Peerless Master In The City/C30 Ghost God Needle Technique
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Peerless Master In The City/C30 Ghost God Needle Technique
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C30 Ghost God Needle Technique

"I hope so."

Du Lifei did not have much hope for acupuncture treatment.

After deciding to treat Du Lifei, Ye Xuan found a box of acupuncture needles in the cabinet in the consultation room.

After disinfecting the needles, Ye Xuan returned to Du Lifei and said, "Miss Du, please turn around. The acupuncture treatment will be very painful later. You better hold on, or else all your efforts will go to waste."

"A mere pain is nothing to me."

Du Lifei turned around and said disapprovingly, "Dr. Faang, you can start now."

Du Lifei really did not exaggerate this sentence.

A mere acupuncture pain was not inferior to mosquito bites to her.

Unfortunately, Du Lifei never thought that the pain she would suffer would be so unbearable.

Looking at Du Lifei who had her back facing him, Ye Xuan was not in a hurry to stab her. Instead, he put his hands on Du Lifei's shoulders.

Ye Xuan told Du Lifei that it would hurt during the treatment process to calm her down.

Du Lifei would immediately feel what it meant to cut her into pieces!

After all, repairing damaged meridians and dispelling the Qi in her body was not as easy as she had imagined.

In order to ensure that Du Lifei did not faint from the treatment, Ye Xuan needed to take some preventive measures.

He used the Genuine Qi to protect Du Lifei's heart meridian to prevent the Qi from suddenly going out of control and impacting her heart meridian, causing Du Lifei to die here.

"So comfortable..."

Du Lifei felt a kind of comfort that she had never felt before when the consultation Genuine Qi entered her body.

She felt as if she was floating in the clouds. Her surroundings were illuminated by the warm sunlight.

The difficult and complicated diseases that had troubled her for several years had all disappeared here.

Of course, the problem on Du Lifei's body had not disappeared. It was only affecting her energy and was temporarily trapped by the medicinal Genuine Qi that Ye Xuan had injected into her.

Once the energy was controlled, Du Lifei naturally would not feel any pain.

After completing the preparation work, Ye Xuan continued, "Miss Du, please take off your clothes."


Previously, Faang Jing had performed acupuncture on Du Lifei and treated her under the condition that she took off her clothes.

Du Lifei did not think too much about it. She took off her coat and only her underwear was left.

Ye Xuan looked at Du Lifei's sparkling white skin, like an old monk who was in a meditative state. He gently pierced the golden needles into various acupuncture points on Du Lifei's back.

"Almost there."

After a while, Du Lifei heard Ye Xuan's words and exclaimed, "It's over now."

"We still need to wait another two or three minutes."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "The last two or three minutes will be tough. It depends on your determination."

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Lifei felt as if her entire body was being scraped by a steel knife.

This kind of pain was beyond words.

In an instant, Du Lifei's entire body was drenched in sweat. Every inch of her skin carried a pain that made one faint.

Fortunately, Du Lifei was not an ordinary woman. She began to use her willpower and pain to resist.

Du Lifei gritted her teeth and forcefully endured the strong pain.

If it was an ordinary person, they would have been unable to hold on and would have cried out in pain.

Du Lifei did not say a word and struggled to hold on.

Seeing Du Lifei clench her teeth and bleed, Ye Xuan nodded secretly.

As expected of the female dragon head of the Central District, she was quite outstanding.

She was actually able to rely on her willpower to resist this kind of piercing pain.


A minute later, Du Lifei finally could not bear the pain and opened her mouth to let out a shrill scream.

The scream was so loud that it echoed throughout the entire hospital.

Faang Jing, who was treating Tong Fangfei upstairs, suddenly trembled. She vaguely felt that the sound was very familiar.

On the other side, even though Du Lifei's willpower was strong, it was still hard for her to resist the pain in her body.

Du Lifei opened her eyes and subconsciously reached out to pull out the golden needles behind her.

Ye Xuan grabbed Du Lifei's arm and said seriously, "If you pull out the golden needles, the pain from before would be for nothing and it would be impossible for you to recover from it for the rest of your life."

"I... I can't hold on anymore!"

Du Lifei screamed and hit the ward with her other hand.

"I beg you, quickly remove the needle! I can't take it anymore!!"

Even when she was injured back then, Du Lifei did not lose face like today.

Her steel-like will completely collapsed under the pain of the attack.

Du Lifei cried and howled like an ordinary woman, begging Ye Xuan to remove the golden needle on his back.

Ye Xuan did not follow Du Lifei's request and pull out the golden needles on his back. Instead, he continued to infuse Genuine Qis into her.

The treatment was halfway done. Ye Xuan would never allow himself to fail!

Time was as slow as a tortoise's speed. Du Lifei's mind was in a trance. Her teeth kept chattering and she almost bit off her tongue several times.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan extended his left hand and turned it into a sword finger, pointing it at Du Lifei's neck.

In the next second, Du Lifei's eyes turned white and she fainted.

"What are you doing?"

At the same time, a loud shout came from the door.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked. second senior sister and Faang Jing were standing at the door with her eyes wide open.

Ye Xuan took off the mask on his face and smiled, "second senior sister, am I treating her?"

Seeing Du Lifei naked and sweating profusely, Faang Jing's face turned darker than the bottom of the pot.


Faang Jing walked in front of Ye Xuan and slapped him hard.

"Ye Xuan, you disappoint me!"

Faang Jing said bitterly, "I thought you might have been wrongly accused back then, but..."

Speaking up to this point, Faang Jing could not continue.

Tears could not stop flowing down her eyes.

Du Lifei's clothes were untidy and Ye Xuan's face was red. Even a fool knew what had happened.

In addition to the screams from before, Faang Jing believed that Ye Xuan must have used his martial arts to forcefully take over Du Lifei.

Thinking back, all the sisters thought that Ye Xuan was a beast in disguise. Although Faang Jing did not take Ye Xuan's actions to heart, she still thought that Ye Xuan originally did not want to be bad. The reason why he did such a shameless thing was definitely because he was influenced by others.

Therefore, when Faang Jing saw Ye Xuan appear, she did not shout for him to be beaten or to be killed, nor did she speak ill of him.

Initially, she thought that Ye Xuan had turned over a new leaf. Who would have thought that she would do such a thing to her patient right under her nose?

"Get lost! I will never see you again in my life!"

Faang Jing raised her hand and pointed outside the door.

"second senior sister, I..."

"Get lost!"

Ye Xuan knew that second senior sister misunderstood him and was angry. He walked out of the treatment room resentfully.

Not long after, Ye Xuan appeared on the rooftop of the building and allowed the night wind to blow on his face.

He did not hate second senior sister hitting him. He could only blame that evil person for ruining his reputation.

He hoped that second senior sister would calm down and listen to his explanation later.


Half an hour later, Du Lifei slowly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion.

"Miss Du, I'm sorry. If you have any requests, feel free to do it. Even if it is to save my life, I can agree to it."

Faang Jing supported Du Lifei to sit up and kept apologizing.

"Dr. Faang, you have cured my internal injuries. I don't even have time to thank you, why would I want to kill you?"


Faang Jing was stunned. "Are your internal injuries healed?"

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