Peerless Master In The City/C37 The Trial will be Held Three Days Later
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Peerless Master In The City/C37 The Trial will be Held Three Days Later
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C37 The Trial will be Held Three Days Later

"How is it?"

In the villa, Faang Jing, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Chu Xiahong return and impatiently stood up to ask about the situation.

"Come in."

Chu Xiahong shouted at the door.

The next second, Ye Xuan followed her in.

Faang Jing saw that Ye Xuan was safe and sound and never believed in the gods and Buddha. She actually said Amitabha.

"Second sister, I have already greeted Inspector Ren. He will be fine."

Faang Jing was not the only one in the room. Even third senior sister and Leng Xue, who did not like Ye Xuan, were there.

"Ye Xuan, go over there and sit down."

Chu Xiahong closed the door of the villa heavily and signaled Ye Xuan to sit opposite the two women.

Ye Xuan obediently walked over and sat down. He said with a smile, "second senior sister, third senior sister. When did you come?"



Faang Jing raised her hand and patted Leng Xue's arm and said, " Third sister, Ye Xuan has been wronged this time. How could you treat him with such an attitude?"

"I have already said that this brat is acting tough. Sooner or later something will happen."

Leng Xue said disapprovingly," Ye Xuan, tell me what happened yesterday from the back. Don't miss a single word. We will analyze it for you and see who is trying to trick you. "

Chu Xiahong walked to Faang Jing's side and sat down. Her eyes were staring at Ye Xuan unblinkingly.

After the police came in this morning, Chu Xiahong called Leng Xue and asked her to help take care of Ye Xuan.

Leng Xue excused herself and asked Inspector Ren to help.

At the same time, Faang Jing, who had received the news, rushed over to wait for the news.

The three women had different personalities and the way they cared was naturally different.

Faang Jing's personality was kind and pure. Any emotion would be written on her face. Chu Xiahong had experienced countless storms and had already trained to remain calm and composed.

As for the third brother, Leng Xue, on the surface, she did not seem to be bothered by Ye Xuan, but she was very worried in her heart.

The three girls did not believe that Lei Hu was killed by Ye Xuan. The reason was very simple. Lei Hu's death was too simple.

That's right, it was simple!

Given Ye Xuan's cultivation base, if he wanted to kill someone, the other party's internal organs would be destroyed. If he was serious, he would die without a complete corpse.

According to the information Leng Xue had gathered, Lei Hu was strangled to death. There was a deep crack on his neck.

Using such a killing method to slander Ye Xuan was an insult to the strong.

On the other side, Ye Xuan told her everything about Lei Hu and Li Daguo after finding the Rotten Heart Grass in the Happy Flower Shop without missing a single word.

After listening to them, Chu Xiahong and Leng Xue seemed to be deep in thought. They analyzed the problem.

Faang Jing said with a face full of self-blame, "Ye Xuan, I'm sorry. It was Second Sister who harmed you. If Second Sister did not let you investigate, you would not be imprisoned."

"second senior sister, your words are enough. Let alone in prison, even if I was surrounded by thousands of soldiers, I, Ye Xuan, would not have any fear."

Unlike Faang Jing and the others who were anxious, Ye Xuan did not care about it at all.

It was just a trick to frame others. What was there to be afraid of?

Putting aside Ye Xuan's cultivation base, no one in the world could catch him. Just the wealth and manpower that Ye Xuan possessed was enough to flatten this matter.

"Ye Xuan, you might have been fooled by him from the very beginning."

After a while, Leng Xue said in a deep voice.

"Did someone trick me?" Ye Xuan asked.

Ye Xuan did not understand and said, "third senior sister, what do you mean?"

"According to you, the mysterious man who instructed Lei Hu to plant the Rotten Heart Grass made an agreement with Lei Hu. Every time the grass matured, he would take it away. How did the flower shop owner get it?"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xuan came to a sudden realization.

That's right, how did he forget about the flower shop owner?

The two employees of the Happy Flower Shop told him proudly that they were the only shop selling Rotten Heart Grass in the whole city.

Assuming that the mysterious person spread the Rotten Heart Grass to test the power of the transplanted poisonous grass, it should not be handed over to the Happy Flower Shop alone, but spread widely.

Following this line of thought, a suspicious point that Ye Xuan didn't notice appeared in his mind.

In the garden of the village's Li family, not only the Rotten Heart Grass, but also other poison grass.

These poisonous plants had been harvested by someone before Ye Xuan arrived. If the owner of the flower shop was a puppet or subordinate of a mysterious person, why was there no such thing in the shop, only Rotten Heart Grass?

"Di Di Di..."

Leng Xue's phone rang while she was deep in thought.

"What... No, the matter has not been investigated clearly. How can it be? I know."

Leng Xue hung up the phone with a gloomy face and said, "Eldest Sister, Second Sister, the matter is troublesome."

"What's going on?"

Chu Xiahong asked.

"Lei Hu's parents went to the entrance of the Procuratorate to complain. The Censor of the Procuratorate just gave the order that the trial will be held three days later."

"How can this be!"

Faang Jing was stunned. "The person did not kill Ye Xuan at all. How can the Public Prosecutor's Office interrogate Ye Xuan indiscriminately?"

The Public Prosecutor's Office was the highest authority in Loongxia. All major cases that happened in the local area were interrogated by the Censor of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Once Ye Xuan went to the Public Prosecutor's Office to be tried, even if he wasn't a murderer, the media would think he was a murderer.

"Mo, you have studied the law. Can you be Ye Xuan's lawyer?"

Chu Xiahong thought more thoroughly than Fang Jing. She thought that instead of being at a loss this time, it would be better to let Leng Xue defend Ye Xuan first. Even if she could not help him get rid of the injustice, she could still buy some time.

As long as there was enough time, Chu Xiahong would definitely help Ye Xuan settle the injustice.

"Big Sister, it's not that I don't want to help, it's just that my identity is too special."

Leng Xue's expression was complicated as she told the two women that it was Inspector Ren who called just now.

The reason why the Public Prosecutor's Office wanted to interrogate Ye Xuan was because Lei Hu's parents found out Leng Xue's identity.

According to them, Leng Xue and Ye Xuan had a deep relationship and affected the police's interrogation of Ye Xuan. They also used their influence to bail Ye Xuan out.

Although the matter was fictitious, Leng Xue did ask Inspector Ren to investigate the murder. What the other party said was true. It was not completely baseless.

In order to appease the public opinion of the citizens, the Public Prosecutor's Office had personally interrogated Ye Xuan.


Chu Xiahong was so angry that she heavily slapped the arm of the sofa and angrily berated, "Looks like this matter is very difficult to settle."

"first senior sister, you don't need to worry at all. Could it be that you have forgotten your fifth brother?"

Hearing this, Chu Xiahong's face became happy and she said, "That's right, how did I forget my fifth brother!"

Ol 'Five, Zhou Chang, was a famous gold medal in Loongxia. He had fought hundreds of lawsuits and had rarely lost.

"I'll call Ol 'Five right now."

"Wait for a moment."

Leng Xue stopped Chu Xiahong and said, "Big Sister, I need Old Five to help me with this matter. I still need to consider it carefully."

After saying that, Leng Xue gave Ye Xuan a meaningful look.

Chu Xiahong seemed to understand what Leng Xue meant and said, "Are you afraid that Ol' Five will refuse to appear in court if he hears that he is acting as a defense lawyer for Ye Xuan?"

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