Origin Of All Energies/C19 Rolling Wood Bridge
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Origin Of All Energies/C19 Rolling Wood Bridge
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C19 Rolling Wood Bridge

The moment the thought crossed their minds, they witnessed a scene beyond their wildest imaginations.

Wang Yue, with a swift shoulder shimmy and the same Mountain Raise technique, managed to outpace his opponent. Despite being at Qi Refining Level One and facing someone at Qi Refining Level Three—a notable expert within the Outer Sect—he sent his adversary tumbling away like a rolling gourd with a mere shoulder bump.

"This... How can this be possible?"

Some onlookers halted in disbelief. They had never anticipated that Yun Tailai, who was at a higher level, would be sent sprawling by the same maneuver, rolling out of the path like a toppled gourd.

"This Mountain Raise... must possess at least a thousand kilograms of force..."

A thousand kilograms!

The figure was downright astonishing.

At the Body Refining Stage, unless one possessed Innate Divine Power or a physical edge, the peak force achievable was merely a thousand kilograms. The power behind a Fist Technique could erupt instantaneously, exceeding two thousand kilograms.

With mastery over a unique Fist Technique or strong strength, one could even unleash a force surpassing three thousand kilograms. For instance, the Explosive Strength, when released, could amplify the Fist Technique's force threefold, inflicting damage even greater than that of four times the Fist Technique's power.

Due to the way force is applied, the Mountain Raise couldn't fully utilize five hundred kilograms of its potential. After all, the technique wasn't designed to slay an enemy but to seize an opportunity to displace them, disrupting their balance.

Could it be that Wang Yue's strength had already reached two thousand kilograms?

"Perhaps... he harnessed Genuine Qi?"

Some speculated, though they knew deep down that this was not the case.

It was impossible for someone at Qi Refining Level One to tap into Genuine Qi and unleash a two thousand kilogram force. That level of power was only attainable at Qi Refining Level Three, with Qi circulating throughout the body.

Yun Tailai picked himself up, seething with frustration, and resumed his run along the path.

Having failed his mission, he could no longer claim Yuan Yi's reward and had to focus all his efforts on succeeding in the Inner Sect Assessment.

After four and a half years in the sect, this failure left him with just one final opportunity. However, since there was still one last chance, the setback wasn't as devastating as it could have been. It was this very reason that emboldened him to risk everything, even if it meant dragging Wang Yue down with him.

Success would bring substantial rewards, far surpassing what one could earn in half a year within the Inner Sect. Failure, on the other hand, meant waiting another six months for a second chance. And if failure struck again after that half-year, wouldn't it prove that this assessment was just as insurmountable as before?

The Inner Sect Assessment was a true test of one's abilities, beyond the Theory Examination, which might require a bit of luck. But for those who ranked in the top hundred of the Theory Examination, luck became irrelevant.

Yun Tailai had achieved an A-grade evaluation, ensuring that even if he returned in six months, he would still pass the Theory Examination with ease.

Two minutes into the assessment, Wang Yue was nearly at the end of the three-mile track, facing a 45-degree inclined slope that curved in a semicircle.

At the top of this slope was a five-meter-high wall, a challenge designed to test whether a participant had enough energy left to leap over it after the grueling climb.

Of course, for those proficient in the Light Body Cultivation Method, this obstacle was a breeze. Sadly, such skill was rare among Outer Sect Disciples.

Most competitors began to decelerate at this point, conserving energy to ensure they could vault the wall after the ascent. Amidst those slowing down, Wang Yue stood out, overtaking them without reducing his speed. In fact, he accelerated up the slope.


"How is this possible?"

With their pace reduced, the others had the time to observe their fellow competitors. It was then that Wang Yue, accelerating up the slope, caught their attention.

A fifty-five-meter ascent at a 45-degree angle, coupled with a semicircular path, would typically make acceleration impossible. Yet, Wang Yue defied the norm, sprinting up the slope. Amidst the astonished looks from the crowd, he propelled himself up, grasped the wall's edge, and with a powerful push from his arms, landed on the other side.

Those who had climbed the slope alongside him only realized Wang Yue had already sped off into the distance after they themselves had surmounted the wall.

Wang Yue wasn't the earliest to dash towards the challenge, nor was he among the initial wave of contenders. Yet, his approach was the most distinctive and set him apart from the rest.

It hadn't occurred to anyone that the curved incline could be used to gain momentum. Without pausing, they leaped, pushed off the wall, and vaulted over the edge.

On flat ground, given a fifty-five-meter head start, many could clear a five-meter height without the need for wall assistance. But this was no ordinary slope. It was a semi-circular ramp, angled at forty-five degrees, and only a select few adept in the Light Body Cultivation Method from the Outer Sect Nine Peaks could scale the wall in one fluid motion.

Wang Yue, however, did not rely on this method. Instead, he used his exceptional strength and burst of explosive power to surge up the wall.

Now, only a couple hundred competitors stood in Wang Yue's way, representing the elite of the first and second tiers.

Each was at Qi Refining Level Three, with impressive Light Body Cultivation Methods and explosive speed. Yet, their stamina was questionable. Within the brief span of two to three minutes, their true endurance remained untested.

In the second phase of the Inner Sect Assessment, anyone whose strength waned within such a short time frame, indicating a rapid decline in stamina, would have little hope of advancing past this stage.

The second phase stretched for ninety-nine miles, testing not only speed but also endurance and the strategic management of one's energy.

Since the use of pills was prohibited in the Inner Sect Assessment, competitors had to judiciously conserve their energy. Nevertheless, some felt compelled to vie aggressively for the lead, as lagging behind could mean getting stuck in bottlenecks. Only after navigating these choke points would they consider slowing down to recuperate.

Among the frontrunners, some relied on bursts of speed, while others banked on their inherent skills, sticking to their personal strategies.

Wang Yue found himself in the third tier, a precarious position, as he had already spotted several familiar faces who had marked him as their target.

These challengers were far from ordinary. Though not as formidable as those in the top two tiers, they were formidable in their own right. Even Yun Tailai, at Qi Refining Level Three, was not to be underestimated.

As Yun Tailai came to mind, he had already caught up. He wasn't in a burst of power; instead, he was pushing his physical limits. He hung just behind Wang Yue, keeping a close eye on him.

Realizing Yun Tailai was on his heels, the others stepped aside slightly, giving him room to test Wang Yue further.

After navigating a series of minor challenges, they were met with the first significant hurdle.

Before them lay a series of logs, each thirty-six meters in length and as thick as a waist, spanning across a clear pond designed to cushion anyone who might fall.

These logs were cylindrical and ingeniously rigged with mechanisms that would keep them stable only if one stepped precisely on a two-centimeter-wide line. A misstep off this line would set the logs in motion, even the slightest shift could cause them to roll.

Walking on a stable bridge would be a breeze for these individuals, even if it were as narrow as a finger's width. But the Rolling Wood Bridge commanded respect; no one dared to take it lightly.

The frontrunners bounded across with a few agile leaps, clearing the thirty-six-meter bridge with just a handful of steps. Those following proceeded with caution, inching their way across, punctuated occasionally by splashes as some lost their balance and fell into the water.

This cautious approach, though quicker than a jog, significantly slowed their pace to a mere fifth of their usual speed, effectively making the bridge feel like an 180-meter-long challenge.

For those who could cross with steady steps, the bridge became even more treacherous when two or three people ventured onto it simultaneously...


Everyone's step carried a different force, and with two people on the bridge, it was inevitable that it would start to roll.

Once the bridge began to roll, maintaining balance became paramount, and one might not even manage a fiftieth of their normal speed.

This obstacle was a true test of distance, with some clearing it in seconds while others took minutes.

With a swift motion, Wang Yue's feet slid out from under him, but his upper body remained still. Gliding effortlessly across the Rolling Wood Bridge, he covered half its length in a single, graceful slide.

Having reached this point, he had exhausted all his strength. He cautiously lifted his feet, moving forward with deliberate care, and his speed finally slowed, now comparable to the others.

"Hehe, let's see how you handle this one!"

Suddenly, Yun Tailai appeared beside the Rolling Wood Bridge and, with a swift kick, set the bridge spinning. Instantly, the bridge began to rotate with a violence unmatched by any other.


It wasn't Wang Yue who spoke, but another onlooker who couldn't bear the sight and cursed in indignation.

"Let it be. It's not against the rules of the assessment. We should focus on getting across first."

The onlooker glanced at Yun Tailai, gritted his teeth, but ultimately decided to head for another bridge.

The Inner Sect Assessment strictly prohibited personal combat but didn't prevent participants from disrupting others' tests. Despite his frustration, he wouldn't risk his own chances by abandoning the assessment to defend Wang Yue.

As the Rolling Wood Bridge began to spin, Wang Yue instantly understood that this challenge would be his greatest yet, fraught with more peril than any other.

Thus, as he stepped onto the bridge, he was exceedingly cautious. When the bridge started to move, he didn't hesitate; he lay flat on the bridge, using both hands and feet to steady himself.

"Coiling Dragon Finger! What a technique!"

Someone observed Wang Yue's method for gripping the bridge and was both surprised and delighted.


Though a bit slower, Wang Yue safely crossed the Rolling Wood Bridge. He stood on the other side, giving Yun Tailai a glance but didn't leave. Instead, he stood his ground, defiant.

One good turn deserves another!

He seemed intent on making Yun Tailai take a plunge, but Tailai didn't advance. He retreated a few steps instead.


Wang Yue, filled with contempt, gestured scornfully, then turned and dashed off. Only then did Yun Tailai dare to cross the Rolling Wood Bridge.

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