Peerless Life/C3 Protect Well
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Peerless Life/C3 Protect Well
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C3 Protect Well

"Did Secretary Zhou find it?" Murong Wan Yuan bit her lips as she spoke. The accident had happened too suddenly, making her unable to accept it.

She had been fine all along, but now she was suddenly in a car accident, and then she was kidnapped. This was a planned kidnapping, and she believed that the other party knew exactly what Secretary Zhou's trip was, so they had been waiting there for her.

Ximen Wandai stood up and looked deeply at Murong Wanyuan. He raised his eyes to follow her gaze and looked in the same direction as her.

"There's no news at all, as if she disappeared into thin air. But don't worry, it's the safest thing to do. I believe the other party is trying to get something from her, or perhaps they want to use her to threaten us?" After putting down the cup of water, she lifted off the covers and got off the bed. She walked to the window and leaned against it with both hands to look out at the scenery.

Seeing the green leaves turn yellow and fall unceasingly, he realized that it was already late autumn. Standing here, he could still feel the chilliness continuously assaulting him.

In the blink of an eye, another year had passed. Spring. Summer. Now, it was already late autumn. Time flew by so quickly.

Sometimes, I also don't know what I did wrong. There are a lot of people around me who have gotten into trouble, sometimes I really want to avoid it, and pretend that nothing happened. Sometimes, I even want to hide, so that I won't see too many tragedies happen. A autumn leaf landed on her palm, gently resting on top of it. However, the moment she reached out to grab it, the autumn leaf floated with the wind and floated in the air before finally falling to the ground without a sound.

Xi Men Dian did not say anything. He gently put his hand on Murong Wan Yuan's shoulder. She looked at his big palm and stood there speechlessly.

At this time, a nurse came in from outside. As she looked at Murong Wanyuan and Ximen Dian, a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

"Mr. Xi Men, someone is looking for you." Her voice brought Murong Wanyuan and Ximen Danden back to reality.

Simon's brows slightly wrinkled, he looked at the nurse, and then Murong Wan Yuan lightly smiled: "Go back to work, I'm fine."

She knew he was worried about her, but Murong Wan Yuan felt that after sleeping for so long, her entire body had become lighter. She couldn't figure out what was going on with her father.

Of course, there were some things that were best left unlearned by Ximen Dian. If she participated too much, it would only make things even more chaotic for her.

With regards to Zhao Fei, his father, and Yuan Fan, what exactly did the three of them want? Why were their actions so similar? Murong Wanyuan could not understand it no matter how much she thought about it.

Of course, she understood Yuan Fan very well. He wouldn't do whatever he wanted, but if that contract really did fall into Mr. Li's hands, what would that mean? Was it just a coincidence?

"Alright, I'll buy you something to eat as well." Seeing that Murong Wanyuan had something on his mind, Xi Men Dian did not want to tell him. He did not insist, but only smiled, gently touched her head, and left.

When Murong Wan Yuan saw him touch her head, she couldn't help but smile as if she was dealing with a child. But when the nurse saw Simon leaving with big strides, she didn't leave, but stood there looking at Murong Wan Yuan.

"What's the matter?" Murong Wan Yuan looked at this nurse who was acting strangely, especially at her own eyes. It made her freeze for a moment, and she couldn't help but smile as she walked back to her bed and sat down.

That nurse took a step forward and arrived in front of Murong Wan Yuan. She wore a set of white clothes that made her skin even whiter. The complicated expression in her eyes seemed to be a bit different from her innocent appearance.

"Miss Murong Wan, please come with me." The nurse said to Murong Wanyuan in a strong tone. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest, completely different from her gentle appearance just now.

Murong Wan Yuan was startled. She raised her eyes to look at the nurse, then stood up. "Who are you?"

At this moment, Murong Wan Yuan knew that this nurse was probably not a nurse. Earlier, she said that someone was looking for Simon. Could it be that she wanted to drive him away? Then, her target was herself?

Sure enough, the nurse smiled faintly, as if Murong Wanyuan had asked a question she found very funny.

"Who I am is not important. The important thing is that you have to come with me now." At this time, someone came in from the outside. Murong Wan Yuan thought that it was Simon who had returned, but when she looked back, she saw two dark skinned men, tall and sturdy, wearing black hats and casual black clothes. They didn't have much of an expression on their faces, and they were striding towards Murong Wan Yuan.

Murong Wan Yuan retreated step by step. She looked at the two men, then looked at the nurse. She nodded at them, gave them one last deep look, then left the ward.

"Miss Murong, you must be thinking that Ximen Dian will definitely come back to save you, right? But don't worry, we've already arranged everything. He won't come back and disturb us. " A man said in a hoarse voice to Murong Wan yuan. In the end, he even chuckled.

A man walked forward and grabbed Murong Wan Yuan's arm. She stretched out her hand and slapped his palm angrily. "What are you doing?"

The two men couldn't help but look at each other when they saw Murong Wan Yuan's angry expression. In the end, they gave a cold smile. It was obvious that they were very interested in her expression.

"Don't want to do anything, we are not interested in you." The man said as he grabbed Murong Wan Yuan's arm, trying to drag her away.

Murong Wanyuan constantly resisted. These people had arrived too suddenly, causing her to feel even more apprehensive.

When the other man saw Murong Wanyuan's resistance, he couldn't help but give an evil smile. He walked up to her and pinched her chin, forcefully pulling her small hand. His strength was so great that he wanted to break her wrist. Murong Wanyuan was in so much pain that her tears kept rolling down her face … They pushed her aside and slammed their palms against her back, almost knocking her out of her mind.

"Hurry up, we don't want too much trouble." The other man stopped his accomplices from continuing their violence. After all, this was a hospital and there were a lot of people coming and going. Although they had already arranged everything, it would not be good for them if there were any mishaps.

The other one released Murong Wanyuan and grabbed her neck, forcing her to leave with them. Otherwise, she would have her throat pinched by them and feel a burning sensation on her skin, making Murong Wanyuan feel like she was about to die from the pain.

As he went downstairs, he felt that something was not right. After he went downstairs, no one came to look for him, so he asked the security guards at the side and also said that no outsider had come.

This was a high-end hospital, and ordinary patients wouldn't come here. Thus, it could be said that there were less people coming and going in this hospital.

"Not good." After having said that, he turned around and went back to the elevator. When he arrived at the top floor, he felt that his heart was beating very fast, as if something had really happened.

Sure enough, when he turned the corner and saw two men holding onto Murong Wan, he rushed forward. The other man, on the other hand, discovered that he had returned, and his expression instantly changed greatly.

"Don't come over, if you want to come over, I'll shoot her in the head." Seeing that the man wanted to step forward, he couldn't help but squint his eyes. The other man then reached out to grab Murong Wan Yuan's hair, indicating for him that he didn't need to care about Murong Wan Yuan's life.

"Retreat three steps." That man stopped when he saw Simon, he couldn't help but touch his chin, coldly looking at him.

If they were to fight, neither of them would be a match for the other, so it would be best to keep a distance from the other, otherwise the situation would be very disadvantageous for them.

He was forced to take three steps back. His gaze was fixed on Murong Wan Yuan as he watched the man grab her hair and her neck with his other hand. He felt a faint pain in his heart when he saw the cut on her neck.

"Haha, let's go." After seeing that Simon took three steps back, the man took out his gun and pointed it at Murong Wan Yuan's forehead, intending to leave with his accomplice just like that.

Murong Wan Yuan's face became pale as she was grabbed by them. Her hands and feet started to get cold. She looked at Simon, even more afraid that the gun wasn't aimed at her, but at Simon.

These people were too heartless. If they took her away, then it would be fine. But if they pointed their guns at Simon, what would they do? Although it hadn't happened yet, Murong Wanyuan still felt scared whenever she thought about it.

"If we also have Xi Men Dian in our hands, won't we have a bigger bargaining chip?" At this time, another man suddenly had his mind set on Simon. If they had Simon, would they still have to worry about this?

As they spoke, Murong Wanyuan's heart was suddenly lifted. Sure enough, the thing she feared the most happened right now. She reached out her hand to grab onto his wrist, but he firmly held her back.

"Whap." Murong Wan Yuan was still desperately struggling, not wanting to injure Simon, not wanting to let him get hurt because of her. She wanted to think of ways to get rid of that man's restraints, and was deeply afraid that they would really hurt Simon, because of her.

"Bitch, do you think I won't dare to hit you just because you're Ouyang Min Hua's woman? "Pfft, isn't she just a woman that a man can sleep in as he pleases?" The man said rudely. He reached out his hand to pull Murong Wan Yuan's hair and pulled her up from the ground before pressing her heavily against the wall.

Seeing Murong Wanyuan being abused in front of him, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his eyes became sinister as he walked further and further inland.

"Simon, stop, if you dare take another step forward, I will beat her to death." The other man saw that the expression on Simon's face was not right, he quickly pointed his gun at Simon, and if he dared to move again, he could shoot at Simon without thinking.

Murong Wan Yuan already had a wound on her forehead. Now that she was heavily pressed by them, another mark was left on her forehead. She turned her head to look at Ximen Dian …

Her heart ached faintly. She didn't want too many people to be injured because of her, but she couldn't do anything about it.

"Haha, I never thought that Miss Murong would be so charming. I only heard that in the past, I never thought that Simon would care about you so much. What should I do?" The man looked at Simon's actions, then looked deeply at Murong Wan Garden. Such a beautiful woman, with such great charm, could actually make so many men risk their lives for her.

When they had heard their brothers on the streets mention this, they had also seen a lot of news about them. Now that they saw it with their own eyes, they had no choice but to believe it.

"Simon, you go. Don't worry about me." Murong Wanyuan said somewhat angrily. She had used up almost all of her energy to shout at him. She didn't want him to bother with her anymore.

"Looks like you're quite concerned about him." The man stretched out his hand to pinch Murong Wanyuan's chin, only to be looked down upon. He spat towards her.

"You?!" That man didn't expect Murong Wan Yuan to spit at him. He reached out his hand to wipe the sputum on his face, opened his eyes wide, and angrily frowned as he slapped Murong Wan Yuan once again.

The other man stood there, his arms crossed, looking at this scene. He did not intend to stop it, but instead aimed his gun at Simon, afraid that if he was not careful, all his plans would be ruined in the hands of Simon.

They were also miscreants, so they naturally knew who Simon was. He was now standing in front of them, but perhaps in the next second, they would be defeated by the hands of Simon.

At this time, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the corridor. They could not believe that Ouyang Min Hua had appeared next to Simon. They looked back and saw a man and a woman standing behind them.

"Put the gun down." Ouyang Min Hua didn't even look at Ximen Dian as he stared at the two men with his cold eyes. He saw that Murong Wan Yuan was in their hands, looking to be in a very sorry state.

Originally, he didn't want to care about Murong Wanyuan's matters, nor did he want to see her again. Looking at her painful appearance, he could not bear to part with her. Now, she was standing in front of Murong Wan, facing someone else's hand once again.

In his heart, only he, Ouyang Min Hua, was capable of making a move against Murong Wanyuan. No one else was worthy enough to make a move on her. But now, she was being held in someone else's arms and was even using her to threaten them.

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