Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C13 Luo Feng's Illness
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C13 Luo Feng's Illness
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C13 Luo Feng's Illness

"Is this your friend?" Zhu Zhengyi halted abruptly, his eyes widening in surprise as he scanned the scene ahead.

A car was obstructing their path, and as the window rolled down leisurely, the figure revealed was none other than the ringleader of Lee Tianchen's backing forces.

"Friend, where might you be headed? Need a lift?" The man asked, his sideways glance paired with a detached smirk.

"No thanks, we're not acquainted," Luo Feng replied, sensing malice from the newcomers and turning to leave.

But their exit was already cut off by several more vehicles, and the eagle-eyed man, flanked by his entourage, hopped out and fixed Luo Feng with a chilling gaze.

"Big brother, this is the kid," he alerted with caution.

"Brother Feng, what's the situation here? Looks like they're after you," Zhu Zhengyi said, fear edging his voice as he stepped back, whispering, "You... you can handle this, right?"

Having wandered the martial world for years, he could tell these were no ordinary thugs; each one exuded an aura of bloodshed.

The man stepped out of the car and looked at Luo Feng with a steady gaze. "Friend, we have no real quarrel, but you've only yourself to blame for your audacity in gravely wounding Lee Tianchen's son. Now, Lee Tianchen wishes to have a word with you."

He spoke with authority, "Come along, let's avoid any unpleasantness."

Luo Feng was formidable, but still just an eighteen-year-old. His opponents were battle-hardened; subduing him would be effortless for them.

"Oh?" Luo Feng's eyebrows lifted. "Seems my Seventh Senior Sister was right; Lee Tianchen can't let things go. But are you certain you can catch me?"

"Only one way to find out. Attack!" the man commanded in a deep tone.

Instantly, a dozen assassins sprinted towards Luo Feng, who sprang into action with extraordinary agility, effortlessly sidestepping their coordinated assault.

With just a few deft movements, he created a substantial gap between them, yet showed no sign of counterattacking.

Watching this, the man murmured to his eagle-eyed companion, "This kid is as formidable as you claimed. But from what I see, aside from his speed, he doesn't seem to have much else going for him."

The Eagle Eye man was just as befuddled. He had sparred with Luo Feng before and was acutely aware of Luo Feng's formidable prowess.

Yet now, Luo Feng seemed like a completely different person, relegated to dodging attacks and desperately seeking an escape.

What the man didn't realize was that Luo Feng valued his life greatly.

In the face of this well-prepared battle, he never engaged in actions where he lacked confidence.

This was in line with the second directive his master had instilled in him: "If you're not confident in handling the difficulties before you, choose to flee. As long as the green mountains remain, you'll never run out of firewood."

Luo Feng took a step and, in a blur, positioned himself right in front of an assassin. His palm struck with lightning speed, sending the assailant hurtling through the air.

In that brief moment, Luo Feng found an opening. His body slipped through like an eel, and he bolted towards the horizon.

"That kid is damn good at running; he's impossible to catch!" the assassin spat out in frustration.

The group had no choice but to grit their teeth and give chase.

"Hmph, the monk may run, but the temple remains. Go ahead and run, kid. Later, I'll pay a visit to Gu Xuenian. After all, we're bound to deal with the Gu family sooner or later," the Eagle Eye man bellowed after Luo Feng's retreating figure.

But as his words hung in the air, Luo Feng, who had shown no intention of fighting, abruptly came to a halt.

"What's the matter, not running anymore?" The Eagle Eye man mocked, seeing Luo Feng stand still. "The Gu family is your support. If we take them down, where will you run? Be smart and..."

He was cut off abruptly, "Have the courage to repeat what you just said?"

Luo Feng turned his gaze, his face no longer carrying the earlier nonchalance but now a chilling, dark coldness.

The Eagle Eye man let out a cold laugh and stepped forward, "I said..."

But in a swift shadowy flash, Luo Feng surged forward, weaving through the cluster of assassins.

In an instant, Luo Feng was face-to-face with the Eagle Eye man, his fist crashing into his adversary's face.


The man with hawk-like eyes didn't even have time to react before his bones snapped and he was sent flying backward with a wail of agony.


The sudden turn of events had a dozen assassins, including the man, instinctively gasping for air in horror, their eyes fixed on the fearsome Luo Feng.

The Seventh Senior Sister was Luo Feng's Inverse Scale, and to dare touch it meant that even the master's strict orders would be rendered null and void.

"Whoever lays a hand on my senior sisters shall die!" Luo Feng's voice was icy cold, cutting like a dagger straight into the hearts of all present.

"What's with this kid!" The man was visibly shaken by Luo Feng's daunting stare.

"Kill him!" The assassins' eyes blazed with fury as they vowed to nip Luo Feng's life in the bud.

But they had grossly underestimated the wrath of an enraged Luo Feng.

"Seeking death!" Luo Feng shot a sideways glance as a dark shadow sliced through the air before the assassins. Like a deity of destruction, his fist crashed into the chest of the foremost assassin.


The assassin's pupils contracted as he was propelled backward, blood spraying from his mouth.

With each subsequent movement, Luo Feng's fists flew furiously, eliciting screams of torment from the assassins, turning the scene into a veritable hell on earth.

Witnessing Luo Feng's terrifying form, the man was petrified. In a desperate move, he drew his pistol and aimed at Luo Feng.

"This young bloodthirsty fiend must not be allowed to live; if he rises to power, he'll be my undoing!"

With a slight pressure on his trigger finger, a "bang" rang out as the bullet sped from the barrel, aiming for Luo Feng's back.


The bullet tore through Luo Feng's right arm, blood spurting forth.

"I got him!" the man exclaimed feverishly.

But the next moment, he froze in shock.

Luo Feng, like a frenzied beast, ignored his wound and, after launching the final assassin through the air with a punch, charged at the man.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Feng closed the twenty-meter gap.



With a swift motion of his right hand, the man's head completed a full 360-degree turn on the spot.

In a flash, the seasoned head of a professional assassin, a veteran of countless battles, had his neck snapped by the swift hand of an eighteen-year-old boy.

"Brother Feng, what... what's happened to you?" Zhu Zhengyi, paralyzed with fear on the ground, shuddered at the sight of Luo Feng's drastic transformation.

Luo Feng stood motionless, his presence as hollow as a zombie. Zhu Zhengyi's eyes widened in horror at the sight of dense, blood-red tattoos crawling up Luo Feng's neck.

The eerie markings seemed to stare back like the eyes of a demon, chilling to the core.

"Could this be what drove the kid mad?" Zhu Zhengyi muttered, narrowing his eyes.

Then, in the enveloping darkness, a sigh echoed.

In that instant, Luo Feng, like a cat with its tail stepped on, pinpointed the source of the sigh. His figure vanished, only to reappear directly above the person who sighed.

It was none other than Second Senior Sister, Murong Xiaoxiao.

As Luo Feng's devastating punch descended, Murong Xiaoxiao sprang into action.

Her right hand flickered, and twelve silver needles found their mark in Luo Feng's vital acupoints.

Luo Feng hit the ground with a thud, his muffled fall followed by the slow closing of his bloodthirsty eyes.

"What's wrong with Feng?" Gu Xuenian arrived, having just witnessed Luo Feng's frightening demeanor and his near-fatal attack on Murong Xiaoxiao.

Murong Xiaoxiao, seemingly unsurprised, helped Luo Feng to his feet and removed the silver needles, her expression a mix of resignation and disappointment.

"Master, the very thing you feared has come to pass. Feng's affliction manifested itself today."

Meanwhile, from a high-rise in the distance, a shadowy figure observed the unfolding drama, a sinister smile playing on his lips. He pulled out his phone and dialed an international number.

In a raspy voice, he announced, "Inform the family elders that the son of the mightiest being on Earth has awakened. Let those old timers brace themselves for the arrival of the king."

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