Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C12 A Sweet Burden
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C12 A Sweet Burden
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C12 A Sweet Burden

Murong Xiaoxiao caught Luo Feng's ear under the astonished stares of the onlookers, her smile soft and tender.

"Ouch, Second Senior Sister, go easy... it really hurts," Luo Feng winced, raising his hands as he stood.

"You remember I'm your Second Senior Sister, huh? Impressive, Feng. You sneak off the mountain and don't even tell me, and then you..." Murong Xiaoxiao turned to appraise the aloof beauty, Gu Xuenian, "You sneak straight over to Seventh Senior Sister's place. What's the matter, am I not good enough for you?"

"Second Senior Sister, it's just that Seventh Senior Sister is closer, so I came here. Please, don't get the wrong idea," Luo Feng said, trying to ingratiate himself.

"Oh, really?" Murong Xiaoxiao arched an eyebrow. "So tell me, who do you like more, Seventh Senior Sister or me?"

"Feng, why aren't you answering your Second Senior Sister?" Gu Xuenian stepped forward, each of the two stunning goddesses now holding one of Luo Feng's ears.

Zhu Zhengyi watched from behind, green with envy. This was clearly a blissful predicament.

And Zhu Zhengyi wasn't the only one who thought so; everyone there agreed.

They couldn't fathom how such an unassuming guy could have the luck to have two exceptional goddesses vying for his attention.

"Look, Second Senior Sister, Seventh Senior Sister, can't you both just give me a break? Either way, I'm in for it," Luo Feng lamented, on the verge of tears.

"Why have you suddenly shown up in Kluginia? You promised you'd stay with me, Feng. I won't let her take you away," Gu Xuenian said, eyeing the smiling Murong Xiaoxiao with suspicion.

"It's not up to you, but let's not rush things. Let's wait for Feng to make up his mind. I'll handle the current issue first," Murong Xiaoxiao said as she looped her arm through Luo Feng's and pressed her exquisite face against his shoulder, her expression defiant as she staked her claim.

With that, Murong Xiaoxiao's gaze shifted to the podium, where Qin Baihe lay limp on the ground. She spoke icily, "Qin Baihe, I've underestimated you. Of all the things in my library, you had to take my most treasured book."

"What's happening here?" The student union president, the female host, and their companions exchanged puzzled looks.

"Why does Qin Baihe cower before this stunning woman?"

At that moment, Qin Baihe, overcome with fear, fell to his knees, frantically bowing his head and trembling as he spoke, "Master Murong Xiaoxiao, I apologize, I deeply apologize. I was foolish and led astray by my own greed."

"In the past, when you wanted to expel me, I thought to take something of value. Using the reputation of Herb Hall, I hoped to sell it for a tidy sum to fund my retirement."

"I deserve to die, I truly do!"

Qin Baihe slapped his own face in a frenzy, blood streaming down, yet he couldn't bring himself to stop.

"You certainly do deserve it. The medical tome was written by my younger brother in his youth, a gift he gave to me. I've always cherished it like a treasure. You dared to lay a finger on this book; you're aware of the consequences, aren't you?"

"Master Murong Xiaoxiao, I was wrong, so very wrong. Please, I beg you..."

"Qingtan!" Murong Xiaoxiao dismissed him and turned to a refined young man in a suit, "Send word to all the hospitals in Ecraria: Qin Baihe is to be permanently barred from employment and added to the blacklist. Any hospital that dares to hire someone of his questionable ethics will be opposing me, Murong Xiaoxiao!"

The young man adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and replied softly, "Understood, Master Murong Xiaoxiao."

"Bring me the herbalist's Hundred Medicine Treasure and take Qin Baihe to the police station immediately."

With that command, a squad of skilled bodyguards surged in and swiftly escorted Qin Baihe away under the astonished gaze of the onlookers.

"Master Murong, this must be your junior brother Luo Feng you've mentioned?" The young man accepted the herbalist's Hundred Medicine Treasure from the bodyguard and approached.

"What do you think? Impressive, isn't he?" Master Murong Xiaoxiao asked with pride.

The young man appraised Luo Feng, "Indeed, he lives up to your praise, Master Murong Xiaoxiao. He's quite remarkable."

"Mr. Luo Feng, would you be interested in joining us at Herb Hall? On behalf of the board, I'm prepared to offer you the most generous terms," the young man offered proactively.

At this, many students from Kluginia Medical University in attendance couldn't help but feel a pang of envy.

Moments before, they were mocking Luo Feng, yet in an instant, he had been offered the very opportunity they all coveted—a direct ascent up the coveted ladder of employment.

Gaining entry to Herb Hall was a dream for many wealthy scions—a hallowed place they'd vie for tooth and nail.

It was common knowledge that Herb Hall accepted only one individual every four years, making the spot incredibly valuable.

All eyes were on Luo Feng, everyone holding their breath in anticipation of his response.

"Well, that's the thing—I'm not exactly skilled in medicine. Back in the village, I'd just gather herbs and treat minor colds and flu," Luo Feng admitted, looking quite troubled.

Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help but giggle at his words. "Qingtan, let's not bother. My junior brother here loves his freedom too much. Besides, even if he was interested, I doubt someone would let him go."

"Absolutely," Gu Xuenian chimed in with a smirk. "Feng is mine to follow. I plan to marry him and have a whole troop of kids with him."

"What?!" Murong Xiaoxiao's smile instantly turned to ice.

A chilling silence descended upon the conference room.

"Feng, you need to explain this to me. Are you seriously planning to marry your Seventh Senior Sister?"

Her voice, filled with dread, echoed through Kluginia Medical University.

In a split second, Luo Feng became a blur, dashing away as if sensing the impending doom.

Two graceful figures sped after him, leaving the onlookers in shock.

The student union president stepped out of the conference room, his face a mask of indifference.

"Guild leader, was that your goddess just now? She's stunning, a true beauty. She's Kluginia's top goddess, Gu Xuenian."

"How did this guy get so lucky to win the affections of Kluginia's most sought-after goddess and the president's dream goddess?"

"President, should we round up some guys to take care of this country bumpkin…?"

"Shut up!" The president of the student council snapped, his voice dark with fury as he grabbed one of his members by the collar. "Only I am meant to enter Herb Hall, and only I am destined to win Murong Xiaoxiao's favor!"

Luo Feng was running at breakneck speed, acutely aware that falling into Murong Xiaoxiao's clutches now would spell a gruesome end for him. After what felt like an eternity, he finally lost sight of his two senior sisters and allowed himself to collapse to the ground.

As Luo Feng exhaled slowly, a sudden grip on his shoulder sent him leaping up as though a tail had been stepped on. "Am I really that frightening?" Zhu Zhengyi asked with a chuckle, his eyes gleaming as if he'd found a precious gem.

"Master Zhu, it's you!" Luo Feng was astonished that Zhu Zhengyi had managed to track him down after such a distance, and with such composure.

Adopting the air of a sage, Zhu Zhengyi laughed as he pocketed his motorcycle keys. "Feng, we're not that different in age. From now on, drop the formalities. Just call me Brother Zhu."

With that, Zhu Zhengyi eagerly drew Luo Feng close, his heart aflutter. Initially, he'd dismissed Luo Feng as a simpleton, the landlord's foolish son. But upon encountering Murong Xiaoxiao, he realized the young man was a priceless gem, destined for extraordinary feats.

Zhu Zhengyi, ever the opportunist, had made up his mind to forge a strong bond with Luo Feng. Aligning with the protagonist's seemingly charmed existence, he knew he couldn't go wrong.

"Sure thing, Brother Zhu," Luo Feng replied with due respect.

"Look, you probably can't return anytime soon. How about joining me for a bite to eat?"

"Sounds great, but Brother Zhu, I'm broke."

"You silly kid, you've already called me Brother Zhu. How could I possibly let you foot the bill? This one's on me," Zhu Zhengyi declared, ready to lead Luo Feng to the nearest barbecue stand.

Yet, before they had taken more than a few steps, both men came to an abrupt halt, as if by some unspoken agreement.

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