Origin Of All Energies/C6 Entering the Law Enforcement Hall
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Origin Of All Energies/C6 Entering the Law Enforcement Hall
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C6 Entering the Law Enforcement Hall

Upon waking up the next morning and using the bathroom, Wang Yue was alarmed to find his urine was pitch black. Had he not felt completely fine, he might have suspected a serious health issue.

Days went by, and Wang Yue's daily visits to the safety zone at the base of Chaos Cloud Peak didn't go unnoticed. The goings-on within the safety zone were common knowledge.

"He really has the guts to treat himself like this; the kid's got some nerve!" Lee Pinggu remarked.

"He may be tough, but he lacks patience," Su Hao chuckled. "With Senior Brother Yuan's eye on him, he can't exactly lay low. But by neglecting his health and having no hope of mastering Qi Refining, he's essentially forfeiting his future. That makes him even easier for us to handle."

Lee Pinggu and the man he was speaking with were the same two who had previously been with Lee Pingshan. Despite not bearing a strong resemblance, Lee Pinggu and Lee Pingshan were indeed half-brothers.

Both were at Body Refining Level Seven, with no prospects of joining the Inner Sect. If Wang Yue had maintained his previous pace, he might have had a chance at producing Genuine Qi within three years, warranting some caution on their part. After all, attracting the attention of an Inner Sect Disciple was far from desirable.

But now, with Wang Yue disregarding his health and relying on medicinal concoctions to enhance his cultivation, his chances of generating Genuine Qi were virtually nonexistent. This allowed them to cast aside any lingering concerns.

"Between the reckless use of Heavenly Thunder to unlock his potential and his haphazard approach to brewing medicine, it's not just his future that's in jeopardy—he's likely on the brink of death."

While the specifics of how Heavenly Thunder could unlock one's potential were not widely understood, it was universally accepted that such an event usually spelled an early demise—death was certain within ten to twenty years.

Their tone was one of malicious glee as they continued, "But this can't be the way forward. The Heavenly Thunder has already unleashed his life's potential, and his progress has been rapid. If he keeps pushing his limits with potent medicines, he's already at Body Refining Level Six and could soon reach Level Seven or even Level Eight. It'll be a real challenge to deal with him then."

Upon reaching Body Refining Level Eight, Wang Yue would be out of their league. Just by observing how he mastered the Dynamic-static Clear Two-form Fist Technique, they knew better than to underestimate him, not to mention the explosive fist strength that could burst a chest.

Currently, at Body Refining Level Six, they could handle him, but once he advanced to Body Refining Level Seven, it might be a different story.

"We can't afford to slowly devise a plan and wait for an opportunity. Let's ambush him when he's in the safe zone of Chaos Cloud Peak and take him by force!"

Facing Wang Yue, who had only just entered Body Refining Level Six and hadn't fully developed his protective skin layer, in a two-on-one confrontation, they were confident it wouldn't be much of a challenge.

As anticipated, after training in the Fist Technique, Wang Yue descended the mountain once more, traveling from Copper Willow Peak to Chaos Cloud Peak.

A single path lay between the two peaks, and they chose to lie in wait at its end. After some time, Wang Yue finally appeared.

Striding confidently with steps swift as the breeze, he moved with remarkable speed, despite never having practiced the Light Body Cultivation Method. His walk was almost as fast as a run.

"Arrow Walking Fast Step, quite impressive," Lee Pinggu remarked, instantly recognizing Wang Yue's gait.

The Arrow Walking Fast Step was not widely practiced in the Outer Sect, as it wasn't suited for combat but rather for covering long distances quickly.

Wang Yue's daily round trip from Copper Willow Peak to Chaos Cloud Peak would have been a significant time sink without his proficiency in the Arrow Walking Fast Step, which he had honed over time.

Now adept in the technique, he spent one hour traveling, one hour gathering herbs, and one hour returning – three hours in total each day.

Life in the Outer Sect offered a degree of freedom; aside from the mandatory lecture every five days, disciples were free to manage their own time.

The Outer Sect operated on a rather informal basis, where any emerging talent was a bonus. The truly promising candidates were often handpicked by the elders upon their arrival and immediately designated as True Inheritance Disciples.

Individuals like Yuan Yi, who were either overlooked or not initially chosen by the elders, had to earn their recognition through the fruits of their cultivation within the Outer Sect. Only by becoming a True Inheritance Disciple could they secure a position of status within the sect.

While both the Outer and Inner Sects were governed by the Law Enforcement Hall, the True Inheritance Disciples were exempt. They were under the direct tutelage of their masters, rendering the Law Enforcement Hall unnecessary for them.

Executing the Arrow Walking Fast Step with precision, Wang Yue quickly neared the perimeter of the ambush. In a sudden burst of speed, he deftly sidestepped to avoid detection.

"Damn, he's spotted us!"


Two figures burst from the dry leaves, hot on Wang Yue's heels.

Regrettably, they lacked a technique like the Arrow Walking Fast Step, designed for sustained running over rugged terrain. Despite both being at Body Refining Level Seven, with superior strength and speed, they couldn't close the distance on Wang Yue.

"Panting heavily!"

Within minutes of their full-speed pursuit, they were gasping for air, exhausted. It was then that Wang Yue spun around and charged at them.

"Mounted Chain Kick!"

He unleashed a series of kicks, reminiscent of a stallion's powerful hooves striking at the air, forcing the two assailants to stagger back three paces, their breaths disrupted.

As they prepared to retaliate, Wang Yue pivoted and fled, wisely avoiding overextending himself.

"Son of a gun!" Enraged and already struggling to keep up, the insult spurred them into resuming the chase.

For Wang Yue, this was his first experience pushing his speed to the limit. Running headlong into the wind gave him the exhilarating sensation of riding a motorcycle.

After rounding a bend, he concealed himself beneath a cliff, intently listening for the approaching footsteps.

"Three... Two... One... Seven Stars Step!"

The two men who had just rounded the corner could never have anticipated the aerial onslaught that awaited them—a series of kicks known as the Seven Stars Stomp, a technique from the Seven Stars Martial Arts repertoire. The sound of air being sliced through by the Seven Stars Stomp echoed continuously.


Their chest garments ripped open from the forceful impact, and they couldn't help but cough up blood.

"Tiger Wing Fist!"

Wang Yue pressed his advantage, his hands striking with the ferocity of a tiger's wings. He delivered a resounding slap to the chests of Lee Pinggu and his companion, leaving them no chance to fight back. The sickening sound of snapping bones filled their ears.


Watching the two men spit blood and collapse, Wang Yue sneered, "Rubbish, absolute rubbish. Remember this lesson—if you dare to trouble me again, I'll beat you down every time I see you in a deserted place!"

With those harsh words, Wang Yue turned and left, sprinting back toward Chaos Cloud Peak.

"Damn it!"

The two watched in helpless rage as Wang Yue arrogantly made his escape. Their shattered ribs forced them to regain their composure. They pulled out a Smoke Congealing Canister and sent up a distress signal. The canister, a metal tube the thickness of a thumb, released smoke that lingered in the sky like fireworks, reflecting sunlight by day and glowing faintly by night.

Before long, a disciple from the Law Enforcement Hall arrived to rescue them, while another stayed behind to investigate the scene.

While strict Sect Rules might not ensure that disciples refrain from breaking them, the combination of these rules and a robust enforcement presence could minimize such infractions.

Wang Yue had no illusions that this incident would simply blow over. Upon returning with a bag full of medicinal herbs, he was promptly arrested and taken to the Law Enforcement Hall at Copper Willow Peak.

"Wang Yue, seventeen years old. Half a month ago, he was at Body Refining Level Four when he survived a lightning strike, which unlocked his latent potential and caused his cultivation to surge forward. He is now at Body Refining Level Six. Eleven days ago, he reached Body Refining Level Five and challenged Lee Pingshan on the Martial Battle Platform, incapacitating his opponent with a single punch. Seven days ago, he advanced to Body Refining Level Six. Since then, he has been harvesting herbs daily from Chaos Cloud Peak to concoct medicinal brews to enhance his cultivation, and he has not missed a day. Is there anything incorrect here, or anything that needs to be added?"

Hee Ziang addressed Wang Yue, who remained composed across from him.

They were in the Law Enforcement Hall's interrogation room, a stark, square space crafted entirely from steel, furnished with nothing but two chairs integrated into the room itself.

In front of one chair, a square steel plate extended. Wang Yue rested his hand upon it and spoke deliberately, "No, after giving it some thought, the timing should all be correct."

"So, you're confessing to your crimes?" Hee Ziang suddenly slammed his hand down on the steel plate, creating a resounding clang. His face twisted into an angry glare as he confronted Wang Yue.

Wang Yue looked genuinely confused and responded, "Confessing to what crimes? I harvest medicinal herbs daily within the safe zone of Chaos Cloud Peak and brew healing soups. That's not a violation of any Sect Rules, is it?"

"Hmph!" Hee Ziang scoffed. "Playing dumb won't help you. Merely four hours ago, you assaulted Lee Pinggu and Su Hao, two of your fellow disciples, on the path between Chaos Cloud Peak and Copper Willow Peak. Did you really think you could conceal this from the Law Enforcement Hall?"

Curiosity tinged Wang Yue's voice as he inquired, "Who are Lee Pinggu and Su Hao?"

Wang Yue wasn't feigning ignorance; he knew he had injured the two individuals Hee Ziang was referring to, but he genuinely didn't know them by name.

Without a word, Hee Ziang tossed over the profiles of the two men. Wang Yue patiently perused the documents.

"So you're telling me... two disciples at Body Refining Level Seven were gravely injured by me, someone at Body Refining Level Six... and that I emerged unscathed? Could it be that they were under the influence of some drug and offered no resistance?"

"Don't bother with excuses," Hee Ziang retorted. "The difference of one level in the Body Refining Stage isn't insurmountable. You managed to defeat Lee Pingshan at Body Refining Level Six while you were at Level Five. It's not implausible for you to defeat two at Level Seven."

Wang Yue nodded, accepting this reasoning, and continued, "If we're talking about actual combat... well, I'm not claiming I could win against two opponents at Body Refining Level Seven. But let's assume I had the ability to defeat them without a scratch. Then, why does the investigation indicate that they were behind me and I was ahead, running all the way to the base of a cliff? Clearly, Senior Brothers Lee and Su were pursuing someone. What exactly were they intending to do? And why are they so adamant that it was me they were chasing? They chased the wrong person and ran into a dead end, didn't they?"

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