Peerless Demonic Lord/C19 What do you mean arrogant?
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Peerless Demonic Lord/C19 What do you mean arrogant?
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C19 What do you mean arrogant?

The current Ceng Yanyun was completely different from when he had first entered the Underworld. Although it had only been a single day, his temperament and thoughts had undergone a tremendous change.

Yesterday, when Ceng Yanyun had just died, in order to survive, he had learned a few secrets from the Black and White Transient. He racked his brains, thought of all sorts of methods, and was extremely careful with every step he took. Whether it was his attitude towards the Black and White Transient or his performance in the casino, he was actually acting. On one hand, he was trying to confuse his opponents. On the other hand, he was trying to gain more benefits.

It could be said that his true nature had been suppressed ever since he graduated from university. In order to live, he had to start from the bottom, step by step. He had to pretend to be a grandson and kiss ass to others, only then did he get promoted to his position before he died. He looked like he was about to rise to prominence, but before he could regain his composure, he was killed in a car accident. Therefore, his originally bold and arrogant nature had never been displayed before, until today's conversation with "Fairy Yun", allowed his nature to begin to manifest itself. In the afternoon, he even almost "raped" Yue Er. After training in the mystical arts in the evening, his suppressed personality finally exploded. Coming to the casino, relying on his' trump card 'and the support of Hades, his arrogance grew even more.

"What's the matter! If anyone disagrees, then compare them with me. I, your father, have spoken today and have taken this' god of gambling 'for sure. I'm not afraid to tell you that I am Ceng Yanyun from last night! " Ceng Yanyun arrogantly shouted: "I'll just say it, we are all men, who dares to bet with me, who can throw dice, whoever rolls can do it, it's done quickly, we don't have to guess the size, as long as you throw it, I can guess a few points, if it's me who guessed the points, then I will win, other than those points, who else would dare to bet with me? You, as well as you, you all came over. "Now come and see if laozi won't f * cking kill you." Ceng Yanyun arrogantly walked towards the "wicked scholar" and "tall gambler" who had just cursed at him.

"Brat, you are too arrogant. Don't tell me you really think you're that strong? However, I don't know how your master taught you how to behave with such a stinky amount of money. Don't you know that you have to respect your elders in the outside world? Do you know who grandpa is? Haven't you heard about the 'Ghastly Yin Scholars' Meng Duojue and the 'Steel Arms King' Demon Seal? The two of us have been in the gambling world for more than six thousand years, but we've never seen such an arrogant junior. It looks like if I don't teach you a lesson tonight, you will have to depend on your qualifications to gamble. Don't think that you just got lucky last night and became a god of gambling! " After hearing Ceng Yanyun's provocation, Meng Duojie was not angry at all. Instead, he used his words to suppress Ceng Yanyun, wanting to suppress Ceng Yanyun in terms of aura.

"What is the 'Ghastly Yin Scholars' thing? I'm telling you, gambling is based on luck and talent, not on some 'qualifications'. If I were to tell you that, the oldest one would have a higher gambling level, and the god of gambling Competition would be held fart, directly giving him the qualifications to gamble.

Ha ha-ha ha, you are an old man who has lived for thousands of years, yet you don't even know what a three year old child knows, yet you still have the nerve to live. If I were you, you would have already killed yourself with a knife. Ceng Yanyun was even more insidious. With just a few words, he almost caused that "Ghastly Yin Scholars" to vomit blood. He did not even think about who Ceng Yanyun was, he was an elite in the business, normally working hard to blow the products to the point where customers would want to go bankrupt and buy them, causing the opponents to not dare to raise their heads in front of him. Many of the leaders who were involved in the marketing had invited him to be their guest lecturer, that kind of eloquent person was definitely first class, and was an expert in deceiving people, how could he be taken advantage of by others?

"Good, good, good! "Brat, you have guts. It seems like if I don't teach you a lesson, you won't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. I will play with you today and let you experience what is called gambling!" Seeing that he could not win against Ceng Yanyun, Ghastly Yin Scholars wanted to regain his dignity on the gambling table.

"Come on, who's afraid of who, and who's going? "Let's go together!" Ceng Yanyun continued to be arrogant.

"Count me in." "How can there not be someone like Ben?" … There were also a few other people who were not optimistic about Ceng Yanyun entering the stage.

"The rules are as you said. I will shake the dice. As long as the points are different from what you said, you will lose. No objections!" Ghastly Yin Scholars was indeed a little smart, and wanted to take advantage of this situation. However, he had made the wrong decision today, and the result was that he would lose or lose this time.

"Hm!" No objections, everyone can bet, and as long as you win, I will compensate you with the bet, "Ceng Yanyun said as he took out a few large quantity of Gold banknotes. These were the bet money the King of Hell gave him tonight before they started cultivating, which was more than twenty billion.

"Good, good, good. This kid sure has a lot of money. It seems like I've reaped quite a lot tonight. I bet!" I bet too! "

"Count me in!" How can such a lively affair not have me? " Adding Ghastly Yin Scholars into the bet, all of the five of them thought that Ceng Yanyun would definitely lose.

"You guys really aren't afraid of death!" I can easily guess the number of points you have. No matter how many times you shake, how many times you shake, whoever rolls around, I have the luck to do it. Today, I have the luck to win! " Ceng Yanyun continued to arrogantly stimulate their nerves, but from time to time, his eyes swept across the dice on the table.

The other Gambler s stopped their gambling and gathered around the table to watch. Hades and "Fairy Yun" also came over to witness the battle, because Ceng Yanyun had over twenty billion, but had to bet with five other people at the same time. Therefore, even though the other five people had tens of billions, they could not bet all of it.

The "Ghastly Yin Scholars" did indeed have some skill, as the three dice spun faster and faster in his hands. In the end, all he saw was a blur throw itself into the air, and then, the "Ghastly Yin Scholars" threw the gambling cup upwards, catching the three rapidly spinning dice. He quickly turned the gambling cup upside down, allowing the three dice to stick to the wall of the gambling cup and spin back and forth. His two hands kept swapping back and forth, shaking the gambling cup for five minutes until sweat started to drip from his forehead.

It seemed like thousands of years old gamblers really did have some ability. Just this move alone was not easy to master. Moreover, this was the "Forbidden Space". Every person here was like an ordinary person and couldn't use their own cultivation.

had never seen anyone with such powerful techniques before, not even the Las Vegas Gambling Sage s that the "hackers" mentioned were so fast. Seems like he was able to develop some skills in time, at least this scholarly guy was quite skilled, if he met him the night before, he might really lose, because his hand speed was too fast, and just his eyes could not keep up, thus Ceng Yanyun's "trump card" calculation formula was completely useless.

However, at this time, they could only blame it on "Ghastly Yin Scholars" and the others for being unlucky, Ceng Yanyun, who had been imbued with the meridian expansion technique, was extremely strong right now. Not only had his physical attributes greatly improved, his spiritual force had also explosively increased, causing his "Super PC" to continuously level up. It could be said that everything within three meters of him was completely within his grasp, and this kind of special ability that originated from science and technology had no effect on him at all. This was because it was an unspeakable realm, only able to clearly reflect things within three meters into his mind. No matter how fast something was, he no longer needed to calculate to know the dice's number, so, this was a gamble with no suspense.

The result was as expected, when Ceng Yanyun accurately said 3, 2, 4, 9 hours later, the "Ghastly Yin Scholars" that uncovered the result was completely shocked! He didn't dare believe that Ceng Yanyun was really that powerful, even he himself could only feel that the inside was small, and didn't even know the specifics. The other Gambler who saw the result could only blame their bad luck, saying that Ceng Yanyun's luck was too good, and must have gotten lucky, but luck couldn't keep on following him.

Ceng Yanyun did not try to argue, he even said that in the next few days, he would be the lucky one, but no one would be able to do anything to him, he would definitely become the god of gambling, and even said that he would be able to guess the number of dice in the gambling cup with his eyes closed. With that, the gamblers who were originally watching the show and the old gamblers who were self-confident in their skills, would not work anymore, they believed in luck, but they did not believe that someone's luck would be that great.

However, very quickly, those who did not believe in Ceng Yanyun's luck paid the price that they should for jeering at him for his shameful behavior in the end. Those who wanted to win against him, had no money left on them. What was arrogance? This was arrogance. If he wanted to say it, he would say it. If he wanted to say it, he would say it. If he wanted to slap someone, he would make them laugh. This is a gambling house, when you win the last chips from the other side, no dignity or grace will exist, all that is left is a last resort, hoping that you can give him the money to eat, when billionaire becomes penniless, even suffering from debt, will he still have dignity?

In the first round, Ceng Yanyun won more than 20 billion, and in the second round, "Ghastly Yin Scholars" shook the gambling cup with all his might, and only stopped after shaking it for ten minutes. This time, Ceng Yanyun really closed his eyes, but the results were still proven correct by Ceng Yanyun.

The gambling cup flew up, down, left and right, and the dice even rotated non-stop, until it hit the table and spun for two minutes before stopping. Even this gambler did not know whether it was big or small, and according to his instructions, this time it was using a super skill, so he could not guess whether it was big or small. He was an old gambler who had gambled for eight thousand years, and had killed many important figures who had moved his region in the past. Today, he came here to watch the show, and after enjoying the show for two times, he actually won a few billion.

No matter how strong and skilled he was in the past, as long as he couldn't use his super power in the Forbidden Space, he was destined to not be Ceng Yanyun's opponent. The old gambler was not simple, he actually allowed the three dice to fall together, revealing only the two points above. However, the result was still caught by Ceng Yanyun and easily swept another 80 billion away.

Right now, no one dared to doubt Ceng Yanyun's luck, and there were also people who suspected Ceng Yanyun of cheating, but without any evidence, no one dared to say anything, so who knew if he could use his special ability in the "Forbidden Space"?

Those who did not dare to play dice, thought that Ceng Yanyun would not continue to shine on poker, and so those who were not satisfied decided to teach Ceng Yanyun a lesson in poker. However, the result was very regrettable, as "Ghastly Yin Scholars" owed 5 billion, "Steel Arms Diamond" owed 3 billion, and even that old gambler owed 200 million, and those who were watching the show were also owed 200 million. At around 2 in the morning, Ceng Yanyun, who had won more than 800 billion, was still left laughing wildly in the casino.

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