Peerless Master In The City/C39 I'm Willing to Sponsor It
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Peerless Master In The City/C39 I'm Willing to Sponsor It
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C39 I'm Willing to Sponsor It

Ye Xuan was even more confused when he heard Xu Wushan talk about his real salary.

How could a medical expert who earned a million a year live in such a harsh environment?

Ye Xuan looked at the puzzled Ye Xuan. Xu Wushan smiled and said, "Little Ye, wait for me for a while. I'll finish the rest of the instant noodles and show you something good."

As he spoke, Xu Wushan picked up the bowl of instant noodles and ate the soup and noodles.

After eating, Xu Wushan wiped his mouth with his sleeve and signaled Ye Xuan to follow him into the bedroom.

"This... What are these?!"

Ye Xuan was shocked when he entered the room. Xu Wushan's bedroom could no longer be called a bedroom, but more like a laboratory.

There were all kinds of scientific equipment in the 20-square-meter bedroom. There were also many drawings on the walls.

These drawings looked familiar to Ye Xuan, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them before.

"How is it? Are you surprised?"

Xu Xiaoshan pointed at the instruments and the charts and said, "Now you know where my income is?"

Ye Xuan probed. "Did you buy these devices at your own expense?"

Xu Wushan nodded and brought Ye Xuan to the small bedroom next door.

The room had also been renovated into a laboratory, but it was different from the big bedroom. This laboratory was also part of Xu Xiaoshan's study.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoshan solved the mystery.

These equipment, books, and the corresponding experimental materials were all purchased by him personally.

The research direction was in the study of human genes.


Only now did Ye Xuan remember why he felt that the big bedroom's map looked familiar. It was actually a human gene composition map.

When Ye Xuan was young, he had watched a science show. It was this thing that was displayed on it.

"Vice Principal Xu, aren't you an expert in internal medicine? Why are you researching genes and buying research equipment at your own expense?"

Although he knew the reason behind Xu Wensheng's poverty, the doubt in Ye Xuan's mind did not disappear.

Xu Wenshan shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I am an expert in internal medicine, but my old profession is genetic engineering. But later on... forget it, let's not talk about the past."

Speaking up to this point, Xu Wushan said in high spirits, "Little Ye, do you know how much help genetic engineering can provide to humans?"

"I don't know."

Ye Xuan honestly said, "But I'm willing to listen."

"Come on, let me tell you."

Xu Wenshan looked very happy, as if he had found a listener.

Then, Xu Wenshan brought Ye Xuan to the computer in the bedroom.

After opening it, Xu Wenshan opened a document with the mouse marker. There was a large number of patients written in it.

"Lil 'Ye, in your opinion, with the current medical level, how many success rates do you think there are for treating these illnesses?"

Ye Xuan took a closer look. There were all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases written on the document. Most of them were cancer, and a few of them were diseases that Ye Xuan had never heard of.

At the bottom of the document, there was even AIDS written on it.

"I'm afraid the probability is only half."

"You're right. Although there is a 50% chance of recovery, the patient will suffer great pain during the treatment process. After he recovers, he will relapse, and there will be serious side effects."

Xu Wenshan moved the mouse to write about AIDS and said, "Up until now, there have been no successful cases of AIDS."

"These complex diseases are the dark clouds that have shrouded the entire world. My lifelong goal is to study them!"


Ye Xuan looked at Xu Wenshan in a daze. He felt that this guy had gone mad.

Even the Godly Doctor, Black Tortoise Tang Xuan, who was under Ye Xuan's command, did not dare to say such crazy words.

Cancer and his many complicated illnesses, even AIDS, were caused by the loss of cells in the human body.

Suddenly, a spark flashed in Ye Xuan's mind.

Ye Xuan seemed to understand why Xu Wenshan wanted to research genetic engineering.

"Are you planning to modify the patient's body through gene modification?"


Xu Wenshan resolutely said, "All the diseases are caused by genetic deficiencies. As long as my research is successful, I can use it to treat these diseases. It can even change the fate of many newborn babies!"

When he said this, Xu Wenshan's eyes were burning.

Due to genetic defects, many newborn babies were born with various physiological defects.

It was also because of these physiological defects that a large number of abandoned babies happened.

As long as his research was successful, this situation would definitely be curbed.

At this moment, Ye Xuan didn't know what words to use to describe Xu Wenshan.

Xu Wenshan's thoughts were no less than daydreaming. It was no wonder he wanted to buy research equipment by himself.

No one would support such an idea in any hospital.

Gene research required a huge amount of manpower, resources, and financial resources. In the end, it might not be successful.

However, Ye Xuan could not say that Xu Wenshan was daydreaming.

Some things needed someone to do. Although the final result might not be satisfactory, at least one had tried it and knew where one's failure was.

Sometimes, the experience of failure was more valuable than the experience of success.

"Vice Principal Xu, I, Ye Xuan, have never admired anyone in my life. But today, I want to say that I admire you."

Ye Xuan gave him a thumbs up and said sincerely, "When I went up the mountain to learn, my master once said something to me. In the past, I didn't know much about it. Now, I understand from you what it means to go all the way."

Thinking back, Martial Saint Kunlun once told Ye Xuan that the cultivation technique of a cultivator was to fight with the heavens, and if one was not careful, one would die and one's Dao would disappear.

This was also the reason why there were millions of people. To have a cultivator.

"Hehehe, Lil 'Ye, you're being too serious."

Xu Wushan faintly smiled and said, "A person's entire life has to do something. The higher one's ability is, the greater the responsibility. For example, I've learned medical skills for half of my life. If it was just to strive for a good future, I could have walked the path of an official back then."

Ye Xuan nodded in agreement. "Perhaps this is the rule of the rich to help the world, while the poor are the only ones who are good."

Although Ye Xuan's cultivation base was high, in the end, he was only a young man in his early twenties.

Since he was a young man, he naturally had a lot of hot blood.

Thinking about how Xu Wenshan had invested all of his energy and money into the unknown research, Ye Xuan's blood boiled and he decided to help Xu Wenshan.

Immediately, Ye Xuan took out his phone and said, "Vice Principal Xu, I am willing to sponsor your research. You can count."

"What? You are sponsoring me?"

Xu Wenshan looked at Ye Xuan from head to toe and said with a bitter smile, "Lil 'Ye, I accept your kindness. I think you can forget about sponsoring me."

Xu Wenshan did not believe that he had the strength to help, but Ye Xuan did not get angry. He took out the King's black card.

"What is this?"

Xu Wenshan asked curiously.

"A black gold card that can overdraft 3 billion USD."

"3 billion... US dollars?!"

Xu Wenshan looked at the card in Ye Xuan's hand in shock and suddenly fell to the ground.

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