Origin Of All Energies/C4 The Fist Strength Exploded
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Origin Of All Energies/C4 The Fist Strength Exploded
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C4 The Fist Strength Exploded

Wang Yue's hands, fluid like ripples on water, suddenly snapped together, entwining Lee Ziping's arms. With a swift side lean, he drove his shoulder into Lee Ziping's left ribcage.

Lee Ziping, evidently seasoned in combat, didn't attempt to break free upon feeling Wang Yue's grip. Instead, he stepped back, destabilizing Wang Yue and dissipating the force of the shoulder strike before wrenching his arms free.

Bang! Bang!

In a rapid exchange, Wang Yue pressed the attack rather than retreating, landing two solid punches on Lee Ziping's chest.

"This strength..." Lee Ziping was taken aback, "He's clearly at Body Refining Level Five, yet he wields strength comparable to Body Refining Level Six. Could the unlocking of latent potential truly be this miraculous?"

Still, it was only his strength that rivaled Body Refining Level Six. The most significant difference between Level Six and Level Five was the ability to infuse strong strength into the skin.

This so-called skin is a protective layer beneath the surface that can shield the body, offering considerable resistance to both sharp and blunt trauma, significantly enhancing one's resilience to blows.

At Body Refining Level Five, a single punch might decide the outcome, but at Level Six, unless a critical hit is landed, it could take over a dozen exchanges to determine a victor.

Thus, even though Lee Ziping took two punches to the chest, he only felt a temporary tightness in his breath. Conversely, Wang Yue couldn't afford to take even one of Lee Ziping's punches; a single hit could knock him down.

"The heart corresponds to fire. Within the Five-prison Moving Technique, there's a method known as Explosive Strength that I've yet to test. Now seems like the perfect opportunity."

Wang Yue abruptly retreated two steps, breaking contact with Lee Ziping, and covertly channeled the Explosive Strength into his hands.

"Just as I thought, he can't sustain an offensive like that." Once Wang Yue ceased his assault, Lee Ziping also inwardly relaxed. Wang Yue's Fist Technique was relentless, like a downpour, hard to defend against. If not for Wang Yue's punches lacking a bit of force, Lee Ziping might have already been downed.

"Feeling tired?" Despite being at a disadvantage, Lee Ziping was unwilling to concede, "You should recognize the gap between us by now. You could hit me ten or twenty times, and I wouldn't feel a thing. But if you took just one punch from me, I'm afraid you'd be flat on the ground."

The crowd had a moment of realization.

"I knew it. How could Senior Brother Lee be less skilled than this kid? Clearly, Senior Brother Lee was holding back to show him the challenge."

"Still, I doubt the kid will appreciate it. He seems determined to be knocked out."

"Well, he's asking for it."

Basking in the admiration of the audience, Lee Ziping swelled with pride.

Wang Yue suddenly chuckled, "If that's the case, why not take a punch from me? If you can still stand after it, I'll concede defeat. How does that sound?"

Convinced he had Wang Yue figured out, Lee Ziping arrogantly replied, "Come on, I'll stand right here and not move. Give it a try."

He had ceased to believe in his own victory; Wang Yue was too slippery. Although confident that one punch could take Wang Yue down, missing was still a possibility.

Now that Wang Yue had proposed a single strike to determine the winner, he was more than willing to accept. After all, he thought Wang Yue's punch wouldn't leave a scratch on him.

Even the spectators felt Wang Yue was seeking an honorable exit, convinced that if the fight continued, Wang Yue would surely lose.

Wang Yue, feeling the surge of explosive strength in his fist, advanced silently in three steps and unleashed his punch.


An explosive sound echoed, and immediately a gash burst open across Lee Ziping's chest. The skin and membrane were utterly shredded by the blow, exposing the raw, bloody cavity within, where one could nearly glimpse the fractured ribs.

Blood dribbled from Lee Ziping's gaping mouth as his body slowly toppled backward.

With prompt medical attention, Lee Ziping wouldn't die, but with half his ribs broken and a severely torn chest, it was unlikely he'd ever engage in combat again.

Amidst the crowd's incredulous stares, Wang Yue grabbed four bottles of Blood Soul Pills, leaped down from the Martial Battle Platform, pushed through the onlookers, and strode away.

"How can this be?"

"With such incredible explosive strength, it's impossible. It just can't be!"

Wang Yue had been gone for quite some time. Even the medics who were permanently stationed at the Martial Battle Platform had already begun treating Lee Ziping. They remained in a state of shock, struggling to accept what they had witnessed.

"Doctor, is there any hope for him?" asked another individual who also worked for Yuan Yi, leaping onto the Martial Battle Platform to consult with the medic.

"His life can be saved, but his ribs are shattered to such an extent that we'll need to surgically remove the fragments and replace them with stainless steel. Plus, with the extensive tearing of the skin membrane, it's beyond repair. Even if he recovers his strength, the skin in that area will likely never fully heal," the doctor explained with a sigh.

The irreversible damage to the skin membrane meant that Lee Ziping's chest would always be more vulnerable than the rest of his body, which was particularly concerning given its critical location. Essentially, Lee Ziping's injuries had rendered him disabled.

In his time with the Outer Sect, he had seen many injuries, but rarely anything like this. Broken bones were common, but bones shattered to this extent, coupled with torn skin membrane, was unprecedented.

"Thank you for your efforts," the man said through clenched teeth, his gratitude directed not at the doctor but stemming from a deep-seated chill and anger towards Wang Yue for inflicting such severe harm.

"This isn't over!"

The two left with darkened faces.

Elsewhere, Wang Yue, now in possession of twenty Blood Soul Pills, whistled a cheerful tune as he made his way back to the Martial Training Field to continue his practice of the Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique.

Before long, other practitioners returned to the Martial Training Field as well. Several disciples who were on friendly terms with Wang Yue approached him, eager to learn the secret behind his technique.

Wang Yue was open about the Explosive Strength, explaining the concept without reservation. He mentioned that he had learned it from someone else and that today had been its first application in real combat.

Following his victory over Lee Pingshan, Wang Yue enjoyed several pleasant days and smoothly advanced to Body Refining Level Six. His heart, in particular, had become exceptionally robust.

Utilizing the Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique, Wang Yue's resting heartbeat remained below twenty beats per minute. However, in action, it could surge to an explosive 150 beats per minute.

Naturally, an overabundance of heart fire brought its share of complications. For instance, he would wake up feeling parched and find himself more prone to irritability. To manage this, he had to practice the Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique to keep it under control.

If he had methodically practiced the Five-prison Moving Technique, he wouldn't have encountered such issues. Yet, a potent force of lightning within Wang Yue accelerated his training, advancing his strength beyond the pace of his technique.

To counteract the overwhelming heart fire, Wang Yue was compelled to focus on strengthening his kidneys ahead of time.

The kidneys serve as the body's natural detoxifiers. A robust kidney enhances this detoxifying capability, subtly rejuvenating and purifying the body. While the benefits might not be immediately apparent, the long-term health advantages are substantial.

For Wang Yue at present, the most significant benefit of kidney cultivation was its ability to quell the rampant heart fire. The results were impressive; just one night of dedicated practice had already mitigated the issue. With continued effort and balance achieved among the five organs, he would be able to resolve the problem entirely.

While the long-term benefits of kidney cultivation are subtle and hard to demonstrate, the short-term effects are undeniable.

In the designated safe zone at the base of Chaos Cloud Peak, Wang Yue meticulously searched for medicinal herbs.

This region was abundant with herbs that could enhance one's vitality and physique, all sown by the servants. Though common, these herbs thrived under the influence of the Nine-peak Spirit Gathering Great Array, their growth so robust that one year's worth equaled decades of medicinal potency.

For those at the Body Refining Stage, the efficacy of these herbs was nearly on par with the Blood Soul Pill. The critical difference lay in the inherent toxicity of the herbs; excessive reliance on them for cultivation could lead to complications. As a cultivator approached Body Refining Level Nine and began the Essence Refining Qi Transforming process, accumulated Medicine Poison could pose a significant hindrance to successfully refining Qi.

Wang Yue, known as the Pill King, may not have been adept at pill refining, but brewing medicine was well within his capabilities, thanks to the readily available formulas from the Outer Sect.

"It's time. These herbs have been cultivated for five to six years, equivalent to two hundred years' worth of herbs from the outside world. This batch should yield a medicinal effect on par with three to five Blood Soul Pills. However, it also contains a significant amount of Medicine Poison. Having cultivated my kidneys, I should be able to purge this poison. I'll brew a pot to test the results. If it works, I can use this concoction to accelerate my cultivation."

Weighing the herbs in his pouch, Wang Yue was about to return when he caught a faint rustling sound. It was subtle, indicating extreme caution.

"People rarely visit this safe zone, maybe once every ten days or half a month. It's not the time for menial workers to be sowing or reaping. So who could it be? And why such caution in a place devoid of danger?"

Driven by curiosity, Wang Yue stealthily made his way towards the source of the noise.

To his astonishment, the individuals sneaking around in the Outer Sect's safe zone were not Outer Sect Disciples, but a man and a woman dressed in Inner Sect attire, appearing to be around his age. The man was carrying a middle-aged man on his back, who was ominously still, leaving his condition a mystery.

It was unusual for someone of their age to be an Inner Sect Disciple, as it typically indicated exceptional talent. There was no apparent reason for them to be in the Outer Sect, especially not for sneaking around with an unconscious stranger. Wang Yue's curiosity deepened, and he discreetly trailed them.

Something felt off. "Could they be heading towards... Star Bright Lake?" he wondered, taken aback.

Star Bright Lake was part of the Outer Sect Nine Peaks, yet unlike the safe zone, it was notorious as the most perilous area within the Outer Sect. Rumor had it that a formidable monster, which detested spiritual energy, was sealed there. That's why the Myriad Qi Profound Sect established the Nine-peak Spirit Gathering Great Array around Star Bright Lake as its nucleus.

The Nine-peak Spirit Gathering Great Array, with Star Bright Lake at its heart, made the lake the epicenter of abundant spiritual energy. Senior brothers who had stealthily ventured there claimed that even the waters of Star Bright Lake were imbued with spiritual essence.

It goes without saying that the creatures birthed from such spirit water would be formidable. The lake teemed with malevolent Spirit Beasts, tainted by extraterrestrial monsters, ready to assail any living soul daring to encroach upon the Star Bright Lake's domain. This perilous nature rendered the Nine Peaks the most treacherous of locales.

"Why would they bring an outsider to Star Bright Lake, and why all the secrecy?"

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