deep within the ancient forests of Ecraria, Luo Feng cast a reluctant gaze at the frail old man before him, whose face was bruised and swollen, his hair thinning.

"Stay back!" The old man regarded Luo Feng with the same alarm one might reserve for the harbinger of a plague, nearly collapsing in fear.

"Master, be honest with me. Are you sending me away because I eat too much and lack the talent of my seven senior sisters?"

"Ridiculous! Who's been filling your head with such nonsense? Elder Liu from the mountain's base, perhaps?" The old man responded defensively, "I simply want you to experience life in the big city, to broaden your perspective. With a new environment and the guidance of your seven senior sisters, you're bound to make progress."

"Okay, then." Luo Feng, his expression one of naive determination, shouldered his bag and turned to leave. A sudden thought made him look back, grinning, "Master, I had a feeling you'd send me away today, so I've left you a little something."

"A gift?"

"In the house. Go have a look." With a knowing smile, Luo Feng departed.

Seconds later, the old man's screams echoed through the forest.

"You little devil, you put a hornet's nest in my room!"

In Kluginia.

Luo Feng marveled at the skyscrapers towering before him, awestruck by the majesty of modern civilization.

This city was a world away from the village he had known.

"Seventh Senior Sister, Master said you'd come for me. Have you arrived?" Luo Feng pulled out his antiquated phone and made the call.

"You're in Kluginia already?" A voice, cool yet melodious, answered from the other end, "But by my calculations, you should still be three days out."

"I'm here," Luo Feng clarified, "The bus was too slow for my liking, so I walked."

"You walked?" Seventh Senior Sister's voice was laced with disbelief.

She knew it would take an ordinary person over a month to walk from their village to here. Even she would need ten days.

Yet Luo Feng had made it to Kluginia in just five?

"Seventh Senior Sister, when will you get here? I'm starving!" Luo Feng was oblivious to the astonishment he had stirred in her.

He could have made it here in just two days, but he got lost along the way, which is why he's only arriving now.

"Feng, I'm on my way to pick you up. Stay put, okay?"

"Okay, Seventh Senior Sister. You're always so kind to me." Luo Feng ended the call.

As Luo Feng was looking for a spot to sit and rest, a piercing scream echoed in the distance. A luxury car was swerving wildly on the road, heading straight for an elderly man with a cane. The sight was so alarming that Luo Feng found himself sitting on the pavement in shock.

"Out of the way, old man!" The driver, a young man, was pale with fear.

In the nick of time, a shadow darted out and pulled the old man to safety. The car plowed into the city's greenery, the front end crumpled beyond recognition.

The elderly was visibly shaken. He turned from the wreckage to Luo Feng, his savior.

"Are you okay?" Luo Feng asked, concerned.

"Thank you so much. I would have been a goner if not for you," he expressed his gratitude.

Onlookers converged, breaking into a roaring applause. The applause, however, was short-lived. Slamming the door of his flashy car, the young man strutted over, a barrage of profanities escaping his lips.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed, old man? You nearly got me killed!"

"It was your fault for running the red light, young man. How can you blame me?" The old man said in a timid voice.

"Let's be reasonable here. All of us witnessed what happened," a bystander spoke up, outraged.

"Young Master Qin, what happened?" At that moment, several more luxury cars arrived. The occupants, seeing the wrecked vehicle, hurried over.

"This old fool wrecked my precious car," Young Master Qin said dismissively, ignoring the bystander.

"Sir, where do you live? Do you need me to take you somewhere safe?" Luo Feng offered, helping the elder to his feet.

"Young man, you're truly a good soul," the elder said, tearfully grateful.

"You think you can just leave?" Young Master Qin scoffed. "Did I say you could go? Stay right there!"

The young man charged forward, his hand poised to snatch at the elder's hair.

But in the moment his hand stretched out, Luo Feng seized his wrist and said with naive conviction, "Hitting an old man is wrong."

"Exactly. It's clearly your fault, so how could you strike an elder? Do you think money gives you the right to do as you please?" Bystanders tightened their fists, voicing their anger.

The young man's expression turned stormy. He glared at Luo Feng with icy eyes. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

"I get it now!" Luo Feng's simple face lit up with excitement amidst the tension. He pointed at the young man, "I've read about this kind of thing in books. You're a spoiled rich kid, aren't you?"

The young man paused, baffled. "Are you out of your mind?"

"And if this follows the usual story, the hero is about to give you a well-deserved thrashing, right?" Luo Feng mused aloud.

"Thinking of fighting me?" The young man burst into laughter, but his tone quickly turned sinister. "Go ahead and try."

"Sure thing!" Luo Feng grinned mischievously, his teeth a stark white.

With a slight increase in pressure, Luo Feng's grip caused the young man's wrist to snap.

Without hesitation, Luo Feng delivered a powerful slap that sent the young man sprawling.

"I've never been scared of anyone, so cut the tough act!" Luo Feng advanced, slipping off his shoe. He proceeded to strike the young man's face with it.

The brutal display sent shivers down the spines of onlookers and the young man's friends alike.

The seemingly innocuous country boy transformed into a figure as menacing as any street thug.

The young man's cries filled the air.

"How dare you hit me? Do you know who I am?" the young man seethed.

"And do you know who I am?" Luo Feng countered.

"Who are you?"

"The fact that you don't know me is perfect. Now you can't seek revenge!" Luo Feng continued his relentless assault.

"I'm Qin Qingfeng, the heir to Qin's Corporation. Are you insane?" the young man cried out in agony.

His declaration shifted the mood instantly; the faces of all present turned grave.

"That's Qin Qingfeng of Qin's Corporation? We're doomed." The once justice-minded bystanders turned their reproach towards Luo Feng upon learning the young man's true identity.

"Stop right there, young man. We don't want to mess with him!" the elder hurriedly intervened to restrain Luo Feng.

"Scared, are you? Too late for regrets! Your fate is sealed!" Qin Qingfeng, upon seeing Luo Feng halt, sneered triumphantly.

"I apologize, Young Master Qin. The fault lies with me. Please, let him off the hook," the elder said, as he began to lower himself to his knees.

Out of the blue, a fleet of Rolls-Royces approached from a distance.

Qin Qingfeng's eyes widened in utter disbelief at the sight of the lead car, bearing the license plate "0001."

A hush fell over the crowd as everyone was taken aback, all wondering what would bring such a VIP to this place.

Then, a long, elegant leg emerged from the vehicle. A stunning woman, clad in a form-fitting miniskirt and draped in a black blazer, stepped out.

She surveyed the scene with a serene gaze, her eyes finally settling on Luo Feng, who was still clutching his shoes. A subtle smile played on her lips as she spoke in a soothing voice, "Feng, causing trouble again, I see."

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