Parcel Party/C12 Heavy rain
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Parcel Party/C12 Heavy rain
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C12 Heavy rain

Burying a package was much easier than burying someone. We chose Old Liu's grave next to the trap that Xiao Min had dug.

The reason we're here is that the soil in the riverbed is soft, which saves us a lot of digging time.

Old Seven told me that in his hometown, we should bow three times when burying the dead to show our respect for the dead, otherwise, the dead would not be able to live peacefully in the netherworld.

"Brother Seven, Old Liu's violent corpse will be at least half a month in the wilderness. I felt it was kind of funny. Old Liu had to burn it a few times to bury it, so the journey to the Yellow Springs wouldn't be easy.

"Old Liu! Why did you leave just like that! Why did you leave me alone! " Before Old Seven could say anything, Cripple activated Wailing Mode.

Everyone was shocked. Cripple was simply a professional mourner. Tears and snot along with the blood on his tongue gushed out, interweaving into a painting on his face.

"You hammer!" Don't cry! " Old Seven berated Cripple loudly, "Dammit, I didn't see you cry for a few days, why did you bury it so sadly."

Cripple somewhat pitifully shrunk his body, "Aiya, I was just thinking of cooperating with you for a bit."

Old Seven did not refute Cripple, but stood in front of the small grave that we had prepared for Old Liu. "Brother Old Liu, although we have not spoken a single word, I hope that you can continue your journey.

After Old Seven finished speaking, he sprinkled the instant noodles and seasonings onto the grave, "There is no wine, this is the most precious thing, there is no respect."

I forcefully suppressed my laughter. How is this a farewell? This is clearly splattering Ziran powder while roasting mutton skewers!

After he finished speaking, Old Seven bowed deeply towards the grave three times. Other than Cripple, everyone else also bowed very sincerely, following Old Seven's actions to show respect to the people who passed away.

Of course, the reason why Cripple did not bow was not because he did not respect Old Liu. It was because he was currently in a physiological condition, so he could only nod.

I also said to myself, "Big Brother Old Liu, I hope that you can protect us and help us be saved as soon as possible."

Big Brother Old Liu has indeed revealed his true spirit. In the evening, it suddenly started raining cats and dogs, and because of the low terrain, the rain suddenly gathered together, and the river also increased dramatically.

"Brother Seven, let's quickly find a place to shelter from the rain!" The rain and the river, mixed together, are no more than our feet, and the situation can only get bigger and bigger.

scolded as he ran, "This hammer of Old Liu's, he must definitely hate us for setting him on fire, or else why would it rain so much!"

I didn't have time to insult the dead Old Liu as I spared no effort to save the package. The wind also started to get stronger, and because of the terrain, the wind that was blown out was spiraling, and the bags started to revolve as they filled the sky.

"Help! Help! Help! " Cripple was on the verge of tears. With both his legs crippled, the water had already reached his navel.

Old Seven seemed to have heard Cripple's cry for help, and he, who was running halfway, suddenly rushed back again.

"Thank you, thank you!" Cripple stretched out his hands towards Old Seven, his eyes filled with gratitude, and tears fell from his eyes.

"Fuck you, don't block the way." Old Seven pushed Cripple to the side, picked up the toilet, and ran back.

I almost fell to the ground. Old Seven, Old Seven is too ruthless!

Cripple instantly fell down from heaven to hell. He was helpless, no, helpless as he stared at Old Seven.

"Fish!" The fish in the trap! " Xiao Min was helping me pack when she suddenly thought of the trap she just made and quickly ran towards the river.

"Danger!" I was shocked. The wind was strong now, and there were already waves on the surface of the river. Furthermore, the wind was spiraling. If I were to fall into the river, the consequences would be dire!

Ah!" Little Min's screams confirmed my thoughts. The wet riverbed was so slippery that Little Min was able to throw herself into the river.

"Cao!" I shouted and rushed over.

I thought I was good at swimming and was famous for my dog paddling, but the temperature was too low. The moment I jumped into the river, I felt like I was in front of a television without a signal. There was a snowflake.

When I came out of the water, Xiao Min was spinning in the waves created by the wind. I used up all of my strength to drink a bit of mastitis from the other party and swam over to her side.

"Quick, quickly swim out!" I pulled on Xiao Min's arm.

Fortunately Xiao Min should be able to swim, or at least control her body above the water surface. Their weight temporarily slowed down their spinning speed.

Xiao Min was probably knocked unconscious, her face was red and water was spraying from her mouth, but she shouted at me as if begging for life, "Quick, let's swim together!"

The sky was opened to us, and the wind also became a little lighter. Xiao Min and I swam to the shore, and then we climbed up with great difficulty.

"Hurry, let's go!" Old Seven turned back and supported Cripple up as he shouted at Xiao Min and me.

I helped Xiao Min up and the four of them rushed to the top of a huge tree.

"Are you alright?" I asked Xiao Min in concern.

Xiao Min coughed a few times, then said with a face full of regret: "No, nothing, it's just a pity about the fish."

"If the fish is gone, then so be it. If you are gone, then truly no more." I stared at Xiao Min, not knowing why she would say such words.

"Hammer, this Old Liu is really something. I even bowed to him, and he f * cking made us laugh in the rain!" Old Seven had just attacked twice while hugging the toilet and Cripple, breathing heavily. But he didn't forget to curse at Old Liu.

"Brother Seven, what does the rain have to do with Old Liu? He's already dead, let's just let him rest in peace." I sighed, because of Xiao Min, I did not have the time to save the bags, and could only watch as the wind swept them away.

Most of the parcels were wrapped in layers of duct tape and were not afraid to get wet, but the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and it was hard to tell where they had gone.

Ah!" Before my grief had even formed, it was interrupted by the shout of Cripple.

"Hey, brother Cripple wants to write poems again?" Unexpectedly, Old Seven did not get angry, but stared at Cripple with interest.

Xiao Min and I's gaze also shot towards Cripple. Cripple was stunned for a moment, he didn't seem to think that his sharp cry would actually attract our attention.

Cripple has difficulty getting down from the tiger. I don't think that he wanted to recite a poem just now, but under the crowd's attention, he could only bite the bullet and advance forward.

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