Panda Taoist Priest/C4 Stallings
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Panda Taoist Priest/C4 Stallings
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C4 Stallings

"Where is this place?"

Chu Xiong woke up and saw that he was wrapped in a bubble. There was a Glyph on his forehead.

Outside the bubble, it was pitch black.

"This should be inside the cloth bag."

Chu Xiong could clearly see the wolf being retracted. He should have been ambushed by those guys and taken back as well.

Chu Xiong raised his paw and tried to remove the charm from his forehead. However, he failed after several attempts.

"I wonder what kind of glue this rune is made of. It's stuck so tightly to me!" Chu Xiong twitched his mouth.

He was a bear now, and could not even break a piece of paper.

He stood up, waved his paw, and used all his strength to slap the air bubble that looked like it would burst with a single poke.

There was no rupturing of the bubble as expected, not even a sound was produced. The bubble only trembled slightly from Chu Xiong's slap.

Chu Xiong frowned. This bubble was much harder to deal with than he thought.

However, when he thought of his own unpredictable situation, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Chu Xiong used all of his strength to constantly hit, scratch, scratch, bite, kick, and hit. He used all sorts of methods that he could think of. The bubble constantly trembled, but there was no sign of it breaking at all.

In the end, Black Bear sat down on the ground, gasping for breath. He was certain that his brute force was no longer effective.

"They will definitely get me out. Since they didn't kill me, I should still be useful." Chu Xiong muttered.

As long as he didn't die, he would have a chance to escape.

The most important thing was to conserve his strength. When this opportunity presented itself, it would be easy for him to escape.

After an unknown period of time, Chu Xiong woke up from his dream and felt his whole body heat up as if there was a force pulling him.

With a flip, he immediately sat up. Raising his head, he looked towards the sky, in the direction where the strength had come from.

In the originally dark space, a huge crack appeared on top of Chu Xiong's head, from the crack, a blinding white light appeared. Chu Xiong felt his entire body tighten as the force that was pulling him increased by several times. The bear was pulled by the force and flew towards the crack.

"Did you finally pull me out?" Chu Xiong looked at the crack in the sky and clenched his fist.

Chu Xiong sat down on the ground as a piercing white light flashed across his eyes. He quickly opened his eyes and looked around.

If he wanted to run, he had to know his surroundings!

However … Chu Xiong sadly discovered that although he could open his eyes, he could only turn his neck …

It was impossible!

It was as if he was being immobilized, unable to move, unable to even lift a single finger.

Now, let alone running, he couldn't even kill himself.

Chu Xiong took a deep breath and tried his best to remain calm. He knew that the more dangerous the situation, the calmer he had to be. Anger would only make him dizzy and do something stupid.

As long as he didn't die, there would definitely be a chance waiting for him!

He definitely could not give up on himself before that opportunity appeared.

Once he calmed down, everything before him became clear.

Chu Xiong blinked his bear eyes and was stunned. He actually... He appeared in a bazaar!

The people around him wore different clothes, but the number of Daoists with the word 'Evergreen' embroidered on their chests was clearly greater.

There are two types of people in the market:

The first type was the stalls. They would place a few strange items on the cloth in front of them without shouting, and then each of them would do their own thing. There were those who were looking at the goods sold by others, those who were dozing off and those who were sitting cross-legged … As if the item sold was not his own;

The other type was the customers who would buy things. They would walk around the market, occasionally coming across things they wanted, and then going up to ask.

That's not right!

There is another type of...

However, it couldn't be said to be human.

In the market, many stalls had some animals, such as leopards, tigers, turtles, cranes, and some weirdly shaped animals that Chu Xiong didn't recognize. However, there was one thing that Chu Xiong didn't recognize.

As for what this fluctuation was, Chu Xiong naturally didn't know. However, he could feel that those animals were very strong!

Stronger than his bear!

Chu Xiong blinked and looked under his butt with his black eyes. He saw himself sitting on a rag that couldn't be covered. He didn't know where this rag came from, but it was just a cushion for him.

A cushion?

Chu Xiong glanced at the animals beside him, they had the same cushion.

"Damn." Chu Xiong instantly realized that he was also a commodity and was being sold here …

"Who is it?" Chu Xiong tried to look back to see who it was that sold him.

This enmity had been formed!

Of course, it was all futile, Chu Xiong couldn't move at all.

However, Chu Xiong didn't need to turn his head because the stall owner had already spoken.

"Taoist Fellow, come take a look …" This is a newly caught black bear, it's different from normal black bears, its brain is especially intelligent, and its reaction is especially fast. " The other vendors did not shout. The stall's owner was like a mortal peddler. He actually started to sell.

"As your own Spiritual Beast, you will definitely be able to greatly increase your own strength."

"It's him." Chu Xiong instantly recognized the owner of the voice. It was the man with the sharp chin.

Suddenly, Chu Xiong was enlightened. So these people actually wanted to capture him and sell him out …

The effect of this shout was immediately apparent. The people coming and going couldn't help but turn their heads over. Black Bear was huge, and even though he was quite a distance away, he was still very attractive.

A few interested people came over, and a few of them started to size up the black bear.

Chu Xiong felt uncomfortable all over as he was stared at by these people.

On one hand, these people treated him as a commodity and did not respect him. On the other hand, he was not wearing any clothes …

In truth, when a black bear wasn't wearing any clothes, it also had a body covered in black fur. Others wouldn't be able to see much of it. On the other hand, even if they could see it, who would want to see a black bear?!

Chu Xiong had been a bear for too little time, so he had easily forgotten that he was a bear.

The surrounding people looked at Black Bear for a long time. Some of them even frowned.

A square-faced man walked forward and arrived in front of the stall. He carefully looked at Black Bear for a while and then hesitantly said, "This is a Spiritual Beast? "Why did I keep looking at it for so long? There's not a single trace of spiritual energy on its body."

The square-faced man didn't have a high cultivation base. He looked at the black bear for a long time, but still couldn't see any spirit energy. However, he was afraid that he would see too much, so he asked.

"This …" Sharp chin glanced at Chu Xiong's back and smacked his lips, "It really isn't a Spiritual Beast, it's just a wild beast." It wasn't that he didn't want to lie, but there were experts in the market. If he lied, it would not end well. He would be forced to tell the truth.

"It's just that …"

"So it's not a Spiritual Beast."

"Like I said, it doesn't have any spiritual energy on its body. It must be a wild beast."

When the surrounding onlookers heard that Black Bear was just a wild beast, they immediately lost all interest and dispersed.

"Wild animals are a bit worse." The square-faced man shook his head in disappointment and looked towards Chu Xiong, "What class is this turkey?"

Chu Xiong rolled his eyes. Out of the corner of his eyes, he found that the thing that was placed next to him was also an animal, a fiery-red hen.

"Red turkey, low level Spiritual Beast." The sharp chin rolled his eyes and said, "If a person can use a fire attribute divine ability, if they stick even a little bit of it to their body, they will immediately turn to ashes."

His sharp chin was very good at selling things, and the power of the turkey was enhanced by his words by several times.

"How many Spiritual Stone s are there between the black bear and the red turkey?" the square-faced man asked.

"Red turkey, low level Spiritual Beast, one hundred low level Spiritual Stone. "This black bear …" Sharp chin blinked a few times, "I'll just take one low-ranked Spiritual Stone."

Sharp chin made a bid that he thought was quite high.

The red turkey was small and thin, and was the weakest Spiritual Beast. However, it could absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth and cultivate with it.

The black bear was tall and large. Unfortunately, it was a wild beast. Although it could absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, its speed was much slower.

"Red turkey, I want it."

In comparison, the difference was too great. The square-faced man gritted his teeth and decided to buy the turkey.

Looking at the small and skinny fiery-red hens, Chu Xiong panted heavily.


It was actually inferior to a chicken?!


It was only one percent of a chicken?

He couldn't live anymore!

It was simply impossible to live on!

It was simply impossible to live!

Chu Xiong thought angrily.

"I want this black bear." At this moment, a person walked out of the crowd, his eyes filled with light. He was dressed like a chef, which was a rare sight in this Taoist bazaar.

"That's great! Treasure! I only lack one dish in the restaurant! "Hahaha!"

The atmosphere had changed too quickly. Chu Xiong was stunned.

No way …

Speak of the devil!

Could you be even more unlucky!

Hey, that square-faced man!

You want something extra!

100 Spiritual Stone buying a chicken, bring me along, it's not expensive!

Will you even talk about business!

Chu Xiong struggled to think.

I want to live …

I don't want to die,

I don't want to die from being grilled meat skewers,

He was even spat on by someone and found it difficult to eat.

AHH!" "AHH!" "Ah!

The point is, I don't want to die!

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