Peerless Life/C18 Everything Was Fine
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Peerless Life/C18 Everything Was Fine
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C18 Everything Was Fine

Is it wrong to like someone? She liked Ouyang Min Hua, but he had trampled her beneath his feet, injuring her to the point where she had lost all her skin.

Zi Jing had been looking at the diamond watch on her watch the whole time, but the other side still hadn't appeared even after an hour had passed. She watched as the rain in the sky continued to get heavier and heavier, and she leaned to the side, wearing a famous brand dress, limited amount of shoes, and holding the latest LV bag.

"Smack smack." At this time, the car honked its horn, pulling Zi Jing back into reality. She reached out to pat her cheeks to clear her mind.

She saw that Yuan Fan's car was parked not far away from her. Zi Jing ran through the rain and rushed over. His clothes were completely drenched, his hair was stuck to his face, and water continuously splashed on her body.

"Yuan Fan." Zi Jing called out to him. Yuan Fan raised his head and looked at Zi Jing, who was running in the rain. He put down the document in his hand and moved his briefcase to the side.

Zi Jing's slender figure rushed forward. He didn't get out of the car, but stared blankly at her as she approached. A car quickly rushed over. He subconsciously frowned as he saw the car turn a corner.

"Ah …" Zi Jing jumped in fright. She was knocked down to the ground and was only lightly wiped once. There weren't any major injuries.

If she hadn't dodged faster, she would have been knocked flying by now. She sat on the ground and watched as the car didn't stop and quickly drove away.

"Damn it, how are you?" Yuan Fan saw that Zi Jing was almost knocked over, and in the end, he saw her sitting in the rain. He thought she was injured, so he had no choice but to open the car door and get off.

The driver wanted to give him an umbrella, but Yuan Fan extended his hand to indicate that he didn't want to get off. The driver watched as Yuan Fan walked towards Zi Jing, but he only watched him coldly before returning to the driver's seat.

Yuan Fan looked at Zi Jing and saw her bedraggled appearance. He just stood there and watched her trembling from head to toe. He reached out his hand to pull her up in front of her.

"I thought you were looking for death." Yuan Fan pursed his lips and said. He was a bit surprised to see Zi Jing's helpless appearance.

All along, Zi Jing had been excessively arrogant and had never put others in her eyes. Even if he cooperated with her, even if her attitude was extremely arrogant before and she even played cards with him, her current arrogant aura seemed to have disappeared.

"I... I twisted my leg. " Zi Jing looked pitifully at Yuan Fan. She stretched out her hand and held onto his arm. The autumn night was cold and her clothes were soaked. Now that she was standing in front of Yuan Fan, her entire body was trembling.

Yuan Fan saw that her lips had turned white, and the makeup on her face was starting to get stained by the rain. He didn't say anything, and only gave her a deep look. "Get on."

He turned around and walked into the car. Zi Jing followed behind him with a limp. She thought he would help her out, but he didn't.

There was not a single word of concern, not a single word of worry. The two of them seemed to be strangers.

"My marriage to Ouyang Min Hua was cancelled." After Zi Jing got on the car, she took out a tissue to wipe the rain off her face. Her voice was emotionless.

After Zi Jing received the towel, she began to wipe her hair. The driver watched as they got on the car, then opened the door and left.

Just after they left, someone walked out from the darkness and watched Zi Jing calmly board Yuan Fan's car. He couldn't help but sneer before disappearing into the rain.

Yuan Fan only frowned when he heard Zi Jing's words, but didn't say anything. Zi Jing's private matters had nothing to do with him, and he wasn't willing to be involved in her private life.

"Yuan Fan, do you think I'm terrifying as well?" Zi Jing turned her head and looked deeply at Yuan Fan. It was obvious that he had never looked at her directly.

Of course, she didn't care too much about how he felt. In fact, she had always thought that he was just cooperating with her. However, after she and Ouyang Min Hua had truly broken the engagement, Zi Jing didn't feel sad at all.

Sometimes she even suspected that she was heartless, that she was not sad to lose someone she loved. When she killed Zi Hao, she wasn't at all disappointed. Now, when she was the only one left, Zi Jing suddenly discovered that she was very lonely. She had everything she wanted, including freedom.

"It's not wrong to choose between the two in order to achieve what you want." Yuan Fan didn't expect Zi Jing to ask this. He only politely and formally answered her question.

Zi Jing said nothing, and the two of them began to remain silent. Yuan Fan started to take the documents from his previous examination and started to look through them. The driver turned on the lights in the car for him, and turned the lights to a warm yellow.

"Ouyang Min Hua said a woman like me is scary …" Zi Jing smiled lightly. She thought that if she put everything on the line, she would be able to obtain what she wanted. In the end, she realized that the faster she walked, the further away from what she wanted.

She kept wiping the water droplets on her hair until she realised that no matter how she wiped it, it would always be wet. She looked at the water droplets on the towel.

"Ah …" Blood... "Blood …" Zi Jing suddenly screamed out involuntarily. She threw the towel to the side and curled up into a ball, her entire body trembling uncontrollably. Her teeth started to chatter. As she stared wide-eyed at her hands, she discovered that they were also covered in blood.

She was scared, helpless, and terrified as she looked at her hands. She kept wiping them on her body, but the more she wiped, the more it seemed like she was wiping … She pulled on Yuan Fan's hand, wanting him to save her, but she discovered that her hand seemed to have frozen in midair, unable to move.

Yuan Fan looked at Zi Jing's frightened expression and looked at her fearful eyes. Looking at her throw away the towel, he picked it up and placed it on her hand. "Look carefully, it's very clean here. There's no blood."

She panicked and quickly threw the towel to the side. The driver drove the car and looked in the rear mirror. The towel was white. Where did the blood come from?

"Water, water, water." Zi Jing extended her hand and grabbed Yuan Fan's collar as she continuously spoke, her mind in a daze.

Yuan Fan reached out and pushed Zi Jing to the side, both hands holding her cheeks. "Calm down, take a deep breath."

She continuously grabbed his hand until he pressed her down, then Zi Jing looked at Yuan Fan and stared at him. She did as he said, continuously taking deep breaths and slightly closing her eyes.

Seeing her expression, Yuan Fan thought for a moment. He had worked with Zi Jing before. If she was always in a trance, wouldn't it ruin his business?

Zi Jing threw herself into his embrace, tightly holding onto his clothes. She felt as if she had fallen into chaos. How did she become like this?

"What happened to me?" Zi Jing remained silent for a long time before regaining her senses. She sat up in Yuan Fan's embrace, and the driver stopped the car in front of Yuan Fan's villa.

"Go in and have a drink." Yuan Fan said to Zi Jing as he strode out of the car. The chauffeur held an umbrella for him, while Zi Jing followed behind him and got off the car.

She stood in the rain and watched Yuan Fan's figure. She wanted to quickly catch up, but forgot that her foot was injured. Once again, she fell to the ground, with mud and water all over her face …

No one would have thought that Zi Jing, who had once been arrogant and unbridled in A city, would become like this. She pitifully fell to the ground, helpless like a child.

As if hearing the sound of footsteps slowly approaching from behind, Zi Jing turned around and discovered that there was nothing behind her. Darkness shrouded the land and trapped her heart …

After Zi Jing entered the villa, her entire body trembled from the cold, yet she didn't see Yuan Fan's figure.

The servant came up and told her that Yuan Fan told her to take a hot bath first before going upstairs to look for him in the study. Zi Jing took a bath and it was already 11: 30 in the evening.

Of course, this could be said to be her first time visiting Yuan Fan's villa. Previously, when she met Yuan Fan, she would always meet him at high-end places like coffee shops, nightclubs, high-end restaurants and so on. And this villa was purchased and renovated after him. For this reason, Zi Jing could be said to be quite unfamiliar with this place.

After entering the study room, he saw Yuan Fan currently buried his head in a pile of documents, as if he was about to drown in them. Zi Jing sat on the chair at the side, looking at the documents without even turning her head, as if she didn't exist.

"Yuan Fan, I feel that Zi Hao isn't dead yet." I keep feeling like he's staring at me. " Zi Jing kept taking deep breaths as she lightly patted her chest. Previously, she was bold and confident, but ever since Zi Hao's death, she had become fearful, timid, and even unconfident.

Yuan Fan remained silent and didn't say anything. Zi Jing bit her lips as she knocked on the door and walked in. She then served the freshly brewed coffee to Zi Jing and Yuan Fan.

Zi Jing took a sip of hot coffee. She didn't add any sugar and let the bitter taste spread throughout her mouth, enjoying the bitter taste.

"Say, do you want me to send you to the hospital to check your brain? Zi Jing, do you need to? " At this time, Yuan Fan raised his head from the document and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Helplessly looking at Zi Jing, he extended his hand to rub his forehead.

Seeing Zi Jing like this, it would only make him think of the loser.

An arrogant woman like Zi Jing had always placed her career above everything else, but now, she was doing this for a dead person. This caused him to be unable to help but be annoyed and he even intended to ignore her.

"I have no problem with that. Yuan Fan, believe me." Zi Jing was frightened herself as he spoke, but she knew that there was nothing wrong with her. However, the creepy feeling made her uneasy.

Seeing Zi Jing's expression that he didn't know, he instantly put up a smile. When Zi Jing locked eyes with him, the smile on Yuan Fan's face became even wider: "Since you think Zi Hao isn't dead, then what do you plan to do if he isn't?"

"Suppose he didn't die?" Zi Jing was greatly shocked. As long as she thought of this result, she felt like she couldn't breathe.

At first, she thought that everything would be fine if she did it, but now that she thought about it, perhaps she was too impatient. Now that she had everything, her heart was no longer at ease.

"If he didn't die, he would have come back to take revenge on me. No way, I must go and take a look, but I turned him into ashes." Zi Jing tightly rubbed her small hands together. She felt that she was always feeling uneasy, but she had personally turned Zi Hao into ashes. Why was she still worried?

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