Parcel Party/C18 It's time to make a plan
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Parcel Party/C18 It's time to make a plan
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C18 It's time to make a plan

I thought in my heart that maybe Old Seven suffered too much stimulation, and then his nerves split. Otherwise, why would he think of using this thing to make a fire? After all, you can't rely on vibrations to rub against each other, right?

Old Seven looked at me in disdain, "Xiao Li, you brat, you've even graduated from a famous university, and can't even understand such a simple logic?"

Old Seven took the oval-shaped Eggy from Xiao Min's hands, then violently smashed open the control handle. When the cute pink colored packaging fell off, an ugly cylindrical storage battery was revealed.

Old Seven took a few more ducks from his down jacket and got some hay. He tore the wires that was connected to the round egg off, and connected it to the positive and negative poles of the storage battery. In the short moment when the wires were cut, it was completely red, and then it ignited the hay.

"Damn, Brother Seven, you are too smart!" Although I was extremely hungry, I still gave a thumbs-up.

Using condoms to make a fire and sex products to make a fire was something I had never dared to imagine before, but in this deserted gorge, we had all done it.

These things were all produced after the Second Industrial Revolution. It seemed that no matter what kind of modern civilization it was, they could be cleverly used in ancient times.

Old Seven threw all the cones and clams into the toilet and started to sing a little tune.

The wooden board for burning fire reminded me of the wooden box floating up from the river. I hurriedly turned my head and asked, "What is Xiao Min's box?"

"Yes, it's a mountain bike." Xiao Min stuck out her tongue, but I couldn't figure out the meaning behind her expression.

"Mountain car?" I bitterly smiled. This is indeed a good item, but it doesn't seem to be of any use here!

Although the smell of the conch and the clam was very pungent, especially after the water in the toilet boiled, it was like being in the sewers of a fish market. However, in the face of hunger, we didn't miss the digestive system at the end of the conch.

After eating more than ten servings of instant noodles and seasoning, my dizziness had greatly lessened. I stood up, wanting to see if Cripple had died.

Just as I turned my body, I saw Cripple jumping towards us at an almost abnormal speed. His crawling body resembled that of a cheetah, and the speed was even more similar!

"What's good, what's good!" Cripple rushed over, grabbed the shell of the conch and stuffed it into his mouth. Only after stuffing seventeen or eighteen cones did he slow down.

Everyone put down the things in their hands, and stared fixedly at Cripple as he dealt with our trash.

"So full!" Cripple burped and collapsed to the ground in satisfaction.

My tears are about to flow down my face. Cripple is too tragic. After escaping from death, I finally managed to snatch back some food, but I was still able to eat the wrong thing.

At this moment, Cripple wasn't wearing any clothes, so Xiao Min frowned and hid to the side. I took Cripple's clothes and covered his private parts and then asked him: "Brother Cripple, how do you feel? Is there any perception there? "

After saying that, I intentionally glanced at Cripple's heavily injured body. It seemed to have already become swollen, because I could barely see anything.

"So full!" Cripple used his fingers to pick his teeth, probably because he accidentally got stuck in the shell of the conch.

"Brother Cripple, Brother Cripple, does the place where you were stung by the wasp still hurt?" The cripple ignored me, making me feel very embarrassed. I could only push him again with my hand.

"What, what happened?" Cripple turned his head towards me, his face full of questions.

"Brother Cripple, do you think the place where you were stung by the Hornet's nest still hurt?" The lame man's expression made me feel funny, and I thought to myself that this guy must have been stung silly by a hornet.

"What?" "What did you say?" Cripple still had a questioning expression on his face, he used his hand to pick at his ear, "What are you talking about, why can't I hear you?"

I immediately crumbled. This bro was actually deaf.

If I'm not mistaken, it was the wasp's poison that attacked his auditory nerve cells, causing his hearing to be damaged.

As the only three friends the Limper had in this gorge, we broke his leg, pierced his tongue, and now deafened his ears.

Under Old Seven's instructions, the three of them stood up together, and bowed deeply towards Cripple's incomplete body.

Cripple seemed to have already gotten used to it. The organs on his body were almost all broken, so he didn't need these two ears anymore.

"Be good, according to this trend, Cripple will become blind in the next step. All of us must take note, we must leave a pair of eyes behind for Cripple!" In the face of the Cripple's calm and collected attitude, Old Seven also blamed himself very much.

Just as Old Seven finished speaking, the burning wood suddenly exploded, and I saw a small piece of burning wood fly straight towards Cripple's face.

"Be careful!" I cried out and used my own body to block the attack for the lame.

I wasn't wearing any clothes on my upper body, so I could clearly feel the pain when the sharp wooden splinters hit my body. I was a little glad, if this thing flew into Cripple's eyes, then Old Seven's dream would have come true.

"Brother Seven, I feel that this is all part of heaven's will! We still have to be on our guard. " I sighed, this is simply the reality coming to me from the death god. Even if I am Cripple this time, there will still be a second and third time and Cripple will go blind sooner or later.

"Xiao Li, what you said is not wrong. I plan to use that bicycle to change his wheelchair and then let Xiao Min push him everyday. This should be able to guarantee his safety." Old Seven said as he shifted his gaze towards the mountain bike they had been talking about.

I also looked over. In front of me wasn't a bicycle that was already installed. All that was on the ground were the parts for the bicycle. It seemed that the person who bought this bicycle was also a fangirl.

I slowly walked over. The frame had the word XXX written on it. I lifted it with my hand, but there was barely any weight on it. It seemed like the material of the bike frame was the so-called carbon fiber.

Two tires thicker than my wrists stood on end, like an elongated sea urchin. I don't know why, but when I see anything, I first think of it as food.

In order to reduce the friction between the seat and the inside of the thigh, the seat of the mountain bike was designed to be pointed, and when I first saw it, I used to worry that the boy on the bike might accidentally turn into a girl and the girl on the bike might turn into a woman at once.

Later, when I owned a mountain bike, I learned that if I changed the seat for a stool like an electric bike, I could wear my leg down by riding for a few hundred meters.

"Xiao Li, I think we should make a plan." Old Seven suddenly walked in front of me and said seriously.

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