Perspective Soldier King in the City/C26 Threatened
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Perspective Soldier King in the City/C26 Threatened
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C26 Threatened

When Su Jingjing and the others went upstairs, the living room was filled with beautiful girls. Lin Fei lit a cigarette and crossed his legs, waiting for Elder Chu's question. Although he had many questions, he would not take the initiative to ask them. As a Mercenary, he could only accept missions and would not chase after the main employee to ask where the questions came from.

"It's been hard on you this morning, Mr. Lin." Elder Chu let out a long sigh, breaking the silence.

"You must have recognized the pistol?" Lin Fei said expressionlessly.

In fact, as soon as the man took out his homemade pistol, he recognized the man instantly. Although it was a homemade pistol, its origins were not simple. It was marked with the Bai Clan's emblem. For a large aristocratic family, getting their own handgun was naturally not a difficult thing. Even if he could get a real gun, Lin Fei would not find it strange.

Why did they kidnap Chu Jiaojiao? Since they were from a large family, they had too many ways to deal with the Chu family. There was no need for them to use such despicable methods. They couldn't even compare to the new and upstarts. This would cause the other aristocratic families to laugh their teeth out.

"People of the Bai Family." Elder Chu shook his head helplessly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin let you get involved in this matter."

Elder Chu said he was sorry, but he did not seem like he was going to apologize at all. The reason why he invited Lin Fei, was entirely because he wanted to use Lin Fei's name to suppress Bai Family. After all, the name of the King of Mercenary was not just for show. If he went crazy, Bai Family would definitely have some scruples!

"About that, I want to propose a commission." Lin Fei grinned, he had never cared how difficult the mission was, he only cared about the commission. He was not a man who sought money, but he cared about his reputation. The higher the commission, the heavier the task. This way, he would have more energy and have a better reputation!

"Sure! But we of Chu family are unable to take out our money … " Elder Chu felt a little lonely. If he had returned to five years ago, even fifty million wouldn't have been a problem, much less five million. However, in recent years, the economy has not been in a good state, and the company's earnings have clearly been affected. If not for Su Jingjing's help, this company would have collapsed long ago.

"It's not easy to do business without money." Lin Fei flicked the ash off his cigarette.

"Fine." Sweat trickled down Elder Chu's forehead, "Look at what's valuable here, you can take them all. "Ai, that, if it really doesn't work, what do you think about my Jiao Jiao?"

The moment he heard about Chu Jiaojiao, Lin Fei was slightly stunned. He really didn't think that old man Chu would be like this!

Could it be that old man Chu had already set his mind on him and accepted him as his son-in-law? Lin Fei glanced at Old Man Chu and shook his head slightly. If it was only for fun, Lin Fei would definitely not take it seriously.

For some reason, he still couldn't let Chen Yi go. He was a former colleague and comrade-in-arms. Actually, he didn't feel too much about it before. They only felt that Chen Yi was not bad looking. However, Chen Yi's unwavering determination to stay on the ground and his true feelings moved his ice-cold heart. Just as she was about to accept Chen Yi, she suddenly disappeared without a trace. He had searched for many years, but to no avail.

"Let's change it." "For example, the shares in the company." Lin Fei flicked his finger, and the cigarette flew into the trash can in a parabola.

"But I gave all the shares to Jiao Jiao. As long as you get her, you can get the shares." Elder Chu clenched his teeth, a resolute look in his eyes.

"Let me think. "Old man Chu." Lin Fei yawned and headed straight to his room. He still had to practice. He couldn't miss the time to practice. He didn't know why, but ever since he started practicing the perspective heart meridian, he couldn't stop.

"Sigh!" Is there no other way? " Elder Chu looked at the ceiling and let out a long sigh, "If there's really no other way, then please step forward, old partner."

"Elder Chu, are you really going to give Jiao Jiao to him?" At some point in time, Su Jingjing had appeared behind Elder Chu, "If it's only for Bai Cangyu, I can ask my family for help."

"No need, Crystal." You are a good girl, but you can't help me with this matter! " Elder Chu smiled bitterly. If not for Su Jingjing's help, he would have died a long time ago.

"No problem!" In my eyes, you will always be the Head of the Department! " Su Jingjing looked at Elder Chu with admiration. Under his hands, she had learned a lot. Perhaps, after a period of time, she would be able to open a new world for the Su family.

"Help me take a good look at Jiao Jiao. It's great that she's as sensible as you." Elder Chu forced a smile and slowly walked out of the living room. With the help of the chauffeur, they got into the car.

The living room quieted down. Su Jingjing looked in the direction that Elder Chu had left and then towards Xiang Linfei's room. She really could not understand, why does Elder Chu think so highly of Lin Fei? Could it be that he's more awesome than the Su family s?

Su Jingjing took a few steps forward, sighed quietly, and then went upstairs. After all, Lin Fei was a man; it would be inconvenient to go to his room at night.

Lin Fei had practiced the cultivation technique multiple times. According to the book, he should have been able to see through it a long time ago. But there was no progress. With his intellect, it was impossible for him to not make any progress at all. Maybe something went wrong in that segment? If only he could find a master to ask. Lin Fei couldn't help but think of the injured old man. If only he could save him, he should be able to guide his cultivation.

The next day, Lin Fei sent Chu Jiaojiao and the others to work as usual. Since they had lost their motorcycles, they could only be drivers. Furthermore, after yesterday's incident, Chu Jiaojiao would not reject Lin Fei driving for them. It was just that the way she looked at Xiang Linfei was a little strange.

There was nothing unusual on the way. For safety's sake, Lin Fei had installed surveillance at the intersection. He got it yesterday afternoon. Everything had to be prepared. With these surveillance cameras, he would be able to escape danger in advance.

The company was temporarily safe, it was filled with Lin Fei's surveillance. Lin Fei wandered around the company for a while, and after looking at the short skirt and stockings, he strolled around the company. Know the road, and his favorite stocking. Although these women did not have very good faces, their breasts were still very powerful. I just wanted to take a look. Maybe I'll meet one or two of the better quality ones.

Lin Fei missed the nightclub a little. It was a place to relax and also a good place to find beautiful women. With Lin Fei's figure, he was deeply favored by the beauties. Moreover, it didn't have any negative effects. After playing around, he would give money to the other party. No one owed him anything.

I wonder what's going on with the nightclub here?

As the lanterns lit up, the night city of the Baring Mountain became clamorous. The river was filled with red and green lights. It was as if the entire city was flashing with colored lights. Although it was not comparable to the provincial capital, much less a metropolis, this mountain city still gave people a sense of vitality.

Lin Fei held onto a cigarette in his mouth as he drove the Porsche through the streets. After training, Lin Fei drove the car out while Chu Jiaojiao and the others were not paying attention. In any case, there were surveillance at home. As long as someone with ill intentions approached him, he would know. In fact, he had dealt with several such incidents already.

Who cares who sent them? As long as they got close to the mansion with ill intentions, there would only be one result, and that would be their disappearance! Lin Fei's mission was only to protect Chu Jiaojiao and Su Jingjing, the rest were not in his charge.

The carriage headed straight for Jinhai Hotel. The hotel's third floor was a nightclub. It could be said that this was the best nightclub in the entire city.

He had to indulge himself tonight! Lin Fei giggled as he got off the carriage. The day must be full of wine, and youth should be a good companion. If a man couldn't even enjoy himself, then wouldn't coming to this world have been a waste?

However, the moment he got off the car, he felt two waves of killing intent pressing down on him. Ever since Lin Fei had started cultivating the perspective heart meridian, his senses had become exceptionally sharp. He was especially sensitive to killing intent. This was one of the reasons why he was always able to escape danger.

Lin Fei turned his back towards his waist, where there were two daggers. Since they were not allowed to wear guns in the city, they could only replace them with concealed weapons. In any case, this wasn't a battle at hand. The hidden weapons were enough to deal with the danger.

"Since you're here, why don't you show yourself?" Lin Fei faced the direction of the killing intent and asked.

"Damn!" You can even tell that, you really deserve to be called the King of Mercenary. " Two men slowly walked out from a corner. "If I'm not mistaken, you are the King of Mercenary, Flying Eagle?"

"That's right." Lin Fei secretly raised his guard, someone who could recognize his identity was definitely not simple. If he was a bit weaker, he would have been scared away long ago. The bloody martial arts world was not a place to play. If something went wrong, he would be killed.

"About that, my master really appreciates you and wants to invite you over for a chat." The other man chuckled.

"Your master? "I don't think so." Lin Fei curled his lips. He had no interest in this Hong Gate banquet at all. If you want to ask him out on a mission, then go through a formal method.

"Don't be so disrespectful. My master is the actual ruler of Mount Lie. "

"Official?" Lin Fei puffed on his cigarette in disdain.

"Cough, cough." We are not officials, we are the representatives of the big families. Come with us, there will definitely be unimaginable benefits! "

"Really? Then answer a question for me. If the answer is given, I'll go with you. " Lin Fei "hehe" laughed.

"Go ahead." The man's face lit up. Since his master's status was high, he wouldn't stop this bastard from not buying.

"You're not my wife, why would I go back with you?" Lin Fei smacked his lips and asked seriously.

"Sure!" This man was so angry that his lungs were about to burst. He had never seen such an ignorant character before. "You are f * cking arrogant. Just wait for my master to deal with you!"

"You are from the Bai Family, right?"

The man snorted and disappeared into the corner. The other man followed. This man looked a little similar to the one they met yesterday. He should be the same person. Maybe, after investigating Lin Fei's background, she had thought of a way to rope him in. It was no wonder that he didn't take revenge today.

Lin Fei laughed and blew a smoke ring. He then handsome went up to the third floor.

As soon as he reached the third floor, a fragrant aroma wafted into his nose. A row of pretty girls stood on both sides of the hall and greeted him warmly. One of the beautiful ladies came over. He was dressed in white like a butterfly.

"Sir, have you booked a room?"

"Nope." Lin Fei sized the beautiful girl up. It really was full of charm.

"Do you have any familiar little big sister?" The pretty girl smiled sweetly, making Lin Fei feel as if he had returned to another country.

"No, what about you?" Lin Fei said as he wrapped his arms around the pretty girl's small waist. The pretty girl chuckled but did not resist. How could they make customers uncomfortable when they were in this business and were coming and going? Especially since Lin Fei was very handsome, and seemed to have a strong fighting strength, there was no possibility for him to refuse!

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