Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C10 The Son Hurts His Father and He Becomes Angry
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C10 The Son Hurts His Father and He Becomes Angry
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C10 The Son Hurts His Father and He Becomes Angry

"Guess what?" Luo Feng smirked.

That night, the underground parking lot beneath the commercial street echoed with screams like those of a pig being slaughtered.

Shortly thereafter, Luo Feng emerged from the parking lot, seemingly unaffected by the earlier commotion, and rejoined Gu Xuenian.

"What took you so long? You weren't off flirting with some girl, were you?" Gu Xuenian teased, playfully tugging at Luo Feng's ear with a hint of jealousy.

"Seventh Senior Sister, I wouldn't dare. I simply got lost," Luo Feng offered an excuse with a shrug.

"Fine, we've had our fill. Let's head home."

Gu Xuenian settled the bill, and they drove back to the Gu family villa.

The Gu household remained tranquil throughout the night. Meanwhile, the Lee family was seething with rage due to Luo Feng's actions.

"What the hell happened?" Lee Tianchen, usually so composed, demanded an explanation from the injured eagle-eyed man kneeling before him, especially after seeing Lee Haoran in bed with his joints dislocated.

The eagle-eyed man gravely relayed the events involving Luo Feng.

"Mr. Lee, we all underestimated his abilities. He's far stronger than we thought. I couldn't even stand against him," he confessed.

"Nonsense!" Lee Tianchen exploded. "He's just an eighteen-year-old kid. You're seasoned killers, veterans of countless battles. How could he possibly best you?"

"It's the truth!" At that moment, a chilling, resonant voice came from outside the room.

Upon seeing the newcomer, all the assassins encircling Lee Tianchen bowed and greeted him with a deferential "Boss."

Lee Tianchen turned to see a one-eyed, bearded man with a burly stature of 1.8 meters stride into the room, his presence filling the space with an unmistakable scent of blood.

"Do you really believe that an eighteen-year-old could defeat them?" Lee Tianchen asked, his voice laced with a measure of respect, as he fought to keep his anger at bay.

The one-eyed man didn't respond directly. Instead, he approached the eagle-eyed man, inspected the wound on his shoulder, and then turned his gaze to the unconscious Lee Haoran on the hospital bed.

"Lee Tianchen, you once stood with us as a killer, tasting blood on the edge of a knife. It seems the years of opulence have dulled your memory of the battlefield," the one-eyed man said sternly. "Since when did you start judging an opponent by their age?"

"Do you remember a decade ago, when we stood shoulder to shoulder in battle? You encountered those guys; you know exactly what true talent looks like."

"There's no way that kid could!" Lee Tianchen gripped his fists, unwilling to concede.

Luo Feng seemed like a good-for-nothing kid; how could he possibly hold a candle to the prodigies of the Lee family?

Noticing Lee Tianchen's silence, the one-eyed man took a seat, fixing his gaze on him. "Relax, the plan remains unchanged. I'll remove the obstacles for the Lee family, and you'll pay me."

"I want that kid alive; I'll deal with him myself!" Lee Tianchen's eyes were bloodshot as he glared at his son lying in the hospital bed, his words seething through clenched teeth.

"Agreed," the man said, standing and giving Lee Tianchen's shoulder a reassuring pat before exiting the room.


The following morning, Gu Xuenian was up at the crack of dawn, yet Luo Feng had risen even earlier.

His years were marked by a strict regimen of running and breath control exercises, a necessity ingrained by his master's insistence on his weakness and the belief that only hard work could compensate.

"Feng, it's Saturday. Seventh Senior Sister is taking you somewhere special."

"Where to?" Luo Feng asked, curious.

"A place connected to your Second Senior Sister. Interested?" Gu Xuenian probed.

Luo Feng shot to his feet. "Is Second Senior Sister in Kluginia?"

"Oh?" Gu Xuenian tugged at Luo Feng's ear playfully. "What's this? Missing your Second Senior Sister?"

"Ouch! No, I was just wondering," Luo Feng quickly backpedaled, feigning defeat.

At Kluginia Medical University, luxury cars lined the streets as a host of VIPs converged.

They came for a glimpse of one individual's grace.

Luo Feng hopped out of Gu Xuenian's car, surveying the scene. "Seventh Senior Sister, why are we here? Could it be that Second Senior Sister might actually show up?"

The thought of Second Senior Sister Murong Xiaoxiao making time for a visit to Kluginia seemed far-fetched to Luo Feng. In his mind, Murong Xiaoxiao was always the busy bee, buzzing from one corner of the globe to the next.

With arms folded, Gu Xuenian replied, "Aren't you here to learn from your senior sisters? Well, I've learned that an esteemed herbalist is visiting today, someone from your Second Senior Sister's company. He may not be on her level, but I bet he's not far off."

As she spoke, Gu Xuenian led Luo Feng through the throng of people and into the conference hall of Kluginia Medical University. They found a couple of seats towards the back and settled in.

"Hey, what brings you here?"

Just then, a familiar voice reached Luo Feng from behind. He spun around, his face lighting up with recognition. "It's you, Master!"

The middle-aged man with the sharp features and simian cheeks behind Luo Feng, upon recognizing him, mirrored his surprise. This was none other than the hidden master of the seven superior martial arts Luo Feng had met the day before.

"Feng, who's this?" Gu Xuenian's brows knitted together as she eyed the man with caution.

The man's eyes sparkled as he took in Gu Xuenian, inwardly amazed that Luo Feng was acquainted with such a stunning woman, and he couldn't help feeling a twinge of envy.

"Seventh Senior Sister, this is the first friend I made here in Kluginia. He's quite impressive," Luo Feng quickly introduced.

"Ahem, my dear lady, the name's Zhu, Zhu Zhengyi. Are you also here for the lecture?" Zhu Zhengyi interjected before Luo Feng could say more.

Years of experience had taught him to recognize a ten-out-of-ten beauty like Gu Xuenian, who wouldn't be as gullible as Luo Feng. The less said, the better, he thought, swiftly steering the conversation elsewhere.

Luo Feng picked up the thread, "Yes, Seventh Senior Sister is here to broaden my horizons. And what about you, Master Zhu? What brings you here?"

"What else would I be doing here? I'm looking to rub elbows with the high and mighty, maybe find a few simpletons to swindle," Zhu Zhengyi mused silently.

The attendees were a cut above the rest, with one common trait: an unwavering belief in the words of so-called experts and professors. These experts could hawk worthless pills, and the crowd would fight tooth and nail for them, their intelligence seemingly plummeting.

The old adage rang true: a fool and his money are soon parted. If he wasn't going to con the wealthy, who would he con?

With a chuckle, Zhu Zhengyi offered a more palatable reason, "I'm just here to soak in the atmosphere and learn a thing or two."

"Master Zhu, your expertise is both formidable and unassuming. To see you here, still eager to learn, sets an incredible example for me," Luo Feng remarked.

Gu Xuenian's expression turned sour. To her, this man was nothing but a charlatan, spewing nothing but tall tales.

She quickly ushered Luo Feng back to his seat and whispered a stern warning, "This man is a clear fraud. I forbid you from associating with him from now on, understood?"

"Seventh Senior Sister, I..." Luo Feng began, but was cut off by a resounding boom that filled the conference room.

The hostess proclaimed, "Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Master Qin from Pheapolis's Herb Hall."

Luo Feng's gaze followed to a bald elder in a white coat, surrounded by bodyguards, who greeted the crowd with a warm wave.

Joining in with the applause of the dignitaries, Luo Feng exclaimed, "Wow, is that the master from Second Senior Sister's company? He seems incredibly impressive."

"Foolish boy, that man's a con artist through and through. He can't even outperform your Master Zhu," Zhu Zhengyi, seated behind Luo Feng, snickered and shook his head.

"Master Qin Baihe, it's an honor to have you in Kluginia today. We've heard about the generous gift you've brought. Could you reveal what it is?" the hostess asked, diving into the heart of the matter.

Qin Baihe, the bald herbalist, assumed an air of grandeur and, with everyone hanging on his every word, spoke calmly, "As I've grown older, it's unfortunate that I have no one to inherit my knowledge of herbal medicine. Before coming here, I made a significant decision. I've compiled all my learning into a book, which I will sell to just one individual and take on as my final disciple."

The room's attention was then captured by a large display screen showcasing the book cover, with six golden characters that stood out prominently.

"Herbalist's Treasury of Hundred Illnesses."


The room erupted into a frenzy at the sight of the book.

"Good heavens, this is Master Qin Baihe's entire life's work. If I could master it, I'd surely become a titan in the world of herbal medicine," someone in the audience excitedly declared.

"Absolutely, if I can get my hands on that book and become the disciple of Master Qin Baihe, no price is too steep—I'll sell whatever it takes!"

"I'll bid 10 million!"

"Make that 20 million!"

Qin Baihe's smile faded as he surveyed the scene, his voice steady, "Do we have any higher bids?"

However, at that moment, a hand shot up in the crowd, the person attached to it voicing their confusion, "Master Qin, why does this book seem like something I wrote?"

Luo Feng rose to his feet, bewildered, "Moreover, it's a draft that my Second Senior Sister made me write when I was a kid."

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