Parcel Party/C5 Half vote only
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Parcel Party/C5 Half vote only
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C5 Half vote only

Old Seven and I rushed over, on the ground, isn't that the donkey friend who led the way?

When I saw him lying motionless on the ground with a pool of blood beside him, I quickly turned him over.

"If I were to drip like this, would Xiao Li be able to undergo artificial respiration?" Old Seven excitedly held onto my shoulder, his hands already starting to tremble.

"Brother Seven, if you don't even have a mouth, how can you breathe?!" I sighed. The man in front of me should have hit the ground first and dragged his body across the floor when he flipped the car over. His face was badly mutilated to the point that even his lips couldn't be found.

I was still secretly condemning these two men who were retrograde, but when I saw that they were either dead or crippled, I couldn't bear to see them in such a state.

The wounded man was Wen Qing, who told us that he usually wrote poetry and mocked himself for his physical defects, so he gave the name Cripple.

The three of us supported him before we managed to force him up. I couldn't help but shake my head. This time, the name of the pen would definitely be changed. No matter what, we had to call him a wheelchair.

Under the body of the cripple was a package that he had already opened. He told us that he had been feeding on the contents of the package for the past few days and that he would have starved to death if not for our appearance.

Old Seven rushed in front of me and picked up the things left in the bag, "Good hammer! "What's that good stuff? Is it chocolate?!"

The sky was already getting dark. Old Seven was holding a few small boxes in his hands and he was currently squinting his eyes as he read the words on them. I was also pleasantly surprised, after all, being able to get some food wasn't a wasted trip.

"Wu, wu, bird," Old Seven's eyesight was not very good, and after looking at it for a long time, he still could not make out what was written on the package box.

I snatched the box away. The words on it made me shiver! Unexpectedly, it was a female nurturing divine tool — the White Phoenix Black Chicken Pill!

"Big brother, how many boxes did you eat?" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This bro is really unlucky. Two of his legs are already crippled, yet he actually ate them …

Due to Cripple, we didn't have enough manpower to bring back the dead bodies. But if we let this guy go for a few days, this guy would probably stink. Everyone discussed and came over specially to burn him down the next day.

As Cripple was being supported by us, he fainted twice in pain. Old Seven examined his wounds and discovered that his bones were already exposed. Fortunately, he had eaten more than 20 boxes of Black Chicken White Phoenix Pills, which just so happened to replenish his blood, otherwise, he would have died a long time ago.

When Cripple woke up, we were using the toilet bowl to cook instant noodles. Old Seven chewed on it vigorously, then said to Cripple with a grin: "Brother Cripple, want to eat some together?"

Cripple's tears were about to fall. At this moment, he was probably thinking whether this group of people fell to the ground and became stupid, to actually boil their feces to eat.

Old Seven forcefully pulled the cripple onto the toilet, and this brother of his also started to eat heartily. Old Seven stood up and shouted at me: "Xiao Li, I haven't opened my bag today! You brat, come over and supervise me! "

I stood up and dusted off the dirt on my butt. "Brother Seven, pick one."

Cripple didn't know about our agreement at all. He suddenly grabbed a folder and ripped it open with a "puchi".

"What are you doing!?" We can't tear it apart randomly! " I rushed to Cripple's side with slight anger and snatched the folder from his hands. Not only did this brat make us flip the car, he even provoked our work system.

Xiao Li, why is your temper so bad, don't be angry, this is my turn, it is mine. " Old Seven walked to my side, patted my shoulder with his hand, and then took the large envelope from my hand.

I also felt a little embarrassed and gave Cripple an apologetic smile.

Old Seven took out the contents of the folder, "Hammer! It was a cheque! "Oh my god, it's over a million."

I sighed. In this uninhabited valley, not to mention a cheque, even 1 million in cash wouldn't be of any use! It's not as meaningful as a book of soulmates.

Old Seven smacked his lips. He folded the cheque into the shape of a plane and then threw it with force. The plane slowly descended onto the surface of the river and then, slowly, merged with the river water.

"Brother Seven, should we think of a way to fish the bag out of the water?" I stared at the plane on the river. Half the parcels had fallen out while I was turning over the truck, and the other half had sunk with the truck to the bottom of the river.

We should do our best to save a lot of things that are not waterproof.

Old Seven cut me off with a wave of his hand, "Xiao Li, do you not want to die? The water is so deep, and if we go down, we will die. We should just be honest and find some parcels on the land to see if there is anything useful."

I sighed as well. Perhaps it was due to my strong sense of responsibility, but I still wanted to do some impossible things.

The four of them gathered around the toilet. After a brief discussion, it seemed that there was no one else in the canyon, so we decided to hold a canyon meeting.

"Good boy, what about us, I am the oldest, you can call me Brother Seven." Old Seven's first sentence immediately made me collapse. What kind of seniority is this?

"Brother Seven, we can't go out for the time being. Water is still alright, we don't know how long we can keep eating for!" I sighed. Originally, there was very little food, but suddenly, there was an additional injured person who needed to replenish energy.

Cripple should have seen through my thoughts. Afraid that we would abandon him, he struggled to sit up, mumbling "I eat less, I eat less!"

"I think there are a lot of fish in this river. Let's think of a way to catch one tomorrow! My hometown is in the countryside, I used to be an expert in catching fish! " Xiao Min suddenly said.

After Old Seven heard what Xiao Min said, she excitedly gave him a thumbs up, "Look, look at Xiao Min, she has solved our food problem right away, you guys! "None of you are as good as a woman."

Cripple and I also lowered our heads in shame. To prevent the atmosphere from turning awkward, I said to Old Seven: "Brother Seven, from tomorrow on, Xiao Min will be in charge of catching fish for us.

Old Seven nodded his head, I then said: "Brother Seven, we have four more people now, no matter what we do in the future, we will all be more democratic, everyone will vote by hand, and most of us will agree to do it in the future, what do you think?"

The reason I said that was because I knew that Old Seven had a violent temper and liked to be independent.

"Xiao Li, what you said makes sense, but there are four of us, 2: 2 is too much. Old Seven saw through my thoughts and smoothly dispelled them.

"Brother Seven, who said we have four people? This cripple can only be considered half a person, and when we vote in the future, he can only be considered half a vote."

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