Panda Taoist Priest/C10 Largeflower
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Panda Taoist Priest/C10 Largeflower
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C10 Largeflower

"Wait for me here, I'll be right back." Lin Ann decided to see who was knocking on the door first.

Lin Ann pushed the door open, "Who is it?"

"Taoist Fellow Lin, it's me."

"Taoist Fellow Zhang, what brings you here today?"

It turned out that Zhang Yuan, who rarely saw him, came to see Lin Ann. Lin Ann was very happy to see him. Zhang Yuan and Lin Ann had the same level of Gui Yun in the same year, so although the two rarely interacted with each other, Lin Ann still had a good impression of Zhang Yuan in the same year.

"I naturally have a good thing in finding Taoist Fellow."

"Good news!" Lin Ann's voice sounded excited.

The sound outside the house suddenly became quiet, and no sound could be heard. Even though Chu Xiong was a bear and had good hearing, he could not be heard at all.

The corner of Chu Xiong's mouth slightly raised with a face of disdain. He focused his Spiritual Qi towards the ears of the bear, causing both of his ears to instantly stand up.

The originally inaudible voice rang into Chu Xiong's ears in an intermittent manner.

Yun Yifeng …

Lark Flower …

pill …

Guardian Beast...

As their voices were too soft, Chu Xiong only caught a few key words. From these words, Chu Xiong could roughly guess what the person said, and it seemed like there was something good there.

After a while, Lin Ann pushed open the door and returned.

"What's the matter?" Chu Xiong asked.

"A fellow disciple is looking for me at Yunyi Peak to gather spiritual medicine." Lin Ann replied absent-mindedly as he pinched his chin with one hand.

"Spiritual medicine?"

"If we cultivators want to quickly increase our cultivation, we have to take spiritual medicine."

"Then you can go and pick them. What's there to think about?"

"It's just that it's hard to gather spiritual medicine …" Lin Ann shook his head, feeling troubled.

"Could this have something to do with the guardian beast?"

"That's right, it's a Guardian Beast." As Lin Ann was speaking, his eyes suddenly narrowed. He raised his head and looked at Chu Xiong, "Eh, you know!"

"I heard a few words from you guys just now." Chu Xiong said casually.

This time, Lin Ann was really surprised. Just now, when he spoke to Zhang Taoist Fellow, not only did he lower his voice, he even used a small soundproofing Tao technique.

Even so, Chu Xiong still heard about it. This Black Bear was way too skilled!

A low level Spiritual Beast's hearing shouldn't be able to break through the sound barrier?

"Hmm …"

Lin Ann suddenly realized that Chu Xiong's spiritual energy was very strong. The opponent this time was a low leveled Spiritual Beast, wasn't Chu Xiong able to handle him?

No matter how you looked at it, two cultivators with low Mortal Body and one Spiritual Beast at the peak of the lower realm would never lose against a lower realm Spiritual Beast!

Originally, Lin Ann thought that the risk of two low level Taoists fighting a low level Spiritual Beast was very high, so he hesitated to go. When he returned to the house, he realized that he was no longer alone. The current him was Black Bear Spiritual Beast, who was at the peak of low-level, and his strength was nothing like it was a few days ago.

Thinking of this, Lin Ann immediately smiled, "Haha, I almost forgot about you."

"Stay here. I'll be right back." Lin Ann said as he pushed the door open and walked out. The sound of his footsteps soon disappeared outside the gate.

Chu Xiong, on the other hand, looked at the dumbfounded Lin Ann disappearing in front of his eyes.

In the evening, Lin Ann came back with excitement. When he saw the black bear sleeping soundly on his bed, the smile on his face froze.

"You, you stupid bear, get up!" Lin Ann looked at the bed that he had just washed a few days ago and felt depressed.

It wasn't his fault that he was angry. A black bear was lying on his bed, and that fur … How much must he lose?!

"You're back?" Chu Xiong blinked and got up. Speaking of it, it was his first time sleeping on a bed in this world. Although it was a bit small, it wasn't the ground. He had to sleep on a bed in the future.

"You go out first, and don't sleep in my bed in the future!" "Also, tomorrow morning, we'll go to Yunyi Peak to gather medicinal herbs." Lin Ann wanted to teach Chu Xiong a good lesson, but when he thought of going to pick herbs tomorrow, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Alright." Chu Xiong staggered back into the yard.

"What's going on? How could I just let it go? " Chu Xiong walked out and Lin Ann said to himself. Haha, of course it's me. " Thinking about the treasure hunt tomorrow, Lin Ann became excited again.

"Taoist Fellow Zhang, I wonder how far away we are from the Lark Flower?" Lin Ann wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at the man with a thin face beside him.

This person was Zhang Yuan, the fellow sect member who had asked Lin Ann out to pick herbs.

Early in the morning, the two people and the bear ran towards Yunyi Peak. They walked from morning to afternoon. They had already walked for several hours but they still had not seen the elixir Zhang Yuan was talking about. Lin Ann could not help but feel puzzled.

Daoist Priest was not a deity, but a human. After walking for so long, he was already tired. Moreover, he suspected that Zhang Yuan had remembered the location of the elixir. Otherwise, how could he have been able to walk for so long?

"Don't worry, it should be soon." Zhang Yuan raised his head and looked at the sun to determine the direction, then answered with certainty.

"Alright, as long as Taoist Fellow is confident." Lin Ann heaved a sigh of relief.

If Zhang Yuan was a cultivator and had an extraordinary memory, then he said he had left a mark near the herb, otherwise, it would have been difficult for Lin Ann to travel with him.

"Won't Taoist Fellow keep it?" Zhang Yuan glanced at the black bear behind Lin Ann and asked curiously.

Normally, cultivators would put their Spiritual Beast into the Spiritual Beast's bag, because this way, the Spiritual Beast could cultivate in the bag. If the Spiritual Beast followed its owner and ran around in the forest, wouldn't that be a waste of the Spiritual Beast's cultivation time?

"Hehe, I'm afraid that there might be some unknown danger in the forest, so I let it out as a precaution." Lin Ann smiled awkwardly.

"Taoist Fellow is really cautious." Zhang Yuan looked at Wu Tie and nodded.

If I could have kept it, I would have! Lin Ann roared in his heart.

Lin Ann thought about what happened that morning and felt depressed. Because when he let Chu Xiong into the Spiritual Beast, Chu Xiong rejected him again.

Could it be that the Genuine Qi that Monastery Master bestowed upon me is useless? Lin Ann thought of a possibility. However, he shook his head. Monastery Master was a real person, so how could a real person's move be ineffective?

Fortunately, it was only willing to enter the Spiritual Beast bag, so it did not listen.

"This Spiritual Beast really has a personality," Lin Ann became proud again as he thought about it.

"This way." After determining the direction, Zhang Yuan walked in the direction where the vegetation was more lush and lush.

"Let's find the spiritual medicine first." Lin Ann decided to study Chu Xiong in the future and first looked for the elixir in front of him.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Chu Xiong was a bit conflicted. This was a place with dense forests and high mountains. If he ran, the two of them would definitely not be able to catch up.

After all, his days at Gui Yun Monastery were pretty good, he had both food and drink and also a cultivation technique. Once he leaves the Gui Yun Monastery and stays in the open, it might not be better than now.

Furthermore, after staying here for a long time, he understood that a low level Spiritual Beast like him was nothing.

That would be a tragedy …

No matter how he thought about it, it was better to stay. Freedom was a light, and he loved it so much that it became flustered.

"Sigh …" Let's just hang around with him for now. It won't be too late for us to leave when we find a way to turn into humans. " Chu Xiong let out a sigh and quickly chased after the two with his four limbs touching the ground.

After another two hours, the sun gradually set.

Zhang Yuan ran up to a tree that was as thick as five people and made a hand sign with one hand. A mass of green light instantly appeared on the tree trunk and disappeared.

"Found it!" Zhang Yuan shouted in surprise.

"Found it?!" When Lin Ann saw the green light, his spirit exploded.

"Right ahead us." Zhang Yuan raised his hand and pointed at a rock that was a hundred steps in front of him. He was extremely excited.

Chu Xiong's eyes were also wide open as he tried to see what the spiritual medicine looked like ahead of time.

"Be careful, that Blue Stripe Leopard should be nearby. It is the guardian beast of the Lark Flower, and only needs to wait for the age of the spirit medicine to grow. Eating spirit medicine will increase its strength." Zhang Yuan thought about the guardian beast and suppressed his excitement. He carefully looked around at the lush vegetation.

Blue Stripe Leopard, low level Spiritual Beast, but extremely fast. To humans who did not know how to move at a normal speed, the threat they posed was even greater than normal middle stage Spiritual Beast.

"Yes." Lin Ann nodded. He had heard of the power of Blue Stripe Leopard.

At this moment, Chu Xiong was somewhat excited, because Blue Stripe Leopard are low level Spiritual Beast, so they can be used to test one's strength. Ever since Chu Xiong became a Spiritual Beast, he had not fought yet.

With these thoughts in their minds, the two humans and one beast slowly walked towards the protruding rock. There were still dozens of steps before a few pure white flowers on the rock attracted the attention of the two people and one bear.

Dozens of steps away, the fragrance assaulted his nostrils!

"This is?" Lin Ann's voice trembled a little.

"It's actually so fragrant!" Zhang Yuan's face was full of surprise.

It was not their fault that the two of them lost their composure like this. The fragrance of the flowers wafted everywhere, reaching to the 50 steps mark the maturity of the Lark Flower. An immature Lark Flower would have to be refined into a pill in order for it to have an effect, but a mature Lark Flower, it could be eaten alive.

After consuming the elixir from the rock, Lin Ann and his companion's strength would definitely improve greatly.

Zhang Yuan stared at the elixirs in the distance and started to get excited. Suddenly, his face turned ugly.

He glanced around, his expression uncertain.


Lin Ann stared at the elixir and did not notice Zhang Yuan's abnormality, but Chu Xiong saw it clearly, "What happened to him?"

"Let's go and gather the herbs first." Zhang Yuan's eyes became serious. He gritted his teeth and called Lin Ann to follow him.

"This …" Lin Ann looked around and hesitated. After all, the Blue Stripe Leopard was still hidden.

"The spirit medicine has matured. If we do not pick soon, I'm afraid we will attract other Spiritual Beast to come and harvest." Zhang Yuan looked around nervously.

"Taoist Fellow was right, I was careless." Lin Ann's eyes twitched as he agreed.

"You have to be fast." Zhang Yuan called out to him again. At the same time, he sped up his pace by a lot.

Lin Ann did not dare to be slow and also walked forward quickly.

Chu Xiong, who was at the end, squinted his eyes and glanced at Zhang Yuan. After many years of experience of robbing tombs, he had seen quite a few of them. After that, Chu Xiong once again poured spiritual energy into his ears, causing his fluffy ears to stand up.

Suddenly, Chu Xiong's ears twitched as the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

As expected …


Seeing Lin Ann and Zhang Yuan were only ten steps away from the elixir, a black shadow rushed out from behind a tree at the side, pouncing towards Lin Ann with astonishing speed.

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