Peerless Life/C11 Not You
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Peerless Life/C11 Not You
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C11 Not You

"Yuan Fan, you're more and more like my mother." Murong Wan Yuan said with a slightly muffled grunt. She slightly raised her brows. It was obvious that she couldn't stand Yuan Fan constantly talking to her.

Yuan Fan's concern for her instead caused her to feel much more at ease. Compared to Zhao Fei's concern, Murong Wanyuan felt that the feeling he gave her was much more real. Perhaps she was greedily enjoying this feeling.

"You've learned how to tease me? It's not easy. " Yuan Fan smiled as he pointed at her little face. He then packed up all the other things in the medicine box and placed them back in their original position.

Murong Wan Yuan looked at his silhouette. She didn't move, and only let out a long sigh.

"Yuan Fan, if I transfer the company to your name and gift it to you and let you manage it personally, what do you think?" Murong Wanyuan blurted out that she was clearly testing him and wanted to confirm his words, but she was afraid of knowing the answer. If he agreed, then she would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Yuan Fan didn't say anything. He walked over to the fridge, picked up two bottles of beer, and sat in front of Murong Wan Yuan. He opened the bottles and took a sip.

"You little girl, are you thinking too much?" After Yuan Fan drank a mouthful of wine, he looked at Murong Wan Yuan with disdain. She quickly turned her head and took a small bite from a nearby fruit.

"Tell me about Li Xiao. I've sent someone to go around and ask around these few days. I should have some information. Although I don't know her current location, I'm sure she's in the Southern District." Yuan Fan seemed to have thought of something important and wasn't willing to talk about her company with Murong Wan Yuan.

Murong Wan Garden didn't say anything about Yuan Fan purposely changing the topic. But when it came to Li Xiao, it was as if she had been injected with chicken blood. He sat up straight, as if waiting for the lecturer to explain.

"The other side went around a lot, but I missed. But don't worry, I will do everything I've promised. She won't be in any danger for the time being, but as for why they want to kidnap her, there's no clue as to what their goal is. " Clearly, he discovered even more interesting things. It was as if the other party wasn't abducting Li Xiao, but rather, she was free.

"I'm sure that the other party isn't Ouyang Min Hua. Could it be Ouyang Kai Feng?" After all, Ouyang Kaifeng couldn't let go of Li Xiao. Would he take this opportunity to bring Li Xiao to his side?

Even though she had had a huge argument with Ouyang Min Hua that night after seeing Ouyang Kaifeng disappear with Li Xiao, Murong Wanyuan still felt that she had overlooked something.

"Also, Li Xiao is free. I suspect that she left with someone else, but what is her goal? Why hasn't she appeared yet? I will help you investigate. Are you sure you need to know the answer?" Yuan Fan saw that Murong Wan Yuan remained silent. He stood up, walked to her side and sat down, lowering his head to look at her.

Murong Wanyuan didn't say anything. She just sat there and played with an orange in her hand. Layer upon layer, she peeled it as she played with it in her palm.

"Maybe I was overthinking it." Yuan Fan saw that there was something wrong with Murong Wan Yuan's expression. He thought he had said too much and it made her feel uncomfortable, so he didn't continue.

"What else?" Murong Wan Yuan pondered Yuan Fan's words. If she really did leave with someone else, why didn't she show herself? Murong Wan Yuan was also thinking about this.

Could it be Murong Yuanhao? If it was him, why didn't he tell me when he sent it? He clearly knew he was worried about Li Xiao's safety, but when he thought about it, he felt something was wrong. Mu Rong Yuan Hao had clearly given up on Li Xiao. He had even gotten into an argument with him that night because of these things. It was impossible for him to do anything for Mu Rong Yuan.

Moreover, the place where Ouyang Min Hua hid Li Xiao was not something an ordinary person could find. Moreover, the security there was already tight …

"Mr. Chen has recently come back. He will come to us for help later. He is quite good at this. I believe he will give us the answer soon." Yuan Fan deliberately mentioned Mr.chen He noticed that there was a strange expression on Murong Wanyuan's face. He withdrew the disappointed look in his eyes and continued to drink his beer.

That night, he saw Murong Wanyuan and Mr. Chen was together. He didn't know why they were so close, but he didn't ask. When he followed them into the alley, he found that they were looking for something. He asked around and found out that a family had moved here half a year ago. According to their description, that man should be similar to Murong Yuanhao.

"Ah?" "Alright." Murong Wanyuan's mind became blank. She instinctively replied to his words, not knowing what he was saying. She was immersed in her own thoughts.

A strong feeling made her unable to breathe, as if something was getting closer and closer to her. The more it was like this, the more she felt pressured.

The corner of Yuan Fan's mouth curved into a beautiful smile. After he finished the two bottles of beer, he once again walked into the refrigerator and brought out a few bottles of beer.

"Stop drinking, you'll get drunk." Murong Wan Yuan watched as he continued to drink his beer. There were already two empty beer bottles on the table. She reached out to grab his beer and put it down heavily.

Yuan Fan didn't say anything and just stood there looking at her. His hand was still in the air before he withdrew it.

"What happened? "Tell me about it." Murong Wan Yuan couldn't help but pout. She knew Yuan Fan too well. If Yuan Fan was like this in the past, then he must have met with something that made him unhappy.

As a person, he rarely put his thoughts on his face, so when he liked to drink, she would know that he was obviously in trouble or in trouble. She could not figure it out and could only let herself get drunk and stop thinking about it.

In the past, she and he were like this. They never returned home without getting drunk. The two of them simply stayed together and had no other thoughts. As she grew older, she thought that one's nature should not change.

Yuan Fan looked straight at Murong Wan Yuan. He reached out his hand to pinch her face, but she didn't refuse him. After that, both of them fell silent. No one wanted to break this silence.

"Is Ouyang Min Hua really that important?" He didn't want to ask too much. Regarding Murong Wan Yuan's private matters, he had never asked about them, and he had been doing very well during this period of time.

Murong Wanyuan didn't say anything. Ouyang Min Hua was the knot in her heart. She didn't want to mention it to others, so she had been avoiding it herself.

Too many things didn't make sense, and he didn't want to know. Whether it was important or not, she could not say. However, that person had always been on the other side of her heart. Even if his enthusiasm was gone, he would not be killed by her.

"Right now, I don't have the heart to talk about the affairs of my children. I just want to find my mother …" There are some things I really want to know. " Murong Wan Yuan hastily tried to explain. She didn't want him to misunderstand, but she didn't think too much about it. She only knew that she didn't want to make Yuan Fan sad.

However, he didn't know what to do. He was always in a position where he didn't know what to do.

"This afternoon, I saw Mu Rong Xiao'er. She and Ouyang Kai Feng are very close. Be careful." He stood up and walked to the side to pick up his jacket. He opened the hall door without looking back, leaving her line of sight.

It was only when he was very concerned about the door that Murong Wanyuan finally came back to her senses. Her mind kept replaying what Yuan Fan had said: Mu Rong Xiao'er was with Ouyang Kai Feng this afternoon?

Murong Wan Yuan trembled from head to toe. She thought it was a cold breeze blowing in, but the window had always been closed. She walked to the side and watched Yuan Fan drive off into the night. She kept her face pressed against the glass window, looking at the bustling night sky … To lose one's heart in this beauty.

"Ouyang Kifeng?" These three words had been circling around Murong Wan's heart. This man had hurt her several times before, and it made her feel afraid.

He was clearly a normal entrepreneur, but he had done so many abnormal things, which made Murong Wan Yuan feel incredible. If she was afraid that he really loved her mother, she wouldn't do this, because every person's way of doing things had a certain degree of speed to them, and he had clearly surpassed that speed. What was even more unacceptable was that after twenty to thirty years, he seemed to have a tangled relationship with Li Xiao.

Murong Wan Yuan didn't want to clear up a messy relationship … However, she knew that she couldn't figure it out for a long time.

The past two days had been very strange. Ouyang Kaifeng had not stepped foot outside of the house, and according to the past, Ouyang Kaifeng would definitely track down Li Xiao, and he would even go out himself. But this time was different; he wanted Ouyang Kaifeng to go in person.

At first, he thought nothing was wrong, but now that he thought things were a bit strange, he returned to the villa. Only after asking did he find out that Ouyang Kifeng hadn't left the villa in two days, he seemed to be with a woman.

He had always known that Ouyang Kefeng loved women. But, Ouyang Kefeng had never bothered with a woman for two days or two nights without going out.

"You guys have been guarding outside the entire time?" Uncle Ouyang looked at the servants with a puzzled expression. The ten servants were all standing outside feeding the mosquitoes and not daring to enter the villa. They also didn't dare to go down to rest, afraid that Ouyang Kaifeng would find them later.

Last night, they had thought that they would have nothing to do, so they had gone to rest. Ouyang Kefeng had something to do in the middle of the night, which caused them to be criticized.

That's right, that lady seems to be very picky with her work. She would ask us to help her bathe in the middle of the night, and even had to pick fresh rose petals. If we were one minute late, the master would scold us. According to this time, they usually took the time to rest. However, ever since the woman appeared, they no longer had to time their work, but had to constantly concentrate.

"You guys can go rest. I'll carry the burden." Uncle Ouyang shook his head as he spoke to his servants. Only then did they depart to rest.

He stroked his white hair and stood outside for a long time before entering the house. As expected, the moment he entered the house, he heard the woman's voice …

"Aiya, don't do that." Mu Rong Xiao'er called out in a carefree manner. She kept on running, while Ouyang Kai Feng was chasing her from behind.

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