Origin Of All Energies/C21 The Last Stage
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Origin Of All Energies/C21 The Last Stage
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C21 The Last Stage

The sound of air bursting drew the attention of dozens of onlookers.

"Back up! Back up!"

Many were thrown into a panic, scrambling to escape the whirlpool of conflict, not wanting to get caught up in a pointless fight.

The clash between Wang Yue, Yun Tailai, and their group didn't just affect them. The spinning of the Wooden Man Stances could drag in hundreds more in the vicinity. Anyone passing by would inevitably be impacted.

Navigating the Wooden Puppet Lane was challenging enough without getting entangled in a skirmish. It was best to steer clear if possible.

This was especially true for those with lesser strength. Relying on a bit of luck to make it through the Wooden Puppet Lane, they were even less inclined to get involved.

The Wooden Man Stances, usually taking three to four seconds for a full rotation, were now whirling every second in the heat of the seven-person fray. Centered around Wang Yue, hundreds of Wooden Man Stances spun wildly.

In their grasp, the Wooden Man Stances became extensions of their limbs, showcasing their mastery of fist and leg techniques.

Though it was merely a contest with the Wooden Man Stances, it revealed much about a person's Fist Technique. Onlookers even began to speculate amongst themselves.

"Who is that person, taking on six at once? Incredible!"

"He's aware of everything around him, not missing a single change in the Wooden Man Stances. Someone like that is frightening. We mustn't cross him."

"After this, whether he's an Inner Sect Disciple or not, we can't overlook him. Even if we joined the sect six months earlier, we couldn't bridge the gap in Martial Arts Talent!"

"Exactly. He may not clear this challenge, but his strength is undeniable. Unless he's been in the Outer Sect for five years, he's surely on his way to becoming an Inner Sect Disciple."

Despite their amazement at Wang Yue's Fist Technique, acute perception, and formidable Control Power, most still doubted he could truly stand against six opponents.

After all, in the Wooden Puppet Lane, he faced not just six adversaries, but six fighters plus the grand array of the lane itself.

However, they had forgotten that it wasn't just Wang Yue who had to contend with the crush of Wooden Puppet Lane; the other six challengers faced the same ordeal.

No matter how flawlessly they had sealed their formation at the outset, the rotating and shifting Wooden Man Stance forced them to reposition themselves, creating an opening for Wang Yue to break free from the encirclement.

Bang! Bang!

With two powerful punches, Wang Yue carved out a path and burst through, his fists flying in rapid succession like a barrage of arrows.


Caught off guard and overwhelmed by Wang Yue's onslaught, one opponent managed to block the high strikes but missed the low ones, tripping and falling as several horizontal poles left their marks on him.

"Who's next?"

With more than half the competitors already out of the running, the remaining five had little fight left in them—except for Yun Tailai, who was still seething with anger.

Their lack of morale stemmed from the belief that they couldn't take Wang Yue down. Only his elimination would secure Yuan Yi's reward for them. Otherwise, their efforts would be in vain, and they would miss the chance to advance to the Inner Sect.

"I... I quit..."

Finally, one competitor cracked under the pressure and attempted to flee. But Wang Yue was relentless, singling out the would-be deserter.

How could those devoid of spirit put up a fight? Within moments, Wang Yue had dispatched them.

"Let's continue. Who's next?"

A chill ran down their spines, and before Wang Yue even moved, another contestant was out due to a blunder.

Now only three remained. In the span of a few breaths, three had fallen, leaving everyone in disbelief. Some spectators gasped in shock, and another contestant was eliminated due to their distraction.

"Good heavens!"

"One against six, and he's truly holding his own—it looks like he might even win."

"No, it's not just a possibility; he's on the brink of victory. With only three left, there's no way he can lose."

"This is unbelievable!"

As the murmurs continued, Wang Yue dispatched two more, leaving only Yun Tailai standing.


Even Yun Tailai, now subdued, had come to recognize the vast gulf between himself and Wang Yue.

If they were to truly clash, Wang Yue wouldn't stand a chance against more than ten of them. In fact, even with just six, they could easily overpower him.

But this was Wooden Puppet Lane, the venue for the Inner Sect Assessment.

Without the ability to engage in direct combat, the disparity between them and Wang Yue shrank, leveling the playing field to Wang Yue's advantage. Then, with his wealth of experience, Wang Yue would outmaneuver them...

It was infuriating. They were the ones with three or four Inner Sect Assessments under their belts, not Wang Yue. So how was it that Wang Yue, with his supposed experience, was the one besting them?

Once inside Wooden Puppet Lane, Wang Yue thrived, while they were merely competent swimmers by comparison. The difference was fundamental.

"My brother is an Inner Sect Disciple at Qi Refining Level Six. You can't eliminate me, otherwise... otherwise..."

His threats spilled out in a rush, yet he couldn't finish his sentence. The attempt was feeble and only served to amuse Wang Yue further.

"Qi Refining Level Six, wow, that's impressive. Even more so than a True Inheritance Disciple!"

It was then that Yun Tailai remembered who he was dealing with. This was the man who hadn't given Yuan Yi, a True Inheritance Disciple, the time of day. Why would he fear an Inner Sect Disciple at Qi Refining Level Six?

Even when Wang Yue had crossed Yuan Yi, who wasn't yet a True Inheritance Disciple but was at Qi Refining Level Seven, Yuan Yi was still a prominent figure within the Inner Sect, renowned for his formidable combat skills and recognized on the Merit Ranking.

"Lost for words? If you have nothing to say, then exit the stage gracefully."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Yun Tailai blurted out desperately, "I... I'll give you Spirit Stones, I'll give you Qi Condensation Pills. Just spare me this time!"

He couldn't bear the thought of another six months in the Outer Sect. If he wasted another half year there, he'd be left with only one more shot. And if any mishap occurred then, he'd be relegated to the life of a menial disciple, likely missing out on even a Law Enforcement Hall Disciple position.

Reaching the Qi Refining Level Three was just enough to scrape by the entrance requirements of the Outer Sect Law Enforcement Hall, yet it fell significantly short of qualifying one to be a Law Enforcement Hall Disciple. The prerequisite for a Law Enforcement Hall Disciple was combat prowess, and unfortunately, his strength was mediocre within the Qi Refining Level Three.

"Spirit Stones? Qi Condensation Pills?"

"Yes, exactly. I can offer three Low Grade Spirit Stones and twenty Qi Condensation Pills. Please, have mercy on me!" His voice was laden with desperation.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yue's demeanor shifted to one of fury as he berated the man, "You scoundrel, trying to lure me into breaking the Inner Sect Assessment rules without even managing to land a blow? I'll have you know, I walk a straight path and sit upright; I have no need for your Spirit Stones and Qi Condensation Pills."

Wang Yue's confrontation with Yun Tailai had already caught the Deacons' attention. They listened as Wang Yue spoke with unwavering integrity, and they nodded in approval of his stance.

The Inner Sect Assessment had few rules, but one was clear: any under-the-table deals were strictly forbidden, whether they involved threats or promises of protection.

Lending a hand among friends was acceptable, but accepting rewards for assistance was not. Threats or demands for ransom, like those implied by Yun Tailai, were out of the question.

Yun Tailai hadn't thought his actions through, but they were clearly against the rules. To the ears of onlookers, his behavior painted him as nothing short of a despicable and shameless villain.

"Just step down and try again in six months!"

"No... please... no..."

With a shake of his head, Yun Tailai found himself ushered out of the competition by Wang Yue.

With no opponents left and everyone else steering clear, navigating the Wooden Puppet Lane was a breeze for Wang Yue, who effortlessly reached the finish line.

As time ticked by, one participant after another either passed through the Wooden Puppet Lane or was eliminated. In the end, over 1,700 individuals stood at the finish line.

The third challenge of the Wooden Puppet Lane was no easy feat, proving even more difficult than the sum of the second stage's challenges. However, since the second stage had already weeded out the weaker competitors, fewer individuals failed this round compared to the previous one.

The more than 1,700 finishers were now equivalent to over 1,700 Devil Puppets, each embodying the strength of the Qi Refining Stage.

After passing through Wooden Puppet Lane, one would encounter over two thousand enormous cage-like Hundred Dao Talisman Artifacts, each imprisoning a Devil Puppet. Among them were bull-headed Devil Puppets bristling with spikes, similar to the one Wang Yue had previously defeated, as well as half-human, half-snake Devil Puppets. Others boasted rib-born wings and bone armor, resembling Prison Bone Corpses in their grotesque forms.

"These Devil Puppets were crafted by the Underground Devil Man, and they've been carefully selected for their comparable strength. Take your time and choose one you believe you can defeat," someone advised their companions, though the Deacons themselves remained silent.

"Despite their similar strength levels, each Underground Devil Man has unique abilities, and the same goes for their Devil Puppets. Take that Ox Devil over there, covered in bone spikes—if you can't handle those spikes, it's best to steer clear of it," one explained.

"And see that one clad in bone armor? That's a Bone Devil. It's quite similar to a Prison Bone Corpse, with armor that's incredibly tough to penetrate."

"The half-human, half-snake creature is a Snake Devil. Treat it as you would a snake—focus on its dual nature when confronting it."

"And the one with wings—that's a Rakshasa. They're considered nobility among the Underground Devil Man. It's said that upon reaching adulthood, they enter the Fiend Congealing Stage. These ones are likely not fully matured yet, hence their smaller stature compared to other Underground Devil Man."

Wang Yue absorbed this information attentively. His circle of friends in the Outer Sect was limited, and since befriending Yuan Yi, he had been somewhat isolated. This was his first exposure to such knowledge.

The Underground Devil Man are a subterranean race whose corpses are used by the Myriad Qi Profound Sect to create Devil Puppets. These Devil Men possess a certain level of intelligence, not vastly different from humans, yet they boast formidable combat abilities. Most Underground Devil Man reach the Qi Refining Stage upon maturity, while their royal kin are naturally born into the Fiend Congealing Stage.

Numerous Devil Men yearned to surge to the surface. Were it not for the vigilant guardianship of the various sects within the Righteous Dao Profound Sect at each abyssal entrance, the surface world would have been swiftly overrun by the legions of Underground Devil Men.

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