Peerless Master In The City/C36 Suspect for Murder
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Peerless Master In The City/C36 Suspect for Murder
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C36 Suspect for Murder

Seeing Ye Xuan's unhappy expression, Lei Hu quickly added, "Don't worry, Yang. I'll check his identity for you tomorrow."

Ye Xuan stared at Lei Hu and said, "I believe you for once. Find out that person's identity tomorrow. Also, release Li Daguo's parents quickly. Otherwise, be careful that tomorrow will be your death anniversary!"


Lei Hu nodded his head repeatedly, looking as respectful as possible.

It was already late at night when they returned to the villa.

Chu Xiahong was lying in her room and did not sleep.

In the evening, Chu Xiahong received a call from Second Brother Fang Jing.

When she heard that Ye Xuan saved more than ten poisoned patients in the hospital and even helped Second Brother look for the culprit, she felt very gratified in her heart.

He thought that Ye Xuan had probably learned well. The incident ten years ago might have contained some hidden secrets.

But she did not say anything to Ye Xuan.

Clearly, she wanted to see Ye Xuan's performance after that.

The next morning, Ye Xuan got up as usual and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for first senior sister.

However, Chu Xiahong was different today. Not only did she eat the breakfast Ye Xuan prepared, but she also had a smile on her face when she talked to Ye Xuan.

Unfortunately, this warm scene did not last long.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door. Many fully armed police officers entered the villa and arrested Ye Xuan for murder.

At five o'clock in the morning, Lei Hu's body was found lying on the street.

Through investigation, the police found out that Ye Xuan beat Lei Hu last night and broke one of his legs. They threatened that today was Lei Hu's death anniversary.

Hence, the police had sufficient reason to believe that Ye Xuan had killed someone.

"Go to the police station with them to clarify the matter. I will call Leng Xue later. Then I will personally bail you out."

Ye Xuan heard first senior sister's words and gave up on fighting with these police officers. He decided to go to the police station first.

"Ye Xuan, someone wants to see you later. You can't say anything when the time comes."

The police officer brought Ye Xuan into the office building and knocked on the door of an office on the third floor.

The door of the office was opened. A middle-aged man saw Ye Xuan with a warm smile on his face.

The middle-aged man asked Ye Xuan and the police officer to enter the office. He made them a cup of tea and placed it on the table.

"Inspector Ren, I have brought the person. Ye Xuan is still a suspect, so I have to accompany him the whole time. I hope you can forgive me."

The policeman stood up and saluted the middle-aged man.

Inspector Ren smiled and sat back in his office chair. He said to Ye Xuan, "Mr. Ye, I heard you were involved in a murder case. Have you done it?"

"I am innocent. I did not kill Lei Hu at all."

Inspector Ren was Leng Xue's superior. He was asked by her to personally investigate the case.

Ye Xuan told the whole story to Inspector Ren and emphasized that he did not have the time to kill.

Inspector Ren nodded slightly after listening. He picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number.

In the case center, the head of the criminal investigation team, Yang Ming, was talking to Chu Xiahong in the office.

When he heard the phone ring, Yang Ming picked up the phone. His expression immediately became unusually serious and he nodded repeatedly in agreement.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Ye Xuan is fine. He is with Inspector Ren now. If you want to find him, you need to wait a little longer."

On the other side, after Inspector Ren had gotten a rough understanding of the case from Yang Ming, he thought that it was too much of a joke to conclude that Ye Xuan had killed someone with just a few clues.

"I had some conflict with Lei Hu, but I never killed him. He was found dead in town in the morning. I was still at home at that time. " The people around me can testify for me. "

Inspector Ren wanted to help him, but Ye Xuan could not let Inspector Ren do it. He analyzed all the suspicious points one by one.

After listening to Ye Xuan's explanation, Ren Yuejin said, "You go back first. I will urge my subordinates to handle this case as soon as possible and try to return your innocence as soon as possible."

"My son, you died miserably. Father and Mother will definitely take revenge for you!"

In the police station yard, a middle-aged woman was sitting on the ground and crying. Around her were four or five policemen who were trying to persuade her.

After Ye Xuan was brought out of the office by the policemen, the middle-aged woman stood up like a madman and pounced at Ye Xuan.

"You bastard! What kind of grudge does my son have with you? Why do you want to kill him?!"

When enemies met, their eyes would turn red. When Lei Hu's mother saw Ye Xuan, she wanted to eat him up.

Ye Xuan wiped the saliva on his face with his hand and said coldly, "I didn't kill Lei Hu. Don't bite him."

Lei Hu's mother said with hatred, "Who else can kill my son other than you? My son is so honest. How can you kill him?"

Lei Hu's father also walked over and raised his fist to hit Ye Xuan.

"What are you doing?"

A woman walked in from the front. It was Chu Xiahong.

Chu Xiahong was so angry that her face turned red when she saw Ye Xuan being surrounded. She said to the policemen, "Ye Xuan is only a suspect. He has not been convicted. He was threatened in your police station. Don't you care?"

The policemen surrounding Ye Xuan did not dare to say anything because of Chu Xiahong's imposing manner. Instead, the policeman who caught Ye Xuan stared at Chu Xiahong and said, "Who are you to Ye Xuan?"

"I am his sister. I am here to bail Ye Xuan out!"

Chu Xiahong stood beside Ye Xuan. She looked coldly at Lei Hu's parents and said, "If anyone dares to touch Ye Xuan's finger again, I, Chu Xiahong, will not let you off."

Hearing the three words Chu Xiahong, the surrounding policemen were all stunned.

As long as one was from Loongxia City, there were few who did not know the name of the Jiuzhou Group's boss, Chu Xiahong.

"If you are so protective of Ye Xuan, you must be accomplices with him. If I want to scold him, I want to see what you can do to me!"

Lei Hu's mother had never heard of Chu Xiahong's name. She insulted Chu Xiahong and Ye Xuan with her filthy words.


Ye Xuan slapped Lei Hu's mother and said gloomily, "If you dare to say something disrespectful again, I promise you will never have the chance to speak again."

"Ye Xuan, you little bastard. You killed my son and let your mistress bully me. I am not going to live anymore!"

Lei Hu's mother was about to hit Ye Xuan with her head. Lei Hu's father was so scared that he hurriedly pulled her back.

"Ye Xuan, you are not afraid of retribution for what you did. You killed my son and you are not going to stop!"

Lei Hu's father was not someone to be trifled with. His parents had played an important role in Lei Hu becoming like this.

"Before you guys get to the bottom of this, you guys are biting people like mad dogs. Don't blame me for being merciless."

These people could insult Ye Xuan, but if they insulted his senior sister, Ye Xuan would never let it go.

"What are you all arguing about here? This is the police station, not your home!"

Yang Ming walked out of the police office and shouted at Lei Hu's parents.

Perhaps because the other party's tone was too harsh, Lei Hu's parents restrained their arrogance. They stood where they were and stared at Ye Xuan viciously, not daring to speak nonsense like before.

The middle-aged policeman walked to Ye Xuan's side and sized him up. Then, he asked with a smile, "You are Ye Xuan?"

"I am Ye Xuan. You brought me here to help with the investigation. Now, someone is threatening me and my family and scolding my friends. Are you the police?"

Ye Xuan asked the police angrily and told them what had happened.

"Don't worry. I will handle it fairly."

Yang Ming waved his hand to signal Ye Xuan and Chu Xiahong to leave.

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