Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C7 Stupid Brat
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C7 Stupid Brat
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C7 Stupid Brat

Seeing the young man's jaw drop as if he could swallow an egg whole, the man cracked a smile and teased, "Impressed, huh? So, are we making the trade?"

Luo Feng, who had lived his life deep in the mountains, had never come across these ancient-looking secret manuals before. Yet, he instantly recognized the formidable martial arts techniques they described: the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms, the Godly Palm of Tathagata, and even the Sunflower Treasure Bible.

"Trade? Absolutely!" Luo Feng eagerly slid the third bowl of Chaos soup toward the man.

Ravenous, the man seized the chopsticks and spoon, attacking the meal with a ferocity that rivaled Luo Feng's own. In under a minute, the bowl was empty.

Luo Feng, however, was still fixated on the seven ultimate techniques, his expression one of puzzlement.

The man noticed and prompted, "Choose one, which will it be?"

After a moment's thought, Luo Feng replied, "The Sunflower Treasure Bible sounds intriguing." He accepted the manual with a nod.

The man stood up nonchalantly. "Then dedicate yourself to it and don't disappoint me. Aim to surpass Invincible East someday. I'm off."

But as the man rose to leave, a group of people burst from several cars in the distance. A menacing, bald brute wielding a baseball bat pointed it at the man and bellowed, "You scam artist, I've finally caught up with you!"

The man's brow furrowed, and as he turned to face the new threat, the bald man and his cronies encircled him, their hostility palpable.

The bald man tossed a book at the man's feet and sneered, "You've got some nerve, trying to con me."

"Brother, how can you accuse me of deception if you're the one failing to learn? Is it my fault if you can't take a dump and blame the Earth for lacking gravity?" the man retorted, pushing a bewildered Luo Feng to the forefront.

The bald man huffed, his glare settling on Luo Feng. "Are you in on this too?"

"I..." Luo Feng began, but the man cut in.

"You lack the talent and can't learn properly. My disciple here is a one-in-ten-thousand prodigy. I suggest you leave now, or you'll soon lose the opportunity."

"Hey, you still trying to pull one over on us?" The bald man was seething with rage, swinging his baseball bat haphazardly at the man's head.

"Disciple, save me! I'm injured and can't intervene!" The man cried out in alarm, his fear prompting him to shut his eyes tight.

Luo Feng's brow furrowed. In the instant the bat descended, he sprang into action.

His right foot shot out like a bolt of lightning, and with a thunderous kick, the bald man was sent hurtling through the air.

A hush fell over the scene, a profound silence. Luo Feng's actions were so swift, the onlookers were left without time to react.

The man hadn't been wrong; the youth was a master, far from an average one.

"Damn it, what are you all doing? Attack him, now!" The bald man, writhing in agony on the ground, bellowed.

That snapped the others to attention. They brandished their makeshift weapons and lunged at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng let out a derisive chuckle and shook his head. Twisting his body, he leaped into the fray, his fists making punishing contact with flesh.

These were just ordinary folks, strong at best, no match for Luo Feng.

In under a minute, more than a dozen were sporting bruises and cuts, wailing on the ground.

"Let's get out of here," the man said, elated, tugging Luo Feng along as they made a swift exit from the restaurant.

Luo Feng ran without direction, only stopping when the man could no longer keep pace.

Panting heavily, the man gestured, "No... no need to run. We're safe for the moment."

"Master, why didn't you fight back earlier?" Luo Feng asked, confused.

"Uh..." The man took a moment to reflect, "If I strike, it's either kill or be killed, so I've vowed never to act rashly."

"Master truly is a master, as unassuming as my own teacher. Unlike me, who only knows some basic martial arts, I am far too weak," Luo Feng said with a wistful, self-deprecating smile.

Weak? He had just taken down over a dozen men in less than a minute. Any ordinary person would have been on their way to the hospital by now.

But the man just laughed.

"This kid seems a bit naive, might be fun to keep him around a bit longer."

After pondering for a few seconds, the man came to a decision.

"Alright, since you've managed to discern my true skill, I won't keep it under wraps any longer. Truth is... I'm a master. I'm so unbeatable that I've been keeping a low profile in the martial arts world."

Luo Feng was ecstatic, pleased with his keen perception, and quickly asked, "Then, could you personally teach me the Sunflower Treasure Bible?"

"Considering you've helped me out, I might think about it, but..."

"But what?"

"It's going to cost extra!"

"I can cover it!" Luo Feng eagerly handed over the bank card Gu Xuenian had given him to the man, unaware of the balance.

A sharp glint flickered in the man's eye before he casually slipped the bank card into his pocket.

"Can you start teaching me now? I'm eager to learn," Luo Feng pressed, unable to wait.

Back on the mountain, his master constantly berated him for his lack of talent, saying that Luo Feng was like mud that couldn't be propped up into a wall. His master's seven superior martial arts weren't meant for just anyone to master.

How could he possibly succeed? If he had learned any ordinary martial arts, he might at least have the skills to protect himself.

But his master insisted on having Luo Feng learn the seven superior martial arts.

To this day, Luo Feng hadn't mastered any of them; he was a novice in all respects.

But now things were different. With a true expert offering to teach him a different technique, this was a golden opportunity.

Little did Luo Feng realize that the Sunflower Treasure Bible he held was not a martial arts manual at all, but rather a cheap novel sold on the street – three for ten yuan with one thrown in for free.

The man hadn't anticipated the boy's innocent simplicity, finding him so easy to deceive that it almost threw him off.

With an awkward cough, he said, "No need to rush. Before I teach you, I need to assess your character. I have a test in mind, understand?"

Luo Feng was thrilled, nodding eagerly, "That's the mark of a true master. Very well, I'll follow your lead."

Just then, Luo Feng's phone rang. It was Gu Xuenian.

"Feng, your Seventh Senior Sister is finishing up work and heading back."

"Got it, Senior Sister," Luo Feng responded. He had thought about introducing the man to his Seventh Senior Sister.

But realizing the man's preference for discretion, likely not wanting to expose his abilities, Luo Feng decided against it.

"Master, could you give me your contact information? I'd like to be able to reach out to you," Luo Feng requested earnestly.

The man nodded and handed over his contact details to Luo Feng, who then left, contented.

As Luo Feng walked away, the man's lips quirked into a smile. It had been quite some time since he'd encountered someone so intriguing.

To meet a wealthy simpleton was fortunate enough, but to meet one who was exceptionally skilled in martial arts without realizing it was like having Lady Luck herself, dressed in leggings and a skirt, perched atop your head.

Meanwhile, in a Porsche parked at a distance, both the driver and his companion were at a loss for words.

Lee Haoran, both frustrated and bemused, exclaimed, "Damn it, can't this guy see he's dealing with a charlatan?"

The more he dwelled on it, the more incensed he became. Clenching his teeth, Lee Haoran fumed, "I can't believe I was bested by such a fool. I can't let this go."

The man in the passenger seat responded coolly, "Rest assured, Young Master. Now that I'm here today, I guarantee I'll alleviate your concerns."

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Don't let me down."

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