Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C3 He Was Extraordinary but He Did Not Know It!
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C3 He Was Extraordinary but He Did Not Know It!
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C3 He Was Extraordinary but He Did Not Know It!

Luo Feng delivered a heavy-handed slap across Lee Haoran's face.

Before the onlookers could even react, Luo Feng unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks on Lee Haoran.

Lee Haoran screamed in agony, yet the people around him were too stunned to respond.

"Feng, you'll only dirty your hands by hitting him. That's enough," Gu Xuenian said with a smile.

Lee Haoran wasn't the first to put on airs in front of Luo Feng and end up on the receiving end of a beating.

Years ago, many influential figures who visited their master were handed the same treatment by Luo Feng.

"Seventh Senior Sister, he dared to insult you. I'm going to pull out every single one of his teeth," Luo Feng said calmly, pulling back his fist.

Gu Xuenian cast a glance at the disheveled Lee Haoran and suggested, "Let's spare him for his grandfather's sake. We should head home; I'll introduce you to my grandpa. He'll be thrilled to know you've come."

With her words, the members of the Lee family quickly made themselves scarce, fearfully stepping aside. It was only after she and Luo Feng had left that they hurried to help Lee Haoran to his feet.

"Young Master Lee, are you okay?"

"You're all useless, get out of my sight!" Lee Haoran unleashed his fury on his subordinates, beating them until he was gasping for air.

"Gu Xuenian, you'll regret this. I'll see how you explain yourself to my family. I'll have that jerk begging for mercy on his knees!"

Lee Haoran spat out his threats to no one's concern.

However, Luo Feng, returning to retrieve his phone from the table, overheard Lee Haoran's words. A simple smile spread across his face.

Once again, Lee Haoran's cries of pain filled the room.

"Gu, surely you know why I'm here. Let's settle on a wedding date for our son Lee Haoran and your daughter," Lee Tianchen said to Gu Qingyun at the Gu family villa.

Gu Qingyun, Gu Xuenian's father, wore a look of discomfort.

Lee Tianchen, seated opposite Gu Qingyun, pressed on, "Brother Gu, if you're unable to make this decision, we can discuss it further once Old Mr. Gu has sobered up."

Gu Qingyun furrowed his brow and set his teacup down with a thud, responding earnestly, "Lee, times have changed. Love and choice in marriage are the norms now. Moreover, my daughter is quite headstrong. If she were to marry into the Lee family, I fear she would bring you nothing but trouble."

"My dad's had too much to drink; he won't sober up tonight. Let's just forget the things he said in his drunken state."

"Brother Gu, this is no laughing matter. Everyone's aware of the marriage alliance between our families. If word gets out, there'll be no end to the gossip."

Gu Qingyun sneered inwardly, "Don't you realize why they're all aware? It's likely your doing, stirring things up behind the scenes."

He held back from voicing his thoughts, instead feigning contemplation before speaking, "Brother Lee, I'll set the record straight with everyone. That way, the Lee family won't be implicated."

"Brother Gu, reconsider. Our families are esteemed in the business world; this concerns our future. Let Old Mr. Gu decide."

"There's no need for my grandfather to decide. Uncle Lee, I can give you a clear-cut response!"

Outside, Gu Xuenian, with a frosty demeanor, entered holding Luo Feng's hand.

Both Gu Qingyun and Lee Tianchen's faces registered surprise at the sight of Gu Xuenian with an unfamiliar young man.

"Dad, this whole engagement thing was just a rumor. We shouldn't waste our breath on it."

Gu Xuenian addressed the visibly upset Lee Tianchen firmly, "Uncle Lee, let's act as if none of this ever happened."

"How dare you speak to your Uncle Lee with such disrespect? He's your elder; mind your tone!" Gu Qingyun chided.

"Lee, my daughter has been indulged since childhood, and she's headstrong. If she's unwilling, I won't press the issue."

Lee Tianchen's anger caused him to slam the table, sending a teacup crashing to the floor. "Does the Gu family want to embarrass us?"

"I truly regret this situation," Gu Qingyun said, his face calm but his stance resolute.

The hall fell silent, the tension palpable.

"Chairman Lee, there's been an incident with the young master. Please, come quickly!" At that moment, a Lee family member burst in, crying.

"What's the matter? Stay calm," Lee Tianchen demanded.

Stuttering, the servant replied, "The hospital called. The young master's been assaulted; they're urging you to come at once."

Lee Tianchen sprang to his feet, his eyes wide with shock. "Who's responsible for this?" he demanded.

His face was ashen as he protested, "I have no idea."

Taking a deep breath, Lee Tianchen turned to Gu Qingyun and said, "Brother Gu, this issue affects the relationship between our two families. I have other matters to attend to today, but I hope we can have a thorough discussion on the day of the temple fair."

With those words, Lee Tianchen rose to his feet, cast a quick glance at the youth standing next to Gu Xuenian, and hurried out.

"Daughter, being so blunt can rub people the wrong way," Gu Qingyun said, eyeing Luo Feng intently. He wondered silently, "Could this be Luo Feng, the eighth disciple of the Old Madman mentioned in the letters?"

"Dad, some things don't require overthinking," Gu Xuenian replied cheerfully, pushing Luo Feng forward. "Dad, this is Luo Feng, my one and only junior brother. Handsome, isn't he?"

Gu Qingyun smiled and remarked, "Anyone taken as a disciple by the Old Madman must be exceptional."

"You flatter me, Uncle Gu," Luo Feng responded with a smile. "My master often calls me slow; any brilliance I have is simply a reflection of my master and senior sisters' glory."

Gu Qingyun was about to inquire further, but an exuberant Gu Xuenian cut in, "Grandfather probably won't be able to meet you today. Let's head to the room I've prepared for you and see if it meets your approval."

"It's been many years since I last saw Old Master Gu. If that's the case, I'll wait until he's awake to pay my respects," Luo Feng said.

Gu Xuenian then led Luo Feng to a room that had been meticulously prepared.

The room was spacious and beautifully decorated.

After taking a bath, Gu Xuenian, clad in loose pajamas that revealed her slender legs, sat on Luo Feng's bed.

"Feng, it's been so long since we've seen each other. How about we share the bed tonight and whisper secrets, just like old times?" she suggested.

Luo Feng stood up quickly, saying, "Seventh Senior Sister, we're adults now. It wouldn't be right for us to engage in a sexual relationship tonight."

At that, Gu Xuenian's brow furrowed, but she soon laughed, her cheeks flushing with color.

Gu Xuenian extended her hand, drawing Luo Feng into her arms, and whispered, "I'm willing to make love with you. How about we have a baby together?"

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