Path Of Cultivation/C12 The dragon has the reverse scale the offender must return!
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Path Of Cultivation/C12 The dragon has the reverse scale the offender must return!
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C12 The dragon has the reverse scale the offender must return!

It was only a few breaths later that he finally let go of his hand. He had felt a figure outside observing him, and did not know if it was an enemy or friend, but he was sure that the person's cultivation was much higher than yours. At least, it was at the same cultivation level as Wan Yu, so he hurriedly covered up the movement.

"What are you doing!" The tens of thousands growled.

"There's someone outside. Hush a little bit," Xuanyuan JIang said gravely.

Even his breathing had become extremely rapid, as if he had just walked through hell's gate. After about a minute, Xuanyuan JIu finally let out a sigh of relief, because if someone were to barge in from the outside, he might be able to leave, but it was impossible for him to escape, so he could only hold his breath.

"What was that just now?" Wan Qian also asked because he felt that the aura outside was several times stronger than his. If outside, if they wanted to kill him, they wouldn't even need a single palm.

"I don't know!" Xuanyuan Po said.

As a person, one must understand what they should not ask. Otherwise, he would not even know how he died, so he directly asked Xuanyuan Jiusheng why he came to find him so late at night. He had his doubts, could it be that he was too handsome?

"I came here to ask Senior Brother if you know who wanted to harm me." Xuanyuan Jiuchen immediately started the topic, not wasting the slightest bit of time as he desperately wanted to know more.

It's just that after the day you left the sect, there were people who would come to my place from time to time to ask about you. And every day, there were people who would not only ask about you, but also the other disciples. At the beginning, I thought it was Junior Brother's sister asking about you, but I felt that it wasn't that simple.

"Senior Brother, continue." Xuanyuan Jiuchen knew that there might be more to come, so he did not interrupt.

"Until five days ago, I suddenly heard someone say he was going to deal with you. It seems like there's a word for it, something called Zhang Hong or Zhang Hong."

"Penetrating Rainbow!" Xuan Yuan said.

"Yes!" "It seems to be the Rainbow Penetrating Sun. At that time, I didn't think much of it when I heard this, so I didn't pay much attention to it. However, I heard the two of them continuing to speak, saying that they wanted to deal with you. At that time, the two of them looked at me for a moment and then stopped talking …"

He had heard from hundreds of thousands of people that he had used the Penetrating Sunlight Rainbow! However, he had only used it once against that group of robbers. No one in this sect knew about it, so he was sure that those two were the two who pretended to be robbers!

"Is Junior Brother in trouble?" Wan Qian asked in concern. He knew that Xuan Yuan had just joined the sect and had brought him some good things at noon today, so he was happy about what he had to eat. Therefore, he felt really good about Xuan Yuan!

"Actually it's not that big of a deal. I just came back today and felt like someone was following me, so I came to ask you …" Xuanyuan Jiusheng panicked a little. It was because the fewer people knew about his sister's disappearance, the safer it would be, and it was also good for the people who knew about it.

"If Senior Martial Brother sees what my junior is accustomed to doing, I will definitely not stand on ceremony!" Wan Qian also said straightforwardly. ;

"Senior Brother, can you guess who that person is?" "This matter is of great use to me …" Xuanyuan JIu continued to ask! It was because it was too important. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come here in the middle of the night to look for the tens of thousands of people to talk about this matter.

If there was someone who wanted to harm him, he would probably ask this question himself. He did not reply, but started to think about the things that had happened in the past few days, because this was the only way he could guess who was behind the scenes!

After a long while, they finally regained their senses and asked in a heavy tone, "Junior, I hope you don't tell anyone about what happened today. As for this, I believe you can do it."

From what I see, there are three people who can mobilize so many people. One is Wan Yu, the daughter of the Ten Thousand Sword Pavilion's Sword Tower, and the other is Wan Shuxu, the grandson of the inner sect's second elder, because the Pavilion Master is ordered not to rely on his elders to enter the inner sect. Even his own daughter is the same, and the other person is Wan Hua.

"Wanyu!" Ten thousand books! "Ten thousand!" After saying that, Xuanyuan Jiusheng directly left, because what he needed to do now was to go back and find out from these three people that one of them was the culprit who kidnapped his sister!

Returning to his room, he began to monitor his surroundings. After seeing that there was no one around, Xuanyuan Ju finally relaxed and began to ponder over the three lists in his mind. Because Xuanyuan Ju felt that these three lists definitely contained the person he wanted, he had to calm down and use the elimination method to come out one by one!

The first to go was directly eliminated by Xuan Yuan, because if Wan Yu wanted to deal with him, with his status as the daughter of a variety of clans, as long as he gave the order, he would definitely die without a complete corpse. Moreover, Wan Yu's pain for her little sister … she treated Xuanyuan Hong as her own little sister, so that was impossible.

He had heard of Wan Hua before, he was a genius with a cultivation level that was infinitely close to his own. He was only one step away from entering the inner sect, and he was not in the sect recently. He had heard that his father had transferred him to a stable place, and there were many bandits in the village. Therefore, Wan Hua also ruled out this possibility.

All that was left was the ten thousand books! When Xuan Yuan had first entered the sect, he had a slight impression of Xuan Yuan, because he and Wan Yu had been very close and had a few glances at him. This person had shrewd eyebrows and an extremely sinister appearance; this made Xuan Yuan extremely suspicious of him.

When he was on his way to the Forgotten Mountain, he met a bandit chief whom he was familiar with. Right now, he wondered if that person was none other than that Manchu Manticore! However, right now, he did not have any evidence. If it was really Myriad Books, Xuanyuan Jiuxing believed that tomorrow's meeting with the Mirage Forest would definitely require a secret manual of Penetrating Rainbow that he could use.

Otherwise, why would the grandson of the Inner Sect's Second Elder make a move on Xiao Budian and the kid in the mountain who just entered the city. Perhaps last time he did not succeed, this time he would definitely strengthen his men.

Xuan Yuan suspected that the aura was brought by Wan shu to deal with him, but the other side also had Wan Yu's cultivation. It might not be easy to deal with someone at the "tenth level of the Qi Refinement realm." This made Liu Ming quite suspicious.

As long as he failed the first time, the second time he would be prepared to attack with a hundred percent certainty, because this was the pride of Wan Shuang, and also his most outstanding point. Only by doing this would he be able to make himself absolutely safe, because he knew what he was doing at this very moment!

"No matter what, I have to go to the Magic Forest tomorrow!" Since the other party wanted a secret manual, he definitely wouldn't do anything to his sister. Thinking about it, Xuanyuan Ju started to write a manual here, and what he wrote was exactly the cultivation method of Rainbow Penetrating Sunlight, but the order in the middle had been adjusted by him!

After he had finished writing, Xuan Yuan was slightly relieved because his sister had nothing better to do than anything else. He took out the copy and placed it on his body. Then, he walked out the door alone to check out the ten thousand books!

When he entered the room, he did not see anyone. He only saw a few notes with the words "Meeting in the Magic Forest tomorrow" written on them. "When the time comes, I will naturally not treat you unfairly"

Perhaps it was the same person from before. After knowing all of this, he did not tell Wan Yu because he did not dare to believe that Wan Shuo would help someone when compared to him. Instead, he went straight back to his own room and laid down on his bed.

He didn't sleep for the entire night!

He was deeply afraid that Xuanyuan Hong would be in danger, so he did not go anywhere. He only closed his eyes a few times and recalled the incident where he and his sister were in the mountains. Sometimes, he did not know whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision to bring her out.

He blamed himself for everything that had happened, because if it wasn't for him, his sister would never have met with those things and she might still be dreaming about it!

"Damn it!" If it wasn't for me, Hong'er, how could you do this! " At this moment, Xuan Yuan wanted to become stronger!

All of this was because his own strength was not high enough. If he was strong enough, strong enough to the point where he could cultivate the same level as the pavilion master of the Ten Thousand Sword Pavilion, Xuanyuan Jianji believed that no one would dare to offend him! However, this was just his imagination. There was no other moment where he wanted to possess true strength more than now! Because only then would his sister be safe!

"Strength!" Xuanyuan Jiuzhen had given himself a fierce awakening!

"Sister!" Xuanyuan Po shouted! He clenched his fists tightly! Not a single trace of blood was left in his eyes, but at this moment, he had a feeling that he needed to stay calm. If not, then he was afraid that he and his little sister would also stay here today! Therefore, he could only hold it in!

"What exactly do all of you want!?" Speak! "As long as you can send my sister, I'll promise you anything!" Xuan Yuan fiercely said!

"Kid!" You still haven't forgotten to injure all of our brothers in Forgotten Mountain, hehe! " One of them said sinisterly. Although his face was covered by the black veil, anyone who heard his voice would be able to imagine his wretched expression under the black veil!

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