Peerless Life/C20 Future Days
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Peerless Life/C20 Future Days
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C20 Future Days

Hearing those three words that seemed to want to take away her breath, Murong Wan Yuan kept taking deep breaths to maintain her calm.

"What … what is going on?" How come she didn't know anything about what had happened? What did it mean to be under Ouyang Min Hua's name?

This company was clearly taken over by Yuan Fan for her and even returned to her ownership in the end. What did this have to do with Ouyang Min Hua? She just hadn't come to the company for a few days, was everything different now?

Those supervisors had long gone far away, but Murong Wanyuan was still standing at her original position. She took large strides towards the elevator and pressed on the floor she was on.

When the elevator opened, she walked out. When the staff saw her, they all lowered their heads to work. The atmosphere was a little strange.

"Miss Mu Rong, why have you come?" At this moment, Murong Wan Yuan's assistant walked up to her and stood in front of her. The assistant seemed to be shocked when she appeared.

This little assistant was Secretary Zhou's assistant. When Secretary Zhou was not around, Murong Wan Yuan had some matters that she took care of. Amongst the employees here, she was the one who was most familiar with Murong Wan Yuan.

"What happened?" She only hoped that the manager of the project department would only joke with her this morning. If such a big thing had really happened, why hadn't anyone informed her?

Moreover, if this matter was true, then why hadn't Yuan Fan told her about it yet? Yuan Fan had gone through so much trouble to get the company back for her. It should have been Yuan Fan's work, right?

Plus, Zhao Fei probably wouldn't give up on the Mu Rong family group since he didn't want to give Ouyang Hua a chance. But now, the situation was so strange that no one else came forward, as if no one knew about it.

"Miss Mu Rong, let's talk here." The assistant turned around and saw that the employees were working seriously. She pulled Murong Wan Yuan towards a rather remote place.

Murong Wan Yuan was dragged to the top of the stairs and kept looking back. When she saw that no one was around, she finally let out a sigh of relief. Murong Wan Yuan looked at the assistant's expression and felt that something was wrong.

"What happened? Why is everyone so weird?" Murong Wan Yuan's heart couldn't help but sink. She could feel that something really happened. Otherwise, the assistant's expression would have been too serious.

If it was really Ouyang Min Hua's doing, then should he be taking his revenge on purpose? It was Mu Rong Xiao'er who had used her name to take revenge on Ouyang Min Hua, while he had gone abroad. Murong Wan'er hadn't seen him since then.

"Miss Murong, you don't know?" My company is now under Ouyang Min Hua's name, and even Miss Murong's CEO position doesn't exist anymore, and is now represented by Mr. Ouyang Min Hua. I feel very strange about this, previously Secretary Zhou told me that there is some conflict between you and Ouyang Min Hua, I'm afraid they will retaliate, and I'm reminded that you haven't been here for a few days, and have undergone a lot of changes. Even many of your former employees have all been removed, including the finance department's director. " The assistant said in a low voice, afraid that others would hear her. Her words gave Murong Wan Yuan a heavy blow.

Ouyang Min Hua expelled all her loyal subordinates? No wonder she didn't see that familiar face today. She clenched her fists tightly.

"Alright, I understand. Go back to work." The little assistant nodded and hurriedly returned to her own office. In order to protect her own life, she naturally did not dare to interact with Murong Wan.

Murong Wanyuan stood there. She took out her phone and called Yuan Fan. When she found out that his phone was turned off, she contacted him … Mr.chen She couldn't get close to him either. Murong Wanyuan had recently discovered many similar problems, but if something happened and she needed to find someone important, he would always be switched off or unable to contact her.

"Heh heh, they're really quick." Murong Wan gave a self-deprecating smile. It seemed that Ouyang Min Hua had started to deal with her. She secretly let out a sigh. She still had to face what she had to face.

No matter what happened, she had to see Ouyang Min Hua now. She was completely different from before.

After knowing too much, she also knew that she might not be Li Xiao's daughter. Mu Rong Xiao'er's revenge on her, as well as other things, all indicated to her that she was actually a fool during this half a year.

Although she knew, Murong Wanyuan could tell her with certainty that she had to figure out what had happened. Therefore, no matter what, she had to meet Ouyang Min Hua once.

When she walked towards her own office, many employees looked at her strangely when they saw her appearance. Under the gaze of so many strange gazes, Murong Wan Yuan pushed open the door to her own office.

Sure enough, she saw Ouyang Min Hua smoking his cigar, as if he was waiting for her arrival. He wasn't surprised when Murong Wan Yuan opened the door.

"You're here?" His magnetic voice rang out. Murong Wanyuan stood there, and as she looked at the tall and familiar figure, all sorts of feelings welled up within her.

"Ouyang Min Hua, what do you mean?" Murong Wan walked forward. Seeing Ouyang Min Hua's expression, she couldn't help but frown. She had long suppressed her anger and wished that she could rush forward and shake him awake.

Why did he keep insisting on not letting her go? Actually, everything had nothing to do with her. However, he was still the same.

"Are you here to question me?" Ouyang Min Hua turned around slightly and saw Murong Wan Yuan standing angrily in front of him. She was looking at a woman he hadn't seen for a while, but now she had lost a lot of weight.

"You've lost weight." Ouyang Min Hua pursed his lips and threw the cigarette butt aside. He walked up and wrapped his arms around Murong Wan Yuan as he gently caressed her face with his index finger.

"Let me go, I'm asking you now, when did you do it?" Murong Wanyuan rejected his actions. She wanted to struggle free from his embrace, but she discovered that she was held tightly by him. She didn't even have the chance to move half a step away.

"Her temper is still that bad." Ouyang Min Hua lowered his head to look at Murong Wan Yuan. He looked at her tenderly and hugged her tightly as if she were a treasure.

"My temper is bad, but that's not the point. Why are you here? Speak." Murong Wan Yuan said with a hint of anger. She was practically shouting.

The staff in the office outside could all hear Murong Wanyuan's shouting. Everyone looked at each other, thinking, Murong Wanyuan and Ouyang Min Hua, who would win in the end?

Who didn't know that Murong Wan Yuan and Ouyang Min Hua were having an affair? Everyone was very clear on the ambiguous relationship between the two. At that time, it had even caused a storm in the sky.

"Seeing me, it's still the same as before. Murong Wanyuan, do you really hate me so much? You know what? Because of you, I almost went bankrupt and the company was forced into a corner. Do you know how I felt? " Ouyang Min Hua gently played with Murong Wan Yuan's hair as if they were having a heart-to-heart talk.

No one knew that at that time, he was on the verge of collapse. Because of Murong Wan Yuan, he had been greatly affected. In the past few days, he, the Iron Army, Simon, and the other three had been supporting him and had to deal with a lot of problems.

Therefore, in this period of time, Xi Men Dian did not contact Murong Wan Garden and also left China, going abroad with Ouyang Min Hua.

Murong Wan, who was in his embrace, felt a bit uneasy. Sure enough, the news before was real. No wonder she couldn't get in touch with them... Her heart continued to sink. Was Ouyang Min Hua's revenge on her on purpose?

"Do you know? "I have never used my heart against a woman before. This is the only time, ever since I was young, people have always said that women are the bane of women." Ouyang Min Hua mumbled to himself as he gently held her in his arms. He smelled her scent and could feel Murong Wan returning to his embrace. This feeling had successfully wiped away his previous resentment.

"Now, is this Mu Rong Group your first revenge?" Murong Wanyuan couldn't help but raise her head with a smile as she looked at Ouyang Min Hua. She was laughing so hard that tears welled up in her eyes.

"In your eyes, am I such a person?" Facing Murong Wan's doubts, Ouyang Min Hua did not explain any further. Perhaps there were some things that she would never know.

If she had never known, she might not have felt so guilty about it.

She would never know that he came from a desire to protect her. As long as it was something she wanted, as long as it was something she cared about, he could protect her. But in her heart, he became the worst demon.

"What do you think?" Murong Wanyuan didn't directly answer him. She coldly looked at him and discovered that her extremely handsome face had become frightening.

Ouyang Min Hua didn't say anything. He lowered his head and kissed Murong Wan Yuan's lips. No matter how much she resisted, he held her small hand and continued to deepen the kiss.

"Release, release …" Murong Wan Yuan continued to resist. She struggled as she sensed the aura emitting from his body. It made her afraid as the familiar smell made it hard for her to breathe.

Ouyang Min Hua was suddenly pushed back by Murong Wan. He took a step back as he watched her slowly step back and wipe her lips. His eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

"You … "You dislike me?" Ouyang Min's heart shuddered violently as he looked at Murong Wan Yuan's disdainful gaze. He was on the verge of breaking down.

He came to the place where she used to work and sat where she used to sit, looking at the decorations she liked. Now that he was with her, Murong Wan Yuan kept getting further and further away from him.

He would not pursue what she had done. From the beginning until now, he didn't think that she was a scheming woman. No matter what her choice was, he believed that she was the purest, and now, under the circumstances that he had persisted in doing so, she gradually left.

"Ouyang Min Hua …" "Don't talk to me. Let me be quiet." Murong Wanyuan held onto a sofa at the side. She swayed her body and slowly walked to the side to sit down.

Seeing Ouyang Min Hua standing in his office, all the anger and resentment he had felt vanished.

Sometimes, she felt like she had no future. Why would she meet him? Just like how he would restrain himself, she had no other choice but to stay here and calm down, allowing herself to recover her emotions.

"You don't look well, do you?" Ouyang Min Hua was frightened by Murong Wan Yuan's expression. He frowned with worry and walked towards her, but didn't dare to approach her. He could only watch her from a distance as she sat on the sofa.

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