Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C6 The True Expert
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C6 The True Expert
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C6 The True Expert

Luo Feng's eyes fluttered open, his gaze settling naturally on the balcony as he let out a sigh.

"You've shadowed me for over a decade. Don't you ever get tired?" he asked.

The room was shrouded in darkness, matching the balcony and the star-studded sky above.

In this moment, Luo Feng's expression was unusually somber, a stark contrast to the typical demeanor of someone his age. His once innocuous face now bore a shadow of darkness, his eyes, like warm obsidian, simmering with a rage long suppressed. It was a fury that should have been unleashed in his youth.

The black shadow on the balcony, sensing Luo Feng's murderous intent, twisted its mouth into an eerie smile.

"Young Master, my duty is to protect you, and I take that responsibility seriously," it said.

"Yet, since descending the mountain, I've yet to see you lift a finger on my behalf."

Luo Feng had been stirring up trouble intentionally ever since he'd come down from the mountain. He had thrown himself into danger to save someone on the street, fought for his Seventh Senior Sister at the Dragonfish Hotel, and today, he had openly challenged the Lee family in front of Kluginia's onlookers. He was testing to see if this figure would intervene.

But his expectations were met with disappointment.

"Those nobodies aren't worth your concern, Young Master. With your current prowess, my intervention is unnecessary," the shadow explained. "Besides, my identity is unique, and I cannot reveal myself in Ecraria without due cause. You understand, don't you?"

The room fell into a heavy silence.

Of course, Luo Feng understood. The man was likely a trusted agent of his "mother," with formidable strength to match.

"So, what's it going to be? Are you considering going home now? Your mother is eager to see you," the shadow ventured.

"I was branded a failure and left for Ecraria to escape that label. Return home? Does someone like me even deserve to be associated with such 'nobility'?"

Before he could continue, a knock at the door interrupted him, and Gu Xuenian burst into the room.

In an instant, the shadow vanished with the wind, and Luo Feng reverted to his benign facade.

"Seventh Senior Sister, you could at least check if I'm decent. What if I were undressed?"

Gu Xuenian, clad in a snow-white nightgown, had yet to dry her raven-black hair, which clung to her delicate face.

Hands on her hips, she seemed oblivious to the fact that they were both adults as she casually stretched out beside Luo Feng. Her long, 1.75-meter legs, the envy of countless Kluginia men, idly kicked at the air.

"What's there to be scared of? We used to bathe together as kids," she teased.

Luo Feng nearly choked on his own saliva, exasperated. "Seventh Senior Sister, we were just kids then. We've got to be more careful now. What if people start talking? Don't you ever want to get married?"

A mischievous glint in her eye, Gu Xuenian propped her cheek in her hand, her nightgown accentuating the curves of her mature figure for Luo Feng to see.

"Truthfully, I'd rather not waste myself on those unworthy men out there. I mean, who to marry if not...?" Her cheeks flushed, she bit her lip softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "How about we just be together?"

"There you go again, Seventh Senior Sister," Luo Feng sighed, at a loss for words.

He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed just how... forward his Seventh Senior Sister could be during their time on the mountain.

Gu Xuenian pouted. "So you really don't like me, huh? Fine, if you don't like me, you don't like me. I don't need your affection. But let me warn you, Feng," she said with a stern look, sitting up straight. "If I ever find out you're messing around with any of the other six Senior Sisters, I'll make sure you regret it."

"Trust me, that's not going to happen," Luo Feng replied, genuinely frightened for the first time as he instinctively guarded himself.

"Good. I'll leave you be then. I'm heading to the company tomorrow. Want to come with me and learn a thing or two?" she offered.

"I'd like that. As long as I can learn from you, Seventh Senior Sister. After all... I'm pretty clueless," Luo Feng admitted, his tone self-deprecating.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of you for life. You can take your time learning," she reassured him. In a swift, unexpected move, Gu Xuenian planted a quick kiss on Luo Feng's cheek and hurriedly exited the room.

The room plunged into darkness once more, and the voice of the shadowy figure took on a teasing lilt.

"Young Master, your romantic fortunes run deep. For years, you've had the company of seven enchanting ladies."

"Could you do me a favor?" Luo Feng, seeking to change the subject, brought up a different matter.

"Assisting the third young master is my duty. What do you need?"

"You're familiar with the Lee family, aren't you?" A glint of iciness flickered in Luo Feng's eyes.


The following morning, Luo Feng rose early, shared breakfast with Gu Xuenian, and then accompanied her to the company she managed.

The Gu Corporation—a massive conglomerate worth billions.

Unquestionably, Gu Xuenian's savvy business acumen and stature held unassailable authority throughout the entire corporation.

As Gu Xuenian strode into the lobby, her long, pale legs moving gracefully, the assembled employees bowed, hailing her arrival with a respectful "President Gu!"

Gu Xuenian acknowledged them with a slight nod, her hand entwined with Luo Feng's, oblivious to the astonished stares of her staff.

"Who's that? President Gu is holding his hand?" someone whispered in surprise.

"Don't you know? That's the guy who took a swing at Lee Haoran from the Lee family in front of Kluginia's high rollers just yesterday."

"That kid's got a death wish, messing with Lee Tianchen's son. Everyone knows Lee Tianchen's past; his hands are stained with blood, even when eating steamed buns."

"Lucky for him, he's in with President Gu now. I bet the Lee family won't touch him!" another remarked with a hint of envy.

Indeed, Luo Feng's presence had a ripple effect throughout the vast Gu Corporation, sparking discussions that lasted well into the afternoon.

Wherever Luo Feng went, he drew the gaze of many. Even the executives of the Story Corporation lowered their heads in deference upon seeing him, leading to the awkward situation of Luo Feng being followed even to the restroom.

Thus, after a quick word to Gu Xuenian at lunch, Luo Feng made his escape from the Gu Corporation.

He found a humble wonton shop by the roadside. Luo Feng, ever insatiable, ordered three heaping bowls and began to savor the peace of the moment.

But as he was about to dive into his second bowl, a man with a gaunt face and sharp eyes, dressed in tattered clothes that spoke of hard times, took a seat opposite him, eyeing Luo Feng's third bowl of wontons with unabashed longing.

"Want something to eat?" Luo Feng inquired.

The man licked his chapped lips and replied, "Buddy, I don't take handouts. Give me a bowl of Chaos, and I'll gift you something in return."

"What kind of gift?" Luo Feng scrutinized the man, who appeared even more down-and-out than himself.

The man was also assessing Luo Feng and made a surprising remark, "Brother, you must practice martial arts, right?"

"Your fingers are well-defined, your breath is deep and strong, and there's a sharp yet restrained look in your eyes. You've hit a plateau, haven't you?" he said astutely.

Luo Feng was taken aback and gave the man a second look.

He remembered his master's words about the true masters being those who could blend into society without revealing their identity—hidden in the mountains, hidden in the city, as the sages of the ancient Ecrarian land would say.

"Could this man be an even greater master than my own teacher?"

The man offered a knowing smile, seemingly aware of Luo Feng's skepticism, and pulled out several unparalleled martial arts tomes from his grey cloth bag.

"These volumes of unparalleled martial arts, traditionally not passed to women, are treasures beyond value. Today, I'm cutting you a deal. For a bowl of Chaos, you can choose one. What do you say?"

Luo Feng was speechless, his eyes wide with amazement as he gazed at the extraordinary martial arts manuals before him.

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