Peerless Demonic Lord/C7 Casino prosperity(2)
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Peerless Demonic Lord/C7 Casino prosperity(2)
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C7 Casino prosperity(2)

In front of each "person" were piles of chips ranging from several tens of thousands to several million. All the gamble code on the table added together amounted to around six to seven million.

21 points was a new game in the Underworld that had only risen up in the last 100 years. Wan Jia needed to place the bet in the middle of the wager. Then, the Zhuang Family would give each Wan Jia two cards, one card facing up; the other two cards facing up, one card facing down. K, Q, J and 10 cards are all counted as 10 points. The A card could be counted as one point or eleven points, which was up to Wan Jia. All the remaining 2 to 9 cards were calculated according to their original value. If the first two cards that Wan Jia received were an A and a 10, he would have Black Jack; at this time, if the dealer did not have Black Jack, Wan Jia would have been able to win 1.5 times the bet (2 to 3). Wan Jia who did not have Black Jack could continue to hold the card, so that his total points would not exceed 21 points. If it exceeded 21 points, Wan Jia would "explode" and lose the bet. If the dealer's total number of points is equal to or less than 16, then he must have a card; if Wan Jia's total number of points is equal to or more than 17, then he must stop trading. However, since these fellows didn't play the game with a fixed boss, they would take turns being the boss. Therefore, during the game, other people could choose to follow or not follow them, and they could not be considered as giving up.

The dealer pointed out the rules here and everyone decided to treat A as one point, with a bottom limit of ten thousand each. No one was allowed to bet more than 100 thousand each time (upstairs, the booth didn't have a limit) and they started to hand out cards one by one, from clockwise, from "Fatty", Ceng Yanyun "," Bamboo Rod "," Black Face "," Black Heart "," Evil Face "," Small Eyes ", and" Black Face ". Since the first two cards were placed face to face, everyone was able to see who the cards were:" Fatty "," Black Heart "," Red Heart "," 6, "Red Heart", "Red Heart", "Small Eyes", "Small Eyes", "Black Face".

In the beginning, everyone followed suit. The cards that were dealt were: Red Heart 6, Flower Child 9, Black Heart 10, Film 8, and Flower Seed 7. Of course, this time, everyone was playing, so other than him, no one else knew (Hehe! Brother, you have [Super PC] and [Invincible Software], so you have to know the trump card. As a result, everyone's cards will be played: 19 points for "Fatty", 15: 30 for Ceng Yanyun, 20 for "Bamboo Rod", 19 for Black Face, 11: 30 for "Evil Face", and 17 for "Small Eyes".

Since he did not know the cards, the dealer once again started playing cards from "Fatty". Fatty saw that he had a total of 19 points, and it was impossible for him to win, at least for now, he was also 19 points for "Black Face", so he gave up, and it was Ceng Yanyun's turn. Since he was only 15: 30 now, and the next card should be "Heart of Hearts", he added 80 thousand, "Bamboo Pole", and decided not to play any more cards.

Right now, there were 19 points for "Fatty", 20: 30, 20 points for "Bamboo Rod", 19 points for "Black Face", 15: 30 for "Vile Face", 17 for "Small Eyes". Amongst them, "Fatty" and "Small Eyes" had given up, and continued to hand out additional stakes from Ceng Yanyun, and after 16 points, they could no longer ask for more cards.

Now, Ceng Yanyun had finally reached twenty thirty, "Sly face" at nineteen thirty, looked at the cards, Ceng Yanyun pretended to be hesitant, and added another 30 thousand, the two followed him, "Sly face" and "betting cake" at fifty thousand, and of course Ceng Yanyun followed him again, seeing that everyone felt that they were pretty good, and no one seemed to have given up, he added another two, each with a bit of 50 thousand. Right now, the table already had 1.52 million, and the three people had pressured a total of 390 thousand, so Ceng Yanyun calculated his price and continued to confirm that he was at a disadvantage. After all, he called his cards, and after calling out another fifty thousand, the two of them decided to kill him first. The two of them could only throw in 100 thousand each.

He won $1.33 million in one go, after deducting the commission of $65 thousand, he won a total of $1.265 million. "Bamboo Pole" and "Gale Face" each lost $490 thousand, and the two of their faces were gloomy, occasionally glancing at Ceng Yanyun.

was very happy that he had won more than a million gold coins in the first round. However, he believed that the few of them would no longer think that this young man was a "playboy" anymore. They should be able to tell that Ceng Yanyun was very likely an expert that was "playing the pig to eat the tiger".

In the second round, Ceng Yanyun only received 17 points for the low level cards he got. He gave up on the two cards and threw away 10 thousand.

In the third round, they still didn't have much cards left, so they lost by one. They lost 60 thousand, and this time, "Black Face" won 680 thousand.

In the fourth match, he still did not have a big card, even if he wanted to show off 16 points, he was unable to do so and could only throw in 10 thousand once more. This time, the "Fatty" showed off his might and actually swallowed 2.64 million in one go, the "bamboo pole" and the "sinister face" were done for, the two of them had already used up all their chips, fiercely staring at "Fatty" a few times and had no choice but to leave. At this moment, no one else joined in, except Ceng Yanyun, who still had 1.185 million people left.

The fifth round began again. If there were fewer people, they would have a higher chance of winning. Ceng Yanyun wanted a card to increase the stakes, so he added a card to the bet of 100 thousand. Ceng Yanyun also took a card to increase the stakes, and with this added a card to add a bet of 100 thousand, he took another card to add a card to the bet of, "Little Eye" to increase the cards to add 100 thousand, "Black Heart" to "Black Heart" to increase the cards in his hands. Ceng Yanyun still wanted a card to increase the cards by 100 thousand, both of them wanted the cards to follow each other, this time they were the same: K, Q, Black Heart A, Ceng Yanyun now had a total of 14 points, "Little Eye", "13 points," Fatty "13 points, and still wanted a card to add 100 thousand. From the looks of it, Little Eye was finished.

The fifth time he added his stakes, "Fatty" took a beggar and exploded. He added another bet, Ceng Yanyun still had over half a million yuan, while "Little Eye" only had over two hundred thousand, thus, he did not dare to add anymore, and could only throw in 200 thousand. Seeing that Ceng Yanyun had exactly 1 point more than him, he could only put away the remaining few chips gloomily, glared at Ceng Yanyun fiercely with a cold gleam, and left after crawling back up his butt.

Weird, I and "Fatty" have won quite a lot, so why aren't you glaring at "Fatty"? Ceng Yanyun was feeling unbalanced; there was not much time left, he would need to find the Black and White Transient soon, Ceng Yanyun also had more than 2 million on him, at this time, the "Fatty" spoke up.

"Hey bro, it's just the two of us, are we still going to play?" After a careful examination, Zhang Xuan was unable to tell that "Fatty" was a "nouveau riche" in his eyes, and he won more than him without any change in expression. It seemed that he was also a "playing the pig to eat the tiger" master, forget it, he shouldn't offend such a person. In that case, he might as well make a friend. Ceng Yanyun made up his mind: "Since brother has spoken, brother can't not to give me face, then let's end it here! Brother Ceng Yanyun, it's your first time here, if you have the chance in the future, why don't you spar with me again? "

"Hahaha!" Satisfying! Satisfying! Tonight, big brother is' full '. He looks very unfamiliar with little brother. He must be a newcomer, right!? "Huu." However, since you're giving face to big brother, I'll hand it to this friend of yours. In the future, just mention big brother's name to ensure your success. Remember, big brother has some matters to attend to, so you should leave first! Brother, it's so fun. " With that, the "Fatty" did not wait for Ceng Yanyun's reply and gave him a card. He turned around and took out a bag to put away the chips.

"Newcomer!" The few words really scared Ceng Yanyun, he thought that he had feigned successfully, but he did not expect the other party to already know that he was not a "native", luckily he did not reveal his identity during the gamble.

"What is the name of the rich man? "Also called this?" Ceng Yanyun was suspicious, looking at the ordinary looking card, the black metal had two ancient seal characters embedded on it, "Fortune owner", there was nothing else, this person did not even have a way to contact him, how could they find him? Who cares? First, he put the card into his pocket. It seemed like "Fatty" was a strong person, he would put the card away before anything else, Ceng Yanyun's principle was: If there was a bargain, he had to touch it, if there was no bargain, he had to touch it even if there was a bargain, if there was a bargain, he had to touch it. This card, although it looked very ordinary, just based on the two ancient purple seal characters embedded on it, it should be worth a few taels of gold. Ceng Yanyun had originally thought that the card would be worth a few taels of gold, but who would have thought, that this "normal card" that he had suddenly 'greedily' would actually be able to save his life.

Therefore, after paying the commission, under the reminder of the waiter, Ceng Yanyun used 200 purple-yellow chips to exchange for 2 pure purple chips that represented $1 million in gold. Then, taking 20 purple-yellow chips and 2 purple chips, he went to the mahjong area to find the Black and White Transient.

He saw the two ghosts, dressed in black and white from afar, playing mahjong with two guys, as if the hands and mouths of both parties were moving nonstop, as if a war could break out at any time. The two guys were dressed in similar black and white, but their colors were different, the horse face guy wore a blue cloak, he looked cool, and the square face guy with a loyal face was even wearing a red cloak, which set off a body several times more powerful than Schwarzenegger.

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