Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C5 Overly Weak will Only Help to Increase the Momentum of Others
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C5 Overly Weak will Only Help to Increase the Momentum of Others
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C5 Overly Weak will Only Help to Increase the Momentum of Others

A sharp crack pierced the air as Lee Haoran crashed into the chair, teeth flying from his mouth.

"My teeth!" Lee Haoran's shriek shattered the quiet of the room.

Everyone froze, the pain Lee Haoran must be feeling was palpable.

"He had the audacity to strike Lee Haoran's face with a shoe. Lee Haoran has never endured such an indignity. This is going to be quite the spectacle."

Elderly men of high standing in Kluginia watched Luo Feng, their gazes tinged with respect.

Lee Haoran's eyes darted to Lee Tianchen, who was furiously pounding the table and rising in a rage.

"Last time, your babbling was excused because of my Seventh Senior Sister. Today, you spout nonsense again! You're asking for death!"

Luo Feng, having said his piece, dismissed Lee Tianchen and charged at Lee Haoran, shoe in hand.

Witnessing this, Lee Haoran scrambled in terror, seeking refuge behind a man with dark skin and fierce eyes. Panicked, he pleaded, "Uncle Lee, save me!"

The man cast a sidelong glance at the brooding Lee Tianchen, then turned his attention to the composed Old Mr. Gu, quickly devising a strategy.

"Don't let the Gu family manipulate you. The Lee family is not to be trifled with. Apologize now, and I might just spare your life!" He stepped forward, and a chilling aura of murderous intent radiated from his eyes.

Luo Feng merely smiled, undeterred, and swung his shoe at Lee Haoran's face.

That was his response.

"You're digging your own grave!" The man's face contorted, veins popping as he launched a punch at Luo Feng.

With the Gu family intent on using Luo Feng to embarrass the Lee family, and he himself being a Lee, he held back no longer.

Yet he was oblivious to the significance behind the smiles of Old Mr. Gu and Gu Xuenian.

His punch, swift and deadly, targeted Luo Feng's chest.

But it was no match for the speed of Luo Feng's swinging shoe.

In an instant, darkness enveloped him as Luo Feng's shoe struck his face without mercy.

Thrown off balance, he was sent hurtling backward.

Though Luo Feng's move was not particularly harmful, it was a profound insult to the man.

"Dad, save me!" Lee Haoran hadn't imagined that even the Lee family's most trusted bodyguard couldn't halt Luo Feng. In utter despair, he called for help.

Gu Xuenian quickly intervened as Luo Feng made another beeline for Lee Haoran.

"Feng, let's not escalate this," she urged.

With a piercing gaze fixed on Lee Tianchen, she declared, "Uncle Lee, the Gu family has always been courteous. But we won't stand for slander. My junior brother has already given you a lesson. If there's a next time, we won't let it slide so easily."

"Gu Xuenian!" Lee Haoran, clutching his swollen cheek, attempted to retort, but the previously silent Lee Tianchen cut in.

His voice was devoid of emotion, yet chillingly stern.

"Aren't you embarrassed? Be quiet, you disgrace!"

"Grandfather, they're humiliating me, tarnishing the Lee family's reputation! Are we just going to stand by?" Lee Haoran protested.

Lee Tianchen remained stoic, his eyes shifting from Luo Feng to Old Mr. Gu. Surprisingly, he bowed slightly, saying coolly, "If my son is at fault, I offer an apology on his behalf, hoping it doesn't damage the goodwill between our families."

Old Mr. Gu, eyes narrowed, regarded Lee Tianchen with a touch of respect.

The people of Kluginia lauded Lee Tianchen for his wisdom and adaptability at such a young age. He truly was exceptional.

"Young people squabbling is normal; there's no need for formalities," Old Mr. Gu said, turning to Luo Feng with a nod of approval. "Since the misunderstanding is cleared up, let's not add to the commotion. We're heading home."

"Grandfather, Luo Feng has embarrassed the Lee family in front of many acquaintances. Given Lee Tianchen's reputation for holding grudges, this might not be over so easily," Gu Qingyun voiced his concern on their way home.

For Luo Feng to strike a member of the Lee family at such a formal event was beyond Gu Qingyun's comprehension, a man of strict adherence to tradition.

He had acted rashly.

Yet, Old Mr. Gu remained composed.

"Do you really think your methods are effective against such scoundrels?" Old Mr. Gu challenged.

Gu Qingyun fell silent.

Old Mr. Gu chuckled as he stroked his beard. "Luo Feng knows well that brute force is the only language they understand. You're a father now; can't you see that being too soft only emboldens others?"

Gu Qingyun was taken aback, realizing the truth in Old Mr. Gu's words. Had he not been overly lenient with Lee Tianchen, would Lee have dared to spread those rumors?

Meanwhile, in the hospital.

"Dad, look at my face, my teeth. I was humiliated in front of so many today, and you did nothing. You let the Gu family and him walk away. How am I supposed to face the future?"

"You act without thinking, and that's a problem," Lee Tianchen said, sipping his tea with a frosty demeanor. "I've told you time and again, you need to be composed. You think you're pressuring him, but you're actually causing Old Mr. Gu to lose face."

"The Lee family's martial prowess is no match for the Gu's. I've heard Old Mr. Gu was once a martial arts master. It's a good thing he didn't intervene. If he had, losing teeth would be the least of your worries."

"Dad, what's our next move? Do we just sit back and take this?"

"Patience is key," his father replied. "Remember the plan I mentioned a few years back?"

Lee Haoran's eyes lit up. "Dad, are you suggesting...?"

"Keep it under wraps. The Lee family is still new to Phoenix City; we need a solid footing before we act."

"Got it," Lee Haoran said, grinning as he massaged his father's shoulders. "When the time comes, Gu Xuenian and his lot will pay dearly."

Gu Qingyun's brow furrowed as he warned Luo Feng, "Lee Tianchen is not one to forgive and forget; he won't let this slide. Better stay indoors for a while."

During the Gu family's dinner.

Gu Qingyun rejoined the table, his face clouded with concern, after hanging up the phone.

"Uncle Gu, my master always said the best way to handle the lowly is to stoop lower than them. Normal tactics just don't work on that sort of person."

Gu Qingyun glanced awkwardly at Old Mr. Gu, who was chuckling beside him, and quickly made up an excuse to leave.

Gu Xuenian, aware that her father was displeased with Luo Feng's behavior at the event, whispered, "Feng, it's just the way my dad is. Don't take it to heart."

Luo Feng responded with a smile, "Is Uncle Gu upset?"

"Just act as if nothing happened."

With another smile, Luo Feng said, "I'm off to shower." He then gave Old Mr. Gu a respectful bow before heading back to his room.

As Luo Feng exited, Old Mr. Gu took a contemplative sip from his wine cup and murmured, "I appreciate his character. He's a spitting image of your master in his younger days."

"Lee Tianchen is quite the schemer, but today he met his match in the even craftier Luo Feng."

"Grandpa, Feng is straightforward and honest. You're reading too much into it," Gu Xuenian replied, clearly not pleased with her grandfather's assessment of Luo Feng.

Old Mr. Gu chuckled with a knowing look, "You've probably never really understood your junior brother."

Once back in his room, Luo Feng showered and changed into fresh clothes. He then sat down cross-legged to commence his routine cultivation practice.

His gaze was piercingly sharp at that moment.

Suddenly, a chill wind stirred the balcony curtains. A dark silhouette appeared, surveying Luo Feng in the moonlight.

Luo Feng's eyes opened slowly, and he turned his gaze toward the balcony.

"Have you really been following me for over a decade? Don't you ever get tired?"

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