Peerless Life/C16 Who Do You Think You Are
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Peerless Life/C16 Who Do You Think You Are
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C16 Who Do You Think You Are

Secretary Zhou went to Simon and asked him to help, but in the end, he agreed. During the time when Secretary Zhou was in a coma, LSLK was sent back to the United States by Ouyang Min Hua.

It was only yesterday that Murong Wan knew about this matter. When she found out about it, she realized that Ximen Dian had done many more good deeds behind his back that she did not know about. No one knew that a person like him had such a kind side to him.

In the eyes of ordinary people, those who were mixed in with the underworld were vicious and merciless people. They did not care about the feelings of others and would use any means to achieve their desired goal.

"Miss Mu Rong, I have something to tell you." Secretary Zhou's face was filled with excitement. Right now, she had nothing to worry about, so she could only apologize towards Murong Wan Yuan.

Murong Wan Yuan sat at the side. She wasn't surprised at all when she heard Secretary Zhou speak to her. Looking at her reaction, Secretary Zhou vaguely felt that something was wrong. Murong Wan Yuan merely gave her a few words, "I know."

So it turned out that she knew everything, just that she didn't reveal it. Facing Murong Wan Yuan's generosity, Secretary Zhou chose to remain silent …

Everyone had their own choices. Whether they were right or wrong, as long as they didn't hurt others when they wanted to, there was nothing they could forgive.

In the starry night, Zhao Fei drove his BMW through the east district of A city and headed directly into another forest. He abandoned the car on the hillside and strode forward alone.

The notice that he received this afternoon allowed him to come alone. Of course, all of his accomplishments during this period were also due to the existence of the person behind him.

However, Zhao Fei had never been willing to rely on others to survive. Therefore, when facing this mysterious old man, he always felt uneasy. Sometimes, when he slept, he even worried whether he would be dragged from heaven to hell the next day.

"I'm here." Zhao Fei made a call and arrived at the designated location. He found that there was no sign of him. He stood there for half an hour before realizing that the other party had not come.

A husky voice came from the other end of the phone, "Move forward another hundred meters, left turn."

Zhao Fei hung up the phone and continued forward. He knew he had to learn how to endure now, but this time, he had made all the preparations.

The mysterious person reappeared after a period of disappearance. Of course, Zhao Fei never knew who he was. But now, Zhao Fei did not care about who he was anymore.

Sure enough, following his instructions, Zhao Fei saw a black shadow standing there, gazing at the scenery of the mountain. As expected, following his instructions, Zhao Fei saw a black shadow standing there, gazing at the scenery of the mountain.

He was not tall, only 165cm in height. His body was a little fat. Standing there, Zhao Fei seemed to see an old man.

"You're here?" The man did not turn back, but he knew that Zhao Fei had arrived. He did not turn back. The hat on his head was still the same, and he did not take it off.

Zhao Fei came behind him and maintained a distance of three steps away from him. He was looking at the direction he was looking. Ahead of him was the mountain, and he could see the misty fog not far away.

"Yes, I will do everything according to your instructions." He was very curious about what kind of person he was, but he did not dare to go up and cause trouble for himself.

The two did not see each other often. They had only met three or four times in the past six months. Sometimes they would give him a task by phone, but they rarely showed themselves.

"You seem to be very interested in Li Xiao's matter. If I remember correctly, you came from the country more than ten years ago." The man in black did not turn back, nor did he discuss any serious matters with Zhao Fei. Instead, he had a private conversation with Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei didn't understand why Li Xiao was mentioned. He didn't say anything and just stood there, waiting for Li Xiao's next words.

"About ten years ago, you lived in a poor family in a rural area in A City. Afterwards, you found a chance to leave the country, but didn't return afterwards, and instead found a chance to get close to Murong Wan Yuan. Am I right?" The man seemed to be very interested in Zhao Fei's private affairs, investigating everything that had happened to him.

Hearing his words, Zhao Fei was not surprised, but it was clear that very few people knew about his past. Murong Wan Yuan only knew about him when he returned from overseas, and everything in front of him was blank, including his records.

There were things he didn't want too many people to know, things he wanted to erase, things he didn't want too many people to know, things he wanted to erase, but they lingered in his mind. "We only have business between us. Zhao Fei pursed his lips and said. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with him investigating his personal affairs.

If he were to make a move against him at this time, he definitely wouldn't be able to escape. However, Zhao Fei noticed that there were bodyguards around him. Where they were standing, it would be disadvantageous for him if he were to make a move.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei hid the pistol in his hand and didn't dare to act recklessly again. Before coming here, he had thought that after killing him, he would be free to go and everything would be his. However, he had never imagined that he would bring so many people with him.

BOOM! At this moment, an explosion came from not far away. Zhao Fei looked back and saw that the explosion was coming from the direction he came from.

"Your car was blown up by me. But don't worry, I will get someone to send you back later. I just don't want anyone to know where you are." The man explained to Zhao Fei, which made Zhao Fei even more dissatisfied. A vehicle wasn't worth mentioning, but what he hated the most was someone else controlling him. This feeling was like someone grabbing his neck, wanting him to live, then live, then die, so you had no choice but to die.

Zhao Fei couldn't figure out why his life was always lived for others. He could always let others participate in his life and take control of his own destiny even though he had the ability.

"Yes." Zhao Fei replied. He looked deeply at the figure and saw it was facing him. The hat was pulled down too low for Zhao Fei to see the figure's face.

In the past, he had investigated the background of this person. However, there were always people who stopped him from going forward to investigate, and in the end, they even warned him that Zhao Fei had no choice but to give up in the end.

Both of them stood there silently. Zhao Fei's hands were clenched into fists, and cold sweat flowed out of his palms. The chilly autumn night wind blew. Zhao Fei was standing in the wind, trying his best to suppress his emotions.

"If I'm not wrong, you should know your own identity. You are the son of Li Xiao and Ouyang Kaifeng, so you came back to take revenge, you think they abandoned you, they did not take responsibility for you. All these years, all you've done was come back and give them a heavy blow. His words made Zhao Fei retreat a few steps back. A trace of viciousness could be seen in his cold eyes.

This was his secret. No one had ever known or wanted to let anyone know that he was an illegitimate child.

Li Xiao had her own life and was involved with so many men. For Zhao Fei, this was an insult to him and he didn't want to have such a mother.

As for Ouyang Kaifeng, he also had his own family. But, he was a romantic and infatuated with beautiful women. Although he had a successful career, it didn't have anything to do with him.

Facing these two people, Zhao Fei knew that he hated them. If he didn't know, it would have been fine; since he became sensible, he swore that he would not let them off easy. Thus, he used Murong Wanyuan to get to know Li Xiao and Murong Yuanhao.

After Murong Yuanhao found out his identity, he told Murong Wan Yuan to give up the Mu Rong Group and hand over her property to Zhao Fei. However, Murong Wan Yuan refused …

"Sir, you're thinking too much. I don't know what you're talking about." Zhao Fei denied time and again that his miserable past was a disgrace to him.

At this time, the bodyguards outside stood up and the man also walked towards Zhao Fei. He stood in front of Zhao Fei.

"Your paternity test, I did it for you." That man continued. His words struck heavily on Zhao Fei's heart. He handed over a piece of paper. It was clearly written: 99.9%.

He tightly clenched his fists and desperately reached his hand out to grab the certificate. He ruthlessly tore it up and threw it into the wind.

"There's only cooperation between us. I don't think we can talk about private matters. I want you to respect my private life." Zhao Fei said in a cold voice. He strode forward and slightly looked back. Looking at the positions of these bodyguards, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the other party's neck.

The man obviously did not expect Zhao Fei to pinch him. He reached out his hand and grabbed Zhao Fei's wrist, but Zhao Fei lifted him up.

"Put down the boss." At this time, all the bodyguards rushed forward and pointed their pistols at Zhao Fei. One of them fired and shot Zhao Fei in the arm.

"Ah …" Zhao Fei released his hand in pain. He took a step back and held his right arm. Blood kept oozing out.

A fierce wind blew and the hat on the man's head was blown off. Zhao Fei raised his head and looked at the man's appearance. He was instantly stupefied …

Zhao Fei disregarded everything and ran away. Just as those bodyguards wanted to chase him, they were stopped by that person. Zhao Fei sighed deeply as he looked at Zhao Fei's running figure.

Everything was within his expectations, he just did not expect it to be like this.

Fate always had its own arrangements, and it always made people at a loss. When you found out the truth, you then realized that the price you had paid was all under the control of someone else.

However, this night, Mu Rong Yuan Hao came back. He stood there and looked at his former home, but it had now turned into ruins and he could still see mice running everywhere.

"You're back? I thought you were still hiding from me. " At this moment, a woman walked out from inside. She stood not far away from Mu Rong Yuan Hao and looked at him.

Mu Rong Yuan Hao looked at the woman in front of him. He was a little surprised at first, but then he smiled and walked forward. He didn't say anything as he just looked at her.

"I didn't expect you to actually come out." Mu Rong Yuan Hao finally broke the silence. No one knew where he was staying, but of course, he didn't want to show his face anymore.

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