Peerless Life/C7 It will be Fine
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Peerless Life/C7 It will be Fine
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C7 It will be Fine

At the very least, there were some things that she had experienced and knew. Unfortunately, there were some things that Murong Wan Yuan didn't know in her entire life. But that didn't matter.

I asked her why, and she told me that she wanted to give you a surprise for your birthday. I believed her, so I left you, and later when you were looking for me outside, I asked her if she wanted to go out and tell you that I was with her, but she said that I couldn't. Mu Rong Xiao'er said slowly. She recalled that both she and Murong Wan Yuan were quite naive back then. Although they hated Murong Wan Yuan a bit, they didn't hate her as much as they did now.

Her hatred was that as she grew older, Murong Wan Yuan's aura became stronger and stronger. It completely covered over her, so she couldn't help but want to eliminate Murong Wan.

In other people's eyes, she was a daughter, but in others' eyes, she was only an adopted daughter. No matter how much effort she put in, it would still be the same.

Until graduation, her family didn't arrange for her to join the company, but gave her a sum of money to work hard outside. In the end, she chose to go back home, and her family was at a disadvantage.

"Did you drink a bottle of water? It was a bit hot back then, but you were taken away by someone. Mom and I followed behind, and I saw Mom bring a man with her. What was his name? Did you know that he was Ouyang Min Hua … Haha, I didn't expect that after so many years, you would still be together with him, right? "That's right, that man is Ouyang Min Hua. I saw him with my own eyes." Mu Rong Xiao'er couldn't stop laughing. Tears welled up in her eyes. It was hard to tell if she was sad or not, but when she realized that she was crying, she reached out her hand to wipe the tears away as she continued smoking.

Her words crashed heavily into Murong Wan Yuan's heart. What was going on? When she was eighteen years old? Murong Wanyuan remembered that one time she lost her memory, or it was completely blank. Back then, she didn't think too much about it. Sometimes, she even felt fear when she was dreaming.

It was as if someone was chasing her, and in the end, she was locked in that small house. There was a man who looked at her from his chair and finally threw himself on top of her. He seemed to be in so much pain, Murong Wan Yuan couldn't remember what happened after she jumped out of the window.

Mu Rong Xiao'er's words made her sad. She stared at the ceiling, unsure if Mu Rong Xiao'er's words were true or not. If that was the case, then it was all Li Xiao's doing.

But Li Xiao was her mother, even though Mr. The information she had obtained told her that everything was fake, but Murong Wanyuan believed that their love for her was real.

If it was true, why did they have to do this to her? Murong Wanyuan couldn't understand. Everything was like an hourglass. Memories kept spinning in her mind, but she couldn't remember them.

"You lied, you lied to me, didn't you?" Murong Wanyuan's voice became choked with sobs. If she didn't remember wrongly, when he had his relationship with Ouyang Min Hua, it was indeed in red.

All these years, she had never had any intimate contact with men. Even when she was with Yuan Fan and Zhao Fei, she had only ever had any KISS with them and never had any further development. So, in Murong Wan Yuan's impression, she should still be a pure girl, but …

"Haha, I'm lying to you? What, do you remember something? Remember when you were injured and you fell asleep for a long time? "Mom has been warning me that no matter what happens, I can't tell you about this, but now that she can't protect herself anymore, so of course she can't care less about me. Now I want to tell you, they doted on you, and even arranged for you to be 18 years old so that you won't forget it for the rest of your life. Are you happy now?" Mu Rong Xiao'er stood up, her entire body twitching from the laughter. From the moment they were together, she knew that everything wasn't simple.

Originally, she should have hated Murong Wan, but Ouyang Min Hua was too outstanding and she just so happened to be interested in him, so she couldn't let Murong Wan have her way. Why did it turn out to be the best gift to Murong Wanyuan even though it was obviously a way to deal with her eighteen years ago?

It was clearly just a simple play, but in the end, it all went to Murong Wanyuan. So she could be with this outstanding man? Why? Mu Rong Xiao'er couldn't understand why Murong Wanyuan was so lucky. Was the heavens were too biased?

"Are you comfortable? You told me that my mother was missing, so I'm not worried at all. " Mu Rong Xiao'er walked in front of Murong Wan Yuan and helped her up. She took out a wet tissue to help wipe the dust off her face.

Her actions were serious and gentle, and her eyes were filled with tender affection. Murong Wanyuan's tears kept rolling down her face, and her heart felt like it was being blocked by something. Why would her mother treat her like this? There was no reason. She had always been strict with herself, but Murong Wanyuan believed that she loved him.

She kept telling herself that she couldn't believe Mu Rong Xiao'er's words, but in her mind, she believed her words because even though she didn't remember what happened that year at the age of eighteen, she knew she was injured. From that moment on, she was afraid of the night. As soon as it was night, she felt a kind of fear in her heart, a nightmare that haunted her every night.

Perhaps it was due to his selective amnesia, as he did not want to recall those terrible memories. That was the reason why he had worked so hard to forget them. It must have been like this.

"Murong Wan, your face really doesn't look that good, but why are you able to attract the attention of so many men? "You said that each of them is a good CEO, why do they have to fall in love with you?" Mu Rong Xiao'er murmured as she reached out her hand to pinch Murong Wan Yuan's cheek. Her long nails left a mark on her face.

Seeing that her face was bleeding, Mu Rong Xiao'er just looked at her coldly. She really couldn't understand what was so good about Murong Wanyuan. She wasn't as pretty as her, but she had taken advantage of everything.

"Since you hate me so much, then just kill me. But please let Secretary Zhou go and call an ambulance for her, otherwise she will die." She was trembling from head to toe because of what Mu Rong Xiao'er had said, but she kept trying to tell herself that she must remain calm.

Even if she was angry, scared or surprised, she had to remain calm. At this moment, if she got any more excited, she would fall into Mu Rong Xiao'er's trap, causing her to fall even deeper into it.

After being taken away by the two men, she didn't struggle anymore. She only wanted to know who was trying to harm her. Now that she knew, her heart was bleeding. The person closest to her was the person who had hurt her the heaviest.

"Haha, why should I listen to you? If you die, she will die with you. As long as you have people by your side, I will slowly take care of them one by one. However, a woman like her is rather considerate towards you. For someone like you, do you think that I can take care of her? " Mu Rong Xiao'er didn't expect that Murong Wanyuan would still be so naive and asked her to let Secretary Zhou go. She would not let him go if she kidnapped him and brought him here.

Of course, for the time being, she would not let Murong Wan Yuan die when she brought her here. She would let her see her blissful life, and only then would she slowly die.

Right now, she discovered that living was just for a one word "play". Playing with someone else's life and death in the palm of her hand was indeed a matter of utmost happiness. The current her was experiencing it deeply.

"Mu Rong Xiao'er, you've been blinded by hatred. Wake up!" Seeing Mu Rong Xiao'er acting like this, she felt really bad.

What was wrong with him? Was he wrong from the very beginning? Murong Wanyuan didn't know. She didn't know anything now.

Looking at the elegant and graceful Mu Rong Xiao'er walking in front of her, looking at the makeup on Mu Rong Xiao'er's face and her disdainful expression, it seemed as though she was being tortured to the extreme by Mu Ru Yue.

"Haha." Looking at Murong Wanyuan's pained appearance, Murong Xiao'er smiled even more happily as if everything was within her control. Murong Wanyuan's current pain was the greatest reward she could receive.

With a boom, Murong Wan Yuan fell to the ground again. Secretary Zhou, who was tied to the chair, also fell down along with the chair.

Mu Rong Xiao'er knelt on one knee on the ground. She didn't know what had happened, but the ground suddenly started shaking. At this moment, the door opened and two men rushed in.

"Miss Mu Rong, something happened! Someone blew up our car." At this time, they hurriedly said this as Yi Fazi and An Laijun followed behind them into the room.

They looked at the two coldly, then shot them dead. Blood continued to pour out of their foreheads as they heavily fell to the ground. They were unwilling to accept this even in death, so they could only bring their greedy dreams into hell.

"Wh-why are all of you here?" Mu Rong Xiao'er looked at them in disbelief. She hadn't expected that the An Lun army would come as well.

She remembered that she didn't see them when she was at the hospital. So they were following her all the way? If that was the case, then all the things that he had told them would fall into their ears? If so, it would be very bad for her.

She had never thought that letting Ouyang Min Hua know about the matter of Murong Wanyuan turning eighteen would be a great thing for her. However, it would be a huge blow to her.

"We're already here before you arrived. Mu Rong Xiao'er, you have such a scheming heart. How do you think we're going to deal with you?" He walked up to Mu Rong Xiao'er, grabbed her and tossed her to the side.

Mu Rong Xiao'er fell to the ground. Her previously elegant and elegant appearance was now completely wiped away. Her beautiful clothes were covered in dust.

"Don't hurt her, let her go." Seeing the An Lun soldiers walk forward and grab Mu Rong Xiao'er's hair, Murong Wanyuan couldn't help but plead for mercy.

She didn't want anything to happen to Mu Rong Xiao'er. Even if she had let herself down, perhaps she always hated her, but she had grown up together with Mu Rong Xiao'er. She hoped that she wouldn't have too much interaction with Mu Rong Xiao'er, but she didn't want An Laijun and the others to deal with her.

Seeing that she was begging for mercy for Mu Rong Xiao'er, she couldn't help but open her mouth and say, "But she always wanted to harm you. If we let her go now, she'll still harm you in the future. Why not kill her? Otherwise, if she's like this, she'll bring trouble to too many people in this world."

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