Path To The King/C10 Blood Dye Tenderness Life and Death Darkness(part I)
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Path To The King/C10 Blood Dye Tenderness Life and Death Darkness(part I)
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C10 Blood Dye Tenderness Life and Death Darkness(part I)

Ye Lingkong looked at the swaying Christie and shifted his gaze away from her chest. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva with great difficulty. He quickly calmed himself down and said, "It was our performance. I don't think I'll let the audience down. Also, beautiful lady, don't seduce me! Otherwise. . . The consequences will be very serious. Uh, I'm putting so much effort into my performance. . . I hope they can see it clearly. I'm afraid that when the time comes, the performance will be too fast and they won't be able to see it clearly. . . Wouldn't that be a waste of our good intentions? Beautiful lady, I'm right!"

Christie approached Ye Lingkong. The distance between their foreheads was less than three inches. Ye Lingkong could even clearly see the gully under her jaw. Ye Lingkong hurriedly shook his head and did not react much. Christie's body shrank and her small hand pressed on her chest. He heard Christie say beside his ear, "Did I confuse you? Hahaha. . . "

The two of them returned to their original position and Christie said, "This performance also needs me to perform. At that time, you better not die too quickly! I want to play for a while. Thinking of the expressions of those fellows who are powerless to snatch prey from my hands, I am happy. Hehe. "

" Alright, when the time comes, your family can be considered to have gained both fame and fortune. But am I really your prey? Hehe, fine! Sort of. As for the final outcome, let Serena settle it. Now, let's find a place where we can kill. This will be the show at night. " Ye Lingkong held the ring on his right hand. He smiled and said, "Now, those guys should know where I am. Next, it will be the end. The noble Miss Christie. Let's go. . . "

" Hehehehe, to be honest, I really want to have a taste of your blood. I don't know. When the time comes, you'll be bitten by me. Will you also become a vampire?" Christie smiled and looked at his neck with a playful expression. She whispered to him. She took Ye Lingkong's hand and left the Chaphil coffee shop. At the same time, she also wanted a lot of annoying things. She followed them and left this place. . .

"Prince, he was taken away by the queen of Crace family. . . "

"Councilman, the target was taken away by that b * tch Christie. . . "

"Continue to follow and see what they are up to. Prepare to make a move at any time. At the same time, don't let that slut Christie have a good time!"

"It's Sir!"

"The people from Atlantis are waiting for a reply. You guys be careful, don't be careless. Be careful, don't let that slut Christie find a chance to kill you!"

“. . . ”

Following that, Ye Lingkong and Christie, with countless tails following them, replayed the feeling from ten years ago. The two of them went shopping, played games, watched a movie until the sunset. The night sky began to appear in front of everyone's eyes, and the atmosphere of the night slowly changed.

Tonight was destined to be a bloody night, but there was only one person who was destined to bleed, a person who was destined to bleed.

The gentle wind blew the ripples of the lake's waves. The ripples of the water played a gentle tune, gentle and melodious! The moonlight moved the clear shadows of the water, and the people of the lake played with it. The wind and clear water resonated in the sky, and the sound of time flowed by! It was clear and serene, and it was as if time had suddenly come to an understanding!

Under the night sky, Ye Lingkong held Christie's hand. They quietly walked on a quiet path. Angry voices could be heard from the dense forest. The hormones of men and women were blooming inside. Christie knew what it was. There must be someone fighting in the wild. This kind of thing could be seen everywhere in Europe, which was open to them. Sometimes, the social gatherings of those families would become chaotic.

Of course, Christie never attended such social gatherings. Moreover, no one dared to invite Christie to such a banquet unless he was tired of living. Who would dare to provoke the dignity of the queen?

"Ye, you are really bad. Bringing me to such a place, Hehehe!" Looking at the surroundings, Christie acted like a pure little girl. She pouted her little mouth and complained about Ye Lingkong. Her lovely appearance made people feel pity for her.

"Not at all! It was you who accidentally heard something you shouldn't have. Miss Christie, don't misunderstand my character! I think. . . There is no one more pure than me in the world. Don't you think so, Miss Christie?" Ye Lingkong smiled innocently. At the same time, he gave Christie an innocent look. He pretended to be real!

"Hehe, is that so?" Christie, on the other hand, rolled her eyes in disbelief.

Those guys in the dark could not help but pinch themselves hard to make sure that they were not dreaming. Damn it. This world was really too crazy. The cold queen Christie actually had such a time? In order to kill this guy, did she need to put in so much effort in acting? Moreover, she acted so well. If they did not know that Ye Lingkong was their target, they would have really treated Christie's current appearance as real. At the same time, they were secretly jealous of Ye Lingkong. At least in their understanding, this was the first time Christie had made such a gesture.

Actually, they did not know that it was an act at this moment. This situation was basically the release of Christie's heart. She did not need to act at all! They naturally could not tell if it was true or false. They only thought that the Queen of the Crace family was a movie queen who did not show her beauty.

After a long time, they passed through the small path. The two of them arrived at a quiet lakeside. There was a table of exquisite desserts by the lakeside, and beside a bottle of top-grade red wine were two exquisite wine glasses. Three candles lit up the surroundings. In the middle of the table was a large bouquet of roses. The sparkling lake water shone with a beautiful light under the starlight and moonlight.

"How is it? Miss Christie, do you like my dinner?" Ye Lingkong held her hand and smiled.

"It was alright. It was very lively. However, You're just a little stingy. You're giving me such an ordinary environment. Also, you didn't buy these things at discounted prices at that cheap supermarket, did you? " Christie looked at this romantic scene. She simply shrugged her shoulders. The magnificent scene on her chest made Ye Lingkong's mouth go dry! Hearing her evaluation, Ye Lingkong helplessly shrugged his shoulders. He raised his leg and said, "A cheap supermarket? Alright! Since you don't like it, I'll smash it. Let's go to another interesting place! "

"Forget it, that's it. Hehe, Ye. You did quite well. " Christie's sudden change made Ye Lingkong a little uncomfortable. He thought about acting. This girl's acting was really not fake. She even lied to him just now. At this moment, he could only helplessly say, "Such a beautiful and noble Miss Christie, please take a seat now!"

"Okay!" Ye Lingkong pulled a chair for her. After Christie sat down, she said to Ye Lingkong, "You sit too. This kind of atmosphere is quite romantic. In the past, you have used this kind of method to seduce little sister, right?"

"Uh. . . " Ye Lingkong was choked by her and staggered. Christie looked unhappy and said, "See, I was right. None of you men are good. "

"No, I am very pure. Before meeting the beautiful princess, I have never touched any woman. " Ye Lingkong sat opposite Christie and swore.

Christie looked at him in disbelief and asked, "Really?"

"It is absolutely true!" Ye Lingkong looked very serious.

"I don't believe it!" He tilted his head, obviously not believing his words.

"What I said is true. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do. " Ye Lingkong was somewhat depressed by this girl. This girl was simply using this as an excuse! Then, Ye Lingkong changed the topic and looked at her with a lecherous look. He said, "I suddenly think of a way!"

"What way can I prove that you are pure?" Christie turned around and rolled her eyes at Ye Lingkong. She asked in disbelief.

"You will know if we try tonight. Hahaha. . . " Ye Lingkong suddenly laughed.

" Go to hell! Hmph, alright, I believe you! Christie looked like she was about to get angry, but she suddenly laughed and said. Ye Lingkong was really defeated by her like this. Therefore, under Ye Lingkong's gloomy mood and the candlelight, they began the performance of the show.

The stars and moonlight quietly illuminated everything under the night sky. A glimmer of light from the lake reflected on the water. Many people in the dark bushes were watching a good show!

Under the candlelight, a pair of blue eyes stared at Ye Lingkong. Under the tender face, there were blood-sucking fangs hidden. The seductive face was filled with happiness, just like a little girl who had just fallen in love. Her sweet voice, her gentle, and her excellent acting skills made the people in the dark couldn't help but praise her!

Christie, the Vampire Queen of Crace family!

Her noble temperament and irresistible charm made Ye Lingkong fall in love with her. He did not care that Christie was a vampire. He only knew that this was the woman he liked. In Ye Lingkong's eyes, there was never a boundary between races in this world. Those boundaries were just a hindrance in people's hearts.

There were some unknown things that humans would always complicate. It was even to the extent that. . . Originally, they would all be given a resounding name, even though the unknown was very terrifying. Those without curiosity were the most terrifying. They would never know how magical and colorful the world was! Christie was not bad as Vampire Queen, but in front of Ye Lingkong, she would always be a little girl. This would never change!

Happy times always passed very quickly. Half of the candle had burned. Now that the candlelight dinner had reached the final stage, Ye Lingkong and Christie knew. Next was the performance, as long as it could continue. At that time, Ye Lingkong would turn from light to dark, and everything would be easier to deal with.

In the dark, there were more than ten pairs of eyes watching the performance of the two people under the candlelight. Each of them was filled with resentment in their hearts.

The lake water by the side rippled along with the breeze. The flickering candle light, the moment it was extinguished, the romantic atmosphere made one fall in love. . .

"Christie. . . . You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I think I will never be able to leave you in my life. " Ye Lingkong looked at Christie with infatuation and softly confessed. He unconsciously held her tender little hand and touched it again. His eyes were full of excitement and joy.

"Um. . . " Christie nodded lightly. Her expression also gradually changed. Christie also seemed to have fallen into a blissful love that was about to arrive. She looked at the person in front of her with some fascination but there was a trace of inexplicable color in her eyes that could not be erased. This point. . . Ye Lingkong entered the depths of his eyes. He naturally knew what that mysterious color of Christie was. It was for the best preparation for the next step.

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