Path To The King/C5 50 Years of Lost Start(part Ii)
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Path To The King/C5 50 Years of Lost Start(part Ii)
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C5 50 Years of Lost Start(part Ii)

For most people, this evening's sunset is the beginning of a party for some people. Just like in Fleiss Castle, the dusk announced the arrival of the night feast.

When the last ray of sunlight fell on the horizon, Fleiss Castle, which had been silent for a day, began to clamor. The celebration of another race began. It was like a party in heaven, and a party in the dark night. Under the flickering lights, men and women in the castle twisted their bodies as much as they wanted. They wanted to express their emotions that they had been holding back for the whole day. This quiet night was their world.

They were night elves, the rulers of the darkness! The Creator forbade them from going out during the day, but the God of the Night gave them more power.

The day was human heaven, and the night was the sacred time for the night elves.

In the chaos, a blonde woman suddenly grabbed a man's neck and bit him. Blood made her look even more excited. The man whose neck was bitten revealed an excited smile. His tongue was covered with blood as it curled around the corner of his mouth. They each immersed themselves in a wonderful realm, enjoying a trace of peace amidst the chaos.

As if they were infected, the men and women revealed their fangs, which had been silent for the whole day, and bit down on the neck in front of them.

"Oh. . . " The numbing pain, the feeling of excitement.

"Hm. . . "

Upstairs, a pair of cold eyes watched all of this. Looking at the scene of the celebration downstairs, she unknowingly seemed to be immersed in her memories.

She remembered that it was during the party in the bar that she met that person. Following that was the drastic change in the family, and they were almost wiped out. After that person left, the family was saved. However, he was silently enduring the pressure from all sides by himself! However, she wasn't angry at all, because she knew that one day, he would come and find her.

Not long ago, the news she received made her heart, which had been cold for nearly ten years, finally feel a trace of warmth. Even if the blood in her body was cold, she could still feel the warmth that person brought her.

Finally, she was looking forward to that person's appearance. However, his appearance made her laugh. She actually wanted to get rid of him. Although it was on the surface, she still felt that it was somewhat funny. Today, he appeared once again. And according to the information he received, he had already arrived in Berlin.

He smiled like a snow lotus on a mountain, blooming in an instant. Unfortunately, no one could appreciate the beautiful scenery at this moment. Calculating the time, it was time for the fellow who had gathered the information to return and report. The corners of his mouth curled into a cold smile, and then he returned to his cold attitude. No one dared to look at him directly, not daring to approach him, and not daring to have any profane thoughts.

Looking at the chaotic scene below, he raised his foot and started to play a wonderful rhythm. There was no emotion on her face, and a faintly discernible aura spread out.

"Tap. . . Tap. . . Tap. . . Tap. . . "

The sound of beautiful footsteps echoed throughout the castle.

Upstairs, two long legs slowly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The 10 cm high heels gave everyone a shocking psychological pressure every time they landed. Everyone stopped, and each of them stopped moving their bodies. Straightening their bodies, they stared at the legs as if they were being paraded.

Not long after, the owner of the leg walked downstairs. Of course, those people also looked down with respect and gratitude.

The red hanging V-word collar was like a blood-red gown, hanging down to the back of the ground for a long time. A pair of tender white feet, he was on the ground. It was as spotless as a jade lotus or a golden lotus. The golden curly hair reached to his waist, giving him a pure and holy sense of beauty. His dark red little mouth seemed to have just kissed fresh blood. Two dimples that never bloomed quietly decorated the cheeks on both sides. A pair of sky-blue eyes made people not dare to look directly at them. The way they looked at everyone was filled with indifference. Disregarding all life! Beneath the tender white skin, there was a trace of paleness. There was always no expression on her face, making people not dare to look directly at her existence.

Her arrogant expression, her cold posture, the pair of thirty-six sharp weapons in front of her chest that pierced through the clouds, it made people's imagination run wild. It was a pity that no one dared to be disrespectful to the owner of this pair of chests. Because she was the owner of Fleiss Castle.

She was the leader of Crace family, one of the three great Vampire family! The Vampire Queen of the generation - Christie!

Christie, this Vampire Queen had been maintaining this kind of charming appearance since the Middle Ages, causing countless men to go crazy for her. Unfortunately, no one was able to touch the body of this cold queen, because anyone who had such thoughts had already become a speck of dust in history.

Dozens of years ago, Christie was still just a noble vampire. Ten years ago, after the major change in Crace family, she used the Blood King's bloodline to stabilize her family's position. Even the other two super families did not dare to have any bad ideas about the Crace family. Christie's strength was unquestionable.

After becoming the Blood King, Christie fully displayed the aura of a queen. In the past ten years, the Crace family that was almost destroyed under Christie's management had become the number one existence in the Vampire family. Her sister had also become an important member of the parliament.

This had also set off a new page for the development of the Crace family. It could be said that the vampires in the Fleiss Castle were now as happy as they were today. It was all because of the deterrence of Christie, Vampire Queen, that they were able to live a peaceful life.

Standing in the center of the hall, the messy food and debris were pushed aside by an invisible force. Everyone was also shocked as Her Highness the Queen's strength increased again. In an instant, Christie's surroundings changed completely.

They were secretly excited. The stronger Christie's strength, the safer their family members would be. In their rules, if one did not have strong strength or strong backing, one would only end up being devoured by their own kind in the end. Christie's strength did not lose out to Vampire Queen's dignity of the first generation, making everyone in the castle revere her even more.

Sweeping her eyes over everything in the castle, Christie's sky-blue eyes did not have the slightest fluctuation. This was the dignity of her queen. When everyone in the castle was swept by her gaze, they immediately felt as if all the thoughts in their hearts were exposed in front of their eyes.

The smell of fresh blood filled the atmosphere of the hall. A bloodsucking party like this was very common for these vampires. Occasionally, when the big families were socializing, The situation of a bloodbath was countless times crazier than this, and it was also very normal for people to die. So, Unless they were strong enough, very few people would be willing to participate in such a large-scale social gathering. Of course, Except for those whose names were pointed, unless they didn't want to hang around anymore. . . Otherwise, no one would dare to challenge the dignity of a big family.

"Klais. . . " Christie's indifferent voice echoed in the castle in the silence. Her right hand lightly caressed her golden curly hair and combed it to the end. The tender and cold interweaved, making people not dare to look directly at her imposing manner. This was the majesty of the Vampire Queen. The pride of a king!

As the Vampire Queen, Christie possessed the noblest bloodline in the Vampire family. Up until now, the Crace family had a very high position in the world. Christie inherited the beauty of her mother and the power of her father, the previous Vampire Prince. It allowed him to become one of the three supreme existences in the Vampire family and become the queen of the generation!

The bloodline of immortality, the purest and purest bloodline, and the noble and elegant aura made people not dare to look at it directly.

Although Christie's voice was beautiful, it made everyone's heart skip a beat. This was the difference in bloodline, the majesty of a queen.

"Your Highness the Queen!" A golden-haired, blue-eyed young man respectfully walked in front of Christie. Klais was much better than those ordinary vampires. At least when he responded to Christie, there was nothing wrong with it. His strength had reached the peak of the count. If he could surpass the limit, he could also reach the same level as Christie.

Unfortunately, the probability of this happening was almost zero. In the history of vampires, there were countless people who could reach the peak of the earl level, but there were only a handful of people who could reach the king level. Because, in order to reach the king realm of vampires, one not only needed talent, but more importantly, bloodline.

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