Peerless Life/C5 You Understand
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Peerless Life/C5 You Understand
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C5 You Understand

At this moment, the two men walked in with a red leather chair for Mu Rong Xiao'er to sit on.

"Tsk tsk, Murong Wanyuan, what a pity. Look at your current appearance. You're no different from a beggar. You've always thought yourself to be extraordinary, and made others listen to you in everything you do. Now, look at how you've ended up like this." Mu Rong Xiao'er flicked her finger slightly as she glanced at Murong Wan Yuan. She kept shaking her head. She seemed to have expected the angry look on her face.

She didn't need to continue pretending when she saw Murong Wan's true appearance. From her perspective, it was no longer important if Murong Wan knew she was a vengeful person.

"Mu Rong Xiao'er, when did you become like this?" I remember when you were a child, you were so kind, thinking about everything for others, how could you become like this? Secretary Zhou suffered such heavy injuries. If you don't let her go to the hospital and even tied her up here, her life will be in danger. " Murong Wan Yuan shouted loudly. As the wind blew past, dust kept on flying to her nose, making her cough nonstop.

Mu Rong Xiao'er covered her nose and raised her eyes slightly. The other man walked to the side and closed the broken window.

She seemed to have a factory complex and liked to work in this shabby place. Only then would she feel mistreated. In her eyes, the scarier the place was, the more it would give her a strong sense of excitement, making it easier for her to be satisfied.

"Kind? You forced me to do that. Murong Wan, you've always been stronger than me since young. Yes, I'm an adopted daughter, but why am I inferior to you in everything? The company has your share, but it can't accommodate me. In the end, the company went bankrupt, so why is it that only you, Murong Wanyuan, can move all the assets, while I, Mu Rong Xiao'er, can't? I am not related by blood to the Mu Rong family, but I have lived in the Mu Rong family for 20 years. They kept saying that I was like you, but in the end I didn't have anything, so why did I give you everything? " She pointed at Murong Wanyuan with her eyes wide open, as if she wanted to swallow her whole.

In her eyes, she hated Murong Wanyuan ever since she was young. However, she lacked the ability, so she could only pretend to be friendly with her. Only by doing so could she obtain even more things.

As long as Murong Wan Yuan liked it, she would want it. Therefore, every time she liked something, she would either destroy it or snatch it away. However, she had even used a natural method to obtain it.

"It's not like that." Murong Wanyuan didn't expect Mu Rong Xiao'er to say this. Since she was young, Mu Rong Xiao'er had always had her own things. If she wanted her own things, she never would have thought about giving those things to Mu Rong Xiao'er. She thought they had a good relationship, but now she knew that Mu Rong Xiao'er's heart couldn't bear her.

In this half a year, Murong Wanyuan had always known that Mu Rong Xiao'er treated her differently from before and that her vanity was even greater. However, she did not take these matters seriously. Now that she was threatening someone else's life, Murong Wanyuan felt scared.

"It's not like that? The older you are, the more powerful and outstanding men are all around you, because you, Murong Wan Yuan, is the successor of the company, so they all like you, and I'm just the green leaf next to you, so I can only smile as you're pursued, watching you become the center of attention when you go to university, but I was sent away to study abroad, and I don't have anything, I'm alone abroad, and no one cares about my life or death, so I can only rely on those men. When I'm studying abroad, the men next to me changed, and they all say that I'm not a good woman, and then they throw me out. A thousand or a hundred? I can't count. " Mu Rong Xiao'er chuckled lightly. Everything she had received was forced by Murong Wan Yuan.

In her eyes, Murong Wan Yuan deserved to die a thousand times for her crimes. Murong Wan Yuan blocked her path, but she never knew that everything was a matter of her own mentality.

As the two men listened to the conversation between Murong Wanyuan and Mu Rong Xiao'er, they finally understood that these two were sisters. They weren't the subordinates of Mu Rong Xiao'er, but were sent by their boss to protect her.

Murong Wanyuan didn't say anything. Mu Rong Xiao'er was constantly smoking her cigarette with an excited expression on her face. The workshop was very quiet, and the sound of her smoking and Murong Wanyuan's breathing could be heard.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier? Why didn't you say anything? As long as you like it, I'll give you everything, even my pocket money. I'll give you half of it, and sometimes even if you make a mistake, I still have to apologize for you, I've always doted on you, and even if something happens to your family, I'm afraid that you will be implicated, that's why I treat you coldly, and only hope that you can be good, never reject you, never treat you as an outsider, and only want you to live a good life. " Murong Wanyuan sobbed as she spoke. She had never thought that Mu Rong Xiao'er would twist all of her thoughts.

When she knew that Mu Rong Xiao'er had sent people to rape her, she felt really cold inside. However, she kept telling herself that Mu Rong Xiao'er was just a playboy, so she forgave her.

However, now that they had explained everything to each other, they realized that the problem had always been there.

Looking at the extremely flirtatious Mu Rong Xiao'er, Murong Wanyuan discovered that this woman was so unfamiliar. It was as if she had never even seen her before. Especially her cold gaze, her disdainful expression — everything was so unreal. Murong Wanyuan wished that this was a dream.

"Haha, you're giving it to me? That's what you didn't want. You threw it at me. You treated me like a beggar. If I like it, you can give it to me. It's only natural for you to admit your wrongs for me. However, you should have never known that there was something very interesting that caused me to find it very interesting all my life. " Mu Rong Xiao'er smiled happily as though she had discovered something interesting. She stood up slightly and looked coldly at the two men.

Mu Rong Xiao'er walked up to them and walked back to them. She then looked at them and said, "Get out of here. Who told you to come in and listen? Did I tell you to stay behind and listen? "

Although it was a matter between the two sisters, no one was allowed to hear about it. The two men were somehow chased out by her, but they didn't dare to make a sound. They could only leave, closing the iron door behind them.

After finishing a cigarette, she continued to smoke. In the past, she had always been very against smoking men, but in the end, she was also addicted to cigarettes. When Zhao Fei sold her to other men, she found that she liked cigarettes afterwards.

"Do you know? Last time, I was sold to a nightclub like Zhao Fei, and you didn't come to save me. At that time, I was thinking, if you showed up at Murong Wan Garden, if you wanted to save me, I wouldn't care about everything else, but, you were still enjoying yourself outside, you and Ximen Dian were together, you didn't look for me, you asked me to help you stay by Ouyang Min Hua's side, but in the end you didn't look for me because of my disappearance, do you know? He let me sleep with the men, one by one. Murong Wan Yuan, where are you? You say that you love me, love me, you are my big sister, have you thought about how I came back to life? " Mu Rong Xiao'er tossed the cigarette aside and walked in front of Murong Wan Yuan. She knelt down slightly and said as she stared at her.

Her voice was choked with sobs. Everything that had happened before had been her own free will, but this time, it wasn't.

Experience after experience forced her to grow up, to let her mature, to let her learn how to endure, to let her know why she lived, that was to obtain more, to trample all of them under her feet. Otherwise, one day, you would also be in someone else's hands, making your life worse than death.

Since he didn't want to live a life worse than death, he could only live on in peace.

"Zhao Fei? "You …" Murong Wanyuan thought back to when she went to the nightclub, but she never knew that Mu Rong Xiao'er had been sold there.

Thinking back, she wanted to explain, but Mu Rong Xiao'er didn't give her that chance. In Mu Rong Xiao'er's eyes, everything she had done was just an excuse.

"Do you know how much I hate you? You always say you love me, but you're always looking for excuses. I've been listening to your excuses for twenty years, and I've tolerated you for so many years. Now, I'll let everyone around you leave you one by one. Can I help you a lot? But it doesn't matter, she'll be leaving you soon. " Mu Rong Xiao'er chuckled. She stood up, walked up and gave Secretary Zhou a kick, but he didn't react at all.

It was obvious that she had fainted due to excessive blood loss. Her face was pale and bloodless. Seeing Mu Rong Xiao'er's appearance, she felt as though a knife had pierced her heart. Just how many people had she harmed?

"What, you're surprised? Let me tell you, I've been played by so many men before, but when you, Murong Wanyuan, were eighteen years old, do you remember? " Mu Rong Xiao'er smiled gently as she walked to the red leather chair and sat down. She took out another cigarette, lit it up and took a few puffs.

As she lightly exhaled smoke rings, she felt like she was in a very comfortable environment. Looking at Murong Wan Yuan lying in front of her, she wanted to tell her a small story, a story she never knew about.

"Eighteen?" Murong Wanyuan recalled the year she was eighteen. That year, she was happy and had a vacation with Mu Rong Xiao'er before going out to play.

She remembered one time when it was raining heavily and she seemed to have separated from Mu Rong Xiao'er. No matter what, she couldn't find Mu Rong Xiao'er. It was getting dark and she was alone in the wilderness. She was scared.

"Yeah! In the year you turned eighteen, a very interesting thing happened. That thing kept on popping up in my mind, and it made me feel that it was very interesting. Only by thinking about it could I feel that there was nothing better than me in your Murong Wan Garden." Mu Rong Xiao'er said with a smile. Looking at the puzzlement in Murong Wan Yuan's eyes, she started to feel that she was stronger than her sister.

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