Origin Of All Energies/C16 Heaven Climbing Stairway Heaven Gate
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Origin Of All Energies/C16 Heaven Climbing Stairway Heaven Gate
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C16 Heaven Climbing Stairway Heaven Gate

"That might just be a fluke in the Theory Examination. As for his actual strength..." The speaker shook his head dismissively, "He's only at Qi Refining Level One, and his Genuine Qi hasn't even circulated throughout his entire body. Hardly worth mentioning."

Yuh Hao had seen it before—many who excelled in the Theory Examination but lacked substantial strength.

After all, he had been in the same boat. During his first Inner Sect Assessment, he breezed through the Theory Examination, finishing third. Yet, he nearly failed the subsequent assessment, and the third was a disaster.

Even if someone has exceptional talent and promising prospects, Yuh Hao didn't consider them a serious competitor at the moment.

With this assessment behind him, his entry into the Inner Sect was guaranteed, while the other might languish in the Outer Sect for another year or two.

"Let's move on. Once the Theory Examination results are out, we'll check out the Entry Assessment."

The group, a dozen strong, made their way toward the Entry Assessment.

Wang Yue's curiosity was piqued. He only remembered his own Entry Assessment and hadn't witnessed the biannual events since.

"After this Inner Sect Assessment, I'll be an Inner Sect Disciple. It'll be challenging to observe the Entry Assessment as an outsider then. Might as well take the opportunity now."

With that thought, Wang Yue joined the procession.

The plaza was a sea of people—tens of thousands—ranging from impoverished children in tattered clothes to wealthy heirs and heiresses in fine garments.

As Yuh Hao and the other Outer Sect Disciples approached, the crowd parted respectfully. Even the officials managing the sect's affairs greeted them warmly, aware that among them could be the next True Inheritance Disciple.

These officials, though higher in rank than an Inner Sect Disciple, held less prestige than those in the Inner Sect Law Enforcement Hall.

Their cultivation capped at the Fiend Congealing Stage, they had no further prospects for advancement. Yet, due to their personal capabilities, they were tasked with overseeing the sect's external businesses, wielding considerable control over its resources.

These resources couldn't be transformed into personal strength, so for them, networking with the sect's emerging talents was the optimal strategy. By investing in a True Inheritance Disciple, they essentially gained a pillar of support within the sect, which could prove invaluable in the future. While the status of an Outer Sect Disciple remained unchangeable, having a powerful ally allowed them to solidify their standing, command greater resources, and operate with increased confidence both internally and externally.

In contrast, Outer Sect Disciples without such connections would hesitate to utilize the resources at their disposal. The Law Enforcement Hall's jurisdiction extended beyond the sect's boundaries, with an external branch overseeing activities outside the sect. Misappropriating sect resources was no minor offense.

Why then could a True Inheritance Disciple do so? The answer lies in the Sect Rules, which allow Outer Sect Disciples to manage a portion of resources independently. By allocating 70% to a True Inheritance Disciple and keeping the remaining 30% for themselves, they could reap substantial rewards. True Inheritance Disciples typically wouldn't fuss over the 30%, and the sect historically hadn't imposed strict oversight on them, thus enabling the retention of some resources. However, if these were allocated to an Inner Sect Disciple, every transaction would be meticulously documented by the Outer Law Enforcement Hall Disciple.

The biannual Inner Sect Assessment is a crucial time for those in charge to demonstrate their commitment. For those still in the Outer Sect, there's no need to concern themselves with these officials. But upon passing the assessment and becoming an Inner Sect Disciple, they may find themselves approached by these very individuals.

As for the well-known prodigies, they've already established connections with the sect's officials. Take Yuh Hao, for instance, who is currently engaged in a lively discussion with an official, confidently sharing his insights. Others have taken note of Wang Yue as well, but his age is a consideration; despite having been in the sect for only two years, he started later than most and is already seventeen, a year older than Yuh Hao.

The envoys dispatched by the sect all had keen eyes. They could easily discern Wang Yue's age and even realized that this was his first time participating in the Inner Sect Assessment.

Despite suspecting that Wang Yue might have joined the sect later in life, they weren't inclined to waste their time and energy on him. Only if Wang Yue demonstrated exceptional performance during the assessment would they consider forging a beneficial relationship with him.

Wang Yue was oblivious to these dynamics. He was unaware of the rapport between Yuh Hao and the officials, as well as the interactions between other Outer Sect Disciples who mingled and joked with the officials in the square.

"Why? Can't figure out why some Outer Sect Disciples receive the officials' favor while you don't?"

Suddenly, a senior brother clad in blue approached Wang Yue, offering a friendly smile.

"I'm Ho Luan. Pleased to meet you."

"Wang Yue, an Outer Sect Disciple from Copper Willow Peak." Wang Yue regarded the senior brother, who appeared a bit older, with curiosity. "What do you mean by these people gaining the officials' favor?"

Ho Luan broke down the dealings between the officials and the True Inheritance Disciples in a straightforward manner, and it clicked for Wang Yue.

"So that's it—it's basically a kickback!"

"Heh!" Ho Luan couldn't help but chuckle. "Exactly, it's a kickback. But the sect turns a blind eye to it."

"Why don't they intervene?" Wang Yue inquired, intrigued.

It was a blatant exploitation of sect assets, yet it was conducted so openly, which was quite peculiar.

Ho Luan replied nonchalantly, "Because these are extra resources initially intended for True Inheritance Disciples. If a True Inheritance Disciple is willing to relinquish thirty percent of their resources, the sect prefers not to meddle."

With Ho Luan's explanation, Wang Yue grasped the concept. Ultimately, it was a trade. The officials controlled a portion of the resources that were meant for True Inheritance Disciples.

In theory, the officials were supposed to allocate all the resources under their control to the True Inheritance Disciples, who would then support the officials in return.

But with a limited number of officials holding substantial resources and a surplus of True Inheritance Disciples, what was the solution?

"Whoever has the smaller appetite gets it!"

And so, a seventy-thirty split was established. By doing so, one would only forfeit thirty percent of the potential benefits but would ensure securing seventy percent that might not have been guaranteed otherwise.

"I suspect the sect is also filtering," Wang Yue mused.

"Oh? What makes you say that, Junior Brother Wang?" Ho Luan's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Wang Yue explained with composure, "The sect will certainly not entrust real power to someone willing to relinquish the thirty percent of benefits they're entitled to. Those who can't even part with thirty percent are essentially symbols of incompetence. Only those who firmly hold onto their rightful benefits, securing every last bit, and can tie their achievements to their own cause, are truly capable of wielding significant authority."

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Ho Luan applauded slowly, offering his commendation, "Junior Brother Wang, your insight is keen, and I respect that. It took me over two years to grasp this concept, and yet you've understood it instantly. My respects to you!"

His praise was genuine. Many True Inheritance Disciples failed to grasp this, believing they had profited by taking seventy percent of the resources, not realizing they had already lost favor in the eyes of the sect's higher-ups.

"It's because Senior Brother explained it so clearly. I doubt I would have understood if it had been anyone else," Wang Yue demurred, returning the compliment.

Indeed, flattery was well-received by all. Ho Luan, buoyed by Wang Yue's praise, was visibly pleased.

"The entrance examination is about to start; I must excuse myself for a moment, Senior Brother."

Before Wang Yue could respond, Ho Luan had vanished, only to reappear on the stage at the forefront of the plaza.


Wang Yue hadn't expected that this unassuming Senior Brother would be the one overseeing the entrance examination.

"Does that mean he's a True Inheritance Disciple?"

Given his age and his role in managing the entrance exam, he couldn't be a Deacon; he must be a True Inheritance Disciple.

But being a True Inheritance Disciple wasn't all that surprising. After all, half of the True Inheritance Disciples were chosen right at the time of their entry into the sect, skyrocketing to high status as a True Inheritance Disciple in one fell swoop.

At his age, holding the authority to conduct the entrance examination was no small feat. It was clear that he had earned the recognition of the elders.

With a thunderous boom, Ho Luan stood on the stage, his clothes billowing as though caught in an invisible breeze. Beneath his feet, a white cloud rose, lifting him from the ground as if the stage were too low and he sought to ascend to the heavens to truly tower above all.

"Astral Energy taking form! He's reached the Astral Refining Stage!" Wang Yue's eyes sparkled with surprise. He hadn't expected his senior brother to be so young yet possess such advanced cultivation.

The Body Refining Stage, Qi Refining Stage, Fiend Congealing Stage, and Astral Refining Stage were all significant milestones. The Fiend Congealing Stage was the benchmark for an Outer Sect Law Enforcement Hall Deacon, while the Astral Refining Stage was for Deacon Elders, including those in the Inner Sect Law Enforcement Hall and the Outer Sect Law Enforcement Hall.

Those assigned to external duties were typically at the Fiend Congealing Stage with little hope of further advancement. Ranging from thirty to eighty years old, they paled in comparison to Ho Luan, who was not yet twenty. The prowess of True Inheritance Disciples like him was beyond what one could easily imagine.

"Even though he might be an outlier, I can't afford to be complacent," Wang Yue thought. "Yuan Yi has become a True Inheritance Disciple. If he reaches the Astral Refining Stage in just a few years, he'll be even more challenging to confront."

A heavy pressure weighed on Wang Yue's heart, his entire being felt laden, and his heartbeat throbbed with the burden.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you've traveled great distances to join the Myriad Qi Profound Sect. I'll spare you a lengthy speech. Your admission into the sect depends solely on your own merits," Ho Luan declared with authority, standing atop the floating cloud. "The Myriad Qi Profound Sect is one of the world's Qi sects and among the Nine Orthodox Sects. Even as an Outer Sect Disciple, your determination, resolve, and innate talent are essential. Now, ascend the Heaven Climbing Stairway, pass through the Heaven Gate, and you will become disciples of the Myriad Qi Profound Sect."


In the midst of conversation, a rainbow light soared across the sky and descended before the stage. As the light faded, a staircase with 33 steps materialized before the onlookers. Though it comprised only 33 steps, it seemed to stretch into the heavens—this was the Heaven Climbing Stairway.

Atop the Heaven Climbing Stairway stood a door, thirty-three feet in height and width, known as the Heaven Gate.

The ascent of the Heaven Climbing Stairway has been an unchanged test for entry for a millennium.

Every Outer Sect Disciple, irrespective of their rank or status, must climb the Heaven Climbing Stairway and pass through the Heaven Gate to be admitted into the sect.

With each assessment, innumerable onlookers gaze at the Heaven Climbing Stairway and Heaven Gate, lost in thought, much like Wang Yue once did, and as the countless children do today.

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