Panda Taoist Priest/C12 Captured
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Panda Taoist Priest/C12 Captured
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C12 Captured

"You can talk!" Chu Xiong was shocked.

"A bear is stupid, are you stupid? Of course I can talk, but don't you also know how to talk? " The grass hummed.

This pig really knew how to speak, but it wasn't in human language, but in wild boar's humph. It was as if Chu Xiong had discovered a new continent, and he wasn't only able to communicate with Lin Ann in this world, but with pigs as well.

Humans have their own words, and beasts also have their own language.

"Why did you help that man?" Chu Xiong suppressed his excitement and ignored the grass flying above him.

"Nonsense. He is my master, so naturally, I have to listen to him." said Fly in the grass scornfully.

"Master? I think I'm just asking you to fight a war! Don't you want to fight back? I can help you get him out of his control and back to freedom. " Chu Xiong rolled his eyes and decided to fly up the grass.

"Why are you resisting? He gave it to me to eat, he gave it to me to drink, I listened to him, I was willing. " Flying over the grass spoke with some hesitation.

"Can eating and drinking make you work so hard? Is it always you who's in the lead, always the cannon fodder, and also the one injured? " Chu Xiong continued to work hard.

Flying over the grass was surprised for a moment, then it opened its mouth and stopped humming. However, its eyes constantly flickered, as if its pig brain was in deep thought.

"Flying on the grass, what are you doing? Why are you still not making your move? " Zhang Ziqiang saw that his Spiritual Beast and black bear were roaring and humming, but they did not attack.

Zhang Ziqiang's voice seemed to contain magic. As soon as it entered the boar's ears, the boar's eyes turned red and the initial hesitation disappeared.

"I only need to listen to Master, don't try to lie to me." The man on the grass let out an angry groan and started digging the ground with his front hooves. The muscles all over his body bulged, and his body expanded by a size akin to that of a balloon.

Chu Xiong's bear nose let out a cold snort. This time, he saw that Zhang Ziqiang must have entrapped him. It was equivalent to having control of his mind, so it was useless for him to say anything.

Chu Xiong saw Lin Ann's situation and knew that he had to end the battle quickly. Even if Lin Ann bought him back from the market, it would be considered a life-saving favor. With Lin Ann's defeat, it would not be a good thing if Lin Ann fought three against one.

While thinking, Chu Xiong took a deep breath, "Roar..."

With a large amount of spiritual energy flowing into Chu Xiong's body, his figure became even taller and soon grew a bit taller. Time was of the essence, Chu Xiong used his Minor Ability. He saw his already thick arms instantly becoming thicker. From afar, it seemed like Chu Xiong was carrying two tree stumps.

"Swish …"

The wild boar charged at Chu Xiong again. This time, it was not only faster, it was also stronger.

Zhang Ziqiang squinted his eyes. Between the heavens and the earth, humans and creatures could cultivate. The heavens were fair. Animals' advantage lay in their defensive capabilities and their combat prowess. Humans' advantage lay in their intelligence and the profoundness of their cultivation techniques. The battle between Spiritual Beast was that simple. He had once witnessed two high leveled Spiritual Beast fighting to the death with one fist and one palm respectively. Animal fighting is simple. Whoever has the most ability and the most skill is the winner. Animals would never try to trick each other.

In the end, the Spiritual Beast still had not completely broken away from the animal's battle instincts.

"Judging from its strength, it's most likely a draw." Zhang Ziqiang said lightly.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and the indifference was gone. "Not good!"


A loud sound came from the forest as the bear and the pig flew towards each other. The sound of the wind was so loud that it caused the surrounding trees to topple over.

Lin Ann and Zhang Yuan's Flying Sword were unable to control themselves after it was blown by the strong wind. They rolled in the air for a while, and the two of them became flustered. They also spent a lot of spirit energy to control the Flying Sword.

The gale dissipated, and a bear and a pig appeared.

However, the Savage Barbarian from before was no longer flying on the grass. It was now lying in a pool of blood, while the Black Bear stood on the ground with both of his hands dyed in blood.

"It actually did it!" Zhang Ziqiang looked at the black bear from afar with a pale face.

He had clearly seen that just as the horse was about to collide with the black bear, the black bear had actually dodged and dodged …

Unable to stop his feet from flying on the grass, he arrived at Black Bear's position. Black Bear returned his fists and smashed down.

This black bear could actually dodge?

How could a black bear have such an IQ?

Why did this Black Bear not play according to the rules!

Zhang Ziqiang gritted his teeth. Black Bear's luck must be too good!

Looking at the corpses flying on the grass, Zhang Ziqiang's heart was filled with hatred!

The pitiful Soaring Grass, a dignified middle stage Spiritual Beast, was chopped into two by the black bear's palm just like that!

"That was close!" Chu Xiong let out a light breath, looking at the grass in front of him with some pride. He was a man, not a bear. How could he compare strength with strength?

Just as he was feeling pleased with himself, a gust of cold wind suddenly came from his back.

"Not good, someone is plotting against me."

It was too late to turn around. Chu Xiong immediately jumped forward and looked back. A rope had just flown where he stood.

Chu Xiong's eyes jumped, the rope...

Flying rope!?

Out of the corner of his eye, Chu Xiong saw Zhang Ziqiang. Zhang Ziqiang was performing a single-handed technique.

So it was because of him.

A sword could fly, a wolf could stab, and a pig could talk. There seemed to be nothing in this world that couldn't be done.

Chu Xiong understood again that he came to a different world.

"Humph, such luck." Zhang Ziqiang snorted and made another hand sign.

The rope was like a snake, flying towards Chu Xiong at an extremely fast speed.

Chu Xiong didn't know the power of the rope and didn't dare to take it head on, so he turned around and ran. The rope's speed was still faster than Chu Xiong's. Chu Xiong saw that he couldn't dodge in time, so he used his ultimate move. Scram!

The rope was indeed not as nimble as he had expected. Every time he caught up to Chu Xiong, he could successfully dodge the rope as long as Chu Xiong rolled.

Chu Xiong understood, although this Taoist can control the rope to fly around, but the turn should consume more spiritual energy and the rope will become slower. Chu Xiong thought that he would be fine as long as he turned the corner in time.

With this idea in mind, Chu Xiong immediately stabilized his mind, rolled his eyes, and rolled in the direction of Zhang Ziqiang. When he got close enough, he would have the strength to capture an emperor first.

20 meters...

15 meters...

10 m...

Hehe, he's dead for sure!

"Do you take me for a pig?"

Just when Chu Xiong was a few steps away from Zhang Ziqiang, Zhang Ziqiang suddenly spoke with a tone full of ridicule.

Chu Xiong's entire body quivered as he thought to himself, "Not good!"

Zhang Ziqiang did not waste any time on words. He raised his hand and threw another rope. It was a little thicker than the one that was chasing Chu Xiong.

It turned out that he had already seen through Black Bear's intentions long ago, and he had pulled out another Immortal-Tying Rope from the Storage Bag ahead of time.

The two ropes struck Chu Xiong from the front and back. Chu Xiong rolled to his side in a panic and dodged the rope.

However, Zhang Ziqiang wasn't going to let Chu Xiong off like that. He repeatedly cast spell after spell and the two ropes in the air charged towards Chu Xiong like two swimming dragons. It was obviously impossible for Chu Xiong to dodge the ropes like he had imagined.

Chu Xiong gritted his teeth and ran desperately on all fours, trying to escape from Zhang Ziqiang's magic range with his speed. There was a distance between the caster and the caster. For example, a low-ranked cultivator like Lin Ann could only cast spells from a range of 20 meters, while Zhang Ziqiang's Mid-Rank Mortal Body could not cast spells from a range of 40 meters.

"Just run 40 meters and you'll be safe."

Chu Xiong's four limbs moved as he ran like he was flying. Although the two ropes were fast in the air, they couldn't catch up to Chu Xiong at the moment.

Zhang Ziqiang felt anxious as he watched Black Bear run further and further away. He did not know what Chu Xiong was planning, but he knew the range of his spell. If Black Bear ran a few more steps, his Immortal-Tying Rope would not be able to hold it.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Zhang Ziqiang gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

He had been killed by the black bear while flying on the grass. If he couldn't catch the black bear today, he would be at a huge disadvantage.

Zhang Ziqiang bit the tip of his tongue and spat a mouthful of blood on his hands.

The two ropes in the air glowed brightly and immediately transformed into two silver snakes, their speed rising sharply. He caught up to Chu Xiong in an instant, and tied up Chu Xiong who was very tall …

"Haha, it's done!" Zhang Ziqiang laughed.

Lin Ann, who was in the distance, also looked towards Chu Xiong when he heard the sound. When he saw Chu Xiong being captured, his face immediately turned ashen.

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