Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C8 There Were Still People Who Wanted to Get out of This Place
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Ordinary Taoist: My Invincible Sisters/C8 There Were Still People Who Wanted to Get out of This Place
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C8 There Were Still People Who Wanted to Get out of This Place

Luo Feng had just arrived back at the Gu Corporation's parking lot when he found Gu Xuenian already waiting for him in the car.

"Feng, you seem really cheerful today," Gu Xuenian observed as they drove off, catching Luo Feng grinning at his phone screen. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"Oh, it's nothing much. I met an interesting friend while I was out for a walk."

"That's good to hear. It's great that you're making friends already, but just be careful not to get mixed up with the wrong crowd. You're too trusting and don't really know the ways of the world..."

"Seventh Senior Sister!" Luo Feng cut her off abruptly.

"What's the matter? You're suddenly so serious."

"Have you noticed that those cars have been tailing us for a while now?" Luo Feng glanced back to see several vans creeping up behind them. His years of living in the wilderness, relying on hunting for sustenance, had honed his observational skills to near perfection. He had spotted the vehicles following them since they left the second ring road.

Gu Xuenian checked the rear-view mirror. "Really? It's rush hour; it's pretty normal for traffic to be heavy. Feng, are you sure you're not just being paranoid?"

"Perhaps," Luo Feng said, his brow furrowing slightly as he let the subject drop.

"Seventh Senior Sister, this isn't the way home, is it?" It was only then that Luo Feng noticed something off about the route they were taking.

Gu Xuenian replied nonchalantly, "Who said we were going home?"

"Then where are we headed?"

"We're going to get you some new clothes. Look at what you're wearing—it's practically falling apart. And that short-sleeved shirt from yesterday? It was so small on you. What have you been eating to shoot up so much these past few years?"

Luo Feng gave a wry smile and glanced down at himself. He had indeed grown significantly in the last couple of years, from just over 1.6 meters to well over 1.8 meters now.

Before long, they arrived at Kluginia's bustling commercial street and found a spot to park.

Gu Xuenian stepped out of the car, her simple yet elegant women's suit doing little to mask her icy demeanor. As she emerged from the luxury vehicle, she drew the heated gazes of many onlookers. Yet, not a single person dared to meet her eye, so overpowering was her presence, which seemed to create an invisible barrier around her.

Upon reaching the men's section on the third floor, Gu Xuenian gave Luo Feng a firsthand demonstration of capitalist shopping at its finest.

Without so much as a glance at the brand names, Xuenian pointed at the clothes before her and went on a buying spree. The sales assistant's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he feverishly punched numbers into the calculator, which seemed on the verge of smoking from the rapid-fire transactions.

"Jackpot, jackpot, I've hit the jackpot," the assistant muttered in disbelief. "Who knew that on my first day, I'd run into a big spender?" He shot a grateful look at the striking young man behind him and sighed wistfully. "Rich women sure have it good. If I were wealthy, I'd definitely keep a pretty boy like him."

Luo Feng, too, was inwardly sighing. He had never felt a gap between himself and his senior sisters in his younger days, but now, the disparity was glaringly obvious. Both talent and wealth were overwhelmingly against him.

After a few more steps, Luo Feng couldn't go on. Spotting a stool was like glimpsing paradise; he made a beeline for it and sat down with relief.

"Feng, aren't you coming to help me choose?" Xuenian asked, her tone laced with dissatisfaction.

"Seventh Senior Sister, you call this choosing? I'm wiped out. You go ahead and pick," Luo Feng replied, his face etched with exasperation.

He never knew the weight of his Seventh Senior Sister's affection until now.

"Young Master," a voice whispered from behind a clothing rack, breaking into Luo Feng's rest.

Luo Feng, who had been listlessly cradling his face, snapped to attention at the sound of the familiar voice. His expression chilled instantly, as if he had transformed into someone else entirely.

"How did it go? Did you look into the Lee family for me?"

"Not difficult at all. I've done some digging into the Lee family. You'll find all the answers you're looking for in here."

A file dropped onto the stool next to Luo Feng. With no one else in sight, he quickly skimmed through it and a smile crept across his face.

"The Lee family has ambitions, huh? That's quite intriguing."

"Young Master, there's something else you should know. From the start, there have been a few rats from overseas tailing you. You've noticed them, haven't you?"

Luo Feng tucked the file away and responded coolly, "I'm aware. Likely the Lee family's doing, paying them to follow me. That's precisely why I had you sniff out the Lee family's vulnerabilities."

"Really, there's no need for such hassle. With just one word from you, Young Master, by sunrise tomorrow, the entire Lee family will vanish from your sight. How does that sound?"

"Cut it out. What do you think this is, and who do you take me for?" Luo Feng tapped the document and spoke with a detached tone, "Don't concern yourself with what happens next. I'll handle it. Besides, I'm curious to experience what it's like to take a life."

He then asked, "If the Ecrarian officials find out they've been killed, will there be any issues?"

"It's an illegal invasion. The Ecrarian government won't intervene."

"Alright, let's use them for a test run, get a feel for it."

With that, Luo Feng rose to his feet. Gu Xuenian's figure was nowhere to be seen, just as he had hoped. Without betraying any emotion, he departed from the third floor, strolled confidently out of the mall, and headed towards a less populated area.

Sure enough, several men in black approached.

"The kid's out, and Gu Xuenian isn't with him. This is our chance," one of them said, barely containing his excitement.

On the phone, Lee Haoran's voice was charged with excitement, "Keep it down, and don't kill him. I want him alive, kneeling before me. Got it?"

After the call, the men in black exchanged glances, sensing the complexity of their task. They were accustomed to killing, not sparing lives.

Their gazes shifted to the crew-cut man leading them.

"Two stay outside on standby, ready to back us up. The rest, come with me," the crew-cut man instructed, crushing his cigarette underfoot before silently following the others.

They quickened their pace into the building, only to halt abruptly at the elevator doors.

Inside, they found Luo Feng standing calmly, his gaze fixed on them.

"Coming in or not?" Luo Feng challenged, arching an eyebrow.

The men in black hesitated. Without a word, the crew-cut man entered the elevator and positioned himself behind Luo Feng, the others following suit.

As the elevator crept upwards, a deep, droning hum filled the car, oppressively eerie. Luo Feng slipped his phone into his pocket and, without looking back, spoke with an even tone, "We're nearing the tenth floor. The doors will open soon. Anyone want to get off?"

The buzz-cut man narrowed his eyes and scoffed, "You know what we do?"

"Do I need to spell it out? Wearing black suits in this heat? Either you don't mind sweating, or you want everyone to know you're hitmen." Luo Feng slowly turned, hands outstretched, and continued, "Time's running out. I've given you a chance. Make your decision quickly."

"Hmph, kid, you're aware of our blood-stained trade and still you spout such bold words. You've got guts. Attack!" The buzz-cut man tilted his head back, laughing scornfully as he stepped back.

Instantly, the two men in black drew their daggers and charged at Luo Feng with lightning speed and practiced precision.

"It's your own doing, don't blame me," Luo Feng said as his figure dropped, suddenly appearing before the two assailants. His palms snapped out, seizing their wrists with pinpoint accuracy.

"He's so fast... this kid, he..."

Startled, the men barely had time to process before Luo Feng yanked down on their wrists, dislocating their shoulders.

The daggers clattered to the ground, and Luo Feng, seizing the moment, caught them and lunged at the retreating men in black.

Before their feet could touch down, they felt a searing pain in their necks. Blood gushed from their throats. Turning back, they saw Luo Feng standing calmly before the buzz-cut man, exuding a confidence that made looking back unnecessary.

As the bodies twitched and fell, the buzz-cut man's casual demeanor shifted to one of tension, his muscles coiling in readiness.

A bead of sweat slid down his forehead, and as it hit the floor, he sprang into action, his right fist barreling towards Luo Feng.

Luo Feng let out a cold laugh, his movements quickening as he effortlessly drove his blade through the buzz-cut man's arm, pinning him mercilessly against the metal wall. Before the man could even process what had happened, Luo Feng was upon him, one hand clamping over his mouth, while the other dagger plunged unhesitatingly into his heart.

"Lee Haoran sent you, didn't he?" Luo Feng said coolly.

It seemed like such a harebrained scheme could only be concocted by a second-generation rich kid.

The buzz-cut man's pupils shrank in terror, feeling his life ebbing away rapidly, yet death did not come at once. This was the true agony.

"Yes, he's close by, waiting to take you to him," the man managed to say through spasms.

Luo Feng nodded. "I appreciate your honesty. Any last words before you go?"

"Please... just make it quick."

As the elevator doors slid open, Luo Feng stepped out, his demeanor unchanged, his clothing miraculously free of any bloodstains.

"To kill for the first time and remain so composed, you truly are his descendant," remarked the ever-present enigmatic figure from the shadows, clearly impressed.

Luo Feng himself was taken aback by his own serenity. Was it really the innate, bloodthirsty trait from that man in his genes that steadied him?

"Leave the bodies for your people to handle," Luo Feng instructed, sparing a glance at the three corpses left in the elevator. "Oh, and one more thing. The Lee family scion is nearby. Let's not keep him waiting too long."

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