Parcel Party/C4 The wonderful use of the toilet
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Parcel Party/C4 The wonderful use of the toilet
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C4 The wonderful use of the toilet

There was actually a toilet inside!

Old Seven's tears were about to fall. His leg was already severely injured, just now he was too excited and thought that he could get something good, but who would have thought that it would actually be a toilet. This caused Old Seven to be in extreme pain.

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. The environment we are in right now is extremely difficult. Basically, all we need to do is to pee and pee behind the trees. It doesn't seem to be of any use for such a civilized thing to suddenly appear!

I looked at Xiao Min. Her face was flushed red, probably thinking the same thing as mine.

"Brother Seven, I won't let you take it apart. You have to take it apart, don't talk about wasting energy, what's the use of making this thing!" I want to agitate Old Seven.

"Hammer!" Xiao Li, you can even use the things inside the express delivery. " Old Seven refused to admit defeat.

"Brother Seven, don't try to be brave. What can this toilet do? I sneered, Old Seven's self-esteem was just too strong.

"Eat? Hammer! Xiao Li, you are really too smart! " Old Seven seemed to have eaten a treasured kidney piece, his waist was no longer in pain, and he jumped up from the ground.

I stared at him in shock, thinking that Old Seven couldn't have gone mad!

Old Seven did not say anything. Instead, he placed the toilet properly, dug up the dirt at the bottom of the toilet, and stuffed a condom that was filled with water into the toilet's opening. After that, he filled the toilet again with water, and placed the opened wooden sticks around the toilet, and started lighting the pile of wood.

Oh my god! Old Seven made a pot out of the toilet.

"Xiao Li! Xiao Min! We can finally cook instant noodles tonight! " Old Seven looked at his spoils of war, his eyes blazing with fire.

I'm on the verge of collapse, and I can't even begin to imagine what would happen if rescue workers came here one day and found us fishing for food in the toilet bowl.

In the end, Xiao Min and I were unable to resist the fragrance of cooked food, so we were no longer reserved. The sound of chewing food together with the occasional "really delicious" sound of the toilet bowl being surrounded was really too terrifying.

Because we were in a position where the sun could only reach us at its noontime, and the sky quickly darkened, Old Seven once again preserved his spark. This way, we wouldn't have to use a condom to light it up every day.

After eating, Old Seven and I greatly sighed at how wonderful it was to have all this happen, while Xiao Min was a little sad. She told us that if her boyfriend didn't receive her birthday present, and wasn't able to contact us afterwards, he would definitely break up with her.

After Old Seven heard it, he laughed out loud, but I also became sad, why wasn't there a woman willing to do these things for me.

Although it was autumn just now, the night in the canyon was extremely cold. Old Seven gave Xiao Min the down jacket that only had one sleeve left, while the two of us leaned on the toilet bowl that still had some warmth to keep him warm.

Old Seven told me to climb the mountain tomorrow. In order to protect the property of the company, I gathered all the bags that I left behind. I smiled, knowing that Old Seven wasn't that kind.

But what can we do, I'm even a bit looking forward to what kind of package Old Seven will open tomorrow.

Early next morning, Old Seven filled up three condoms with clear water and pointed to a giant tree on the mountain to our left. Some parcels were scattered around the tree, and Old Seven told us that that was the destination of today.

Along the way, we did not find any parcels, only a few documents bags. The giant tree is right in front of us, but because of the terrain, it is way too far away, and just as we were giving up on going back, Xiao Min suddenly pointed ahead and shouted, "Look! "What is that!?"

I trotted over and saw that it was a bicycle that had already collapsed. "Brother Seven! It's those two bastards! "

"I'll drop the hammer. These two f * ckers! " Old Seven walked over with a leg, he grabbed the handle of the car with one hand, and his expression became frivolous before becoming serious, "This car has been smashed like that, these two people are probably gone as well."

"Forget about the Brother Seven, these two deserve whatever they deserve. Riding a bicycle on a mountain road is retrograde! "Bah!" If it wasn't for the two of them, we wouldn't have left the country in this way.

"Little Hammer!" Let's go first. It'll be dark when it's late. " Old Seven frowned.

I looked up at the sky. Because of our special location, the sun could only reach us at noon. The other times, the light was very dim.


At that moment, I suddenly heard a faint cry for help!

"Who is it!" I couldn't help but shiver. When I looked in the direction of the voice, I saw a person lying not too far away from us!

He was groaning in pain as he held one leg that was spitting blood, and the other was empty.

"I'll just drop the hammer obediently. Bro, your fall was not light at all!" Old Seven smacked his lips, his eyes glanced at the man's missing leg.

"It hurts!" My leg really hurts! It hurt! It's so painful! " The man was still holding the bloody leg like a repeater.

"Oh my god, your leg is gone, why are you hugging it!" Old Seven didn't seem to understand the man's actions very well.

"This is a good leg! That leg was born and lost! " The man cried very sorrowfully, as if it wasn't his leg that was hurt, but that thing.

"Alright!" Don't move. " Old Seven winked at me and then took out a condom from his pocket.

I knew that Old Seven wanted to bandage his injured leg, so I quickly used my hand to press on his shoulder.

"You, what do you want to do!? What do you want! I know I was wrong! I know I'm not right, I shouldn't be your path, no! Brother, you can't do it! I was wrong! No, no! Help! " The man was shocked by Old Seven's actions and started to scream for help.

"I'll just drop the hammer. What are you thinking about?!" Old Seven shook his head and used all his might to stick the condom into the man's wound.

The man let out a sigh of relief. He came to his senses and told us that he had been handicapped since childhood and that he had ridden to Tibet. He didn't expect that he would run into us.

"Hammer!" Aren't you doing it! " Old Seven smacked his lips! He said angrily.

The man was somewhat regretful. Originally, he still had a good leg to jump on, but this time, he turned into Hawking.

"What about the other person? I remember that there were two of you?" I vaguely remember that it was time for us to turn the car over. It was supposed to be two bicycles falling down with us.

"He, he's above me! "It should be impossible." The man pointed at the top of his head and sighed.

We looked up, and as they were all wearing camouflage sportswear, blending in like a chameleon into the current environment, I could just make out a human form.

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