Origin Of All Energies/C3 Martial Battle Platform
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Origin Of All Energies/C3 Martial Battle Platform
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C3 Martial Battle Platform


It wasn't just Wang Yue who scoffed at the news; others from the Sixteen Academies also met it with cold laughter, finding it utterly unbelievable.

No one was fooled. It was clear who had been drinking and who hadn't. Lee Pingshan, for instance, was clad entirely in black that night. Aside from not wearing a black scarf over his face, even his shoes were black, completing the ensemble for a night-time excursion.

Some even noticed that there were two similarly dressed individuals present, neither of whom belonged to the Sixteen Academies. They weren't Outer Sect Disciples from the mid-mountain either, but rather disciples from the mountain's peak on the verge of leaving the Outer Sect.

Law Enforcement Hall Disciples are chosen from among those in the inner and outer sects who can't advance further but possess considerable strength within their realm. They're a cut above mere servants, yet they're not the ones receiving focused training.

People like Hee Ziang, even if not clinging to Yuan Yi's coattails, wouldn't hesitate to give Yuan Yi face and release Lee Pingshan.

The excuse was all too convenient: mistaking the room in a drunken stupor was an argument no one could counter. After all, when Lee Pingshan was brought into the Law Enforcement Hall, he reeked of alcohol and was visibly inebriated—there was no doubt about that.

The Law Enforcement Hall had indeed meted out punishment; Lee Pingshan's cultivation resources for the next two months were confiscated. Yet, such a minor penalty was hardly a concern for Lee Pingshan, who was in Yuan Yi's service.

To ensure that Lee Pingshan and his cohorts would spare no effort in targeting Wang Yue, Yuan Yi wouldn't skimp on the cultivation resources. If two months' worth were taken, he'd compensate with three or four months' worth.

At the Martial Training Field, Lee Pingshan stood ominously behind Wang Yue, while the other two did not join him.

Sensing someone approaching, Wang Yue ceased his movements and turned to face Lee Pingshan, his expression one of mild surprise.

"What do you want?" Wang Yue had no patience for Lee Pingshan, his sycophant.

Lee Pingshan let out a contemptuous snort and said, "A nobody like you dares to defy Senior Brother Yuan? You should know the Outer Sect is filled with his supporters, and the Law Enforcement Hall has plenty who obey his commands. Just hand over the jade pendant and you can avoid trouble. Otherwise, prepare for anything but peace."

"Peaceful life? With a loser like you?" Wang Yue didn't mince his words. "You've been in the sect for five years, and you're still stuck at Body Refining Level Six. You really think you can threaten me? Don't kid yourself. Even right now, you're not someone I'd bother with."

Lee Pingshan's forehead veins bulged. Among the Outer Sect Disciples, his cultivation was laughably the lowest, and he'd always been the butt of jokes, which made being called 'trash' unbearable for him.

Wang Yue, fully aware of this sore spot, deliberately taunted him without restraint. His intention was crystal clear.

Predictably, Lee Pingshan lost his cool, bellowing, "You're nothing but scum, and yet you dare to provoke me? I'll make sure you learn what happens when you cross the sect's seniors!"

His voice was fierce, but it was all bark and no bite; he was seething with rage yet didn't dare to act.

Wang Yue shook his head in disdain and challenged, "Enough talk. Let's settle this on the Martial Battle Platform!"

The mention of the Martial Battle Platform instantly drew a crowd. People abandoned their training posts and swarmed over, buzzing with curiosity.

"What's happening? Why are they heading to the Martial Battle Platform?" asked someone out of the loop.

A member of the Sixteen Academies explained, "This guy snuck into Wang Yue's room last night, apparently trying to steal something. But Wang Yue caught and booted him out. Can you believe the Law Enforcement Hall dismissed it, saying he was just drunk and mistook the door? Drunk and mistaking doors, unable to tell the top of the mountain from the middle, a door from a window? Who'd buy that?"

The story of the previous night's events quickly spread, and those previously unaware of the situation suddenly understood the commotion. The discussion around Yuan Yi and Wang Yue grew even more heated.

"Wang Yue could have just given up the jade pendant. Why be so stubborn about it?"

"That pendant is the only keepsake from his mother. I wouldn't sell it either if I were in his shoes."

"That makes sense. Senior Brother Yuan has gone too far. Once we make it to the Inner Sect, we'd better not get too close to him."

"We can't get too close to him, but we can't afford to offend him either. That type of person has no scruples."

In the midst of their discussion, it came as a surprise that Yuan Yi's reputation had begun to sour. Lee Pingshan, upon hearing these conversations, broke out in a sweat. He hadn't anticipated that he would be the one to tarnish Yuan Yi's good name.

If he couldn't manage to resolve this situation effectively, he feared he might become a target of Yuan Yi's ire in the future.

Considering that Wang Yue was only at Body Refining Level Five, Lee Ziping clenched his jaw and declared, "Everyone heard you challenging me to the Martial Battle Platform. It wasn't me who forced you to step up."

"Just make sure you don't chicken out once you're up there."

Despite feeling some sympathy for Wang Yue, the majority of those present still thought he was being unreasonable.

The difference wasn't just in their levels of cultivation; it was also a matter of experience. Lee Ziping had joined the Outer Sect three years prior to Wang Yue. Even at the same level of cultivation, there's a significant difference between two years of training and five. Unless Wang Yue possessed Martial Arts Talent far surpassing Lee Ziping's, it would be nearly impossible to close the gap created by years of practice.

Wang Yue and Lee Ziping led the crowd, pushing their way toward the Martial Battle Platform. Thankfully, it was a quiet time with few people around. Otherwise, the idle members of the Outer Sect would have surely flocked to the scene, eager for some excitement. Nevertheless, the group's size swelled from a dozen to about fifty.

Upon reaching the Martial Battle Platform, Wang Yue abruptly exclaimed, "Wait!"

"What's the matter? Getting cold feet? Scared?" Lee Ziping taunted. "What happened to all that bravado? You looked down on us senior brothers who joined the sect before you, and now you're trembling at the foot of the Martial Battle Platform?"

Some Outer Sect Disciples, who had been in the sect for four or five years and were unaware of the full story, became righteously angry after being egged on by others.

"Senior Brother Lee, this kid dares to disrespect us. Let's teach him a lesson!"

"We need to show these junior brothers how to properly respect their seniors."

"Kid, you think you can look down on us? You're going to step onto the Martial Battle Platform whether you like it or not. Otherwise, you're not leaving here today."

Others attempted to clarify the situation, but the crowd was too riled up to care for explanations, and some even snickered among themselves.

Wang Yue's brow furrowed as he said, "By 'wait,' I meant that fighting like this is pointless. How about we raise the stakes with a bet?"

"Oh!" Lee Ziping's eyes sparkled. "What kind of bet?"

"How about ten Blood Soul Pills? Are you game?" Wang Yue produced a small porcelain bottle, uncorked it to reveal ten Blood Soul Pills inside.

Blood Soul Pills are essential for cultivators at the Body Refining Stage, bolstering their Blood Soul and accelerating their progress without the risk of pill poison. They're considered top-tier pills for that stage.

Outer Sect Disciples receive only five Blood Soul Pills monthly, and Wang Yue had saved up these ten over half a year. His initial plan was to take one daily when he hit a cultivation bottleneck, using the surge in Qi to break through. But with the Five-prison Moving Technique now in his arsenal, the pills had lost some of their value to him, making him willing to wager them. A win would be great, but a loss wouldn't be too painful.

Lee Ziping looked distressed; he didn't have any Blood Soul Pills on him. Confident as he was about not losing, the absence of the pills meant the bet couldn't stand. Wang Yue could simply deny the challenge and walk away.

"Folks, I, Lee Ziping, don't have any Blood Soul Pills on me. Does anyone have some to lend? I'll return them after the fight."

Immediately, people stepped forward, each producing a small porcelain bottle. "Senior Brother, I've got three Blood Soul Pills to lend you."

"Here are two from me."

"And I have five."

In no time, ten Blood Soul Pills were pooled together. Lee Ziping, with a triumphant air, took the pills and ascended the Martial Battle Platform. He placed the three bottles on the prize platform, then turned to Wang Yue with a taunting look.

"Your plan has failed. Get up here!"

"Get up! Get up!"

A crowd surged forward, making it clear that if Wang Yue didn't ascend, they'd shove him onto the platform themselves.

Without hesitation, Wang Yue leaped onto the Martial Battle Platform and set the porcelain bottle down. Facing Lee Ziping, he challenged, "You think you've already won?"

"Oh? Because you kicked me when I was drunk last night, you think you're better than me?" Lee Ziping spoke with calculated precision, framing the previous night's incident as a drunken mistake, as judged by the Law Enforcement Hall.

"We both know what really happened last night. Let's skip the nonsense and get to it!"

Wang Yue assumed his stance, his body lowering slightly as his hands moved fluidly like ripples on water. Sadly, none of the onlookers could appreciate the subtlety of his technique, and they began to jeer.

"Is that the Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique?"

"Can that even hurt someone?"

"Don't bother watching; this guy's bound to lose." Some spectators turned to leave, convinced the outcome was a foregone conclusion.

Even the disciples who knew the backstory believed Wang Yue was doomed to defeat. Despite the Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique being a Club Suppressing Level Martial Arts and highly advanced, no one from the Outer Sect had ever won a fight using it.

Lee Ziping, observing Wang Yue's Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique stance, couldn't help but laugh. He readied himself with the Stone-Breaking Fist and lunged forward.

"Kid, you're foolish to think you can take me on with the Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique. I'll show you that martial arts aren't just about complexity!"

The Stone-Breaking Fist, a Secret Inheritance Martial Arts, was known for its rapid mastery and devastating power. At Body Refining Level Nine, mastering this Fist Technique to Great Completion meant one could literally split stones, hence its name. And there was a similar Palm Technique with equal prowess.

The forceful gusts from his punches bore down on Wang Yue. Though he wasn't well-versed in boxing, he could sense that this power was on par with the boxing champions of his past life. A punch that could fell a bull was nothing to scoff at. If Wang Yue took a hit, he might not die, but shattered bones were almost guaranteed.

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