Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C11 Second Senior Sister Murong Xiaoxiao
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C11 Second Senior Sister Murong Xiaoxiao
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C11 Second Senior Sister Murong Xiaoxiao

The moment he spoke, the conference room fell into a silence as heavy as death.

Qin Baihe's face turned pale with shock at Luo Feng's words. He frowned and looked over to see a mere kid, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Indeed, he hadn't authored the Herbalist's Compendium of Hundred Illnesses; he'd stumbled upon it in Murong Xiaoxiao's private office at the Herb Hall. He had sneakily taken it while Murong Xiaoxiao was frequently away.

What mattered most was that this Compendium bore the seal of Murong Xiaoxiao.

And who was Murong Xiaoxiao?

She was the preeminent herbalist in the field, a true master. The Compendium itself wasn't particularly valuable, but with Murong Xiaoxiao's seal, it signified authority.

"Kid, do you even realize what you're saying? I poured my heart and soul into creating this Herbalist's Compendium, and it's even certified by my boss, the renowned Master Murong. You claim you wrote it, and that it's your childhood manuscript? Are you joking?" Qin Baihe challenged.

"It really is my work from when I was twelve, under the strict supervision of my Second Senior Sister," Luo Feng replied calmly.

At his words, laughter erupted throughout the room.

The student council president from Kluginia Medical University stood up, his sneer cutting through the mirth. "Fellow student, if you're going to boast, at least make it believable. You expect us to believe you authored the Compendium at twelve? Clearly, it's Master Qin's labor of love. You're just here to stir up trouble, aren't you?"

"Security, get this guy out of here!" The president was clearly trying to ingratiate himself with Qin Baihe, having organized the event through his family's connections with the university's higher-ups.

His motives were simple: he hoped to gain access to the Herb Hall at Kluginia Medical University, a place countless students aspired to enter.

Rumors had painted Murong Xiaoxiao as a beauty beyond the mortal coil, with medical expertise unmatched.

He didn't dare to dream that such a goddess would glance his way; to simply be in her presence would be enough for him.

Without delay, a group of security guards converged on Luo Feng, pointing accusatory fingers and ready to escort him out.

At that moment, Gu Xuenian, who had been standing with her arms crossed, spoke up with commanding confidence.

"Who dares to challenge me?"

With those words, Gu Xuenian rose to her feet, her formidable ice queen presence engulfing the entire conference room.

"President Gu... Gu Xuenian, what is she doing here?" The student council president's face paled in shock.

As a fellow Kluginian, how could he not recognize this stunning woman?

She hailed from one of Kluginia's most prestigious families, her beauty rivaling that of Murong Xiaoxiao.

The room buzzed with excitement as Gu Xuenian's mere act of standing caused a stir among the attendees.

"President Gu, do you remember me? I visited your company with my father once. We've met before. I had no idea we'd have the honor of your presence. Forgive me for not greeting you properly..." The student council president rushed over, his voice laced with anxiety.

Gu Xuenian gave the student council president a brief glance, intimidating him into quickly averting his gaze.

"Master Qin?" Gu Xuenian shifted her attention away from the crowd, fixing her eyes on a bewildered Qin Baihe. "Are you certain you're the author of this book?"

Qin Baihe, visibly shaken by Gu Xuenian's imposing aura, responded hesitantly, "Absolutely, Master Murong herself has endorsed it. Is there an issue?"

"Really?" Gu Xuenian's sneer was chilling. "Then, do you know the relationship between Feng and Murong Xiaoxiao?"

Qin Baihe, taken aback, turned his gaze to Luo Feng, uncertain. "He and Master Murong are...?"

With a dismissive wave, Gu Xuenian replied coolly, "Fool, let me enlighten you. Murong Xiaoxiao is Feng's Second Senior Sister."

The room erupted into a cacophony of shock and disbelief.

Zhu Zhengyi's eyes were wide as saucers, convinced he had misheard.

The daughter of the world-renowned herbalist, a junior to someone else?

It was a claim so outrageous, it would be dismissed as fantasy.

After all, any employee from Murong Xiaoxiao's company commanded immense respect.

If this young man truly was Murong Xiaoxiao's junior brother, what on earth was he doing here?

Clearly, Qin Baihe was skeptical.

"Hahaha," Qin Baihe dismissed with a wave of his hand, "My dear lady, I'm with Herb Hall. Surely, I'd know if Master Murong had a junior brother, wouldn't I?"

"I'm not sure why you're trying to defame me at such a significant event, but consider this a warning. If you don't leave, I'll have no choice but to take legal action!"

"You doubt me?" Gu Xuenian said with a smug smile, "Perhaps you'd like to verify it yourself by calling Murong Xiaoxiao? I'm curious to see whether you actually authored this compendium of herbal medicine, or if you've been concealing it from Murong Xiaoxiao and pilfered it from her."

Qin Baihe was visibly shaken by Gu Xuenian's unwavering confidence, his forehead beaded with sweat.

But with the crowd watching, he had no escape and had to keep up the charade.

"Fine, I haven't seen Master Murong in quite a while. If you really have her contact, go ahead and call her."

"Your wish is my command," Gu Xuenian said, turning to Luo Feng, "Feng, dial up Second Senior Sister for me."

Luo Feng looked distressed, "Seventh Senior Sister, let's just go. It's not worth it. The book isn't worth much, and it's full of incomplete information."

Luo Feng wasn't concerned about the herbalist treasury. He was more worried about the potential wrath of Second Senior Sister if she found out he'd descended the mountain without seeking her out first.

Second Senior Sister, Murong Xiaoxiao, was known for her fierce temperament, far more intimidating than Seventh Senior Sister, Gu Xuenian. She was the person Luo Feng feared the most.

"Are you questioning me? When I say call, you call," Gu Xuenian's lips curled into a chilling smile.

She had brought Luo Feng here to gain experience and broaden his perspective.

Now, to discover that he was a charlatan was a blow to her pride, especially in front of Luo Feng.

What was worse, this charlatan was cashing in on her junior brother's work.

As Luo Feng's Seventh Senior Sister, it was her duty to right this wrong.

Feeling overwhelmed, Luo Feng reluctantly pulled out his phone and dialed Second Senior Sister Murong Xiaoxiao's number.

As the phone rang out in the conference room, a hush fell over the crowd, thick with anticipation.

But just as everyone, including Qin Baihe, felt their hearts leap into their throats, Luo Feng's phone emitted a mechanical voice.

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try again later..."

"Hahahaha..." Qin Baihe instantly relaxed, his laughter booming as he gloated, "Kid, I gave you your chance. Now what do you have to say? Can I sue you for defamation now?"

"Why isn't she answering?" Gu Xuenian's brows knit together, a shadow of embarrassment crossing her face.

Luo Feng, however, breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't concerned with the opinions of those around him; his fear was that if Second Senior Sister had actually answered the call, the fallout would be severe.

"Someone get this kid out of here," Qin Baihe commanded, his expression souring as he gestured dismissively.

"How dare you!" At that moment, a cold, sharp voice cut through the air from outside the conference room.

"That voice!" Qin Baihe's face twisted in shock as he turned to look toward the door.

He nearly collapsed at the sight of the newcomer.

"Who is she?!"

Everyone rose to their feet, their faces a mix of confusion and awe.

They saw a figure framed in the doorway, a slender, pale leg leading the way. She was dressed in a white, ethereal gown, her long black hair cascading down her back, an aura of springtime freshness about her.

She was breathtakingly beautiful, ethereal, her delicate skin reminiscent of a newborn's.

Her vibrant eyes, petite nose, and full, sensuous lips gave her the air of a celestial being.

With her arrival, Gu Xuenian, the Ice Queen herself, couldn't help but flash a knowing smile.

It was a smile of rivalry, the kind only women understand when facing a worthy adversary in beauty.

As everyone puzzled over the identity of this stunning woman who rivaled Kluginia's number one goddess, Gu Xuenian, Luo Feng had already ducked under a chair, his hands pressed together in prayer, his face ashen as he whispered, "You can't see me, no one can see me!"

Just then, a pair of delicate jade feet came into view before Luo Feng. The woman they belonged to crouched down, cradling her stunning visage that could topple empires, and offered Luo Feng a warm smile.

"Feng, what's the matter? Am I, your Second Senior Sister, really that frightening?"

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