Origin Of All Energies/C23 Inner Sect Assessment
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Origin Of All Energies/C23 Inner Sect Assessment
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C23 Inner Sect Assessment

Although Wang Yue was confident in his abilities, it wasn't until he actually engaged in combat that he realized the successfully refined Ox Devil Puppet was fundamentally different from the failed versions he had faced before. The disparity wasn't one of level, but of essence, of success versus failure. Even with the same instinctual drive for combat, the successfully refined Devil Puppet's instincts were several times stronger than those of its failed counterparts.

Despite this essential difference, Wang Yue was certain that he could still deliver a fatal blow with the sword qi he harbored within his chest. However, this was his ace in the hole, not something to be casually displayed.

Lacking his most powerful move, he had no choice but to earnestly rely on his Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique to spar with the Ox Devil Puppet. In terms of strength, he was nearly on par with the Ox Devil Puppet, but he was faster and more agile, giving him a significant edge in hand-to-hand combat.


"First, shatter the bone spurs, then break the arm. Hmm, not bad at all."


"Both arms broken. Tsk, I never thought I could defeat the Ox Devil with my bare hands so easily."


With a swift kick to the left and right, Wang Yue disabled the Ox Devil Puppet, which had already lost both arms, by breaking its legs as well.


Though the Ox Devil had not perished, its defeat was sealed by the loss of its limbs, and Wang Yue had successfully passed the Inner Sect Assessment.

Cages opened one by one, and the effects of the Talisman Artifacts were evident as they restrained the Devil Puppets following an examinee's failure, ensuring everyone's safety.

Out of over seventeen hundred participants, only about five hundred remained, a number consistent with those who had passed the Inner Sect Assessment in the past. With more than twelve hundred eliminated at this stage, the elimination rate exceeded two-thirds, and in terms of total numbers, a third had been cut.

Many of those eliminated had been Outer Sect disciples for five years. Now, they sat dejectedly on the ground, some even weeping softly. From today, or in a few days, they would no longer be Outer Sect Disciples, nor Inner Sect Disciples, but mere laborers.

Those at the lower echelons of the Qi Refining Realm, specifically at Level One or Two, might still harbor hopes of becoming Law Enforcement Hall Disciples. This aspiration, after all, is within the realm of possibility for sect disciples. However, for those at Level Three or Four of the Qi Refining Realm, the prospect of joining the Law Enforcement Hall is virtually non-existent.

The Law Enforcement Hall seeks not only investigative prowess but, more critically, the ability to fight. The capacity to overpower Outer Sect Disciples is essential for one to be considered for the role of a Law Enforcement Hall Disciple.

As the crowd thinned, with over twelve hundred individuals departing in succession, the remaining five hundred or so were the ones on the cusp of joining the Inner Sect. They assembled before a significantly larger Flying Cloud Ferry.

Descending from the Flying Cloud Ferry was a man in his thirties, sporting a short beard and a fair complexion, resembling a scholar more than a cultivator.

This man was an Inner Sect Deacon, with a cultivation level at the Astral Refining Stage. The Flying Cloud Ferry he arrived on was a Myriad Dao Talisman Artifact, undoubtedly superior to those used by the Outer Sect Deacons.

"Ladies and gentlemen, from this day forward, you are Inner Sect Disciples. You will officially join the sect in three days. Use this time to get your affairs in order and ensure you leave nothing behind," he announced.

With just those words, he stepped back onto the Flying Cloud Ferry and departed.

"All this waiting for just that?" many murmured in disbelief. They had expected the Inner Sect Deacon to offer a more comprehensive explanation about the Inner Sect. They had waited patiently for nearly an hour, only to be met with a brief instruction to prepare for their formal entry into the Inner Sect in three days, before he simply left.

"How are we supposed to leave now?" someone asked, voicing the pressing concern. The question wasn't loud, but in a crowd of keen listeners, it resonated clearly. The initial confusion caused by the Deacon's abrupt departure quickly gave way to a collective focus.

"Traditionally, the Outer Sect Deacon will pilot the Flying Cloud Ferry back to the mountain once all the Outer Sect Disciples who failed the assessment have gathered. That would be..." someone began, doing the mental math.

But another quickly interjected with the conclusion, "That would be approximately an hour and a half after the assessment concludes. From here to the location of the Flying Cloud Ferry dock is nearly an hour's journey. This means it's already too late for us to hurry back and catch a ride."

In years past, it seemed that disciples who passed the Inner Sect Assessment would only return a day after those who had failed.

The mood suddenly turned icy!

It was a complete dead silence!

This meant that their predecessors had all gone through the same ordeal.

"No wonder, when I asked them what the Inner Sect Deacons had said, they either blushed or had odd expressions."

"So, how do we get back now?"

"How else? We walk back!"

The journey from here to the Outer Sect Nine Peaks spanned six hundred miles, mostly over rough mountain terrain. Factoring in detours, it could be as much as a thousand miles.

It would take roughly a day to reach the vicinity of the Outer Sect Nine Peaks.

By the time they made it back to their courtyard, they were coated in dust. Only after a thorough bath to wash away the grime did they have the time and energy to start packing.

Pills, Talisman Artifacts, Smoke Congealing Canisters, Spirit Talismans, and clothing weren't too numerous and had already been neatly packed. Wang Yue had been confident of passing the Inner Sect Assessment even before he left to participate.

Of course, at least half of those attempting the Inner Sect Assessment for the first time shared this optimism, though most first attempts ended in failure.

As he was packing, murmurs from outside reached his ears.

Rising from an Outer Sect Disciple to an Inner Sect Disciple in two years was indeed exceptionally rare.

But the subject of the murmurs wasn't exactly pleasant.

"What does it matter if he's an Inner Sect Disciple? He's still worlds apart from a True Inheritance Disciple."

"Offending a True Inheritance Disciple might make his promotion to the Inner Sect more of a curse than a blessing."

"He's still better off than you, or rather, us. He's an Inner Sect Disciple now, while most of us will likely never achieve that."

"Heh, even as an Inner Sect Disciple, he won't last long after crossing a True Inheritance Disciple."

"But as long as you're not Inner Sect Disciples, you have no grounds to ridicule him."

Wang Yue chuckled to himself, paying no mind to the chatter outside. The Outer Sect and Inner Sect were two distinct realms, and it was unlikely they'd cross paths again, so they spoke without fear of being overheard.

Wang Yue was indifferent to their words, for from that moment on, he and they belonged to two separate worlds.

In this world, extraordinary encounters were rare. Perhaps he would never again cross paths with his fellow disciples from the Sixteen Academies. Even if they were to become Inner Sect Disciples, they couldn't hold a candle to him.

He had every reason to be confident. By the time they reached the status of Inner Sect Disciples, he would have already advanced to the Fiend Congealing Stage.

The two days flew by. During that time, representatives from the Outer Sect approached him for discussions, but Wang Yue was unwilling to agree to their terms, forgoing any support they might offer.

He was well aware of his enmity with Yuan Yi, and he knew that the Outer Sect representatives who sought him out were merely gambling on his potential, lacking any real sincerity.

When the appointed time arrived, the Flying Cloud Ferry, operated by an Inner Sect Deacon, descended upon Copper Willow Peak. It collected those who had become Inner Sect Disciples before moving on to another peak of the Outer Sect.

The Inner Sect Disciples from the Nine Peaks reunited on the Flying Cloud Ferry, the same vessel they had once watched depart.

"Junior Brother Wang!"

Yuh Hao located Wang Yue and introduced him to several friends. While many were eager to meet Wang Yue, the recent news about him made them cautious about forming deeper connections.

Observing the tactful interactions of his friends, Yuh Hao sighed. He had hoped to gather a group of individuals, forming a collective strong enough to stand up to even the True Inheritance Disciples.

The primary goal wasn't just to support Wang Yue, but to establish a group that could lend them strength within the Inner Sect, ensuring they wouldn't be easily oppressed.

For them, the Inner Sect was uncharted territory.

The Outer Sect Nine Peaks offered scant information about the Inner Sect. Even those with connections to Law Enforcement Hall Disciples only heard superficial details, insufficient for a true understanding of the Inner Sect's depths.

From the current situation, Yuh Hao could tell that this was a group without cohesion. They could share good times and handle minor issues together, but when a real crisis struck, the group would instantly fall apart.

"We've arrived."

The Flying Cloud Ferry docked, and everyone started making their way to the deck. At the helm, an Inner Sect Deacon was waiting for them.

"Is everyone out? Good, then let me say a few words."

The Inner Sect Deacon began, "Whether you want to form cliques or anything of the sort, that's up to you. But remember, even if you manage to rally a hundred and fifty people to your side, at most, only twenty to thirty will end up together in the Inner Sect's Fifteen Peaks. Don't assume it's the same as the Outer Sect. Once you're in the Inner Sect, you'll understand."

With that, he paused, lowered the gangway, and started calling out names. Only those whose names were called could disembark and report to the Branch Division on their assigned peak.

And so, they ascended one peak after another until they reached the fifth one, where Wang Yue's name was finally called.

This was Cloud Covering Peak, shrouded in a dense fog as they descended. This fog was no ordinary mist; it was a blend of water vapor and spiritual energy that could bewilder the senses. However, cultivating within it could double one's efficiency.

This mist was essentially a natural Spirit Gathering Great Array, and with the Inner Sect's Fifteen Peaks already equipped with such arrays, it was like having two layers of spiritual concentration.

Over thirty individuals stood atop Cloud Covering Peak, inhaling deeply and feeling a profound sense of tranquility.

Then, a figure emerged from the mist, approaching with a smile. "Good morning, junior brothers. My name is Yuan Zhanyue. From now on, we'll be cultivating together on this peak."

"Yuan Zhanyue? It's really you!"

To everyone's surprise, the mention of Yuan Zhanyue's name sparked excitement among some of the group.

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