Peerless God Devil/C9 Sharpen and Sharpen
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Peerless God Devil/C9 Sharpen and Sharpen
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C9 Sharpen and Sharpen

"Let's go. We'll bring you along to sharpen yourself. If you encounter anything wrong, immediately return." Lili and Ao Ma turned and left Devil Arena with Ouyang Yunhai. After leaving the Devil Arena, they soared into the sky, heading towards the battlefield in the distance.

Devil Arena s who were still cultivating looked curiously in the direction of Ouyang Yunhai and the others, and couldn't help but secretly guess Ouyang Yunhai's identity. Exactly what kind of background did this youth with Celestial Devil Clan have, to actually be able to receive the attention of the Demon King, and get Ao Ma and Devil General to personally escort him in cultivation.

The battlefield where King Zhang Yue was located was mainly related to the battle with the Purple Cloud Empire. The battlefield wasn't too far away from the castle, after all, the castle was on the verge of providing reinforcements. Ji Shan and Ao Ma were shuttling through the clouds with Ouyang Yunhai, constantly approaching the battlefield.

"All these years, the legions with Purple Cloud Empire have grown stronger and stronger, making it difficult for us to deal with them. If it wasn't for the fact that their top fighting strength is strong enough, just relying on their strength alone would have been enough to force us to retreat." Ji Shan looked at the battlefield in the distance with a serious expression.

No wonder the Demon Fortress that focused on Purple Cloud Empire were not guarded by ordinary Demon Kings, but one of the nine great kings, King Zhang Yue.

Soon, they appeared in the sky above the battlefield. A thick stench of blood came from the battlefield below them, and the ground was covered with the blood of the experts of the two races. A terrifying killing intent filled the ground below, which was left behind by the experts of both sides.

"Now is not the time for war, there are only scattered battles below. I will send you to a safer area and be careful. When you want to leave the battlefield, just use the token I gave you." Ji Shan instructed Ouyang Yunhai.

Ouyang Yunhai nodded. Then, a dark demonic light shot out from Ji Shan's fingertip and wrapped around Ouyang Yunhai's body. Ouyang Yunhai then quickly fell down to the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As Ouyang Yunhai looked at the endless battlefield in front of him, he couldn't help but feel that he was very familiar with it. After all, he had been on the battlefield for many years, so he was already very familiar with it.

However, Ouyang Yunhai had always had a doubt. Back then, he had clearly fallen in the battlefield of Windcloud Empire, yet the Infernal Queen had appeared in the battlefield of Purple Cloud Empire. He had a feeling that there was a connection between the two of them.

He lowered his head and saw the black ring on the finger of his right hand, which had a mysterious light flickering within. The ring on his hand was another suspicious point, as it was a ring passed down from his ancestors, but it had never had any special use. It was neither a magic equipment nor a spirit artifact.

Ouyang Yunhai shook his head. Now was not the time to think about this, more importantly, it was to obtain military merits. His gaze swept across the battlefield in front of him.

The Purple Moon Sword appeared in his hands, releasing the astonishing Demonic Aura from his body, causing the purplish black runes on the Purple Moon Sword to light up, and a powerful Devil Sword Intent to lock onto a certain direction. Ouyang Yunhai's figure flashed, his sword slashed down in that direction, and the terrifying Devil Sword Intent seemed to pierce the ground at that location.

Rumble …

Numerous figures appeared under the attack of the Demon Sword's shadow. They were three Human Clan Warriors wearing gray armor and had a surprised expression on their faces. They did not expect that Ouyang Yunhai would discover them so quickly.

"Kill, kill this Devil Clan!" The grey armored man in the lead quickly reacted. Even if Ouyang Yunhai found out, they had three people here, so there was no need to fear Ouyang Yunhai.

Ouyang Yunhai already knew that they were hiding here. When his previous self was a human, the human teams would be lying in ambush in the battlefield, the moment Devil Clan appeared, he would assassinate them without the slightest chance. This was the reason why Ouyang Yunhai encountered Human Clan the first time he woke up.

"Come." This was also the first time in his Devil Clan battle, where the Purple Moon Sword released a terrifying devil sword intent. Ouyang Yunhai stepped out, and with the Demonic Aura's amplification, his speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the three of them.

"Kill!" As the cold voice fell, the Purple Moon Sword suddenly slashed down, and the grey armored man at the very front released the light of the Spiritual Energy. The Spiritual Energy converged and formed an invisible Spiritual Energy barrier in front of him, but the Purple Moon Sword's sword seemed to be able to pierce through everything, causing the Spiritual Energy barrier to instantly shatter.

A terrifying devil sword intent descended, as the terrifying destructive sword qi enveloped the grey-robed man. An expression of disbelief and terror appeared on the face of the grey-robed man as his body vanished into dust under the destructive sword qi.

Without even fighting, he turned around and ran. Ouyang Yunhai did not chase after the two, even though he had already become a Devil Clan, the consciousness of the Human Clan was still within his mind. The person he killed earlier said that he wanted to kill him immediately, so of course he would not let him go.

However, Ouyang Yunhai gave the other two a chance to live. Suddenly, he felt a warm current in his chest and took out a token. There was a faint demonic light flashing on the token, and the number changed from zero to one.

Ouyang Yunhai could not help but be shocked, this badge was a symbol of his identity, and also a token to collect demonic arts. After killing a person, he only earned a single battle achievement, he finally understood how valuable the Purple Moon Sword in his hands were.

Ji Shan and Ao Ma had been observing Ouyang Yunhai's every move from the sky. When they saw that Ouyang Yunhai could actually force the hidden humans to appear, they couldn't help but be shocked. This should be the first time that this brat came to the battlefield and actually knows about the hidden humans.

Ouyang Yunhai continued to walk on the battlefield. After killing the most ordinary gray-armored powerhouses, he would only be able to get a single battle achievement. If he could kill a commander, then according to the strength of the commander, all of them would be worth hundreds of battle achievement points.

Ouyang Yunhai had already stayed on the battlefield for close to a day. Dusk gradually descended, and what surprised them was that Ouyang Yunhai should be the first person to come to this battlefield, but he didn't know why Ouyang Yunhai was so familiar with everything and handled everything so well.

It even made Ji Shan and Ao Ma feel like Ouyang Yunhai had been on the battlefield for several years, but there was one thing they were puzzled about. Ouyang Yunhai clearly had several opportunities to kill all of the enemies, but he let go of those people and made them suspect that Ouyang Yunhai was too soft-hearted to kill him.

He looked a little tired as he was still a little too weak to maintain his peak state. Right at this moment, a graceful figure descended from the sky and appeared in front of him. It was none other than Ji Shan.

"Boy Ouyang, you can go now. Let's go back first. I'm only bringing you here to watch the battlefield." After saying that, he carried Ouyang Yunhai and flew back into the sky without being able to say anything.

Afterward, the three of them returned to the Magic Castle. Ji Shan and Ji Shan brought Ouyang Yunhai back to his Devil's Mansion. Ao Ma suddenly said to Ouyang Yunhai in an extremely serious tone.

"Ouyang boy, your performance on the battlefield is not bad, but one thing is, you are too soft-hearted. If you do not kill those humans and they seize the opportunity to kill you, they will not let you go."

Ao Ma's voice was extremely serious, without even the slightest hint of a joke. This was an extremely important matter. In the battlefield, no one would be lenient in the battle between two races, so he specifically reminded Ouyang Yunhai not to be soft-hearted.

Ouyang Yunhai nodded. He naturally understood that being kind to his enemies was the same as being cruel to himself. A look of disappointment appeared in his eyes. The reason he let those people go was probably because of his past human identity, so he had to face reality.

The current him was no longer the human commander of his previous life, but a Devil Clan, a Devil Clan that only cultivated Demonic Aura s, and the look in his eyes gradually became firmer. Looking at Ouyang Yunhai's determined gaze, Ji Shan and Ao Ma relaxed their hearts.

"Cultivate properly, we'll be leaving first." Ji Shan said. He and Ao Ma were the top players in Devil General, and there were a lot of things they needed to do in the castle every day. For the past few days, they had been accompanying Ouyang Yunhai, and also a lot of things to take care of.

Ouyang Yunhai nodded as he watched the two of them leave. Then, he turned around and returned to the Devil Mansion, and upon returning to the Devil Mansion, he looked at the black wrist of the Poison Demon that was emitting a strange aura. This was the wrist that Lin Yue had left him, containing the legendary path of poison.

Strands of Demonic Aura s poured into the Poison Demon's Arm from his right hand. The initially calm Poison Demon's Arm suddenly glowed with a little demonic light, Ouyang Yunhai's consciousness instantly submerged into the wrist, and a huge magical language appeared in Ouyang Yunhai's mind.

In the ancient era, the Poison Demon's clan was the rarest in terms of numbers, but it was one of the largest clans with the most frightening Devil Clan. They specialized in the path of devilish poison, and using devilish poison could obtain terrifying effects on the battlefield as well as the ability to invisibly kill people.

That was the reason why the poison Devil Clan at that time caused the three empires to join hands to strangle and kill them. Ouyang Yunhai had also heard of that battle, when the three emperors of the three empires led nearly thirty of their own beast kings to directly slaughter their way into the territory of the poison Devil Clan, annihilating the entire poison Devil Clan.

After so many years, the path to poison had almost been severed. Perhaps the poison demon bracelet on his right hand was the only time in the world that the Poison Demon's Legacy had ever appeared. Ouyang Yunhai's eyes revealed a hint of pain.

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