Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C15 The Danger Is Approaching
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C15 The Danger Is Approaching
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C15 The Danger Is Approaching

"What? You're Murong Xiaoxiao, and that kid is your junior brother?" Lee Tianchen's face drained of color as he stared at Murong Xiaoxiao in disbelief.

"Oh, you just figured that out? But it's far too late for regrets."

"I…" Lee Tianchen's mind was a complete blank.

Damn it, he could never have imagined that Luo Feng, this unassuming fellow, had such a formidable figure backing him.

Had he known Luo Feng was under the protection of Murong Xiaoxiao from Herb Hall in Pheapolis, he would never have dared to cross him.

But as Murong Xiaoxiao pointed out, regret was pointless now.

"Master Murong Xiaoxiao, the Lee family has brought shame upon Kluginia. We will provide a satisfactory resolution for the harm done to your junior brother," a resplendent elderly lady said with reverence.

"Lee Tianchen, to think you'd stoop so low as to conspire with assassins. You've lost face for all of Kluginia's entrepreneurs. The Lee family is finished here. Pack your bags and go."

"Fourth Brother, I... I was unaware. Had I known Luo Feng was Master Murong's junior brother, I..." Lee Tianchen's face was ashen as he desperately tried to turn things around.

"What good does it do to talk now? By daybreak, the Lee family will be expelled from the Kluginia Business Alliance. Brace yourself."

"This..." Overwhelmed, Lee Tianchen slumped to the ground, his gaze fixed on Murong Xiaoxiao, words failing him.

With a cold snort, Murong Xiaoxiao spared him one last glance before turning on her heel and exiting.

The others, seeing this, paid Lee Tianchen no mind and hurriedly followed her out.

Soon after, Lee Tianchen's phone was ringing off the hook with calls from his company's executives. The message was clear.

Every major partner of the Lee family was severing ties, blacklisting them permanently.

"It's done for, all of it," Lee Tianchen muttered, his hair having turned white as he looked utterly defeated.

"What have I done!" In a fit of rage, Lee Tianchen hurled his ringing phone to the ground and knelt, gasping for breath.

"Luo Feng, you wretch, you've ruined me. I swear, you'll pay for this with your blood!" Lee Tianchen bellowed darkly.

"Mr. Lee seems quite upset. That can't be good for your health," came a taunting voice from the doorway.

A dashing young man in a white suit sauntered in, his demeanor playful and irreverent.

A few bodyguards trailed behind him, their presence so menacing it was suffocating.

"You are..." Lee Tianchen caught sight of the young man, his expression one of utter disbelief.

What was this young man doing here?

Ignoring Lee Tianchen's astonished gaze, the young man made himself comfortable on the sofa, idly tapping the table with his forefinger as he spoke calmly, "I get where you're coming from. Aside from major families like the Gu family, the four big companies in Kluginia have established their own business networks. Essentially, the four bosses of these companies are your bread and butter."

"The four bosses have blacklisted your Lee family, and now you're facing bankruptcy," the young man said with a sardonic glance at Lee Tianchen. "Looking to get even?"

"You'd help me?" Lee Tianchen asked, incredulous. "Why?"

"That's not for you to worry about. Just know who your enemies are. The Gu family? Murong Xiaoxiao?" The young man chuckled.

A flicker of murderous intent passed through Lee Tianchen's eyes. "I couldn't care less about those two wretched women, but I... I want Luo Feng gone from this world for good."

"Suit yourself," the young man gestured to a burly bodyguard behind him.

The bodyguard tossed a USB drive in front of Lee Tianchen.

"What's this?" Lee Tianchen picked up the USB, puzzled.

"Inside, you'll find what you're after. Use it wisely, and you'll be able to do more than just kill Luo Feng. You might even..." The young man's cold laughter trailed off, "bring down Murong Xiaoxiao in Kluginia."


The following morning, Kluginia was abuzz with a sensational piece of news.

The Lee family had somehow crossed the four bosses of the major chambers of commerce and had been stricken from the list, plunging into bankruptcy overnight.

Meanwhile, at Gu's villa, Luo Feng was trying to get up for a run but found his path blocked by Murong Xiaoxiao and Gu Xuenian, his two Senior Sisters.

"You're staying put today. No leaving the house," Gu Xuenian instructed firmly.

"Feng, you haven't fully recovered yet. Seventh Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister are looking out for you. Please, listen to them," Murong Xiaoxiao coaxed, pressing a bowl of medicinal soup into Luo Feng's hands.

Luo Feng quickly downed his drink and then addressed his companions, "Second Senior Sister, Seventh Senior Sister, I'm truly alright now. If you don't let me exercise, I feel so restless."

"Forget about it. Do you even remember what happened yesterday?" Gu Xuenian began, about to remind Luo Feng of his loss of control, but Murong Xiaoxiao cut her off just in time.

"Just take it easy," Murong Xiaoxiao coaxed as she guided Luo Feng back to bed. "You need to rest for one more week, or I'll be upset, okay?"

With a resigned sigh, Luo Feng accepted his fate.

The week that followed was torturous. Luo Feng had always been active, but now his days were reduced to the bare essentials: eating, drinking, using the bathroom, and sleeping. His only diversion was the occasional chess game with Old Mr. Gu, who would effortlessly trounce him every time.

"How much longer can I endure this?" Luo Feng lamented, lying on the grass and cradling his head in agony.

"Feng, there you are," Murong Xiaoxiao called out, striding towards him with her long legs.

"Second Senior Sister, what's up? And why are you dressed to go out?" Luo Feng inquired, noticing Qing Tan trailing behind Murong Xiaoxiao.

"I've just received an urgent summons to meet someone. You need to stay put at Seventh Senior Sister's place, alright?" Murong Xiaoxiao instructed before swiftly departing.

Once in the car, Murong Xiaoxiao pulled out her phone, her face etched with concern. The screen displayed a photo of a strikingly beautiful woman with a sweet demeanor.

"Master Murong, can we trust this information?" Qing Tan asked from the driver's seat, his brow furrowed with seriousness.

"It's highly likely," Murong Xiaoxiao replied. "Make sure Feng and Gu Xuenian don't get wind of this. If they do, the fallout could be disastrous."

Staring at the photo of the sweet-looking woman on her phone, Murong Xiaoxiao sighed deeply, "I'm praying the intel I've gathered is wrong, that you're still out there. Because if not, Feng will be devastated."

That night, Luo Feng sat listlessly in front of his computer, endlessly muttering about his boredom.

Meanwhile, Gu Xuenian lounged on Luo Feng's bed, unconcerned with maintaining her goddess-like image. Dressed in a short skirt, her pale thighs exposed, she was engrossed in her phone.

"Seventh Senior Sister, it's the middle of the night. You should head back; there's no need to keep watch over me like this, is there?" Luo Feng turned and said with a hint of exasperation.

Gu Xuenian kept flicking through short videos, unfazed. "That's not going to happen. What if you sneak out while everyone's asleep?"

"I promise I won't. Please, just go back."

"Forget about it," Gu Xuenian stood, her silhouette showcasing her flawless curves, a sight that would stir any man's blood. She tapped the bed. "Tonight, you're in luck. Seventh Senior Sister is bunking with you."

"Isn't that a bit much?" Luo Feng stole a glance at Gu Xuenian's stunning figure, feeling a sudden dryness in his throat.

In the still of the night, alone together, sharing the same bed—it was a precarious situation.

Luo Feng couldn't trust himself not to be overwhelmed by primal urges.

"Did you just sneak a peek at Seventh Senior Sister?" Gu Xuenian caught Luo Feng blushing and teased him with a mischievous grin.

"No, I didn't," he replied, his voice betraying his guilt.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's natural for a young man like you to be curious," Gu Xuenian said as she stood and pressed her back against Luo Feng's. Her scent enveloped him, sending an electric charge through his body, tensing his muscles.

Then, in a sultry tone, she asked, "Do you like what you see?"

"I..." Luo Feng began, but was interrupted.

Suddenly, both their phones lit up. They each grabbed their devices, surprised to find messages from the same unknown number—a video.

"What's this about? You got it too?" Gu Xuenian's brows knitted together as she instinctively opened the video.

After just ten seconds...

The phone slipped from Gu Xuenian's grasp. Whatever she saw had left her visibly shaken, her hand clasping her mouth in horror, her complexion ghostly white.

"How... How can this be? Sixth Senior Sister is dead?"

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