Perspective Soldier King in the City/C30 Low Rent House
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Perspective Soldier King in the City/C30 Low Rent House
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C30 Low Rent House

"Ah!" A guest had arrived. Xiao Pang, why didn't you remind me! " Chen Yun's face flushed red as she straightened her back, her small hands hurriedly supporting her back. However, what Lin Fei should have seen, had long been seen through, and her covering did not have much meaning. The important thing was that she forgot to wring her hair dry. The water in her hair immediately wet her chest! Her white shirt immediately turned transparent! Chen Yun's face was as red as a monkey's butt!

"Continue, I'll help Xiao Pang cook." Seeing Chen Yun's awkward state, Lin Fei ran towards the kitchen happily.

Shameless! Seeing how happy Lin Fei was, Chen Yun stomped his feet in anger. She must have let him see her back just now. Especially the place where the top was connected to the pants!

During dinner, Chen Xiaopang ate a few times, but Chen Yun did not come out to eat. Lin Fei could only leave early. It was obvious that Chen Yun was feeling embarrassed. As long as he was there, she wouldn't come out.

Just as Lin Fei left, Chen Yun came out of the house. She looked angrily at Chen Xiaopang.

"What's the matter, big sis?"

"What's wrong?" I told you a long time ago not to bring that calf over to our house to get numb? "

"That, he's the captain of our team …" As Chen Xiaopang thought about it, he couldn't find the best word to describe the relationship he had with Lin Fei.

"That won't do!" Chen Yun became anxious, "Could it be, you can't tell that he has some ulterior motive towards elder sister?"

"He doesn't have any intentions. He just wants to care about us." Chen Xiaopang rubbed his forehead, he really could not think of any malicious intentions towards them. From the looks of it, it did not look like a bad person to have saved Zhang Zhaohui from the hands of Ergou and helped him to uphold justice!

"You, are just stupid!" Chen Yun knocked on Chen Xiaopang's head in disappointment, "In short, I can't bring him home anymore, do you hear me?"

That brat called Lin Fei always looked at her pervertedly, with an enthusiastic expression. With a single glance, one could tell that he wasn't a good person. Chen Yun had met many people like him. They were just lusting after her beauty. [He is a man with status, after all.] Yet this Lin Fei is just a lecherous person, a pauper who doesn't even have the means!

In short, in her eyes, Lin Fei was a lecher.

She couldn't be blamed for that. All these years, she had been deeply injured. If not for a sense of self-preservation, he would have fallen long ago! Looking at his injured leg, Chen Yun thought back to three years ago. That was her best time.

After finally returning to reality, Chen Yun took a bite of the rice, picked up a piece of the dish and put it into his mouth.

Delicious! This was the first time Chen Yun felt this way. He picked up another pair of chopsticks and found that it was still delicious. Could it be that Xiao Pang's culinary skills had improved? No, it should be that calf's doing. Chen Yun suddenly thought of a crucial point.

Looking at the pile of delicious food, Chen Yun hesitated. They did not want to eat the dishes cooked by Lin Fei, but they could not resist the temptation of the delicious food!

"Sis, hurry up and eat. You still have to wash the dishes." Chen Xiaopang urged. He was on the night shift and had to wash the dishes in advance.

Since he has already eaten, he can't just throw it away right? Chen Yun finally made up her mind. In the next few minutes, she was filled with the joy of enjoying delicious food!

It would be great if the hubby boy in the future could cook these dishes … Pui! What are you thinking about? Chen Yun, Chen Yun, did you get bought by a few dishes? Have you forgotten who made you like this?

She had always believed in love, until her legs were broken, only then did she know how beautiful the ideal was and how hard reality was!

Lin Fei did not think too much about it. His reason for finding Chen Yun was simple, even he would not believe it, much less Chen Yun. Thus, he did not care too much about Chen Yun's feelings.

He was currently thinking about Xiao Shuang. At most, it would just have started, but it was already interrupted before he could even feel it. What a detestable Bai Lingshuang, if it wasn't for this woman helping him, he would already be satisfied by this time.

The most famous nightclubs in Lanshan City were the Modu Nightclub and the Jinhai Nightclub last night. Modu Nightclub was a bit further away, so for convenience's sake, Lin Fei chose to go with Jinhai Nightclub.

"What?" Or did you not work? " Lin Fei was a little surprised. He had said it when he let her out last night, and now he was looking for her. Had she forgotten?

"Why don't we change it? Do you think I can do it?" A female manager looked at Lin Fei flirtatiously. She knew that Lin Fei was powerful. To be able to be easily released by the police, it definitely wasn't simple. And even released Xiao Shuang.

Under normal circumstances, they would have to drag it out for a night, find their relatives, and pay a fine before coming out.

"Forget it, you don't feel anything." Lin Fei curled his lips. He was not a stallion.

"You!" The woman was extremely angry, "Handsome, don't forget who set this stage up. Speak, don't be too excessive in what you do! "

"Who opened it? Yang Haoyu? "

"It's good that you know. Yang family is not someone you can offend. " The woman twisted her small waist and walked away.

The main players of the Young's Group were these kinds of entertainment. Most of the bars and nightclubs were their business. In addition, he also worked in the service industry such as hotels.

Lin Fei did not care about this woman, she just wanted to find a woman who could sense things. Perhaps their moods were different. After calling a few pretty girls, they still couldn't find the feeling they had last night. The few girls in front of him looked alright, but they were pretending. From the looks of it, Lin Fei didn't even want to touch them.

"Cough cough, handsome brother, if you're not satisfied, how many more can we change?" The business manager became anxious. She rarely met such a picky person.

"No!" Just tell me where Xiao Shuang is! " Lin Fei waved his hand impatiently.

"Why did you have to find her?" The business manager was a little puzzled. "The pretty girls here are all goddesses. You see, they have breasts and buttocks!"

These beautiful women were the pillars of the nightclub. Normally, they wouldn't be released. Today, in order to satisfy a picky fellow like Lin Fei, he had specially released her. However, he never expected that Duan Ling Tian was still dissatisfied.

"Feeling for her."

"So that's how it is." The business manager seemed to have realized something.

"Do you know where Xiao Shuang is?" Lin Fei looked at the manager quietly.

"Well, I can't tell you. However, you can look for it in a low-rent apartment. Maybe we can find it. " The manager quietly said as he passed by Lin Fei.

F * ck! And it was so mysterious? It was an ordinary reception, but it carried the name of a manager.

After circling around, Lin Fei returned to Chen Xiaopang's residence.

Just as Chen Xiaopang was about to go on the night shift, he saw Lin Fei barging in. Um, elder brother Fei, why are you here? My sister isn't here, she won't let me bring you home! "

"I'm not looking for your sister." Lin Fei frowned, wasn't Chen Yun's guard against him too much?

"I'm looking for a person. Her name is Xiao Shuang and she lives in the same area as."

"Xiao Shuang? I've never heard of you, elder brother Fei. " Chen Xiaopang was troubled. Although the Lanshan City wasn't very developed, the price of housing was ridiculously high. Most of the workers couldn't afford a house, so they had to live in a low-rent one. This was the cheapest rental house in the city. The sanitation and transportation conditions were not good, but they were better than being cheap. Only a hundred a month. If he were to rent a house outside, he wouldn't be able to hold on for an entire night.

"It's the hemp." "Has anyone moved in recently?"

He guessed that Little Shuang was not a local. Local people don't have to rent cheap homes. And for a nightclub, even though it wasn't a huge fortune, the money came quickly. Even if he couldn't afford to stay in a hotel, he could afford to stay in an ordinary rented apartment. Why did Little Shuang live here? If the business manager hadn't lied to him, there must be a story about Xiao Shuang.

"I'm not too sure about that. You know, elder brother Fei, if I'm not working at the company, I would go to the stall to help my Sis. "

All right. If it was not to vent his anger, for the sake of feeling it, Lin Fei would not bother to find others. However, all of these could not make things difficult for Lin Fei. With a quick thought, he came up with an idea.

"Think about it again. Where is it that's not rented out, or just rented out?"

After Chen Xiaopang racked his brains, he finally thought of a place and pointed it out to Lin Fei. After all, after staying here for so long, he had some idea of what was going on.

Following Chen Xiaopang's instructions, they went in search of the place he was staying and eventually found the place he was staying. Lin Fei had entered through a door. To a Mercenary, this was a piece of cake. For the sake of convenience and to not disturb others, he snuck into Xiao Shuang's home.

Xiao Shuang did not fall asleep. He laid on the bed and played with his phone, occasionally wiping his eyes.

"Are you sleeping alone?" Lin Fei laid down beside her.

Ah!" A man suddenly appeared on the bed, causing Little Shuang's heart to nearly jump out!

"Seeing Xiao Shuang's frightened look, Lin Fei looked at her complacently. You don't work at the nightclub anymore. Did something happen? "

"No!" Nothing happened. What can happen to him? " Xiao Shuang looked to be in a panic.

"You can't fool me." Lin Fei "hehe" a laugh, and extended his arm towards her small waist. Xiao Shuang was startled, and hid inside.

"Don't be reckless, handsome."

"You don't want to? Weren't we fine last night? " Lin Fei stared at her chest without restraint. Last night the room was too dark to see clearly.

"That, I'm not going to do it!" Xiao Shuang said as his tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Why? I had quite a feeling last night. " Lin Fei was slightly stunned, he really couldn't understand what this woman meant. Was she going to wash her hands with a golden bowl? Without waiting for Lin Fei to understand what he meant. He heard footsteps coming from outside the door. It sounded like a bit of trash, not a cop.

Lin Fei turned around and jumped onto the beam. He found the most favorable spot and hid his body.

Regarding Lin Fei's actions, Xiao Shuang did not seem to have any reaction, he just stared blankly at the door.

Very soon, a few calves rushed in. One of them wore the uniform of the Jinhai Nightclub. "Bastard, it's already past time, why are you still dawdling here!"

"My body is not in the right place. Can I give you a few more days?" Xiao Shuang frowned. However, how could these men care so much about her?

"A customer has asked for you a few times, but you refused to go up!" F * ck, are you trying to make the young miss lose her temper? "Hehe, just think about it. You are just a f * cking playboy, daydreaming about being our Eldest Young Mistress!" The other man chuckled, "How is it? Do you want us to wait on you a little longer? "

"Shameless!" Xiao Shuang almost crushed the silver tooth! Thinking about Yang Haoyu, her heart ached faintly! She had committed suicide several times, but she had never succeeded! The humiliation that Yang Haoyu brought her was not something that the weak her could endure!

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