Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C14 A Painful Consequence
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C14 A Painful Consequence
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C14 A Painful Consequence

"How could Luo Feng be injured? What on earth happened out there?"

At Gu's villa, Old Mr. Gu and Gu Qingyun arrived swiftly upon hearing the news, only to be stopped by Gu Xuenian, who stood guard at the entrance.

"Grandfather, Dad, you can't go in right now. Second Senior Sister is tending to Feng's wounds. I'll explain everything to you later," Gu Xuenian said, her fists clenched and her face etched with concern as she glanced at the firmly closed door.

Inside, Murong Xiaoxiao had managed to stop Luo Feng's bleeding, yet she was drenched in sweat.

The procedure wasn't particularly difficult; the weight of the situation was simply overwhelming for Murong Xiaoxiao.

Upon lifting Luo Feng's collar, Gu Xuenian breathed a sigh of relief.

The blood-colored tattoos had vanished without a trace, but Murong Xiaoxiao was aware that if Luo Feng's emotions spiraled out of control once more, "they" would reemerge.

It was a curse, one that had followed Luo Feng into this world.

It was also Luo Feng's closely guarded secret, known only to the reclusive elder who shunned worldly affairs and to Murong Xiaoxiao.

Having composed herself, Murong Xiaoxiao opened the door and ushered Old Mr. Gu and his son inside. She then took Gu Xuenian aside to a quiet spot.

"What's really wrong with Feng? Why did he turn into something like a wild beast?" Gu Xuenian pressed for answers.

"In a way, it's a genetic condition," Murong Xiaoxiao replied calmly. "I'm sorry, but Master and I have kept it under wraps because the nature of this condition is tied to Feng's origins."

"Origins? What origins could Feng possibly have? Isn't he the child Master found in the wild boar forest?"

"That was a story we told to protect him," Murong Xiaoxiao said, wrapping her arms around her knees and leaning back against a stone pillar, her striking features bathed in moonlight.

"Even though I'm not privy to the full details of Feng's past, I sense from Master's hints that Feng's lineage is far from ordinary. This genetic affliction manifests only in those with exceptionally strong ancestral genes."

"When emotions run high and unchecked, this condition can boil over, turning the afflicted into nothing more than a primal killing machine."

"How is that possible!" Gu Xuenian gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in astonishment, her eyes brimming with tears.

"So, you understand the true reason why Master never allowed Feng to leave the mountain all these years, don't you?"

"But why did he suddenly permit Feng to descend from the mountain now?"

Murong Xiaoxiao let out a sigh. "It's Master's decision. I'm not sure of his reasons, but he certainly has them."

Luo Feng was exceptionally strong; his talent was truly frightening.

Yet, the hermit had constantly filled Luo Feng's mind with the belief that he was weak, claiming he hadn't mastered any of the seven superior martial arts, when in fact, he had nearly perfected them.

He did this out of fear that Luo Feng would become aggressive and lose his sense of reason.

Gu Xuenian's emotions gradually stabilized. "So, your sudden arrival in Kluginia today was actually because..."

"Master reached out to me first. He wanted me to look after Feng, concerned that his illness might flare up again. And on my very first day here, I witnessed the very outcome I dreaded."

"Curse the Lee family!" Gu Xuenian's eyes blazed with fury. "I won't let them off the hook that easily!"

Deep into the night.

Luo Feng had a dream.

He saw a woman in his dream, who callously dropped him to the ground, furiously berating him for his weakness.

"You carry his blood in your veins, yet why are you so repulsive? It's your weakness that has diverted that man's attention away from me."

"You've ruined my happiness, my love. You don't deserve to be my son, nor his. You should be dead!"

Luo Feng slowly opened his eyes, to his surprise, tears streamed down his face.

"Why am I so weak? If I weren't, would I not lack a mother's love, a father's love, or the warmth of family?" Luo Feng gazed out at the bleak moonlight and whispered to himself.

"The journey of the mighty is inevitably bristling with hardships, Third Young Master," a shadowy figure emerged on the balcony at that moment.

Luo Feng paid it no mind and questioned, "Am I the least talented of his descendants?"

"That's difficult to say," the shadow evaded, adding only, "But without a doubt, your siblings are formidable, particularly your eldest brother."

The shadowy figure's mind was haunted by the image of a young man. Seeing him for the first time was like seeing his own father.

After a prolonged silence, Luo Feng finally spoke, "Is it beneath your talents to follow me? Perhaps you should leave. I lack the hope you seek. I'm weak, and I simply desire to lead an ordinary life alongside my master and senior sisters."

"You must have faith in yourself, and deep down, you know this isn't the life you want," the shadow said, his voice tinged with earnest concern.

"You can't fool yourself either. You may appear indifferent to everything, but I've secretly watched you grow up. I understand you better than you think. In truth, you yearn to prove yourself to your mother."

"Prove what to her?" Luo Feng inquired.

"Prove that you're not worthless, that you can earn her maternal love."

"Shut up!" Luo Feng, his inner turmoil triggered, shouted in anger.

"What's wrong with Feng? Is he having another episode?" At that moment, Gu Xuenian, who was outside, heard Luo Feng's voice and quickly pushed the door open.

"Seventh Senior Sister?! You're still awake?" In an instant, Luo Feng reverted to his carefree, harmless, and simpleminded Junior Brother persona, showing no trace of his previous depth.

"With you in this state, how could I possibly sleep?" Gu Xuenian responded.

"I'm alright. Look, Seventh Senior Sister, I'm as strong as a dragon and fierce as a tiger," Luo Feng said nonchalantly, playing with his injured right arm.

To her astonishment, she realized she was indeed fine, feeling only a bit of pain. It was incredibly odd.

"Stop moving and rest. Second Senior Sister has already sought vengeance on the Lee family for you. Believe me, by tomorrow, the Lee family will vanish from Kluginia and pose no further threat to you," Gu Xuenian stated icily.


At the Lee family residence, Lee Tianchen's face went ashen as he received a phone call. He collapsed onto the sofa.

"Everyone is dead?" Lee Tianchen's face was covered in sweat, his expression one of sheer disbelief.

He had hired those assassins to target the Gu family, and now he couldn't fathom that they were all dead.

What on earth had happened?

"That kid's luck is unbelievably strong," Lee Tianchen muttered resentfully. "Had it not been for him, all my plans would have unfolded without a hitch."

He had initially plotted to use these hitmen to wipe out the Gu family.

But now, it seemed all his grand schemes had burst like soap bubbles.

He suspected it wouldn't be long before the Gu family caught wind of his ambitions and came knocking.

Abruptly, the doors burst open. Lee family bodyguards were sent flying in with screams.

Following close behind, several formidable figures from Kluginia strode in, their faces stormy.

"Lee Tianchen, you've got some nerve! How did I ever overlook your treacherous ambitions?"

Lee Tianchen shot to his feet, his eyes wide with shock at the four individuals before him, each a match for the Gu family in stature.

"Elders, what brings you here?" he asked, bewildered.

He couldn't fathom that the Gu family would have the clout to summon these titans to act against him, nor did it seem necessary for them to go to such lengths.

"You mess with my junior brother, what do you expect?" Murong Xiaoxiao entered coolly from outside, "You thankless cur. Time and again you've targeted my brother. Did you really think I'd stand idly by as mere decoration?"

"And you are?" Lee Tianchen gasped.

Could this stunning woman be the power player who had rallied the Kluginia heavyweights?

Murong Xiaoxiao gave a cold huff, "From Pheapolis, I am Murong Xiaoxiao of Herb Hall."

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