Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C2 Do You Know What This Is?
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C2 Do You Know What This Is?
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C2 Do You Know What This Is?

"Feng?" Qin Qingfeng pointed incredulously at himself. The beauty's familiar call took him by complete surprise.

"Young Master Qin, you're incredible. How did you manage to connect with a bigwig like Gu Xuenian?" Qin Qingfeng's friends gawked at Gu Xuenian with wide eyes.

"How could I possibly have the chance to meet Gu Xuenian? You must be joking." Qin Qingfeng longed to be close to Gu Xuenian, but he knew he was out of his league.

"Move aside, Seventh Senior Sister was calling for me," Luo Feng interjected at that moment.

Gu Xuenian offered a slight smile and said, "Feng, you're always up to mischief. Have you gotten yourself into trouble again?"

With an embarrassed grin, Luo Feng tucked his shoes behind him, displaying an innocent smile.

"Seventh Senior Sister, is that really how you see me? I'm heartbroken. They were the ones bullying me."

Luo Feng's foot came down hard on Qin Qingfeng's hand, sending him writhing in agony on the ground.

To everyone's astonishment, he then cozied up in Gu Xuenian's arms.

The spectacle left everyone speechless.

"Can you try to behave? Please don't start causing trouble as soon as you get to Kluginia."

"Seventh Senior Sister, they were picking on that old man, and I nobly stepped in to save him!"

Gu Xuenian chuckled as she affectionately pinched Luo Feng's cheek, then turned a frosty gaze to Qin Qingfeng and his friends. "So it was you who were harassing the old man!"

Qin Qingfeng shuddered. He got to his feet, favoring one leg, and protested, "President Gu, he was the one who attacked me first!"

"That's a lie!" the old man exclaimed, agitated. "You nearly ran me over, and he came to my rescue. How can you lie like that without fearing divine retribution?"

"Old man, do you even know what you're saying?" Qin Qingfeng shot a cold glare at the elder, who shrank back, trembling.

"Feng, is that the truth?" Gu Xuenian inquired, looking down at Luo Feng nestled in her embrace.

With childlike sincerity, Luo Feng replied, "He was acting all cool, and I couldn't stand it, so I hit him. Seventh Senior Sister, was I wrong?"

Gu Xuenian's smile grew warmer as she spoke with indulgence, "No, you're a hero."

"President Gu, he confessed!" Qin Qingfeng exclaimed, pointing at Luo Feng.

"What do you expect me to do about it?" Gu Xuenian asked, her eyebrows arching, her voice dripping with authority.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't come here to waste my time reasoning with you lot. I'm Feng's protector, and if I catch you using your power to bully others again, it won't end as easily as this. Got it?"

Her dominance was unmistakable.

Qin Qingfeng and the rest bowed their heads, intimidated. They knew better than to challenge Gu Xuenian's clout in Kluginia.

Once Qin Qingfeng showed compliance, Gu Xuenian turned to Luo Feng, "Hungry? Come on, I'll treat you to something delicious."

As they drove off, a shadowy figure in the distance made a phone call.

"Boss, we've got a situation."

At the Dragonfish Hotel, a feast of exotic delicacies lay before Luo Feng, who dined alone.

The servers kept arriving with more dishes, astonished by his enormous appetite – they had never seen anyone eat so much.

"Take your time, there's no rush – the food's not going anywhere," Gu Xuenian said, a touch of exasperation in her voice as she gently wiped Luo Feng's mouth. She felt a pang of sympathy for his past deprivation of fine food, yet found his enthusiasm endearing.

"Seventh Senior Sister, back when I lived with Master, all I had were wild greens. Not a single piece of meat. This is heavenly. You're so good to me!" Luo Feng mumbled through a mouthful of steak.

Gu Xuenian rested her chin in her hand and gave a playful blink. "So, am I better to you than your other six Senior Sisters?"

Luo Feng paused, caught off guard. After a moment's thought, he offered a diplomatic response.

"You've all been good to me."

"You're quite the charmer," Gu Xuenian said, tugging at Luo Feng's ear, clearly not satisfied with his answer.

"Do your other six Senior Sisters know you've left the mountain?" she inquired.

"They're in the dark about it. Your place was the closest, so I came here first. Master suggested I spend some time living with you."

"If they knew, they'd have come from every corner of the country to find you, and I'd have missed my chance for some one-on-one time with you."

Gu Xuenian found it hard to imagine parting with the endearing Luo Feng. She was already scheming ways to keep him all to herself.

"Sir, this private room is taken. You can't just barge in!"

At that moment, a waiter's anxious voice echoed from outside the hotel entrance.

"Do you realize who he is? This hotel belongs to Young Master Lee. Scram!"

The doors burst open as a young man clad in a suit stormed in with an entourage, fury written all over his face.

His expression darkened when he caught sight of Gu Xuenian dabbing Luo Feng's mouth.

"Gu Xuenian, it's a good thing I had someone tail you. Otherwise, I'd be clueless about your infidelity. How could you do this to me?" Lee Haoran's eyes blazed with anger.

"Lee Haoran, who let you in?" Gu Xuenian asked, her tone cool as she continued to pour water and serve food to Luo Feng.

"You're my fiancée. Why wouldn't I come?"

"That was nothing but drunken babble from my grandfather. You seriously think you're in my league?"

Many men coveted Gu Xuenian's attention, yet she found none of them appealing.

"Do you think I can't make him vanish from Kluginia for good?" Lee Haoran fumed, pointing at Luo Feng, who was still enjoying his meal.

"You're planning to target Feng? And just how do you propose to do that?" Gu Xuenian retorted icily.

Lee Haoran was taken aback; he hadn't expected to utter such wild threats.

Despite his influence in Kluginia, Lee Haoran was no match for Gu Xuenian.

"You owe me an explanation," Lee Haoran insisted doggedly.

After finishing his meal, Luo Feng turned to Gu Xuenian and asked, "Seventh Senior Sister, is this guy another one of your admirers?"

With a smile, Gu Xuenian replied, "I'm attractive, poised, and most importantly, wealthy. You're the only one who sees me as just another person. Are you full? If so, let's get going. We shouldn't let anyone interrupt our time together."

"I've had my fill," Luo Feng declared, slapping his thigh and rising to leave.

"Hold it right there!" Lee Haoran grabbed Luo Feng, his voice laced with contempt. "Just who do you think you are? How dare you speak to me that way?"

"Lee Haoran, remove your filthy hands from my junior brother. I'm warning you, my patience has its limits."

Gu Xuenian's brow creased ever so slightly. It was evident that she was extremely displeased with Lee Haoran's behavior.

"Don't worry about it, Seventh Senior Sister," Luo Feng said with a reassuring smile before turning to face Lee Haoran. "Tell me, why wouldn't I dare to speak to you in this manner?"

"At the very least, I'm more qualified than you. Everything I possess now is beyond your reach."

One of Lee Haoran's underlings chimed in, "Our Young Master's father is the chairman of Lee's Group. And just who do you think you are?"

Luo Feng flashed a grin, extended his right hand, and provocatively asked, "You see this? What do you think it is?"

With a frosty tone, Lee Haoran responded, "What exactly is that?"

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