Peerless Master In The City/C15 I Don't Understand the Head Senior Sister Anymore
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Peerless Master In The City/C15 I Don't Understand the Head Senior Sister Anymore
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C15 I Don't Understand the Head Senior Sister Anymore

"Sorry, it's my number."

Ye Xuan smiled when he saw the murderous look in everyone's eyes. He took his phone and walked to the corridor.

"Something happened to Sir!"

The anxious voice of the Vermillion Bird came from the phone.

"Carl is fighting?"

Ye Xuan was prepared because he was not too nervous.

"Two hours ago, the opposition of Cartel used an excuse to negotiate with the authorities and led the negotiation team into the residence of the highest chieftain. After the gunshots, the opposition announced the abdication of the highest chieftain. The opposition completely occupied the capital."

Suzaku explained in detail what had happened during the rebellion. He mentioned that the leader of the opposition had used various methods, such as secretly making a move to capture the highest chieftain of Cartel and taking control of all the important departments in the capital.

The airport, radio, and internet centers were all controlled by the opposition.

Immediately after, the opposition quickly sent troops and seized many important cities in the cartel.

Fifty percent of the important sources of gold and oil in the cartel were in these towns.

In less than an hour, the opposition controlled all the traffic in the country other than land roads and half of the economic lifeline.

"What the f * ck? These black Shu don't play with carrying coffins. They started to play with the art of war."

Ye Xuan was a little stunned. He would never have thought that this would happen even if he was beaten to death. The black bosoms are going to start a rebellion like this.

They purposely spread the word 'negotiation' to ease the wariness of the authorities. Then, the rebel leader went to the enemy camp alone to negotiate, creating the illusion that they were ready to surrender. In fact, they were going all out to control the highest boss of the cartel.

Without a leader, the authorities would definitely fall into chaos.

The opposition was trying to gain benefits from the chaos and caught them off guard.

F * ck, if there were no external forces involved, Ye Xuan would not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

However, what Ye Xuan cared about the most now was his own assets. He had nothing to do with the beating of the Uncle Black. However, the dozen or so diamond mines and gold mines that were close to the cartel absolutely couldn't have any problems.

"How are things with Green Dragon and Black Tortoise?"

"Sir, Green Dragon is gathering the old division to defend your assets. Black Tortoise is also actively trying to contact the middleman, trying to pressure the leaders of the rebel forces in the cartel to prevent them from violating your interests."

"It has risen! It has risen!"

Suddenly, a thunderous roar came from the conference room.

Ye Xuan looked at the meeting room with a deep gaze. His heart was filled with shock.

first senior sister must have known that the rebel army of the cartel would start a rebellion today. Could it be that she...


Ye Xuan shook his head fiercely. first senior sister definitely would not do these things.

Although Ye Xuan did not want to think about it, the problem lingered in his mind for a long time.

first senior sister was well-versed in both civil and martial arts. If she was the one who guided them from behind the scenes, it would not be strange for the rebel army to be unstoppable.

But... why did she do this?

What good would it do first senior sister if she subverted the cartel?

Could it be just to get rich profits from it?

In the meeting room, even though Chu Xiahong suppressed the excitement in her heart, she could still see joy at the corner of her eyes and the tips of her brows.

Affected by the war, the price of crude oil and gold rose rapidly. The share controlled by the Jiuzhou Group had increased from 60% of the previous losses to twice the current price.

And this was only the beginning. The increase had risen rapidly and had broken through the highest point in recent years.

Carter was the biggest gold and crude oil producing country in Tropical Continent, and its output took up one-fifth of the continent.

This was only the output of their family, and was considered the output of the neighboring countries. It was two-thirds of Tropical Continent, and three-tenths of the world.

Once the lead was activated, the whole body would be in perfect condition. This was the truth.

Ye Xuan walked back into the room and found that the shareholders, led by Bai Lang, had ugly expressions on their faces, as if they had lost their parents.

Thinking about it, it made sense. This kind of shocking reversal shouldn't have happened. The probability of it happening was even lower than winning the lottery.

The mocking towards Chu Xiahong earlier had now become a slap to his face.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

Amidst the laughter and laughter, Ye Xuan, who had bright eyes and ears, heard the subtle sound of his phone vibrating.

Ye Xuan glanced at the source of the sound from the corner of his eye. It was first senior sister.

Chu Xiahong lowered her head to take a look. There was a trace of fear in her eyes.



Chu Xiahong's words were like a bucket of cold water on everyone's heads.

Director Xie said in shock, "Director Chu, you said throw?"

"Yes, throw them all out!"

Chu Xiahong stood up and said, "Before we bought them, I already said that we made short lines in the day. Now it is dark and we have sold them out."

"But... but it is still rising."

Director Xie said in confusion, "Director Chu, the gold and crude oil in our hands have increased by 320% and 280% respectively. Moreover, it is still rising. It is not worth throwing it out at this time. Should we wait?"

With years of investment experience, Director Xie believed that something big must have happened in the world and that it would have a huge impact.

Otherwise, the increase in gold crude oil would not be the same as riding a rocket.

If he was the one making the decision, it would be best to keep it and not sell it. Once he had analyzed the whole situation, he would study when to dump it.

"I said dump!"

"Okay... okay."

Director Xie sighed helplessly.

Although selling it now could increase the company's capital by 20 to 30 billion, if it was sold in a few days, the total profit might exceed 10 billion.

Unlike Director Xie, Bai Lang and the others were filled with joy.

Women were women. They had just tasted a little bit of sweetness and were about to give up. It was true that their hair was long and their knowledge was short.

Although today's shocking reversal had caused a huge impact on them, it was fortunate that Chu Xiahong saw that it was good and only took 20 to 3 billion profits.

If Chu Xiahong really followed Director Xie's suggestion and sold in a few days and got 10 billion profits, Bai Lang and the others' shares would be diluted in an instant.

Not long after, the sale was completed.

Chu Xiahong fulfilled her promise and only used one day to earn 2.6 billion for the Jiuzhou Group.

"My colleagues, thank you for your hard work. I will get the Finance Association to give each of you a hundred thousand bonus when you pay your salaries."

Everyone was overjoyed and thanked Chu Xiahong for her generosity in unison.

When everyone calmed down a little, Chu Xiahong issued the next order. "Starting from tomorrow, you guys will have to work harder. Buying large amounts of food, building materials, and all kinds of drugs and...!"

Chu Xiahong talked about more than a dozen kinds of supplies in a row. Most of them were used for post-disaster reconstruction.

Ye Xuan squinted his eyes when he heard her. He could not understand first senior sister's thoughts.

"Alright, let's get off work."

After saying that, Chu Xiahong grabbed the bag on the table and called Ye Xuan to leave the meeting room. She left everyone with an enigmatic figure.

In the car, Chu Xiahong revealed a deep sense of fatigue.

On the surface, everything seemed to be under Chu Xiahong's control. In fact, Chu Xiahong's true feelings were not much more relaxed than Director Xie and the others.

This kind of bold gamble, Chu Xiahong swore that there would not be a second time!

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