Our Youth Time/C2 Wang Xuan Grew up
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Our Youth Time/C2 Wang Xuan Grew up
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C2 Wang Xuan Grew up

Finally, Wang Xuan's high school exam was over. The adolescent Wang Xuan was especially rebellious, a bad girl who committed all sorts of crimes. Therefore, her university entrance examination results weren't good. She only tested for one specialty. But that was also the only female college student in our village.

Wang Xuan's parents are very happy, and so am I. However, from the bottom of his heart, he felt very disappointed. Indeed, Wang Xuan should go to university, and I should also go to sixth grade. Should have been happy. It's just that the thought of meeting Wang Xuan in the future is even more difficult. He felt extremely bitter in his heart.

So Wang Xuan said goodbye to the last summer of high school, I spent almost every day with her. Wang Xuan really treats me very well. She cooks for me, buys snacks for me, and even buys me a lot of books.

But the better Wang Xuan treats me, the more uncomfortable I feel in my heart. This was because it would be very difficult for them to meet again in the future. Finally, one day in front of her, I couldn't help but cry. I cried as I yelled at her, "Sister Xuan, I don't want you to go to university …" I don't want to miss you!

When I shouted that, even Wang Xuan was stunned. Only after staring blankly for a while did she squat down and wipe my tears away with her hand. She scratched my nose and said: "Little Chao, even though Sister Xuan Xuan went to university, you can rest assured that in Sister Xuan's heart, you will always be my best little brother, my only little brother!"

I don't want to be your brother, I want to marry you, I want you to be my wife … I yelled at Wang Xuan almost without thinking …

To marry Wang Xuan, yes, this thought has been circling in my mind for an entire year. All through the fifth grade, I imagined it. Wang Xuan was so beautiful. She had a tall and slender figure, a fair face, and a sweet smile. Her long legs, when she wore black stockings, were even sexier! But most importantly, she was very nice to me …

I had thought that Wang Xuan would be very happy when I told him my thoughts. Because when we used to play at home, she joked with me, Little Chao likes big sister's legs so much, then when you grow up, can you marry big sister and be my wife?

I was looking forward to seeing a smile on Wang Xuan's face. Wang Xuan almost shouted at me, "Little brat, what are you thinking about?" I'm your sister! That was a joke in the past, how could I fall for a little kid like you! Get out of here, I don't want to see you again...

Wang Xuan extended a finger and pointed at the door. Her chest was also heavily panting, and she seemed especially angry. At that time, I was scared stiff by Wang Xuan's aura and my entire body shook violently. My tears instantly fell: "Sister Xuan Xuan Xuan?"

Roll... In her rage, Wang Xuan shouted at me.

At that moment, I was really frightened by Wang Xuan. No one knew how much I liked Wang Xuan in my fifth year. How much I care about her, so when I heard her tell me to scram, my heart completely panicked.

At that time, when a fifth-grade kid faced such a scene, he didn't know what to do. I, who had been a coward since I was young, chose to escape at the first possible moment. I ran out of Sister Xuan's house in tears.

What I didn't expect was that side was the last time I saw Wang Xuan during the whole summer vacation. Because Wang Xuan had left. Before the university even started, she had already left …

Before Wang Xuan left, she didn't come to my house to look for me again. The fifth-grade books, I almost cried over them.

The days have returned to the past. Time flew by and soon, three years had passed. I was in my third year of high school and was about to take my high school entrance exam. And when Wang Xuan reached her third year, she would have to face her fourth year of internship.

As for me, I have been a loner since I was young, moreover, I am from the countryside, and my family is not rich. I grew up under the care of my parents: Little Chao, our family is poor, let's not compete with the kids in the city. Let's compete with studying.

Maybe it was to keep my mother from feeling sad, maybe it was to forget about Wang Xuan. I spent the whole junior high school studying in silence. Sometimes, even after the evening self-study, he would crawl into bed and turn on the flashlight to read. I got up at five in the morning and was the first to go to the classroom...

And after three years, I'm no longer that little kid in grade four or five. Looking at the love affair between boys and girls in junior high school. I know a lot of things.

I know that Wang Xuan and I are impossible because there seems to be a chasm between us. I didn't even dare to think about it.

In the dorms of the school, there were many classrooms and other places with students who had fallen in love with each other. There are boys talking about which girls are beautiful, and so on...

But I never talked about those things with them, because there was only Wang Xuan in my heart. She was alone. No matter if it was appearance or body, Wang Xuan was far from something that those girls from junior high school could compare with.

In these three years, I worked hard at studying. In the 80 students' classes, my grades never fell below the top 5. In the eyes of almost everyone, teachers, classmates, etc … I'm good.

But no one knows, in my heart, I only think of myself as a pitiful bug, even... He's just a big idiot. I regret saying that I loved her to Wang Xuan three years ago. If I hadn't said it back then, then I would still be her little brother …

However, time could not be reversed, and the words spoken could not be retracted …

It's another year's summer vacation, and I'm about to be promoted to third grade. I went home with third place in the class. My mother made me a lot of good food. But I had no appetite.

At noon, while my mother was taking a nap. I went to Wang Xuan's house alone. It's been three years. Almost every time I come back, I come here. But I never saw Wang Xuan again.

My mother once told me about Wang Xuan, saying that she had been taken care of by a boss in college. He had been someone's mistress for a long time, and had been beaten by others many times. In fact, he had even given birth once. These words spread throughout the village. As a joke for the villagers.

The only female university student in the village had gone to university with great difficulty, but had actually been raised by someone. A bunch of middle-aged and elderly women started shouting malicious words like "crappy shoes", "Miss", "bus", and so on.

My mother also found out that I often went to see Wang Xuan, so she told me in a strict tone that I should not have any contact with her in the future. A woman like Wang Xuan would bring you harm. I had a lot of arguments with my mother about this.

Because... I never believed that Wang Xuan could be that kind of girl. Wang Xuan treats me as his own brother and I view her as my own sister. Even when my mother and I argued the hardest, I just yelled, Even if Wang Xuan became a young miss, I would still treat her as my own sister!

Actually, what I said in my heart was that even if Wang Xuan becomes the young miss, I will still marry her …

In front of Wang Xuan's house, I stood there stupidly, smiling foolishly as I reminisced. A trace of sadness appeared in his eyes …

Just as I turned around to leave, suddenly, a familiar voice came from Wang Xuanxuan's courtyard. Then, a long-haired girl wearing pink high heels, black stockings, black panties, and a small white sling walked out.

Little Chao? The moment Wang Xuan saw me, she was very surprised.

But when I heard Wang Xuan's voice again, I saw her figure. Tears started streaming down my face. Three years of longing, three years of dreams. He finally saw it. I've finally seen it …

Little Chao, hurry up and come in. Why are you still angry at Sister Xuan? Wang Xuan's bell-like laughter reached my ears.

I quickly wiped away the tears on my face. I turned around and put on a smile as I looked at Wang Xuan. She was even more beautiful than before. It was as if with her there, the poor little mountain village seemed to have some sort of unique scenery. Yes, this was Wang Xuan!

Big Sister Xuan Xuan Xuan … I called out to Wang Xuan, but my voice was a little hoarse. Heaven knows how I've been through these past three years!

Wang Xuan stared at my slightly red moist eyes for a while. Ye Zichen frowned, while his eyes were filled with pain. He walked to my side, took the initiative to hold my hand, and pulled me into the courtyard …

But when Wang Xuan held my hand, I subconsciously pushed away her hand. Because of this action, I've thought about it countless times over the past three years …

Because, I cannot let Wang Xuan know, even if it's three years since we last met. I still love her in my heart, and I still like her that much. Furthermore, because I was afraid, afraid that I would reveal a little bit of my feelings, Wang Xuan ignored me again.

Right now, I only want to be her little brother, only want to be her little brother …

Seeing me push her hand away, Wang Xuan was also stunned for a moment. And then he laughed and hit me on the shoulder and said, Gee... It seems that the snotty brat from back then has grown up … You all know how to bear it …

Wang Xuan was smiling, and I was also very happy in my heart. Because at the moment he saw Wang Xuan again, everything seemed unimportant. I told her not to tease me, Sister Xuan Xuan. I'm a teenager now, and very sensitive. If I do something out of line to you, don't blame me...

Wang Xuan stared blankly for a moment, then clutched his stomach and laughed. The branch of the flower that was laughing was trembling uncontrollably. Her long hair fluttered in the wind. When Wang Xuan bent down, I just happened to see that wisp of white on her chest …

At that time, I almost had a nosebleed, so I quickly looked elsewhere...

Wang Xuan laughed for a long time until her stomach hurt. I was laughing like that, endlessly. Black lines immediately covered his head.

I was just saying, Sister Xuan Xuan Xuan, do you need to go that far? I'm already in the third grade, how can we not laugh?

Only now did Wang Xuan get up, but she still smiled for a long time. Then, she habitually scratched my nose and said, "Aiyo, what's wrong? Now that you've grown up, your Sister Xuan Xuan can't tease you anymore, can she?"

Big Sister Xuan Xuan Xuan, I was wrong … I lowered my head and pretended to beg for mercy. However, he was feeling extremely happy in his heart …

Wang Xuan nodded his head and then took the initiative to hold my hand. My hand was intertwined with her long, white, and soft hand. Then, Wang Xuan pulled me to the inner room. After all, it was very hot outside.

When Wang Xuan once again took my hand, all I felt in my heart was happiness …

Wang Xuan and I stayed in the room for a long time, but we hadn't seen each other for three years. And I grew up with her. Thus, I was still a bit more restrained. Today, I had already pulled on Wang Xuan's hand. I didn't do anything else.

When I went to bed at night, I was especially happy. He covered his blanket and laughed for a long time. Because I asked Wang Xuan. She said she was going to stay for a few days this time. And Wang Xuan said that she missed me quite a bit, so she told me to go play with her for the next few days. I didn't sleep that night at all.

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